pre-release info New civ guide: America

pre-release info


Mar 15, 2021


America was a new nation, one founded on Enlightenment ideals of progress and rationality, industry and progress, and ever-expanding horizons. The American Revolution ignited from this demand for expansion: to expand trade independently to the Caribbean, to extend the colonies’ borders westward (into land held by indigenous nations), and freedom from British tariffs and taxes.

Unique Ability​

Frontier Expansion: Gain Gold every time you Improve a Resource.


  • Economic
  • Expansionist

Civic Trees​

Yankee Ingenuity
  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Steel Mill Unique Building and the 'Gold Rush' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Gold Rush: Increased Gold for every assigned Resource.
  • Tier 2: Prospector Unique Merchant Units receive a Gold discount.

Captains of Industry
  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Railyard Unique Building and the 'Robber Baron' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Robber Baron: Increased Influence for every assigned Resource.
  • Tier 2: Increased Production on Resources. Increased Settlement Limit.

Wartime Manufacturing
  • Tier 1: Units receive increased Combat Strength for having more than one adjacent enemy Unit. Unlocks the Statue of Liberty Wonder.
  • Tier 2: Increased Production towards Military Units when fighting a war in which your Support is higher than your opponent. Unlocks the 'Lend-Lease' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Lend-Lease: Increased Gold and Influence per Trade Route.

Unique Infrastructure​

Industrial Park: Unique Quarter. Increased Food in this City for every Resource assigned to this City.

Steel Mill: Unique Building. Production base. Receive a Gold Adjacency for Resources.

Railyard: Unique Building. Gold base. Receive a Production Adjacency for Quarters.

Unique Civilian Unit​

Prospector: Unique Civilian Unit. Activate on an unowned Land Resource tile within a set number of tiles from one of your Settlements. A path of tiles is claimed back to the Settlement and the tile's Resource is improved immediately.

Unique Military Unit​

Marine: Unique Infantry Unit. Has reduced Production Cost and the Amphibious keyword, granting no Combat penalties when attacking from Embarkation. Costs Movement to Embark and Disembark.

Associated Wonder​

Statue of Liberty: Happiness Base. Spawns a set number of Migrant Units, which are Civilian Units that can trigger a Growth Event in Settlements. Increased Resource Capacity in this Settlement. Increased Gold and Production in this City for every Resource assigned to it. Must be built on a Coast tile adjacent to land.

Starting Biases​

  • Rough
  • Rivers

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I was expecting America to get some sort of unique Great People. Great Tycoon, maybe?
And just one extra settlement limit for a country that has literally doubled in size since independence is pretty weird.

Overall, I like the design. The Statue of Liberty bonus is one of the most interesting and thematic that I've seen so far.
I'll admit, a lot of the Civic Tree names haven't been my favorite, and America seems to be a prime example. There are definitely America-specific Civic or Cultural concepts that could have been used as names, but instead we get vague ideas communicated with vague words. "Yankee Ingenuity?" "Captains of Industry?" Was there really no existing term to reference any legal or cultural or political ANYTHING? "Robber Barons" is a term used to refer to something in history that is American! THAT'S a good name for a Civ ability! I get that "American Exceptionalism" or "Manifest Destiny" might be controversial, but with Robber Barons as a beneficial policy choice and the civ "evolving" from Shawnee, it can't be that much of a concern, no? Maybe an amendment or something? "Bill of Rights?" I don't know, to me this just feels... uninspired.
My theory has always been that people are absolutely terrible at describing their own civilization of origin (wait? what does that imply about my Flemish Civ designs? :shifty:) - i mean, that Americans are absolutely terrible at describing their own civilization (pfew, saved), and this design somewhat confirms that, actually.

I don't dislike the design, but I do find the highly industrial angle kind of boring and safe. It comes across as a design specifically put together to avoid as much internal backlash as possible, centered around a view of how the US wants to see itself, but not how the rest of the world sees them.

It's definitely a step down from Mexico.

Still, production is king in Civ so I will definitely play them often. Unless one of the other Civs also happens to have a production focus.
Feels like the most flavourful America in Civ since I've started playing with 5
I rather liked Bullmoose Teddy's bonus to unimproved tiles; it felt like a clever nod to the huge swaths of unsettled land in the US that are pretty unparalleled in any country not located in the Arctic Circle or desert.
Having a Tradition named Robber Barons might be a little too accurate, right?
Is this path possible: Mississipians -> Inca -> America with Isabella?
Mississippians is doable. Inca is iffy because you reportedly need to settle some mountains to unlock it. And we have no idea how to unlock America through gameplay.
I agree with the others saying that America seems kind of basic in terms of their design. I even like the flavor of America in Civ 6 more.
My main complaint is I feel that an "Industrial Park" is too generic of a name. Maybe calling it "Tycoon Park" would make it better. "Manifest Destiny" would also be a better name than "Yankee Ingenuity".
Mississippians is doable. Inca is iffy because you reportedly need to settle some mountains to unlock it. And we have no idea how to unlock America through gameplay.

So basically if you want to play as a modern age civ you're going to have to pick an associated leader as a safe pick which is kind of annoying as I would like to create more paths that I want to create with leaders and not be locked in. So it's like saying you're free to choose leaders and civs separately but not really.

I have no complaints with this system but I just want to be able to play who I want to play rather be locked in to something which I thought was the point of all this.
No…want a particular modern civ just choose the path that leads there

etc. (those are just the ones we know about)
They've spoken about gameplay unlocks in the past, I really wish they would clear up if every Civ has them and what some of them are.
Or actually confirm if any civ has them (ie with a game screen)
The only Civ we know has one is the Normans, because they mentioned directly that they had one in (I believe) the Antiquity stream. (Personally, I think if they have one, everyone probably has one, but that's conjecture)
The only Civ we know has one is the Normans, because they mentioned directly that they had one in (I believe) the Antiquity stream. (Personally, I think if they have one, everyone probably has one, but that's conjecture)
Mongols. We were told explicitly the Mongols can be unlocked by having three Horse resources. I agree that all civs probably have gameplay unlocks because it makes sense, but they seem to have thrown out the line about the Mongols then forgotten it...
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