Pizza Thread

What makes pizza a pizza?

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You can get thin-crust pizzas at shops here in Murica. Neapolitan/Margherita type pizza. If some of the chains make them and def teh more gourmet shops.
Poll is up! :D
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But what if i think all of the above makes them great ;)
You don't have a favorite part of the pizza? ;) I mean, it is really more about what makes pizza a pizza...maybe I should leave it at that.
When I answered it also said "ie. What is your favourite bit of a pizza", and that is what I answered, 'cos I like the anchovies ;).

If the question is more like "If you removed this bit it would be least like a pizza" then the answer has to be the crust, as if the remove the bread you really do not have a pizza. The topping have to be last by that measure, as if you remove them you literally have a margarita, which a pizza.
Nope but really i couldn't decide. It's very different when you make it all yourself, and then enjoy every part.
If anything i would prolly vote for dough, bakers like calling it the pizzas mother.
When i was still buying them i would have voted for toppings easily.

On the other topic, Neapolitan ones looky like here:
Spoiler :
Getting that result in regular ovens is difficult.
I also can't really vote. I certainly can't vote for salad, but to me a pizza is a flat bread (flatbread? But with yeast?) with sauce and toppings. Specifically, sauce and other toppings. The sauce doesn't have to be a specificy sauce, the toppings don't need (though I prefer) cheese. But that's the kind of makeup I expect if someone's calling something "pizza".

I normally work with frozen store-bought (but branded, a.k.a. third-party) dough. With two kids, it's hard to know when you'll need to defrost a couple of pucks for the wife and yourself, vs. sorting out the family. Fresh dough (if you don't make it at home) is quite a bit harder to come by.

That said, I've gotten used to the home oven now, and my technique there is pretty simple. Crank it up to max (240C or higher), preheat, shove pizza (or calzone) in. Cook to your desired doneness, turning to make sure the fan doesn't favour the front or back of the oven (it's not meant to, but I've never had a fan over that doesn't, so).

For me they have to be tinned or in brine, I have never tried fresh anchovies on pizza. Fresh anchovies lightly fried are one of my favourite things.
As a tapas (or mezze), they're called boquerones, and they're excellent!

On a pizza, eh. I can take them or leave them. I've certainly warmed to them compared to when I was younger though.
The poll should allow multiple checks!
Kebab pizza FTW!

Don’t care if it’s fattening. Eat a salad if you’re worried, sissy.
Kebab pizza FTW!

Don’t care if it’s fattening. Eat a salad if you’re worried, sissy.
The kebab shop at my university sold those. Pretty awful under normal circumstances, but perfect when you're a drunk student.
Kebab pizza FTW!

Don’t care if it’s fattening. Eat a salad if you’re worried, sissy.
that sounds tasty, specially since I eat kebabs about twice a week
Here's my tip. It's for the construction of the pizza.

In spreading the sauce and cheese, keep a little circle in the center uncovered. Then when you slice it up, the slices will separate better.
My tip: use scissors to cut the slices. They'll separate even better.
Oh, I am SO in this thread.

I think the toppings are most important, but the crust is a close second.
Cow, I expected you to be all-in on the cheese :lol:
I don't like the poll.

What makes a pizza a pizza is the combination of crust and toppings. It's toppings on bread. You have to have both.

There's more leeweigh with the toppings. The bread is essential, though. It's too great a fundamental change to use a tortilla. The bread is the base, the toppings important and essential as a binary on that base, but there's great variation as to what they can be.
I don't like the poll.

What makes a pizza a pizza is the combination of crust and toppings. It's toppings on bread. You have to have both.

There's more leeweigh with the toppings. The bread is essential, though. It's too great a fundamental change to use a tortilla. The bread is the base, the toppings important and essential as a binary on that base, but there's great variation as to what they can be.
Isn't there a "pizza" that consists of a meat base with more meat as topping?
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