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Congratz. I wish I could ever see one before 25. Which is kind of an utopic thing in a country with over 50% of youth unemployment.

I didn't see one until I was 23 and that was in the halcyon days of the early Noughties.
Coincidentally I got my first pay check too

Of course, I have to trick people for a littlr bit longer that I'm competent, when in reality I got no idea what I'm doing
I HAVE VEGEMITE!!! And other thingies that I am not sure of yet. Mowing and the post lady pulls up and gets out with a package and starts walking towards me and I stop the mower and yell, "Is that from Australia?!" She says yes. WOO! Not opening it JUST yet because I must finish mowing and it's already humid and getting hot and I'll use any excuse to stop mowing for the day, so must not open until done mowing...

(Holy Moses, though, RLF, that postage... I feel guilty now :( ESPECIALLY since you apparently paid air mail and they clearly screwed you and sent it on the SS Minnow)

Awesome though I expect to see a follow up in the rants thread once you try some. I personally love the stuff, eat it every day. But I've literally never met someone who didn't grow up with it that finds it less than mind numbingly awful.

As for the postage price, after having it returned first on the first attempt (failing to write your address on the parcel) and the camera debacle, I got my flatmate to take care of things with simple instructions......"Hire Kevin Costner to do it personally, get it onto Air Force 1, I don't care spare no expense just get the thing to Missouri!"

I've no idea actually how much it was.
You wanted a video, so I'm gonna make one. I've had to stop eating the anzac biscuits (*) until I do the video, though. Those damned things are DELICIOUS when dunked in milk. Like 2/3rds gone already... I've put the vegemite and milo in the fridge to chill until I am ready to do the video.

(*) - They're really cookies, you know...
Well this is oddly on topic. I started my first yesterday! I think it's gonna be fun. I'm getting minimum wage (surprising nowadays; most food places pay below $7.25 and assume tips will make up the gap) and the owners are both super chill.
You've never had a yesterday before?
I didn't see one until I was 23 and that was in the halcyon days of the early Noughties.
Ah, Thatcherism! The days when anyone could buy a football club before the Premier League made them capitalise on the ruin of everybody else… *nostalgicsigh.gif*
Vegemite and Milo can stay out of the fridge lol. The Vegemite will do better at room temperature, easier to spread. The Milo is inconsequential.

I believe a quirk of true Anzac biscuits is they don't contain milk or eggs and thus wouldn't spoil when sent to Gallipolli.
Vegemite and Milo can stay out of the fridge lol. The Vegemite will do better at room temperature, easier to spread. The Milo is inconsequential.

I believe a quirk of true Anzac biscuits is they don't contain milk or eggs and thus wouldn't spoil when sent to Gallipolli.

You just brought a tear to Mel Gibson's eye. A manly tear, of course.
Coincidentally I got my first pay check too

Of course, I have to trick people for a littlr bit longer that I'm competent, when in reality I got no idea what I'm doing
A manager in the making, then.
Did you know it is illegal for car dealerships to be open on Sunday in Missouri? It's one of the last of the old blue laws still on the books here.
It's a good law too. It's a tough industry on family men and women due to the long hours and weekend work and I've seen many, mostly guys, struggle to maintain a good home life and it's even tough on the divorced guys trying to find time to see their kids.

I doubt it would effect business, it's not like someone impulsively decides to buy a car on a Sunday then abandons the whole thing because he can't.

RAVE......no toast, no eggs to be found anywhere just a big ol', unopened pack of bacon. It's actually quite liberating not feeling obliged to do the other parts which, let's face it, are superfluous. Just gonna slap on six big rashes and eat them like a hand fruit.
Managers that fail to realize that they are essentially organizers whose obligations to their staff are in no way whatsoever different or less important than the obligations they expect from their staff, don't fool anyone.

The person at the very top of the tree has a non-negotiable obligation not to do anything that prevents the person at the bottom of it from earning a living and trying to move up the tree (should they so desire).
They frequently fool themselves.

Genuine question. Do you see a significant difference someone flipping burgers and the manager who's job it is to ensure the burgers get flipped as they should? Surely both people are just working class everyday Joes?

Maybe not and you ire is directed at high level management making big money whilst simultaneously trying to squeeze every last drop from their workers and paying them bugger all. This I get. But I don't get it if everyone "above" the simple wage earner with any semblance of authority is by default the enemy? (and I'm not saying this is your view, I'm asking if it is and if so I don't understand why?)
@VRWCAgent: What's a blue law?

@rugbyLEAGUEfan: the biggest difference between entry-level dork and manager is that we know the manager can't spell 'whose' properly.
A manager in the making, then.
That reminds me of recent ads by the UK trying to encourage people to take up science… by promising them good opportunities in management! Thank New Scientist's feedback for spotting it.
RAVE......no toast, no eggs to be found anywhere just a big ol', unopened pack of bacon. It's actually quite liberating not feeling obliged to do the other parts which, let's face it, are superfluous. Just gonna slap on six big rashes and eat them like a hand fruit.
You sound like my father who, upon finding out that I was taking eggs from the fridge -he had just had breakfast-, managed to unearth the bacon from the freezer and trick me into making bacon scrambled eggs for two.
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