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ROTQM8 - Rune Oaths Terrify Quarrying Midgets

The Dwarves of Brokeback Mountain...

It's lonely out in the forests of the mountains...so lonely, a dwarf might do anything for some companionship:

"I just can't quit you!"

"I love you, too, Dave!"

*kiss, kiss, gay love, gay love*

[sorry, this is the best you get for a late report]

OOC: nothing but defending. the elder council was finished but i slipped in two more warriors before teh settler started just in case. it'll be ready in 8, and Way of the Earthmother is due in 14.

oh, and ps: if the boards valued content over regurgitation, there wouldn't be a "who's your fave leader?" or "what setting do you play on" thread poll every 3 weeks.


  • ROTQM8 AD-0100.CivBeyondSwordSave
    149.7 KB · Views: 64
Got it, will play tonight or tomorrow. Just as soon as I get around to cleaning out my toe jam. So some time this month, I guess. Hey, don't rush m- m.... ZZZZZZZZZ..........
Things carry on much as they have done this age.

The smart get smarterer...

The strong get stronger.

Dave does Dave stuff.

Rumours are heard of a nameless evil (with a name) in the east but is deemed far enough away not to worry about by the average dwarf.

The dwarven seers discover the secrets of Calendar and Masonry but are stuck as to which way to go next, some argue for Construction, others for Festivals and Dave is convinced that Runes is the way to go :goodjob:

Generally it is a time of peace for the dwarves with just the occasional barbaric incursion to deal with.

Another settlement of dwarves is nearly ready, again opinion is divided on where they should go, south east, north or west are all opinions voiced.

Nobody asked Dave though.


  • ROTQM8 AD-0116.CivBeyondSwordSave
    162.8 KB · Views: 75

How about finishing Earthmother and settling Corn/Fish/Fish on top of the watch tower to our east. We can finish Earthmother in one set. Dave's Place and Corn/Fish/Fish are both good holy city spots (whereas later we would have less choice), and the holy city will give 2 culture, saving a monument.
The Corn/Fish/Fish looks nice. Could become a nice GP farm. :) I say go for it!
i like that spot as well, but resent the "midgetson" ~ perhaps "verticallychallengedson?"

btw, are rumours the same as rumors?? :p
It's kinda like colour, aluminium, and cheques, pholk. I think sometimes our less-adequate cousins try to make themselves seem a little grander by throwing a few extra letters into their words. It's harmless. Let the commonwealth have its fun.

Hey Ben, is the Queen's face still on your currency?
I think sometimes our less-adequate cousins try to make themselves seem a little grander by throwing a few extra letters into their words. It's harmless.

Or our American cousins are too lazy/stupid to spell correctly. :mischief:

Hey Ben, is the Queen's face still on your currency?

Actually it is :blush: for now :scan:
116 - hire scientist in capital to speed up Earthmother and get GPPs going.
Queue up 3 warriors before the settler finishes. I want enough warriors to
- defend the capital from random barbs
- protect Dave's Place from the next Amurite stack
- have 3-4 escorts for the next settler
Resume Earthmother.

IBT kill the Skeleton that was inside our borders.

117 - Kandros starts researching Earthmother and I realize we can finish it a lot faster than I thought. I just have to remember to switch him to something else before we pop it.

120 - Kandros's capital is getting hammered by barbs, but somehow he hasn't lost it in spite of his dumb builds like this scout:

I guess he'll be building scouts pretty much all game in order to explore our enemies' territories while awarding them XP and racking up war weariness.

School an Orc on active defense of the capital.

Temporarily switch research to Festivals in order to settle Fish/Fish/Corn before Earthmother. With its extra food I think it would be a slightly better as a holy city because it could run more merchants more easily... although on the whole maybe it's about equal to Dave's Place in how good it would be as a holy city. (Dave's place can run plains cottages, and more tiles in general... I don't know).

Move a worker to chop the forest 1N of Dave's place. After chopping the silk and irrigation path, that would leave 4 forests by that city. Switch to a Palisade so that the chop hammers go into something we'll definitely finish (for defense against Dain) rather than the Monument, which we might want to cancel if Dave's Place becomes the holy city.

Bloodied Khazad veterans returning from the failed assault on Grottiburg. I mean, the glorious and heroic raid on Grottiburg.

123 Finish the warriors, resume Settler. We're paying 2 GPT in unit cost, but I think it's probably worth it.
IBT kill goblin from east

124 kill skeleton and goblin from east

125 Dave's Place Palisade -> resume Monument

127 Finish Festivals and Settler. Start Market. Resume Earthmother.

129 Khazad scout reveals spider, kind of interesting.

130 Finish Market and hire Merchant (because it's by Godking, and so that we cash in our GPPs sooner).

Settle on top of the ancient tower for better - AHEM - visibility.

131 The Night Sun moves into prominence. These signs are too high up to read, so they must mean nothing.
Set Kandros on BW while we finish Earthmother.

132 and the winner is...

The monument has 26/90 hammers. I discard that build and queue a Market instead. We could certainly resume it for the extra culture and just in case we get the Monument event, but with only 26 hammers in it, I figure, eh.

Revolt to Kilmorph immediately in the name of role-playing.

I decide to send the Thane to the capital so that it can build a Temple, and get another point of happy, and run more specialists, all of which benefit from Godking. We could wait for natural spread, but I thought the Godking bonuses outweighed the delay and the loss of the Thane.

133 Notice that we're not in Agrarianism and spend another turn revolting to it. I figure we can afford it since we're on Epic. I probably would have revolted to Pacifism too, but that would have been another turn of anarchy.

Lose one warrior killing an Orc by Dave's Place on active defense.

136 Khazad 1, Griffons -1:

I'll stop here. I have warriors on hills blocking the choke points to the east, which I believe will funnel all eastern barbs to AHEM Visibility. (If we put units on the tile 2SE of that city, then I think we would get no barbs at all from the east, but right now that tile is vulnerable to Griffons, although I haven't seen any in that area.

I know that we're accumulating excess gold, but the GPP from the Merchant I'm running are good, and we'll spend the gold later.

Some suggested projects:
* Get a trade connection to the Khazad and loan them Copper.
* settle one or two more cities, cast our world spell, and settle all the engineers in AHEM Visibility (our best GP farm).


  • ROTQM8 AD-0136.CivBeyondSwordSave
    180.8 KB · Views: 68
Or our American cousins are too lazy/stupid to spell correctly. :mischief:


His Holiness, the Almighty High Priest Dave DOES have a nice ring to it...
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