Single Player bugs and crashes v37 plus (SVN) - After the 24th of December 2016

Hmm... I've not seen this in-game. Can you give a screenshot where it should be showing for the hover but isn't? In the XML for the Town Watchmen (which I assume is showing correctly) :

I'll see if I can come up with one. It's just that when you mouse over one of these LE units I'm not gettting the Hover display listing the -5(handcuff icon) or the -3(handcuff icon) to show for even TW now. I got an Eternity game just into Ancient era this afternoon so I'll see if I can capture a screenie or 2.

Do you have the save right before it CTD's? The one that worked? And have you completely left the game before you try to load a save?
Do you have the save right before it CTD's? The one that worked? And have you completely left the game before you try to load a save?

1st question: No, I have only the one save, which is the one that crashes. As I said, I only experienced the crash when trying to load. It did not crash on me in-game.
3rd question: Yes. Shut down the computer too. I haven't tried loading from in-game. Should I?

I lost the autosaves (I was dumb and started a new game; forgot that Civ4 doesn't have the "OldAuto" saves.) but I have a manual save from several turns before that I don't mind playing up. I'll update this post with any info I find. Update: I was able to play through the problem date/turn. See further post.
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Going back and rereading your original post I would suggest you clear the cache folder too. Some of the recent/latest SVN updates may have caused a problem from the Myths stories and Myth Effects and Lascaux Cave. And the old outdated "held" data would still be in the cache folder causing a conflict.

You do know where the cache folder is right? If not I can give example of where win 10 Pro 64 has it.
I was able to play past the problem date/turn with no problem. Noticed some buggy behavior with subdues' UI but it sorted itself out.

I'm going to try this: I'll save, end the turn, and then save the next turn. If the pattern holds, the most recent save wont load but the turn before it will.
Update: I had no problem loading. Hm.

You do know where the cache folder is right?

Is this the right folder?
Spoiler :
C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Caveman2Cosmos\Assets\Cache

It's empty. When I update the SVN, I delete everything in the MODS\Caveman2Comos folder, and copy+paste the updated version from another folder where I keep the SVN.

Edit: Another thing I forgot to include: the last time I updated the SVN, I accidentally cut+paste instead of copy+paste, and this time I copied. However, if you read my original post, I experienced a similar problem even before I tried updating.
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I think JosEPh_II . is referring to this cache.

This example from XP.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache

It is full of xxx.dat files.
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Repeatable CTD. When trying to load my most recent save, the game crashes before the loading screen can even fill the bar. (Sorry for the three minidump files. I'm new to this. I don't know which one you need.)

I had a similar problem before. I tried updating the SVN and loading again, with the same results. And then I tried an earlier autosave and I was able to continue the game, past the year/turn of the problem. This first occurrence actually began as a CTD from in-game, and the crashes repeated when trying to load an autosave. However, the crash I'm reporting now is my save, with no problems before trying to load.

I don't know how to check what my SVN version is... (I had it on my clipboard when I updated but lost it). I last updated sometime this morning EST.

I'll try updating SVN again, and seeing if the crash persists. I'll edit this post with the new version number if it helps. Update: Yep, happened again at revision: 9562
I won't be able to look into this immediately but I will try as soon as I can. It sounds like there may be some odd behaviors at work here with you being able to load later... anyhow, keep us posted.

@Thunderbrd: Town Watchmen have no iPursuit value - could something like that make a difference?

I'll see if I can come up with one. It's just that when you mouse over one of these LE units I'm not gettting the Hover display listing the -5(handcuff icon) or the -3(handcuff icon) to show for even TW now. I got an Eternity game just into Ancient era this afternoon so I'll see if I can capture a screenie or 2.
Could it simply be a matter of the property manipulator display being on one of the hotkey pages? Like the Civil Info page perhaps?
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache

I can't find the "Documents and Settings" in that location, running Windows 10, and I've already enabled hidden folders.

If the crash comes back, I'll try to find it and see if it helps. Right now there's no more information I can provide when I'm not experiencing it.
I can't find the "Documents and Settings" in that location, running Windows 10, and I've already enabled hidden folders.

If the crash comes back, I'll try to find it and see if it helps. Right now there's no more information I can provide when I'm not experiencing it.

Win 10 path: C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Local\My Games\Beyond the Sword\cache
Could it simply be a matter of the property manipulator display being on one of the hotkey pages? Like the Civil Info page perhaps?

I don't know as I'm not familiar with the hotkeys.

I do know that I had to turn off a python event thing in the Civ4 .ini file a few versions back because I was getting tons of Event error msgs. Since then I don't get any display from combat or when I fight an animal. The only way I can find out what happened (besides units disappearing) is to click on the upper right main screen icon for what happened that turn.

I'm going to turn that .ini setting back on and see what happens.
I don't know as I'm not familiar with the hotkeys.
I would advise reading the whole help hover panel. If you aren't using the hotkey pages, you can't see 90% of the data on the unit, as it is arranged to display differing abilities on different pages. Combat abilities, for example, will not display just hovering over the unit. You must hold down either shift, ctrl or alt when you go to hover over the unit to get that information. When you hover over the unit, the basic core help display will tell you what hotkey to use to get the kinds of information you're looking for. I know that shift is for all the unit's unitcombats. Alt and ctrl are also used and I can't recall which, offhand, is the one for combat information. The other shows civil information, and it's quite likely that I put Property Manipulator information there. You cannot just hover then hold down shift, alt or ctrl and expect the display to change. You must take the mouse off, depress the key for the page you want, hold it down, THEN move the mouse over the unit and THEN you'll see the right information displayed.

In the core hover over information, you really don't get much information on the unit at all. I frankly don't know how a person could play C2C functionally without knowing this.

I do know that I had to turn off a python event thing in the Civ4 .ini file a few versions back because I was getting tons of Event error msgs. Since then I don't get any display from combat or when I fight an animal. The only way I can find out what happened (besides units disappearing) is to click on the upper right main screen icon for what happened that turn.
Unrelated but disturbing. I hope it HAS cleared up. I've not seen any problems here myself.

Then again, it's been a week or two since I've been able to open the game on the latest assets. This project I'm in has me tied up pretty significantly. I'm hoping I'll have it cleared up by the end of the weekend though.
In the core hover over information, you really don't get much information on the unit at all. I frankly don't know how a person could play C2C functionally without knowing this.
Have been since forever. :rolleyes: Even our Pbem. Too much data clutters the mind. :mischief:
Have been since forever. :rolleyes: Even our Pbem. Too much data clutters the mind. :mischief:
Well... how do you know what to train for a particular need? I guess you just go off of the information given by the icon art huh? lol I suppose it would vaguelly suffice to be able to play that way.
It's like learning to play the guitar by ear.....when you can't read musical notation......:D
Alright I think I got something.

This save will crash after you end the turn. I had an earlier CTD, and I thought I had a pattern figured it out, because ending the turn without moving any units (via Shift-Enter) would go through fine, but it crashed when I ended after making the moves which I chose to make. Then I tried Joseph's advice, clearing the cache, and it went through. (I saved a second time after making my moves, so at least for that instance it wasn't' because I made a different move.)

This time, (i) it crashed, (ii) I loaded the most recent autosave, played my moves, ended the turn, and it crashed between turns, (iii) loaded the autosave again, ended the turn without moving, and it crashed, (iv) cleared the cache, loaded the save, ended the turn without moving, and it crashed. So I hope this time I got something you guys can at least work with.

Edit: Or not... Tried it again, no crash. So this is random, not repeatable.

Edit2: It crashed on the next turn instead. From watching unit movements, I know it happens after at least one of the AI's turns. Additionally, subdued animals were showing some buggy behavior. Their command buttons would not highlight when rolled over, were unclickable, and generally unresponsive. This has happened before, if you've read my earlier posts. Keyboard shortcuts still worked. I decided not to use the subdues, either skipping their turn or moving one space away, hoping it would solve itself.

Edit3: Notwithstanding my amateurish knowledge of computer science, I'm starting to believe this is an issue of loading. I tried again, and gave it more time before I did anything (select and move units), even though I could have. This would explain why it happens often while I'm trying to start, but rarely when I've been playing for a while (although it does). It also explains an issue I had with minimizing/unminimizing. But I'll leave the diagnosis to the experts; I'm just trying to help.
Edit4: Again, crashes when trying to load the most recent save. An earlier save works. I increased the frequency of autosaves and have begun manually saving often, and I can still play fine.


  • AutoSave_BC-7968.7z
    1.5 MB · Views: 33
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I can play your game. I did not update it to current SVN but kept it at the dll version you are using, SVN 9528. I played 4 turns. Your cities are Full of :mad: citizens. Many cities are in the +1000 to +1800 Crime levels. You keep trying to build Patrols but you've Neglected to build the basic Happiness giving buildings (and some of the basic Health as well).

This is my first C2C play (I played CIV for ten years, starting from CIV1, but first c2c) and I didn't think about crime or disease.... but after political philosophy very fast realize that I have to train more patrols (guard), because before it I have maybe 1 unit per city :) but now I know how I prevent crime in my cities.... but thanks for your help.

I think (in real economy) that in game should be (maybe is in later eras) in top-left corner (like tech, spy, culture) possibility to pass on some money to prevent crime in cities or prevent disease... I think that in real economy a lot of amount of taxes are used to prevent crime, disease ....
have an XML missing error status???

[142192.890] info type 'OUTCOME_ANIMAL_RECORD_TALE_ORAL_LASCAUX' not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\Subdue_Animals_CIV4UnitCombatInfos.xml

game is crashing every now and then . .
This is my first C2C play (I played CIV for ten years, starting from CIV1, but first c2c) and I didn't think about crime or disease.... but after political philosophy very fast realize that I have to train more patrols (guard), because before it I have maybe 1 unit per city :) but now I know how I prevent crime in my cities.... but thanks for your help.

I think (in real economy) that in game should be (maybe is in later eras) in top-left corner (like tech, spy, culture) possibility to pass on some money to prevent crime in cities or prevent disease... I think that in real economy a lot of amount of taxes are used to prevent crime, disease ....
1st Time C2C game! :D Welcome! :)

As I played your game the Patrols you were trying to build either were taking way too long to finish (9-11 turns) or were being disbanded/ removed from the que in certain cities.

What I did was too look at the cheapest and quickest Happiness and/or :health: giving buildings and que them up instead. In the cities that did not have Buglars, Thieves, or Rogues in them the increasing levels of :) and :health: began to reduce the Massive :mad: citizens. After 4 turns many cities were having those :mad: faces reduced. If I had played longer I would've continued this pattern until the :mad: faces did not have every bit of population on Strike. I also started moving some Patrols already built to the more Crime ridden cities but still keeping at least 1 in each city that was under control in this area of crime.

It would've taken many more turn to get it under control but it Is possible. Just needs serious attention for awhile.
Current Assets running a debug dll:
Assert Failed

File:  CvGlobals.cpp
Line:  5463
SVN-Rev:  9535
Expression:  stricmp(szType, "NONE")==0 || strcmp(szType, "")==0
Message:  info type 'OUTCOME_ANIMAL_RECORD_TALE_ORAL_LASCAUX' not found, Current XML file is: xml\Units\Subdue_Animals_CIV4UnitCombatInfos.xml


Was just a problem with the word _ORAL being included. I'm fixing and will have that repair on the SVN soon. Trying to figure out why SO and others are crashing here. Should have that fixed soon as well, though it's looking like an underlying bug I've been hunting for a while is causing it. Ugh.
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