The IMF, Rubles and the Russian Economy

Russia's central bank hiked rates big time.

MOSCOW, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate by 350 basis points to 12% on Tuesday, an emergency move to try and halt the rouble's recent slide after a public call from the Kremlin for tighter monetary policy.
Joij, there are forum rules, but rest assured, I am aggressive-aggressive.
You know, it's really telling that everyone in the English-speaking world immediately goes to "But what about Hitler?" to justify any kind of war whatsoever going on in any other different context anywhere, at any time. Argentina tries to hit the Falklands? "Nazi Germany of South America." A country that is under embargo tries to secure nuclear weapons? Well they're part of the authoritarian AXIS of evil.

You guys have fallen for this propaganda bit hook, line, and sinker. Nobody fought Hitler out of the goodness of their heart. That had nothing to do with anything. Nobody is fighting Putin out of the goodness of their heart either. And unlike y'all I don't think it's worth my life and treasure fighting someone else's adventures while there's still the class war raging on in my home country.

What about using, a simple logical method to figure out which wars, rebellions are bad and which state actors are bad ?
Let hear your articulated position on this

As for volunteers, there are / were plenty that fought Hitler and Putin for many reasons, as well as many whom are happy to donate to support Ukraine financially (many here donate)
What about using, a simple logical method to figure out which wars, rebellions are bad and which state actors are bad ?
Oh, yeah, child's play. Anyone that the US state department says is good, is good, and the rest are bad!
As for volunteers, there are / were plenty that fought Hitler and Putin for many reasons, as well as many whom are happy to donate to support Ukraine financially (many here donate)
Suckers, to the last.
What about using, a simple logical method to figure out which wars, rebellions are bad and which state actors are bad ?
Let hear your articulated position on this

All wars are bad except the class war.

FriendlyFire, what’s your simple logical method to figure out which wars, rebellions are bad and which state actors are bad? You implied you had one, I am curious to hear.
Answer my question and I'll vote and make a serious post.
I’ve lived mostly in California.

I’ve also lived in Illinois, Texas, and Nicaragua.

Edit: and Montana
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A war in which a dictator whose allies mostly constitute millionaire and billionaire oligarchs and whose forced conscription has largely targeted poor residents from the east including heavily over-selecting indigenous people and racial minorities means fighting against such invasion is a justified example of class war.
A war in which a dictator whose allies mostly constitute millionaire and billionaire oligarchs and whose forced conscription has largely targeted poor residents from the east including heavily over-selecting indigenous people and racial minorities means fighting against such invasion is a justified example of class war.

I don’t disagree. I think Putin and every other high level actor involved in prosecuting the invasion of Ukraine should be shot.

The thing that frustrates me about this post is the simplistic “Good vs Evil” narrative where NATO=good, Russia=evil that is commonly peddled on this forum. And look man this isn’t calling you out in particular I am gesturing broadly at a narrative I see paraded in this sub-forum and in wider society.

NATO members have done everything in recent history that Russia has done that you criticise them for in this post. In the American invasion of Vietnam, America drafted impoverished racial minorities (primarily African Americans) at a much higher rate than affluent white people. American and Western European millionaire and billionaire oligarchs associated with the military industrial complex gorged themselves silly on the NATO endorsed forever wars that have been going on since the end of WWII which has led to the deaths of countless. And NATO and her allies include many people that I am sure anyone on this forum would consider a brutal dictator, such as Erdogan and Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

The fact that NATO is supporting the side of the angels in this conflict is not because the leaders of NATO have goodness in their hearts. They only do it because it is in their geopolitical interests. If Putin was to have funded Iraq during America’s unjustified invasion of it, that would have not made him a saint either.

I hope that everyone on this forum who hates Putin and his friends with all their heart also hold the same levels of contempt towards the American President and leaders of NATO that have done the same things to other innocent nations. I suspect that they don’t, though.

The double standard where Putin is applied to the rightful level of condemnation yet western leaders who have done the same thing avoid condemnation is maddening.
Politics can be frustrating.
I don’t disagree. I think Putin and every other high level actor involved in prosecuting the invasion of Ukraine should be shot.

The thing that frustrates me about this post is the simplistic “Good vs Evil” narrative where NATO=good, Russia=evil that is commonly peddled on this forum. And look man this isn’t calling you out in particular I am gesturing broadly at a narrative I see paraded in this sub-forum and in wider society.

NATO members have done everything in recent history that Russia has done that you criticise them for in this post. In the American invasion of Vietnam, America drafted impoverished racial minorities (primarily African Americans) at a much higher rate than affluent white people. American and Western European millionaire and billionaire oligarchs associated with the military industrial complex gorged themselves silly on the NATO endorsed forever wars that have been going on since the end of WWII which has led to the deaths of countless. And NATO and her allies include many people that I am sure anyone on this forum would consider a brutal dictator, such as Erdogan and Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

The fact that NATO is supporting the side of the angels in this conflict is not because the leaders of NATO have goodness in their hearts. They only do it because it is in their geopolitical interests. If Putin was to have funded Iraq during America’s unjustified invasion of it, that would have not made him a saint either.

I hope that everyone on this forum who hates Putin and his friends with all their heart also hold the same levels of contempt towards the American President and leaders of NATO that have done the same things to other innocent nations. I suspect that they don’t, though.

The double standard where Putin is applied to the rightful level of condemnation yet western leaders who have done the same thing avoid condemnation is maddening.

The people who made the decisions on Vietnam tgat was 60 years ago. Triggered massive protests.

Iraq was 20 years ago no ones defending that either.

And USA didn't attempt to annex land.
The people who made the decisions on Vietnam tgat was 60 years ago. Triggered massive protests.

Iraq was 20 years ago no ones defending that either.

Yet nearly everyone involved in causing those two great evils continue to live life in peace and comfort.

And USA didn't attempt to annex land.

I am sure that is no comfort to the countless people who lost their lives or had their lives completely ruined by US Imperialism.

Like okay if Putin wasn’t literally trying to annex parts of Ukraine would that make his war okay or ethical? Of course it wouldn’t!
Wars are never ethical, there is no good or evil in international politics, there is just interests, some you support, others you oppose, most leave you indifferent.

The difference with the invasion in Ukraine (and specifically the attempt to take Kiev and install a puppet regime there) is that so many nations and indeed individuals see reason to oppose it.
FriendlyFire, what’s your simple logical method to figure out which wars, rebellions are bad and which state actors are bad? You implied you had one, I am curious to hear.

I use the Just War theory
Generally it comes down to if the war will bring about greater good, or if the war is the lessor evil
Wars are never ethical, there is no good or evil in international politics, there is just interests, some you support, others you oppose, most leave you indifferent.

Who is “you” in this sentence? A nation? A person? You, Snowygerry?
You is you, obviously, you seem to have psychological issues with this war, and others in the past.

So the above is my advice to "you", should work for others too.

Ofcourse the individual's influence on international conflict is limited, so you try to influence the polity you exercise democratic control over, in my case the city of Gent, the nation state of Belgium, the supranational institutions EU, NATO etc.

You'll notice none of those participated in the invasions in Vietnam or (2nd) Iraq, for example.
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