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The Link Between Marijuana and Schizophrenia


Off-Topic Overlord
Oct 28, 2005
In Perpetual Motion
Excellent article linked on CNN from Time Magazine: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2005559,00.html?hpt=T2

Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis. Cannabis can cause short-term psychotic experiences, such as hallucinations and paranoia, even in healthy people, but researchers have also long noted a link between marijuana use and the chronic psychotic disorder, schizophrenia.

Repeatedly, studies have found that people with schizophrenia are about twice as likely to smoke pot as those who are unaffected. Conversely, data suggest that those who smoke cannabis are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as nonsmokers. One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
(See photos of cannabis conventions around the country.)

But here's the conundrum: while marijuana went from being a secret shared by a small community of hepcats and beatniks in the 1940s and '50s to a rite of passage for some 70% of youth by the turn of the century, rates of schizophrenia in the U.S. have remained flat, or possibly declined. For as long as it has been tracked, schizophrenia has been found to affect about 1% of the population.
(See a photoessay on a father with mental illness.)

One explanation may be that the two factors are coincidental, not causal: perhaps people who have a genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia also happen to especially enjoy marijuana. Still, some studies suggest that smoking pot can actually trigger the disease earlier in individuals who are predisposed, and yet researchers still aren't seeing increases in the overall schizophrenia rate or decreases in the average age of onset.
(Comment on this story.)

In recent months, new research has explored some of these issues. One study led by Dr. Serge Sevy, an associate professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, looked at 100 patients between the ages of 16 and 40 with schizophrenia, half of whom smoked marijuana. Sevy and colleagues found that among the marijuana users, 75% had begun smoking before the onset of schizophrenia and that their disease appeared about two years earlier than in those who did not use the drug. But when the researchers controlled for other factors known to influence schizophrenia risk, including gender, education and socioeconomic status, the association between disease onset and marijuana disappeared.
(See TIME's special on preventing mental illness disorders.)

Gender alone accounted for a large proportion of the risk of early onset in Sevy's study, which included 69 men and 31 women. "Males in general have earlier age of onset of schizophrenia," says Sevy. In men, the disease tends to take hold around age 19, while in women it isn't typically seen until 22 — irrespective of marijuana use. But, typically, teenage boys are four times more likely than girls to be heavy pot smokers, which may create an illusory association between the drug and onset of the disease.

Yet past studies limited to males have found exactly such a link, associating marijuana use with earlier development of full-blown psychosis. And other research has found that ongoing cannabis use increases hospitalizations for psychotic symptoms in schizophrenic patients and decreases social and cognitive functioning. A 2008 review of the data found that relapse and failure to take prescribed medication was consistently associated with cannabis use, although, again, controlling for other factors weakened the link.

One explanation could be that the effects of marijuana vary depending on the genetics of the individual patient's schizophrenia. Marie-Odile Krebs, professor of psychiatry at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) laboratory in France, and her colleagues published a study in June that identified two broad groups of people with schizophrenia who used cannabis: those whose disease was profoundly affected by their drug use and those who were not.

Within Krebs's study population of 190 patients (121 of whom had used cannabis), researchers found a subgroup of 44 whose disease was powerfully affected by the drug. These patients either developed schizophrenia within a month of beginning to smoke pot or saw their existing psychosis severely exacerbated with each successive exposure to the drug. Schizophrenia appeared in these patients nearly three years earlier than in other marijuana-users with the disease.

The key difference between the cannabis-sensitive patients and the nonaffected group was a family history of disease: those in the former group had three times the number of close relatives with psychotic disorders, says Krebs. Further, the sensitive group started smoking pot at a younger age — before age 17, compared with 18 in patients without marijuana sensitivity — and Krebs thinks the early exposure may have critically altered the development of brain receptors affected by marijuana.

These receptors, known as endocannabinoid receptors, affect the action of the brain's dopamine systems, fine-tuning the response of the neurons involved. Although this process is not yet completely understood, changing the way endocannabinoids influence dopamine during development could result in a chronically high level of dopamine in some regions of the brain, which may increase the likelihood of psychotic episodes. Stimulant drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine, which increase the action of the dopamine system, for instance, are known to produce psychotic experiences, while antipsychotic drugs work by blocking the brain's dopamine receptors.
(Does teen drug rehab cure addiction or create it?)

Given that an estimated 50% of the risk for schizophrenia is attributable to genes and family history, disseminating the results of research like Krebs's could help delay the onset of disease in thousands of people and prevent years of severe disability in those with a family history of schizophrenia. Although the disease itself affects only 1% of the population, about 10% of healthy people have personality features that, when intensified, may characterize schizophrenia — such as paranoia — meaning that the proportion of the population who may be sensitive to marijuana could be larger than expected, Krebs says.
(See a brief history of medical marijuana.)

However, discouraging marijuana use in patients who have schizophrenia or are at high risk of developing it is a complicated task, not least because the drug is extremely popular with this group. Their affinity for the drug may be related to a phenomenon recently described in a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry: The research tracked the moods of 80 marijuana smokers, 42 of whom had psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. Participants were asked to record their moods at various points over the course of six days, determined by a watch that beeped periodically to signal the volunteers. All participants, not surprisingly, reported feeling happier when they were high, but the mood-lifting effect of marijuana was stronger among smokers with schizophrenia. Unlike people without the disease, schizophrenia patients also reported a reduction in negative feelings after smoking marijuana. "Everyone feels better," explains lead author Cecile Henquet, an assistant professor of psychology and psychiatry at Maastricht University in Holland. "But [schizophrenia] patients also have less anxiety and are less socially withdrawn."

But which is the chicken and which is the egg? In another study by Sevy at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, researchers interviewed adults with schizophrenia (and their families) who smoked marijuana, and found that they reported being better adjusted during childhood than those who did not indulge. It makes sense when you consider the practicalities and social nature of drug use. Being at least somewhat socially connected is necessary to be able to obtain an illegal drug — if you appear too "crazy," people are less likely to befriend you and dealers may be too wary to sell to you. Many people with schizophrenia exhibit odd behavior that puts them at risk for social rejection years before they develop full-blown delusions and hallucinations in adulthood.
(See a video on home delivery of medical marijuana.

The access issue may also help explain why some studies find better — not worse — cognitive functioning in people with schizophrenia who smoke marijuana. That's what Pamela DeRosse, a research scientist at Long Island's Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, and her colleagues found in a study of 455 people with schizophrenia published in Schizophrenia Research in July. The research showed that patients who smoked marijuana had faster brain processing speed, greater verbal ability and better memory than patients who didn't smoke — not attributes usually associated with being high. "I can't really tell you why they aren't doing worse," says DeRosse. "But in order to go out to even find cannabis, enough to become dependent or abuse it, requires that you be more cognitively intact than the average patient with schizophrenia."

Indeed, many schizophrenia patients who smoke pot smoke enough to become addicted. As Henquet's study showed, the drug's mood-boosting effects appear immediately after smoking, as do some hallucinations, but the bulk of negative marijuana-related effects appear later on, as an increased rate of hallucination that affects patients even when they are not high. This is the exact type of drug effect that raises addiction risk: The user's experience is one of short-term gain associated with the drug, with long-term pain that seems unrelated. "This is what explains why patients with schizophrenia use cannabis for longer and more frequently than controls," says Henquet. "They are apparently more sensitive to the addictive potential than other people."

That marijuana can have such incompatible effects in schizophrenia patients — enhancing mood while exacerbating hallucinations and delusions — is not surprising, when its chemical makeup is considered. One chemical called delta-9 tetrahydocannabinol (THC) is known to cause hallucinations and in high doses can even make healthy people feel paranoid or suffer brief attacks of psychosis. But another component of marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD) has anti-psychotic effects.

Consequently, researchers who study the knotty relationship between drug use and schizophrenia hope that patients may one day benefit from cannabis-derived drugs. The key is to replicate the antipsychotic properties of CBD without triggering the risks carried by THC. But in the meantime, scientists are still trying to identify which patients, based on genes and family history, may be most helped by potential new pharmaceutical drugs and who may be spared harm by avoiding illicit drug use now.

tl/dr version:

There is a proven link between marijuana and schizophrenia, but scientists are still trying to piece it all together, because of the variety and amount of data involved. Those suffering from or more susceptable to schizophrenia can become addicted to marijuana, as the drug gives them a temporary feeling of happiness while making their disease worse and triggering more episodes more often.

Reading most of this made me recall a lot of points and comments from EL_Mac who has previously mentioned several times the link between the mental illness and the drug.

Also, a separate question: why is California contemplating legalizatio of marijuana in light of such concerns and findings? Do people think stories like this will sway the vote there one way or the other? Right now, I have heard it reported that the measure is currently failing support wise, but its still fairly close, roughly 48-44 in the polls. Oddly enough its behind most in the black, hispanic and asian communities, all of which are solidly anti-drug so far in the polls.

Please discuss.
The government doesn't, nor should it, regulate everything in our lives that can be linked to adverse outcomes.

Smoking causes lung cancer, fatty foods cause heart disease, alcohol causes liver failure...

The same argument for regulating pot could be made for any of those products, and taken to extreme could outlaw motorcycles, bungie jumping...

In the end we'd all be locked in padded cells eating oatmeal and breathing through filters.

The government has a role in protecting those who aren't capable of making decisions for themselves (minors), and limiting the harm individuals can do to others as a result of their choices (drunk driving), but it shouldn't eliminate choice without cause (temperance)
The government doesn't, nor should it, regulate everything in our lives that can be linked to adverse outcomes.

Smoking causes lung cancer, fatty foods cause heart disease, alcohol causes liver failure...

The same argument for regulating pot could be made for any of those products, and taken to extreme could outlaw motorcycles, bungie jumping...

In the end we'd all be locked in padded cells eating oatmeal and breathing through filters.

The government has a role in protecting those who aren't capable of making decisions for themselves (minors), and limiting the harm individuals can do to others as a result of their choices (drunk driving), but it shouldn't eliminate choice without cause (temperance)

This thread isnt about stuff thats already legal thats bad for us or whether the government has a right (it does) to regulate such things. The point is why would we knowingly add an additional potentially harmful and addictive drug to our populace fully realizing it can have harmful and addictive effects on the people that smoke it?
This thread isnt about stuff thats already legal thats bad for us or whether the government has a right (it does) to regulate such things. The point is why would we knowingly add an additional potentially harmful and addictive drug to our populace fully realizing it can have harmful and addictive effects on the people that smoke it?

Because right now weed is impossible to obtain for the average person. And besides, all of the substances previously mentioned are far more harmful and addictive.
In the end we'd all be locked in padded cells eating oatmeal and breathing through filters.

That's exactly where people who smoke too much cannabis do end up - and it costs the taxpayer a fortune.

So, in the interests of the government not locking people up in padded cells, cannabis should remain banned.

Another interesting thing about this drug is the claim that it chills you out - all the people I've met who smoke cannabis are agitated, paranoid, edgy and borderline criminal. They are the least chilled-out people I know [except when it comes to their responsibilities, or sponging off others, they are chilled-out about that].

Awful drug which has been known for years to cause mental illness, the solution is to stop putting the dealers in prison and send users with small amounts to jail for a long time.
That's exactly where people who smoke too much cannabis do end up - and it costs the taxpayer a fortune.

So, in the interests of the government not locking people up in padded cells, cannabis should remain banned.

Another interesting thing about this drug is the claim that it chills you out - all the people I've met who smoke cannabis are agitated, paranoid, edgy and borderline criminal. They are the least chilled-out people I know [except when it comes to their responsibilities, or sponging off others, they are chilled-out about that].

Awful drug which has been known for years to cause mental illness, the solution is to stop putting the dealers in prison and send users with small amounts to jail for a long time.
Um, the only reason any cannabis smokers wind up in cells is because it's illegal. In the interests of not costing the taxpayer a fortune, legalize the stuff.
Because right now weed is impossible to obtain for the average person. And besides, all of the substances previously mentioned are far more harmful and addictive.

Obtainability isnt an good argument for legalization, since, upon legalization, it will become a magnitude more available.

And I already pointed out saying that X is more harmful isnt a valid argument either. Wouldnt you rather see fewer people use those 'harmful and addictive' substances? Sure. So why make the same mistake with marijuana?

Um, the only reason any cannabis smokers wind up in cells is because
it's illegal. In the interests of not costing the taxpayer a fortune, legalize the stuff.

Actually, the vast number of those are growers, sellers and trafficers. Not casual users.
What ever happened to you guys wanting a small government that wasn't involved in people's personal lives?

The OP's conclusions about the article are wrong - the article does not imply there is any proven causal link and mentions many studies that suggest no link exists.

Furthermore, marijuana is not more of a harmful drug than alcohol, which has its own proven host of diseases it causes or exacerbates. In the sense of legalization, the same arguments go for both - abusive use of either drug can be quite harmful to people but it is enjoyed recreationally and in moderation by many more.
that picture will give me nightmares tonight, thanks.

I support legalization because it will help lessen the effects of the brutal drug war on the border. There are still other drugs, mind you. But pot is the most used one, and the most trafficed.

I do agree, we need more research. I think more research will only be possible if it is legalized.
What ever happened to you guys wanting a small government that wasn't involved in people's personal lives?

Small government means reduced economic and social interference, it has nothing to do with maintaining law and order. The correlation between drugs and harm of all kinds [to the user and society] is so high and so well-established that anyone irresponsible enough to take them deserves heavy policing.
That's exactly where people who smoke too much cannabis do end up - and it costs the taxpayer a fortune.

So, in the interests of the government not locking people up in padded cells, cannabis should remain banned.

Another interesting thing about this drug is the claim that it chills you out - all the people I've met who smoke cannabis are agitated, paranoid, edgy and borderline criminal. They are the least chilled-out people I know [except when it comes to their responsibilities, or sponging off others, they are chilled-out about that].

Awful drug which has been known for years to cause mental illness, the solution is to stop putting the dealers in prison and send users with small amounts to jail for a long time.

Isn't it in everybody's rational self-interest to just leave them alone? The only reason that they're being locked up in padded cells is precisely because it's banned. The only reason this is costing taxpayers a fortune is because it's banned. Also, the weeders I know are very chill. They're probably too chill. THERE! ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE TO COUNTER YOUR ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE!
So there isn't any causation established at all yet, only that people who tend to develope schizophrenia also like to smoke up.

for recreational use the case is clear in any way - we tolerate moderate side effects for pleasure. Alcohol definately has a worse track record and it's almost required in certain situations. Consistent laws would see marijuana legal.

For medical uses one obviously has to weigh in therapeutic value of marijuana, no idea there.
Obtainability isnt an good argument for legalization, since, upon legalization, it will become a magnitude more available.
But it's not as though we're releasing a foreign substance into the populace. People who want to smoke weed will smoke weed, just as those who wanted to drink liquor in the prohibition drank liquor.

And I already pointed out saying that X is more harmful isnt a valid argument either.
Would you care to further explain your reasoning?
Wouldnt you rather see fewer people use those 'harmful and addictive' substances? Sure. So why make the same mistake with marijuana?

Ideally, people wouldn't consume large amounts of cannabis. That goes under "none of the government's business."

Actually, the vast number of those are growers, sellers and trafficers. Not casual users.
So? Legalizing weed would still unclog the prison system significantly.
Small government means reduced economic and social interference, it has nothing to do with maintaining law and order. The correlation between drugs and harm of all kinds [to the user and society] is so high and so well-established that anyone irresponsible enough to take them deserves heavy policing.

So you would be in favor of banning alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods, etc.

I mean, all those harm people stupid enough to use them, shouldn't the government step in and tell them what they can and cannot do?
Article said:
But here's the conundrum: while marijuana went from being a secret shared by a small community of hepcats and beatniks in the 1940s and '50s to a rite of passage for some 70% of youth by the turn of the century, rates of schizophrenia in the U.S. have remained flat, or possibly declined. For as long as it has been tracked, schizophrenia has been found to affect about 1% of the population.
(See a photoessay on a father with mental illness.)

One explanation may be that the two factors are coincidental, not causal: perhaps people who have a genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia also happen to especially enjoy marijuana. Still, some studies suggest that smoking pot can actually trigger the disease earlier in individuals who are predisposed, and yet researchers still aren't seeing increases in the overall schizophrenia rate or decreases in the average age of onset.
(Comment on this story.)

This perhaps? :dunno:
Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis. Cannabis can cause short-term psychotic experiences, such as hallucinations and paranoia, even in healthy people, but researchers have also long noted a link between marijuana use and the chronic psychotic disorder, schizophrenia.

Repeatedly, studies have found that people with schizophrenia are about twice as likely to smoke pot as those who are unaffected. Conversely, data suggest that those who smoke cannabis are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as nonsmokers. One widely publicized 2007 review of the research even concluded that trying marijuana just once was associated with a 40% increase in risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
(See photos of cannabis conventions around the country.)

But here's the conundrum: while marijuana went from being a secret shared by a small community of hepcats and beatniks in the 1940s and '50s to a rite of passage for some 70% of youth by the turn of the century, rates of schizophrenia in the U.S. have remained flat, or possibly declined. For as long as it has been tracked, schizophrenia has been found to affect about 1% of the population.
(See a photoessay on a father with mental illness.)

One explanation may be that the two factors are coincidental, not causal: perhaps people who have a genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia also happen to especially enjoy marijuana. Still, some studies suggest that smoking pot can actually trigger the disease earlier in individuals who are predisposed, and yet researchers still aren't seeing increases in the overall schizophrenia rate or decreases in the average age of onset.
(Comment on this story.)

In recent months, new research has explored some of these issues. One study led by Dr. Serge Sevy, an associate professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, looked at 100 patients between the ages of 16 and 40 with schizophrenia, half of whom smoked marijuana. Sevy and colleagues found that among the marijuana users, 75% had begun smoking before the onset of schizophrenia and that their disease appeared about two years earlier than in those who did not use the drug. But when the researchers controlled for other factors known to influence schizophrenia risk, including gender, education and socioeconomic status, the association between disease onset and marijuana disappeared.
(See TIME's special on preventing mental illness disorders.)

Gender alone accounted for a large proportion of the risk of early onset in Sevy's study, which included 69 men and 31 women. "Males in general have earlier age of onset of schizophrenia," says Sevy. In men, the disease tends to take hold around age 19, while in women it isn't typically seen until 22 — irrespective of marijuana use. But, typically, teenage boys are four times more likely than girls to be heavy pot smokers, which may create an illusory association between the drug and onset of the disease.

Yet past studies limited to males have found exactly such a link, associating marijuana use with earlier development of full-blown psychosis. And other research has found that ongoing cannabis use increases hospitalizations for psychotic symptoms in schizophrenic patients and decreases social and cognitive functioning. A 2008 review of the data found that relapse and failure to take prescribed medication was consistently associated with cannabis use, although, again, controlling for other factors weakened the link.

One explanation could be that the effects of marijuana vary depending on the genetics of the individual patient's schizophrenia. Marie-Odile Krebs, professor of psychiatry at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) laboratory in France, and her colleagues published a study in June that identified two broad groups of people with schizophrenia who used cannabis: those whose disease was profoundly affected by their drug use and those who were not.

Within Krebs's study population of 190 patients (121 of whom had used cannabis), researchers found a subgroup of 44 whose disease was powerfully affected by the drug. These patients either developed schizophrenia within a month of beginning to smoke pot or saw their existing psychosis severely exacerbated with each successive exposure to the drug. Schizophrenia appeared in these patients nearly three years earlier than in other marijuana-users with the disease.

The key difference between the cannabis-sensitive patients and the nonaffected group was a family history of disease: those in the former group had three times the number of close relatives with psychotic disorders, says Krebs. Further, the sensitive group started smoking pot at a younger age — before age 17, compared with 18 in patients without marijuana sensitivity — and Krebs thinks the early exposure may have critically altered the development of brain receptors affected by marijuana.

These receptors, known as endocannabinoid receptors, affect the action of the brain's dopamine systems, fine-tuning the response of the neurons involved. Although this process is not yet completely understood, changing the way endocannabinoids influence dopamine during development could result in a chronically high level of dopamine in some regions of the brain, which may increase the likelihood of psychotic episodes. Stimulant drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine, which increase the action of the dopamine system, for instance, are known to produce psychotic experiences, while antipsychotic drugs work by blocking the brain's dopamine receptors.
(Does teen drug rehab cure addiction or create it?)

Given that an estimated 50% of the risk for schizophrenia is attributable to genes and family history, disseminating the results of research like Krebs's could help delay the onset of disease in thousands of people and prevent years of severe disability in those with a family history of schizophrenia. Although the disease itself affects only 1% of the population, about 10% of healthy people have personality features that, when intensified, may characterize schizophrenia — such as paranoia — meaning that the proportion of the population who may be sensitive to marijuana could be larger than expected, Krebs says.
(See a brief history of medical marijuana.)

However, discouraging marijuana use in patients who have schizophrenia or are at high risk of developing it is a complicated task, not least because the drug is extremely popular with this group. Their affinity for the drug may be related to a phenomenon recently described in a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry: The research tracked the moods of 80 marijuana smokers, 42 of whom had psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. Participants were asked to record their moods at various points over the course of six days, determined by a watch that beeped periodically to signal the volunteers. All participants, not surprisingly, reported feeling happier when they were high, but the mood-lifting effect of marijuana was stronger among smokers with schizophrenia. Unlike people without the disease, schizophrenia patients also reported a reduction in negative feelings after smoking marijuana. "Everyone feels better," explains lead author Cecile Henquet, an assistant professor of psychology and psychiatry at Maastricht University in Holland. "But [schizophrenia] patients also have less anxiety and are less socially withdrawn."

But which is the chicken and which is the egg? In another study by Sevy at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, researchers interviewed adults with schizophrenia (and their families) who smoked marijuana, and found that they reported being better adjusted during childhood than those who did not indulge. It makes sense when you consider the practicalities and social nature of drug use. Being at least somewhat socially connected is necessary to be able to obtain an illegal drug — if you appear too "crazy," people are less likely to befriend you and dealers may be too wary to sell to you. Many people with schizophrenia exhibit odd behavior that puts them at risk for social rejection years before they develop full-blown delusions and hallucinations in adulthood.
(See a video on home delivery of medical marijuana.

The access issue may also help explain why some studies find better — not worse — cognitive functioning in people with schizophrenia who smoke marijuana. That's what Pamela DeRosse, a research scientist at Long Island's Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, and her colleagues found in a study of 455 people with schizophrenia published in Schizophrenia Research in July. The research showed that patients who smoked marijuana had faster brain processing speed, greater verbal ability and better memory than patients who didn't smoke — not attributes usually associated with being high. "I can't really tell you why they aren't doing worse," says DeRosse. "But in order to go out to even find cannabis, enough to become dependent or abuse it, requires that you be more cognitively intact than the average patient with schizophrenia."

Indeed, many schizophrenia patients who smoke pot smoke enough to become addicted. As Henquet's study showed, the drug's mood-boosting effects appear immediately after smoking, as do some hallucinations, but the bulk of negative marijuana-related effects appear later on, as an increased rate of hallucination that affects patients even when they are not high. This is the exact type of drug effect that raises addiction risk: The user's experience is one of short-term gain associated with the drug, with long-term pain that seems unrelated. "This is what explains why patients with schizophrenia use cannabis for longer and more frequently than controls," says Henquet. "They are apparently more sensitive to the addictive potential than other people."

That marijuana can have such incompatible effects in schizophrenia patients — enhancing mood while exacerbating hallucinations and delusions — is not surprising, when its chemical makeup is considered. One chemical called delta-9 tetrahydocannabinol (THC) is known to cause hallucinations and in high doses can even make healthy people feel paranoid or suffer brief attacks of psychosis. But another component of marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD) has anti-psychotic effects.

Consequently, researchers who study the knotty relationship between drug use and schizophrenia hope that patients may one day benefit from cannabis-derived drugs. The key is to replicate the antipsychotic properties of CBD without triggering the risks carried by THC. But in the meantime, scientists are still trying to identify which patients, based on genes and family history, may be most helped by potential new pharmaceutical drugs and who may be spared harm by avoiding illicit drug use now.

we don't know enough yet to truly tell if it causes or doesn't cause it,
The OP's conclusions about the article are wrong - the article does not imply there is any proven causal link and mentions many studies that suggest no link exists.

Uhm, no, they are not. I took my time and read the article very, very carefully. What I mentioned is indeed in the article, but there is also a lot of other data to indicate that the 'why' is still a ways off in understanding.

Furthermore, marijuana is not more of a harmful drug than alcohol, which has its own proven host of diseases it causes or exacerbates.

Again, simply not a part of the article, nor of my OP.

In the sense of legalization, the same arguments go for both - abusive use of either drug can be quite harmful to people but it is enjoyed recreationally and in moderation by many more.

Except there are significant differences. For example, I can have a beer with my dinner and do so without the intent to get drunk. The same is not exactly true if I smoke a joint. I would be doing that specifically to get high. Yes, I fully realize that many do drink alcohol for the same reason, but thats not my point. Being, that alcohol is easier to self-regulate in that aspect.
Also, a separate question: why is California contemplating legalizatio of marijuana in light of such concerns and findings?

Well, the criminalization of marijuana is decidedly expensive, so it's worth contemplating legalisation.

If the goal is to protect those who're susceptible to induced-psychosis, we can ask whether the current law is protecting these people? As far as I can tell, no, it isn't. There's too much marijuana out there already, and so these susceptible people are going to smoke anyway. I suspect that only a small portion of 'susceptible' people are being denied access through the current enforcement

Meanwhile, a great number of non-susceptible people are being denied something that's, to them, perfectly safe. And the cost of escalating enforcement is completely prohibitive.

To sum, the current laws are only protecting a few people, at great social and financial cost. We'd be much better off using alternative methods, that doesn't turn common people into criminals, cost tons of money, and subsidise the incomes of gangsters.

I used to be very in favour of criminalisation, because I've personally seen the damage during a contract a few years ago. I since realised how many of those affected people were smoking despite the laws, and I don't think that the number of susceptible people is much greater than the number of people who're smoking anyway.
There is a proven link between alcoholism and liver failure - ban alcohol.
There is a proven link between smoking and lung cancer - ban smoking.

Should I continue? The sheer ignorance and hypocrisy of the anti-marijuana crowd is truly astonishing.
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