TJ02: Double Your Pleasure

I downloaded 2.01 last night and the 2.02 patch. 85Mb. Hope your friend can help you out Yndy. It's an eight hour download on 56K dial up
Once you have been accepted, in the DyP Forum group you will find the "testers only" forum. In there there is a thread called "2.0 bug reports". The first post contains 2.01 and the 2.02 patch.

Doc will tell you all about it, he posts there more than anyone. :)
Doc will tell you all about it, he posts there more than anyone.

Now if I tell you, we even have 2 more hidden fora for development :D

In any case, I'll make sure to post some essentials here before we'll start, just to avoid someone wants to settle the Desert, or starts mining Grassland and chopping Forrests.

Looking forward to play this SG, our group looks like a nice mixture of experienced ptw, and experienced DyP players

(BTW, there's no 2.02 version so far, only 2.01 build 2. Just to avoid confusion)
Originally posted by Doc Tsiolkovski
In any case, I'll make sure to post some essentials here before we'll start, just to avoid someone wants to settle the Desert, or starts mining Grassland and chopping Forrests.
That would be helpful Doc. I intended to try and figure out a plan for the early research next week to try and figure out which are the critical techs for food, science & military.

Originally posted by Doc Tsiolkovski
Looking forward to play this SG, our group looks like a nice mixture of experienced ptw, and experienced DyP players

(BTW, there's no 2.02 version so far, only 2.01 build 2. Just to avoid confusion)
I hope it will be an interesting game. I wasn't sure if this idea would generate enough interest but we seem to be doing OK :)

Starting Tech Tree? Here is it (slight modifications possible, depending on the Civ we pick):

The Wheel

Domestication/ Pottery/ Weaving depending on Terrain
Bronze Working, Masonry (if we need culture), CB, WC

All Techs to get Dynasticsm, but IW before Dyna itself. Revolt.

Literature (We must get the Great Library; we have a good chance, since a prebuild/ cascade is not possible, but we'll have to dedicate a city for it very early), Construction (enables Mining)

Try to trade for Slavery, Boat Building,...

Head for Theology (Angkor Wath is the other must- have Wonder)

Everything else should come from the GL, but since we have rate cap of 60% in Monarchy (= vanilla Despotism), we can also research Trade -> Crop Rotation partially ourselves. Should also get the Circus Maximus (doubles Coliseums; requires 3 of them already build, another very good Wonder with a decent chance to get it. Wouldn't bother with any other ancient wonder, except maybe the Colossus), and the Slavery Trade SM.

What about the Civ? I'd prefer a COM or SCI Civ, since their particular trait specific buildings are interesting.
IND is strong as always, MIL helps immensely against the Barbs (check their Stats, btw!).
EXP can have a huge bonus by starting with Farming. REL is the least important, IMHO.
And we should take care to have our GA around early Renaissance, when we can use it to build Mills, Wind Mills and Guild Halls.

My favorites: France, Vikings, China (SCI/IND in DyP), but I'm open for discussion. Not Polynesia.
Thanks for that Doc,

I'm surprised that you find Religious a less desirable trait with all those government choices available and the associated anarchy in switching :)

If anyone else has Civ preferences then please speak up.

I like 'special' :D

Specials, everything available from start:

MIL - Champions (2/1/1) instead of Warriors
COM - Counsellor building, maintanance-free Courthouse for 20 shields
SCI - Wiseman building, maintenance-free Library for 20 shields (no culture)
EXP - Rangers (0/1/1 ATAR) instead of Scouts, but more important, starts with Farming
IND - Serfs (no upkeep) instead of Workers

REL - nada.
I would like to play a scientific/commercial civ. I've played too much with industrious lately. What choices would that give us?
Personally, I would prefer 1 team of 7 or 8 than 2 teams of 4. With a big team we might even be able to support a very large or even huge map and play 5 turns each.

This is a big learning experience for me and I would rather give it a good work out and really investigate the whole of the Mod.

I dunno where Ted's got to Greebley, but Hi :)
I could swear that I posted a message welcoming Greebley 5 minutes ago but obviously the Internet Gods have deemed my message unworthy :)

I'll try again:

Hi Greebley,

I've added you to the roster.

Depending on how many more people join between now and the start date will decide whether or not we play as a single team or split for a competition.

I see the attraction of one big team. I started this game with the aim of digging the Gold out of DyP. So rest assured I'm not going to cut off my nose in order to satisfy some form of incipient megalomania :)

I think large is big enough to give us a fair taste of Dyp so you don't have to worry Yndy :)

One thing that was true when I was testing was that the AI didn't handle poor starting locations well. I suggest we play an old world with normal wetness (to avoid jungles and deserts and mountains) and normal temperature.

Of course 2.0 might be different.
Well, at least from my experience, a young world is more interesting. This may cause some weaker Civs, but the ones with a good start (a cluster of Wine, for example), are really competitive. True, jungle starts are a pita for everyone, but since Rubber only appears in Jungle tiles, a cold world with few equator tiles can also be problematic.

My favorite would be moderate/moderate/3 billions. And BTW, unless we pick a MIL Civ, please also pick moderate Barbs, they'll kill us (and the fun...) otherwise. Barbs are 2/2/1 +1HP and 4/3/2 +1HP :eek: !

About Civs:

COM/SCI are:

Greeks; UU: Hoplite, useful as always
Korea; UU: H'wacha here is 4(3)/2/1 zero range bombard, late Ancient, requires no resource (that's the best about them)
Mali; UU: Heavy Horseman, Knight replacement with a better Defence.

I'd prefer Mali, but they were already picked in the last SG, so this may be a little boring.
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