TJ02: Double Your Pleasure

Mali sounds good to me too.

Anyone object?

Mali were the CIV I used when I tested the installation. I would be happey to use them.
Mali sounds good to me.

A young world sounds fine as well if you recommend it. I definitely agreee with the moderates on wetness and temp.

I was playing a game of 2.01 and the early wars between the AI's was insane. The limit on the science rade means they have a lot more cash so they spend it on alliances. However this just shuffles the money around without really spending it so more alliances were declared. I was averaging an alliance per turn with some turns having 2-3 declarations. This was on emperor diff. Does this happen all the time? I was thinking about posting it on the DYP test forum, assuming it hasn't already been discussed in detail there. It seems an unintended fall out on the 50% science limit.

And Ya, I agree the barbarians are a bit too much, especially on the higher difficulty levels. The real problem with civ barbarians is you get this weird stategy of letting them into small cities that they can't damage when they are too strong. I kind of wish they would add a percent chance of destroying a size 1 city.
Greebley, I haven't heard of this issue at all, and never happened to me in lots of games :confused: .

To the contrary, I always thought there would be less early wars in Dyp...

BTW, which version of 2.01 are you playing? The one with those Spy-type units running amok? If yes, then it's propably related to those - I wouldn't have noticed, since I immediatedly fixed them after my first encounter...

And considering the rate cap is in DyP for ages, I don't think it wouldn't have been noticed before if it would cause weird AI behavior.
I am guessing it only occurs in certain games then. I chose random, but I think I got 20% land continents on a large map with max civs. I also tried the "extended version" which probably means there are more turns to build up excess cash with little to spend it on.
Extented Version? Would you be so kind and report about that on the CDG forum, since we have very few experiences with the longer version in general...hard to test when you only run a 700MHz P3 :(

But please, lets use the basic version for this SG, otherwise we won't have launched before Civ4 is out.
On the link you provided Doc, it says the patch is for 2.00, which we don't have in Europe. Are you sure it will work with 2.01 beta.

IF not, and I download the whole thing will the installation replace the current one or do I have to remove the old one first?
I downloaded the full install and it seems to have overwritten the beta.

I've upfated the first post to reflect the DyP version & that we've chosen Mali as our Civ. We just need to agree on climate, geology & victory target.

I'll be doing a little testing over the weekend to see if I hit any problems :)

Please especially have a close look at the Emissary/ Spy-line, and what the AI does about them.

As said, I'd prefer moderate/moderate/3 billions. Continents or Archipelago; Pangae could be a little hard (if we end in the middle...).

What about getting this started soon? I'm not interested in C3C as long as the patch isn't out, so it would fit nicely now.

Re: Victory conditions: From my experience, DyP games are quite challenging in the beginning (Emperor feels more like vanilla Deity in the BCs); we cannot improve our lands for a long time, so the AI production bonus really kicks in.
But by mid-industrial, we should be really strong, so waiting for the Launch could turn out to be a little boring. So my suggestion is:
Let's keep Diplo as an option if we want to end the game, otherwise aim for Space Ship or Domination/ total Culture; anything but OCC or Conquest will require the same strategies until industrial anyway.
I don't see a problem starting now. Because I am in seven (yes I know, I know) other SG's you will have to be patient with me until after Christmas as I may skip a lot until the new year. I explained this to Ted. There are 3 SG's that just won't lay down and die.

I agree with the map settings BTW. I think an islands map might be fun. A little seafaring, why not?
I proposed Continents initially as that seemed the best choice to me since it forces us to look at the naval aspect of DyP.

I prefer Wet to get a few more rivers (which look to be even more important) but I'm willing to accept Temperate & Rocky :)

I agree with your victory target suggestions. Not having played DyP before SS and/or Diplo seemed to be the best way of ensuring we explored the large part of the revised tech tree.

Starting now is a little problematic, for me at least. I'm up to my SG limit at the moment but I guess if enough people want to start soon and we can juggle the roster a bit then it might be possible.

Early start people? Post your thoughts.

I am pretty flexible on when we start. Giving it a week more time to get tested sounds reasonable to me.

Doc, have the spy problems been fixed?

In the meantime, I will try a bit of a game to make sure things are good with my install.

[Edit: Ted, I think wet will work if it isn't combined with warm. If we get a jungle start, it will be absolute murder. I have tried a DYP game with that start in 1.5. It took 20 turns to get enough food for a single worker and it was like 72 worker turns to clear a single jungle square (Actually, now it is worse since you can't even start clearing until you get Dynasticism). If you get one of those "small grassland surrounded by jungle" starts, you are in big trouble. It is better spending 10 turns to move your initial settler than settling there. (the initial settler moves 2 squares per turn in all terrain, so it isn't always that long, but it can be).
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