UK Politics - Weeny, Weedy, Weaky

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TIL the word epicaricacy
I'm not feeling exactly that, but I do sort of feel vindicated. A government says ‘screw old people’ and it is a government by and of old people so they actually get hoist by their own petard. But it's not enjoyable, because people such as me who have a negative outlook would sometimes like to be proven wrong.
That's the one. Had no idea how to spell it.
Eh, spelling in Djerman is easy. Start with Dutch and turn all Z's back to S. Take random instances of Dutch F and turn them into V. Turn anything ending in ‘ik’ and it's ‘ich’. And some ‘ie’s into ‘eu’ (pronounced as what the Dutch would spell oi). And turn ‘ij’ into i or ei. And write all nouns with a capital letter and you're more or less done.
Well, here is a bit more ammunition for some even sillier conspiracy theories.

Fill yer boots.

Are minorities being hit hardest by coronavirus?

I suspect that such statistics merely reflect that Asian and Black ethnic people are disproportionally
concentrated in high density urban areas where crowded buses and tubes spread the virus faster.
I suspect that such statistics merely reflect that Asian and Black ethnic people are disproportionally
concentrated in high density urban areas where crowded buses and tubes spread the virus faster.
I think it may be more to do with increased levels of poverty, and the associated health problems.
Those crowded areas may have higher levels of chemical,
rather just viral, air pollution; that undermines peoples' health.
I think it may be more to do with increased levels of poverty, and the associated health problems.

Also that the number of workers from ethnic minorities in frontline services like health and social care, and transport is high.
No need for a conspiracy theory.
Also that the number of workers from ethnic minorities in frontline services like health and social care, and transport is high.

No doubt that is one of the reasons.

No need for a conspiracy theory.

Is anyone keeping a list? Perhaps I should start one?

And logic says that workers from ethnic minorities in frontline services like health and social care, will be too busy too party!

Coronavirus: Greater Manchester Police warning after 660 parties shut down
I don't understand how you can correlate an unrelated piece of news about a specific locality to ethnic workers in health and social care. Said workers are already working. They are not at the parties in Manchester that are getting shut down.

I understand you seem to be driven to get any kind of positive spin out of the increasing dire news relating to UK politics at the moment, but this is tenuous at best.
There was no correlation.

Certain forum moderators don't like same person posting
twice in succession, so I cover two topics in one post.

Care to dscuss the topic, UK politics, rather than me.

Moderator Action: "Certain forum moderators" don't like people talking about moderation, either, so don't do that. Thank you. ~ Arakhor
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I suspect that such statistics merely reflect that Asian and Black ethnic people are disproportionally
concentrated in high density urban areas where crowded buses and tubes spread the virus faster.
I think this may be more specifically true of older Asian and black people, who are most likely to develop critical symptoms. Older white people will tend to have moved to more diffuse suburban neighbourhoods (or may have lived in such neighbourhoods their whole lives), while older Asian and black people are more likely to remain within their communities, especially in ethnic groups in which multi-generational households are common. This means that they are in both a denser environment, and in an environment in which more people are still working outside of the household.

In addition to the points made by Samson and AQ.
From the article:
And Health Secretary Matt Hancock added: "So good that the prime minister is out of intensive care and on the road to recovery. The NHS is there for us all and I know our amazing NHS staff have given him their characteristic world-class care."
From four days ago:
'Now is not the time to discuss pay rise for nurses', says health secretary
Source (Twitter). Better source (dug through the Mirror's website via Google).

What an absolute expletive. He can be as sympathetic as he wants, but action is louder than words. Notably, we wouldn't be in this position, dealing with it as we are, if the UK had actually listened to the WHO properly in early January.
Well, here is a bit more ammunition for some even sillier conspiracy theories.

Fill yer boots.

Are minorities being hit hardest by coronavirus?

As I'd posted some three hours earlier:
Just to keep on track and stop the mods from infracting us for talking about civ games on a civ message board:
The entire text from the article's there.
Apparently he didn't leave in a body bag, as I was expecting.
Nicely phrased, with delightful ambiguity.
And 4 hours ago they were saying reports of him being on a ventilator were russian disinformation.

The report that there was "russian disinformation" was UK disinformation. Or incompetence at translation plus the predisposition to doing disinformation.

A simple inspection of the original RIA Novosti article reveals that this representation of the Russian news agency report results from a mistranslation. RIA Novosti indeed reported Johnson’s hospitalisation. Any reference to the treatment he might receive is made with the use of the future tense, rather than reporting something that had been given already. Furthermore, the Russian report does not claim that the treatment will involve a ‘ventilator’. The report is entitled – ‘A Source Says: Johnson Will Be Put on an Artificial Breathing Apparatus’. A further quote attributed to an unnamed source which is embedded in the text states: ‘An artificial ventilation of the lungs will be administered to him’. Again, a basic check of any Russian dictionary will tell you that in the Russian language the medical umbrella term ‘iskusstvennoe ventilirovanie’ (artificial ventilation) applies to both invasive treatment with a ventilator and the non-invasive use of an oxygen mask, which, it appears, Johnson has indeed been receiving.

I think there must be people employed doing these narratives.
From the article:

From four days ago:

Source (Twitter). Better source (dug through the Mirror's website via Google).

What an absolute expletive. He can be as sympathetic as he wants, but action is louder than words. Notably, we wouldn't be in this position, dealing with it as we are, if the UK had actually listened to the WHO properly in early January.

That prompted me to google for what the WHO actually said in early January 2020.

And first up was

Most relevant extracts IMO are:

Currently, no case with infection of this novel coronavirus has been reported elsewhere other than Wuhan.

WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China based on the information currently available on this event.

Now whether this was because the Chinese were unaware of further spread, pulled the wool over WHO eyes
or being the biggest active funder of WHO, the WHO simply deferred to Beijing sensibilities, I don't know.

I am not sure that I can blame the Boris for not following WHO advice that was not actually given then.
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