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What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands!

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You've heard of aoe2 but not aoe3? I am referring to Age of Empires. Real time strategy games
I searched for a thread like this before I made it. I can't believe no one had thought of it. You guys like it?

I'm glad you actually made a thread like this. Recently I've wanted to post about video games I've been playing, but I wasn't sure exactly where to do so (didn't want to spam up the Raves thread).
So, here's my current game list:

AGEOD - American Civil War - I just started a new game as the Union in the full 1861 campaign, probably my fourth playthrough. It's a detailed simultaneous-execution turn-based game that is ridiculously good. It's all on the strategic/operational level--no real-time combat. The industry, blockade, and diplomacy is well-done, but the major focus is on managing your OOB and putting the right generals in charge.

AGEOD - Revolution Under Siege - This is a similar game to the first but all about the Russian Civil War, although now I'm playing the Drang Nach Osten scenario. DNO is an alternate history campaign that covers what would have happened if the Central Powers won WW1, and then protected their new eastern satellite states against the Soviet Union. It's basically WW2 Eastern front in the 1920s with zeppelins and tachankas.

PI - Crusader Kings II - I played this a lot last year, not so much recently. Still have a game going where I created a custom Count of Auxerre, became the Duke of Burgundy, bolted France for the HRE when it was collapsing, then became the King of Burgundy and Lotharingia. Eventually, France became subservient to the HRE and an elective monarchy, and once being elected and marrying the Duchess of Toulouse I fought a war of independence from the HRE and now have the primary title of Emperor of Francia, and the four crowns of Burgundy, Lotharingia, France, and Aquitaine. Spain became mostly HRE territory, the Horde wiped out most of the Russian-Hungarian Union (now the Emperor of the Rus rules over Hungary) then converted to Orthodox, England has been going through a civil war every few decades between the houses of Normandie and Conteville for control of the kingdom, and Ireland controls Brittany. It's a great game that I intend to finish... someday.

PI - Victoria II: House Divided, APD Mod - Playing as Carlist Spain in an awesome game here, currently #5 GP and control most of central Africa as a colony (plus tons of Pacific Islands, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and the Panama Canal). Went from reactionary to a social-liberal constitutional monarchy. Looking forward to the Great Wars when they start happening--it's 1899 now, it's about to get real.

AGEOD - Pride of Nations - Had a game as Sardinia-Piedmont to Italy, was fooling around with this over the Christmas break for a day or two but haven't gotten back to it. It's basically Victoria II with the AGEOD engine, isn't quite as polished as AHD/APD but it has an awesome colonial system. Instead of just clicking a button and waiting for a bar to fill up you have to send expeditions, pacify natives, bribe chiefs, etc. Over time, you can elevate territories from influenced territory to protectorates to formal colonies. I think the economics and diplomatic crises are better handled in this game than in Paradox engines. The only downfall is long turn processing and the slow pace of the game when you aren't at war (which is why it's fallen by the wayside recently).

Squad - Kerbal Space Program - Been playing a little since 0.18 came out, building a big space station and some other small projects I posted over in the dedicated thread. Tons of explosive fun.

I typically start a game, and then go and come back to it over a few months. I only have an hour or two to play a night while unwinding, watching TV, and so on, but I appear to be quite scatterbrained because I switch games on a near-daily basis. Not listed are the other AGEOD titles I own (Wars in America, Rise of Prussia), the other PI titles (Europa Universalis III + exp., Hearts of Iron III + exp.), SimCity 4, Empire: Total War, Civilization IV + exp., and Portal. I have tons of other old games, but those aren't installed and I won't likely go back to them anytime soon.
WorldofTanks - play a few doubles and some clan wars
WarThunder - open beta, pretty solid but lack of content might stop and revisit it later
currently installed
Aetherion: Is a still going on in mid game currently, one of the RPG maker games I recently played beside Master of the Wind and Chrono Alter
Port of Royale 3 with 1.3 Version and DLCs. Now working good on my PC I will deepen next days into it
Age of Empires 3: Havn't played before other than the second part I played thru tutorial now
Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition: Never played thru Baldurs Gate or second part. I think I will give it a try with the enhancing features
Been play FTL. I didn't think much of it at first. But one of my "facebook friends" were raving about it, and it was on a steam sale. The game is great. Already wasted like 30hrs of my life on it.
Why do so many people use abbreviations in this thread? It makes very confusing :p
I'm almost afraid to start playing another video game since I know it won't be as good as Mass Effect 3.
I've been playing War Thunder. Nothing more thrilling than taking down a Spitfire in a P26 Peashooter. :D Not to mention getting 10 kills in said Peashooter.
I have been playing a bit of Mass Effect 3: Omega and I'm a bit dissapointed. Frankly, it's too easy. They didn't do a good job of making this dlc to appeal to players who tackle the dlc with endgame save files. They should have made the dlc detect what level the players are at and adjust the intensity accordingly.

The story is just meh as well. :(
Lately, I'm playing..
- Sid Meier's Pirates!
- The Sims 2
and, for my nephew, Vice City. He has a saved game on my machine, and I've been getting the hidden packages, extra health and extra body armor for him.

I'd love to see you do another AAR-sorts with Sims 2. :D

I've been playing Binding of Isaac again. Tried playing EU3 because of how kind Paradox was but eh... The interface looks really bad and it's so easy to cheat. I only do good in these games when it's coop.
I've been involved in a role playing game, Troll Attack 3: CFC forum edition. Create a character, explode liberal brains, dodge infractions and uncover Federal Agents masquerading as Forum Mods.
Mostly TF2 with a little bit of Far Cry 1. I'll jump into The Secret World every now and then for roleplaying events with my guild.

I started playing Far Cry 1 the other day, because.. I have so many games on Steam, I might as well start going through the "classics".

I'm stuck at the part where you're supposed to go to the dock.. and kill everyone in the area.. I do that, and then.. nothing. I check my mission details and it says to blow up some weapons depot? Huh? Such a thing was never said to me by anyone in the game, so I have no idea what to do next.

Either way, I'm also playing Kerbal Space Program, which is very addictive with a bit of a love/hate angle to it.

There's Football Manager 2012, in which I have a save that I've been playing for quite a while - I'm on season 10 of a team that's just now making inroads into the Premier League (started in the 8th tier of English football). I have a young team of unknowns and we're going straight to the top!

There's Europa Universalis 3, which I'm a very casual player of. I play on normal and don't think I am playing at the same level as others who might have spent as much time playing it as me.. This game is very.. passive for me.. but very fun.

I played Terraria quite a bit, but I've gotten bored of it.

I play Sid Meier's Railroads sometimes, but not much lately.. iBomber Defense is a fun tower defense game, same with ibomber defense pacific. Gratuitous Space Battles is fun, but I think I got all enjoyment out of that that's possible.

Then there's Just Cause 2, in which I have a game going, but.. I haven't been there for quite a while. It's just the same thing over and over and over, so it got a bit boring. The one thing I still enjoy is the variety in the terrain the game has to offer and all the fun random things you can do. Sandbox games - I tend to like 'em, but sometimes you need a bit more direction to keep your interest going.

Other than that I have Age of Empires III installed, but I haven't played that in a while either. KSP really took over in december, thansk to hobbsyoyo. Thanks a lot, you bastard
Yeah, GSB was fun until I realized I can just spam super long range artillery-style guns with a massive volume of ships and let weight of fire overwhelm the enemy's shields and the guns' inherent accuracy and RoF disadvantages. Everything dies in under 30 seconds allowing my guys to switch targets and focus immense fire on another meat shield, meanwhile either their ridiculous weaponry or tactics apparently aren't capable of significant focused-fire.
warpus said:
I started playing Far Cry 1 the other day, because.. I have so many games on Steam, I might as well start going through the "classics".

I'm stuck at the part where you're supposed to go to the dock.. and kill everyone in the area.. I do that, and then.. nothing. I check my mission details and it says to blow up some weapons depot? Huh? Such a thing was never said to me by anyone in the game, so I have no idea what to do next.

Checkpoints are your friends.
I've been playing Civ IV with Caveman2Cosmos as Mexico (Prince difficulty, Huge map, PerfectWorld2), and I now regret turning Mastery Victory on, as I would have easily won a Domination victory long ago (I control an entire continent and over 80% of the world population) and can easily do all the other victories as well - I'm in the Industrial Era, and most of the rival civs are in the Classical Era, with the remainder still in the Ancient Era, and are also tiny (I would conquer them all, but I want to see wars between other civs and keep them as trading partners).
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