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Which Films have you seen lately? 19 - Get Your Film's Name Outta Your Mouth

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I watched Inferno (2016), which was a thing I didn't even know existed until yesterday. It's the 3rd movie in the Robert Langdon series, based on Dan Brown's books, which are all essentially the same: American university professor runs around a cool European city with a hot European woman. I mean, who hasn't had that fantasy? I think I've seen at least one of the other two, maybe both. They weren't very memorable, and they kind of blurred together. So why did I watch this one? I dunno. I'd like to see Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones in a movie together, but instead we have this, so we have to make do. I'm being too harsh. It was fun enough. The direction was very good. I was genuinely surprised to find that it was Ron Howard, when I got to the end credits. Not to say Howard isn't a good director - he's one of my favorites, in fact - but he's usually a guy who just sets the camera in front of the actors and lets them act. The direction in this one was positively manic by his standards, as if he'd just watched some Tony Scott and Paul Greengrass movies. (Again, not a bad thing. I'm a fan of both Scott and Greengrass.) The action scene at the end was way too long, but it did make me want to visit the Basilica Cistern in Istanbul. That was cool. I'll be honest, though, the rest of the movie didn't really make me want to visit Florence. I don't know if that's the film's fault, or Florence's. Maybe if Felicity Jones was showing me around...
I think Tom Hanks would be pretty cool to go anywhere with, to be fair.
I like the Dan Brown novels that aren't centered around Robert Langdon; Deception Point and Digital Fortress. I'd prefer those getting adapted for the screen, rather than another Robert Langdon mystery. But it won't happen, because they aren't 'franchise friendly', being stand alone novels.
Deception Point had a pretty cool story, but I guessed who the ultimate villain was almost right at the start, because Brown is nothing if not predictable. I think it was Digital Fortress that had the criminally offensive description of Spanish healthcare, and the utterly ridiculous resolution about what the super secret code number was.
Brown can't write a novel without at least one conspiracy theory and one character twist. He is very predictable in that way indeed. :)
And the books always start with some combination of <profession> <name of person> <swift way in which they die>.
Northman. Great fun movie. Not for the squeamish though. I liked how it integrated Norse mythology as a "normal' part of life.
Northman. Great fun movie. Not for the squeamish though. I liked how it integrated Norse mythology as a "normal' part of life.
I enjoyed it. Took a moment to realize it was a take on Hamlet. There's a '90s movie with a young Christian Bale in the role - quite a low budget indie with a great cast. Forget the name at the moment, but another non-bard take on Hamlet.
I enjoyed it. Took a moment to realize it was a take on Hamlet. There's a '90s movie with a young Christian Bale in the role - quite a low budget indie with a great cast. Forget the name at the moment, but another non-bard take on Hamlet.
Prince of Jutland by one of my countrymen, Gabriel Axel.

It has a mouthwatering cast indeed (Bale, Helen Mirren, Gabriel Byrne, Brian Cox, Kate Beckinsale, Andy Serkis, Tom Wilkinson), but it's also rather bleak and dull in its execution. As you say, it's actually an adaption of the same source material that Shakespeare used for Hamlet, not an adaption of the bards play in itself.
Do you mean The Lion King?
Well, I was referring to those two movies Norseman and Prince of Jutland (dumbed down to Royal Deceit for us murican types) If you can believe it, I have never seen The Lion King, which is honestly pretty bizarre.
Just watch the animated one, not the other one with the CGI stuff.
The fact that most TV channels are the property of US corporations means that programming markedly worsens in the second half of October but I just managed to watch Zombieland: Double Tap (2019), which was awesome.
I watched a Swedish film called Diorama a few nights ago because I know one of the people who worked on it and they wanted me to see it. It was very good, 8.5/10.
Rewatched Blade tonight since it's finally on Netflix. 9.5/10. Almost a perfect movie from start to finish.

Admittedly makes me much more nervous for Disney's reboot of it, especially since it's in development hell and there's talk of it being PG-13. I think Ali has the look and skill for the role, but the director and the meddling from execs...
Rewatched Blade tonight since it's finally on Netflix. 9.5/10. Almost a perfect movie from start to finish.

Admittedly makes me much more nervous for Disney's reboot of it, especially since it's in development hell and there's talk of it being PG-13. I think Ali has the look and skill for the role, but the director and the meddling from execs...

Excellent choice.

People celebrate Black Panther as first black superhero, but they're so wrong...
Catwoman: Hunted. Which is a DC Comics animated film. What they call the DC Animated Universe. (DCAU)

Fairly good. There's a lot in it that ties in with existing Catwoman lore.

Eurotrip. Like most comedies, doesn't stand the test of time well. And, unfortunately, neither did the stars, most of which are not working in acting today.
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