Which Films have you seen lately? 19 - Get Your Film's Name Outta Your Mouth

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Catwoman: Hunted. Which is a DC Comics animated film. What they call the DC Animated Universe. (DCAU)

Fairly good. There's a lot in it that ties in with existing Catwoman lore.

Eurotrip. Like most comedies, doesn't stand the test of time well. And, unfortunately, neither did the stars, most of which are not working in acting today.
Not Another Teen Movie and White Chicks stood up well, IMO.

... Depending on the company you keep.
Naturally, licensing means Netflix only has the first two Blade movies and not the third.

So next up, and stopping there, was Blade II. Not as good as the first, but still a great 8.5/10.
Rewatched Blade tonight since it's finally on Netflix. 9.5/10. Almost a perfect movie from start to finish.

Admittedly makes me much more nervous for Disney's reboot of it, especially since it's in development hell and there's talk of it being PG-13. I think Ali has the look and skill for the role, but the director and the meddling from execs...
Hmmm...Blade doesn't show up on my Netflix.
James Bond Spy Who Loved Me, Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only and currently watching Octopussy
Any particular reason why only Roger Moore's movies?
Any particular reason why only Roger Moore's movies?

I'm watching them in order. Well started with the latest Bond then Doctor No. Next up View to a Kill.

Haven't seen some of them since the 90's.
Tried to watch upstream color but it was pretty garbage

watched 25min and then read wiki summury of the rest and was glad I quit it.

Weirdness is good but weird for the sake of being weird + endless long drawn out close ups of someone's face w spooky music is not intrigue, it's just boring
It's sad that Blade got wrecked when it started so well.
Personally I didn't like the second movie - Del Toro maimed it ^_^
I haven't even bothered to watch the third. I know it was incredibly bad.
I liked Blade II. It was Del Toro's middle-finger to the sexy vampire trope. I mean, I like the sexy vampire more than a lot of people* and even I had to admit the subgenre was getting a little stale. This was a year before Underworld and six years before Twilight, and if I thought it was getting stale, Del Toro was practically seething with rage. I thought Nomak was a good supervillain, back when superhero movies were thin on the ground. This movie was also kind of an incubator for Del Toro; it was a road-test of the vampires he & Hogan created in The Strain (2009), and I think it was also the first time he worked with Ron Perlman. Blade: Trinity was a disaster, but it had some nuggets, if you wanted to look for them: Ryan Reynolds was sort of workshopping his action-comedy persona; Parker Posey went full, over-the-top camp; and Jessica Biel spent a lot of time in the gym.

* I watched Embrace of the Vampire in the late '90s and I regret nothing. :smug: If you've seen it, you know why; if you haven't, don't.
Iirc Blade II fights looked like they were in a video game, which didn't help with immersion :)
Besides, those other things weren't typically vampire, but a parasitical form that took vampires out. And Perlman... eh, he is always camp in such films :D
Iirc Blade II fights looked like they were in a video game, which didn't help with immersion :)
You might be thinking of the fight when the vampire-ninjas break into Blade's hideout. Yeah, that looked poor, even at the time. It looked animated, and not well-animated, either.
Besides, those other things weren't typically vampire, but a parasitical form that took vampires out. And Perlman... eh, he is always camp in such films :D
Um... vampires are always parasites..? The point was that the horrifying vampires were taking out the sexy vampires. When Nomak declares "I hate vampires" and then splatters the blood-donation team across the walls, we were seeing Del Toro's avatar. Max Schreck's Count Orlock ripping Bela Lugosi's throat out.
Someone suggested that I try to watch Terrifier 2. I did, but gave up after 7 minutes, because this is just gore/shock exploitation. Terrifier 1 was also that, but this seems to be even worse.
Blade II had a pretty strong "Look at what our cool CGI can do now" element to it. I don't think it was terrible, given the era, but it was definitely noticeable compared to the 1998 movie. In a way, I find the campy CGI of the early 00s better sometimes (in a watching sense) than the CGI of today, because the bad CGI of today is very glaring when placed up against all the other CGI going on that isn't terrible, like all the physics scenes from Black Widow and Shang-Chi. Back in the day, all CGI was pretty bad, so it was just expected. Now, bad CGI takes you out of the scene and the movie.
I think I need to rewatch II+III.
I mainly remember that the story of II was as dumb as a sack of stones, and that III was worse. I don't think that my perspective will change on that, given that I saw them when I was still a teenager.
I think I need to rewatch II+III.
I mainly remember that the story of II was as dumb as a sack of stones, and that III was worse. I don't think that my perspective will change on that, given that I saw them when I was still a teenager.
As a scientist, you'll probably hate the plot for II. It takes the gene theory from the first and turns it up to eleven. :lol:

I don't remember anything from III except for the Pomeranians.
Story of II: What if we make a new kind of vampire, which is a vampire for vampires (and humans), and which will kill all vampires?
Story of III: What if we make a new kind of vampire, which doesn't have its weakness and we in the process also kill all vampires?

I don't even need alcohol to produce 100 more of these.
Like: What if we make a new kind of vampire, which is like... blue and likes country music, and while doing that we kill all vampires?
Blade: Trinity was available through Prime, so I watched it there. Eh... 7/10? Still passable, but the structure was rougher and leaned too much into Ryan Reynolds's slapstick.
Children of Men (2009) rewatch. Just as good as I remember, although I found that just about everything I remembered was from the first hour. I remembered almost none of the whole section in Bexhill.
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