Which Films have you seen lately? 19 - Get Your Film's Name Outta Your Mouth

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Smile wasn't bad, but lacks in storytelling and variety.
Supernatural creatures aren't that interesting without a background imo..all effort went into scares, gore & glooming doom. Little into explaining why it happens, or how this creature is invisible for everyone else. Chars are rather generic.

But pacing was okay, kept my attention for sure.
Not for watchers who dislike right in your face violence or relentless eeriness.
6.5/10 feels about right.
Angel Has Fallen. 9.5/10. Pretty solid action flick from start to finish. Though it made me think: Surely the president has anti-drone protection nowadays?
With his security measures, his droning on can't even protect the 3rd-in-line's family from a guy with a hammer!

(it was interesting, realizing that you need a very different weapon loadout than if you are tasking with defending against other threats)
Someone suggested that I try to watch Terrifier 2. I did, but gave up after 7 minutes, because this is just gore/shock exploitation. Terrifier 1 was also that, but this seems to be even worse.
18 mins earlier than me, not sure why i bothered..not just the exploitation makes this complete trash. Amateur acting and content.
Who could ever suggest watching this :eek:
RT & certain Youtubers making clowns of themselves again with positive ratings.
War. Pretty painful to get through, which is why I bailed out when there was an hour left. 2.5/10.
Apparently, Blacula is getting a reboot.

Now, how long until they reboot Blackenstein?
Saw See How They Run last night on HBO Max with Rockwell and Ronan. A homage to Christie mysteries and is actually centered around a '50 theatrical production of "The Mousetrap". Soarsie particularly stands out here and, for me, provided much of the laughs. It's a mystery/comedy but not like silly slapstick comedy. I found it quite entertaining but it's not a classic. I'd say 7 outta 10.
Got my covid booster shot yesterday, so today I'm dealing with the covid booster headache and chills. Ended up watching Churchill: The Hollywood Years. Perfect stupid movie to watch.
The Woman King - Masterpiece. Made me feel all the feelings. Based on actual historical events/figures. Viola Davis, sublime, John Boyega, superb. The acting in general was excellent. The costumes were spectacular, the pacing was well done. Action packed with plenty of actual plot in addition to all the battle scenes. The physiques were not as mind blowing as The 300, but they were close.

This film joins Braveheart, Gladiator, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Viola Davis should get an Oscar nomination. John Boyega did a belated, albeit compelling bid to take over the role of T'Challa, ie Black Panther from the late, great Chadwick Boseman. If you liked Braveheart you will like this.
Watched a crapton of movies as the covid booster headache didn't go away. At least in America, youtube has quite a good selection of movies on there for free.

-The Lawnmower Man: Early 90s scifi movie, sort of a cross between Flowers for Algernon and Akira. Not bad, the computer graphics were clearly impressive for the time and cheezy fun now, and it reminded me of the "virtual reality' graphics used in that one Community episode. (JESUS WEPT!) Fun, but no need to seek it out.

-Sum of All Fears: Standard Tom Clancy technothriller. Ben Affleck is too pretty to play Jack Ryan (and only has two facial expressions, confused and constipated), and reworking him from a high ranked analysis to a junior cube-rat introduces a lot of strange decisions and plot holes; particularly once Ryan realized the bomb did not contain Russian uranium. Still, watchable as far as technothrillers go.

-Titan AE: Don Bluth (Anastasia, Rats of NIMH guy) animated sci-fi movie. An alien race destroys Earth, scattering humanity to the corners of the galaxy. Plot and characters are derivative with a lot of similarities to Treasure Planet, but competent voice work with outstanding animation and visual design. If you liked Atlantis or Treasure Planet, watch Titan AE.

-The Man in the Iron Mask (1998): Three Musketeers come out of retirement to replace their corrupt king. Enjoyable, but really talky with not as much swordfighting and swashbuckling as I hoped. On a good side, the movie does a good job setting up each of the musketeers and their traits, but on the bad side it takes a really long time. In a 2 hour movie there can't be much more than 10 minutes of action. Some of that may be due to how unfamiliar people are with the Three Musketeers these days. The movie felt like the end of a trilogy, not a stand alone movie, and had to rely heavily on telling not showing as a result. Not bad, but no need to seek it out unless you want to see a really young Leonardo diCaprio as the King of France.
The Gray Man (2022) - It was fine. Not as bad as I was led to believe. Great cast. Somebody could make a really good movie with these people. Script was amusingly bad. Action scenes were fun enough. Same screenwriters and directors as some of my favorite MCU movies, but I guess nobody bats 1.000.
Lou (2022) - Better than I expected. Fight choreography was good.
The Good Nurse (2022) - Good, not great. It felt like it was missing something. Too mild, maybe (I think someone described it as a well-produced "Lifetime movie"). I think it wanted to stay true to the actual story, which was probably a mistake. It needed more suspense.
Summerland (2020) - Best of the bunch. I liked Gemma Arterton. Looks like The Girl With All the Gifts is the only other thing I've seen her in.

Apparently, Blacula is getting a reboot.

Now, how long until they reboot Blackenstein?
They dare tread on my childhood. What's next, a remake of The Beastmaster? :nono:
Watched Thor, Love and Thunder last night. I had read some of the reviews for it and was a little worried, but I thought it was pretty good. I do think that they were trying too hard on some of the comedy.
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