Which Films have you seen lately? 19 - Get Your Film's Name Outta Your Mouth

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Sexy vampires
Ah, this must be why lower-budget productions go with sexy lawyers. They're still bloodsuckers after all. And sharply-dressed ones at that.
Ah, this must be why lower-budget productions go with sexy lawyers. They're still bloodsuckers after all. And sharply-dressed ones at that.
I wonder what movies have Sexy Vampire Lawyers. They'll suck your blood in more ways than one.
You're just one FWSE-and/or-TVTropes search away, Erika. You know you can do it.
The Gray Man (2022) - It was fine. Not as bad as I was led to believe. Great cast. Somebody could make a really good movie with these people. Script was amusingly bad. Action scenes were fun enough. Same screenwriters and directors as some of my favorite MCU movies, but I guess nobody bats 1.000.
Watched it yesterday. Bolded was pretty much my reaction as well. Getting a bit bored with the "hitman with a conscience" trope, though (I also saw Kate with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, a month or two back). As much as anything, I find it hard to believe that people with consciences would be choosing that line of work in the first place.

Also seen relatively recently:

Enola Holmes 2
The Addams Family (animated version)
THG: Catching Fire (second half; my wife had watched the first half on her own the day before)
The Last Samurai (first half)
Getting a bit bored with the "hitman with a conscience" trope, though [...]
Same. It's a fine starting point, I suppose, but you gotta put something on it.

tvtropes.org - "Hitman with a Heart"

I haven't seen Kate, but I can't remember a single thing in The Gray Man that was inventive. And not everything needs to be clever or add a cute twist, if it's just really well-executed - Atomic Blonde (2017) comes to mind as an example - but I didn't think The Gray Man was exceptional in any way.
My god, could it be that the Russos read that TVTropes page ... and then set out to use Every Single Idea in it? i.e. This was actually a parody?

I mean, with hindsight, Chris Evans certainly seemed to think so — he did almost everything short of twirling his moustache...
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My god, could it be that the Russos read that TVTropes page ... and then set out to use Every Single Idea in it? i.e. This was actually a parody?

I mean, with hindsight, Chris Evans certainly seemed to think so — he did almost everything short of twirling his moustache...
If that's what they were doing, I might appreciate the effort more, but I don't know if I'd say it was any more successful. The best satires are often thisclose to being what they're satirizing, which is why it's hard to pull off. I'm thinking of This is Spinal Tap, as opposed to a less subtle satire like Scary Movie. I suppose an attempt at subtle satire - aiming to make something like Spinal Tap - could end up just looking like a rote version of the thing they were trying to poke fun at.

I've had a couple of people recommend Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) in the last couple of years, but I haven't seen it yet.
Listening to a radio interview with Steven Spielberg. He says the 25-minute Omaha Beach scene in Saving Private Ryan took 25 days to film. He filmed it in sequence, and much of it was improvised. He didn't create storyboards for the scene in advance. He said Bob Capa's 11 surviving photos of the Omaha Beach landing were his guide to filming the scene.
I have needed a good cry for about a month now, and have avoided everything that I've used reliably in the past to make that happen.

Well, I bit the bullet tonight and finally rewatched The Blind Side. This movie never fails to make me sob throughout, and it did just that again. 10/10.

Yes, I am aware of the issues the movie has with its white-savior complex.
Re-watched Robert Eggers's The Witch (2015) recently. What an incredible debut feature, not only for him, but Anya Taylor-Joy as well. A shame it sounds like they will not be reuniting for Eggers's reimagining of Nosferatu
^^great movie...love the setting and atmosphere

Finally saw "Steve Jobs" last night. Fassbender does not look a thing like him but does an excellent job with what is essentially a character study in 3 acts. Really enjoyed it.
Re-watched Robert Eggers's The Witch (2015) recently. What an incredible debut feature, not only for him, but Anya Taylor-Joy as well. A shame it sounds like they will not be reuniting for Eggers's reimagining of Nosferatu

Yeah, it sucks. Also, Anya Taylor-Joy was this close to becoming the object of attraction for another Skarsgaard brother in Eggers' Nosferatu.

The Witch was my favorite film of 2015 along with Ex Machina and Mad Max Fury Road. An incredible debut film from Eggers.
The Witch was my favorite film of 2015 along with Ex Machina and Mad Max Fury Road. An incredible debut film from Eggers.
Ya know, now, I don't remember what's what in 2015, but I'd say that is pretty much my list too.
Nope we know you better, Tarantino's biggest fan ;)
Lymond's favorite film 2015
Spoiler :

Hey @Fippy , wait till you see this:

Damn it, I like Edward Furlong. He had an amazing run in the 90s. I also like Shelley Duval (but she was maimed by Kubrick). Now they both were conned to be in this garbage movie that looks extremely poor :(
I hope they do better.
Tbf to Edward, it's not like many of the 90s teen stars still do meaningful work.
Watched Patriot Games on Friday, the Tom Clancy thriller where Harrison Ford fights Irish terrorists.
Probably the worst of the three Tom Clancy adaptions I've seen (Red October and Sum of All Fears). Not much technothriller in the movie, the coolest scene probably being when Jack Ryan and the CIA are watching a live feed of spec ops assaulting a terrorist camp - the level of clinic detachment gives it a feel not seen most spec ops scenes.
Otherwise, there aren't really any good set pieces and the movie climaxes with two guys punching each other.
I Saw Bullet Train. Surprisingly entertaining and funny. Had no idea the star actor was in it as I went into it completely unaware of anything about the film. 8/10 stars.
the movie climaxes with two guys punching each other
Well, you can say this about the 2012 remake of Total Recall.

Saw Black Panther 2 and it was great, but long, but great!

Spoiler :
They stitched together that psycho Montezuma and boring Aquaman to finally make a great undersea character on film. :D
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