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Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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primary thing at risk seemed to be government cash. Who really gives a damn? Governments piss away massive amounts of money all the time on stupid crap, am I supposed to be rattled by that?

Yes because if Bond loses to the French dude then millions end up in the hands of a terrorist. Huge blow to your national safety.
I rewatched Joyeux Noel. I watched it years ago in my German class and now remember it fondly. Last night I was reminded of why...it's such a stirring movie, to see soldiers defying their governments and learned hatred, throwing down their arms and crossing the lines to embrace one another in friendship.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

Very good film, albeit a bit too slow-paced.

I have to say I liked it, with special mention to the soundtrack, but did spend at least the last half-hour, if not the last hour (from when they arrived at Rivendell) convinced that it would end imminently.
A Christmas Carol (1938) - It may be old, and it may deviate from the book in a few ways, but it's still a classic. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without watching it.
I have to say I liked it, with special mention to the soundtrack, but did spend at least the last half-hour, if not the last hour (from when they arrived at Rivendell) convinced that it would end imminently.
I'm rather surprised.

I must say Radio 4 critics have slated this almost universally. Apart from the Smeagol episode, it's apparently rather 1-dimensional. Still, that's Tolkien for you.

I think I can wait for 2 or 3 years for this to come out on DVD. If I bother then.

I must say the book was really sub-par, imo. And they've stretched it out to 3 full length films?
I'm rather surprised.

I must say Radio 4 critics have slated this almost universally. Apart from the Smeagol episode, it's apparently rather 1-dimensional. Still, that's Tolkien for you.

I think I can wait for 2 or 3 years for this to come out on DVD. If I bother then.

I must say the book was really sub-par, imo. And they've stretched it out to 3 full length films?

It wasn't suppose to be a trilogy but two movies when someone decided that three will make more money than two nevermind how the movies will actually be. This has been also the base of criticism locally - not a bad movie bad far too long. If it wasn't a Tolkien story the viewer numbers would've been significantly lower.
Like Mr B I'll wait for the BR release but this is the standard procedure for me. Last movie I've seen in a theater was the 1st LotR.

Last movie watched was Lola rennt ('98)which has been gathering dust on a shelf for ages. I liked it as it was refreshingly different from the other movies I've watched recently. Well spent 1½ hours.
I'm rather surprised.

I must say Radio 4 critics have slated this almost universally. Apart from the Smeagol episode, it's apparently rather 1-dimensional. Still, that's Tolkien for you.

I think I can wait for 2 or 3 years for this to come out on DVD. If I bother then.

I must say the book was really sub-par, imo. And they've stretched it out to 3 full length films?

Radio 4 - do I say more? It's not the threatre therefore it's bad. Don't listen to it mate, it's for snobs.

Anyway yeah I was quite shocked initially but it seems they've taken their time with each scenes, firstly. Secondly, they have used material from the appendix of the Lord of the Rings books (which includes lots and lots of background information) which is relevant to Middle Earth in the wider scheme of things (like the White Council). Thats where a lot of extra minutes is coming from. So we have another two films at 2 hours length too. For a Tolkein-Fan this is good news for me :D
When was the last time you listened to Radio 4, Quackers? Though I suppose it's not your demographic, tbh. Probably too much talking going on.
I do like Radio 4, but it does perhaps ignore the approach to cinema which says simply 'I enjoyed it because it was fun'
Watched Rock of Ages with my parents last night.
It was a completely enjoyable film but dear God, I don't remember the last time I saw such an attempt to pander to my parent's generation well known vanity. One of the exchanges between the male and female leads goes:
"I was a stripper."
"I was in a boy band."
"You win."
When was the last time you listened to Radio 4, Quackers? Though I suppose it's not your demographic, tbh. Probably too much talking going on.

Thanks for the backhand Mr B. I'll see you in the Olive Branch thread soon :cry:
The Fall. Rather unlike just about anything I'd seen before. Simply stunning visually. It had its flaws for sure, but it's definitely worth watching if you have some appreciation for both whimsical adventure movies and depressing drug movies.
Casino Royale (2006). I guess it was pretty good, though I admit I was pretty confused throughout much of the film and had a hard time following what the hell was going on. Card games aren't my thing at all, which probably contributed to this. The other issue I had with this movie is that, other than Bond and the girl's life, the primary thing at risk seemed to be government cash. Who really gives a damn? Governments piss away massive amounts of money all the time on stupid crap, am I supposed to be rattled by that?
Le Chiffre is a man who handles the investments of terrorist organizations around the world. Because he is supremely confident in his own intellect and a bit of a gambler, he also plays games with his clients' money on the stock market. When Bond stopped his scheme to blow up the airplane prototype in Miami, Le Chiffre lost millions as his puts expired - millions of his terrorist clients' money. So he was compelled to try to recoup that loss by holding a high-end poker tournament. Bond was sent to Montenegro to prevent Le Chiffre from winning. If he did that, Le Chiffre would be out of options, and he would, MI-6 hoped, be forced to come in and try to buy his safety (from his enraged investors) with information on them. MI-6 would then be in possession of information on all kinds of terrorist organizations and their finances. Conversely, if Le Chiffre won, the British government would have directly financed terrorism, which is the sort of thing that can force ministers to resign and governments to fall.
Is it that difficult to get it?
Is it that difficult to get it?
It shouldn't be, since it's all explained, largely in Bond's two conversations with M and Vesper respectively, but if someone wasn't paying attention the stakes might've seemed a bit silly.
I agree that it was much better. Even though both are my favourites with some of Connery's.
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