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Would you ever have sex with somebody who was hot but you didn't respect?

Would you do it?

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Probably not. And there's a difference between sexual attraction and having a fulfilling sexual experience.
Why not?

As long as the girl was hot, yeah, I think I'd go for it. I mean really, I may not respect some 'hot' women (for some reasons perhaps), but as long as one is very attractive....

PS: I would only do it if I wore a condom, you know, to avoid STD diseases... Also, I would only do this if I were single...
For me not to respect someone I'd have to have some real problems with their core morality, far beyond whether I'd think they were loose in their ways, not on top of their business, or has an unfavorable personal reputation. "reaaallly skanky" or "snobby or b*tchy" as two previous posters used for reasons to not respect someone do not apply to me. Try supports or promotes things that I judge to go against my core values of love, peace, a familyhood of all people.
Sex sex sex sex sex freeking sex, its like all guys think about these days its getting really annoying its like every other freekin word out of every other guys mouth is about sex.
well, no, but 7 out of 34 of your words were sex, which is probably the record.
If I didn't respect someone it would be highly unlikely that I would find them attractive, regardless of the general consensus. For some reason the American public seems to think Paris Hilton et. al. are very attractive, but Paris et. al. sure aren't very respectable or attractive in my book.
If I didn't respect someone it would be highly unlikely that I would find them attractive, regardless of the general consensus. For some reason the American public seems to think Paris Hilton et. al. are very attractive, but Paris et. al. sure aren't very respectable or attractive in my book.
:lol: I've never met a guy who found Paris Hilton attractive. It's weird fashionistas and girls who find her attractive.
If I was single and she was hot, then hell yeah :)
Im amazed this is a question on a forum where i suspect the vast majority are virgins... :rolleyes:
Of course I would, in fact it would have the benefit of not having to worry about a developing relationship.

But that would mean that she must have done something to lose my respect.

I have had one night stands, with girls I met just that evening. But that doesn't mean I didn't respect them or they didn't respect me. It means being honest about the whole deal. Respect comes in many shapes and sizes.
Im amazed this is a question on a forum where i suspect the vast majority are virgins... :rolleyes:

Which might explain a good portion of the "WHERE IS SHE!? I WANT HER NOW!" answers. :lol:
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