Contacts or Glasses?


Pondering Wearing A Hat
Nov 25, 2009
Northern VA
I've worn glasses since I was five. I think I look better without glasses (or at least the current pair that I have now). But I am now interested in possibly getting contacts. I want to hear from users of both, and get your opinions and reviews of contacts.

For comparison:

Me with glasses

Me without glasses

pictures taken within a month of each other.

Anyway, I've disliked the idea of contacts because I've never liked the thought of having something go on my eyeball. But unfortunately, I've grown disillusioned with my current pair of glasses, and before I go shopping for something "hip", I want to hear my options.
Well I've got contacts and glasses (got my contacts at the end of the last school year).

I usually wear both, contacts are sort of a pain to put in at first (definitely less so now!), it was really difficult for me to get used to them, and put them on at first and it would take me a couple of tries to get them in.

I wear my contacts during most school days, as they are a better fashion choice because I don't particularly like how I look with glasses. Though if I am lazy, on the weekends (unless I'm going out with friends), or if I feel like wearing glasses (my glasses are pretty hip IMO and other people think I look good in them, though I dislike them :p).

So, it takes a while to get used to them, but it's definitely good to get them if you don't like how you look with glasses.!
Going w/o glasses draws attention away from your eyes and towards the rest of your face. Consequently, your face looks fuller, larger, and more mature without glasses than with glasses. In general this might be preferable, but you should be aware that people will notice the spots you missed shaving more if you go without glasses.

However, the no-glasses picture you've posted also makes it look like your eyes aren't in line with each other. That might be a trick of the camera, but if it is not, you may want to consider glasses as a means to maintain apparent facial symmetry as the actual position of your eyes is less clear through glasses.
I wear both depending on the situation. Glasses more often than contacts now simply because I tend to find them more convenient. Couldn't really care less about how they make me look, though. But then, I wear walmart fashion, so looks have never been a big concern of mine.
I used to wear glasses but prefer contacts because I really hated feeling the frames on my face and the weight on my nose.. it might sound silly, but that's what did it for me - with contacts there's no annoying thing on my face that can get in the way.

I wouldn't worry about the "What you look like with or without" factor and focus on what you find more comfortable and practical. Having said that, I think I look way sexier without glasses on, but who am I to judge something like that?
I personally can't stand the idea of touching my eyes and stuff, but you definitely pull off contacts all right.
This. I'm debilitatingly squeamish around my eyes.

Glasses only.

No exception.

NO exception.

Also, next time I get new glasses, I'm going for the nerd glasses. And I don't give a damn if this permanently removes any chance I might have had at getting together with a woman, if I even had just even a planck-scale chance of it anyway.
I think you look better without glasses. But honestly, just do whatever is most comfortable.
You mean like when the doctor takes blood and is like "this wont hurt" and you're like "oka.... OW" when she/he stabs you ;)?

I have both.

Contact lenses for karate and when I'm going to be out in bright sun and want sunglasses.



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Why choose?

I wear colored contacts to make my pupils look big and make my eye color more vibrant, and top it with a pair of thin framed glasses to make me look even cuter.
I'd go with Contacts, Verarde, though you look good with glasses too.
I've always worn contacts, never bothered with glasses. Didn't like how I didn't get a full field of view with them, also they bugged my face. Contacts allow for no deadzone, and I don't even feel them!
Boston meetup peeps

Spoiler :

Definitely glasses on my end. :cool:

Also, next time I get new glasses, I'm going for the nerd glasses. And I don't give a damn if this permanently removes any chance I might have had at getting together with a woman, if I even had just even a planck-scale chance of it anyway.

Hey man, you might attract a hipster chick with those. Just wear a tweed jacket carry around a corncob pipe.

And Wolf Blitzer is rockin' them.

I've always worn glasses, probably will continue to do so. I don't know if they make contacts strong enough to correct my vision (and they probably never will for Integral's). :p
I have too big of a problem with eye irritation to even consider the thought of contacts.
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