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Editor Documentation Errors

Edit: Here's another one for the books. Giving an improvement or wonder a Bombard defense value means as we all know that this improvement/wonder can't be built in cities larger than size level 1 (in epic C3C size 7 or more). But any other effects of such an improvement/wonder will still be working in a city that's built it and then grown beyond size 6.
(E.g. if I for some reason would give Walls a 25% increase on production and give 1 happy face, it will continue to do so when the city grows larger than size 6. If I should disband/sell it I'll lose the shield increase and the happy face, and I couldn't build it again until my city is back on size 6 or less.)

Thast actually makes a twisted amount of r/w sense. In Europe certainly, plenty of original walls have been engulfed by the city expanding beyond them; either their stone was recycled and/or they become part(s) of other structures.

  • Azmorg has discovered, the hard way, that Civs in Locked Alliances at war with other Locked Alliances won't build Settlers.

That's not right, actually. Civs in Locked Alliances and at Wars with other Locked Alliances will produce settlers. Less than usual, and even less if the war front is near, but they will.
I stumbled across another interesting post, this time about armies:

Did some tests. If you upgrade the army unit to another better army unit, the units don’t get freed. Also you need city capacity for an additional army (Say 2 cities pr army, you have one army, then you need 4 cities to upgrade).
The “transport only foot units” is a really interesting option to use. This way you could make the ordinary Army less powerful by checking the “transport only foot units”. The Human Player could then make (relatively) weaker armies since foot units generally are weaker. No more 3 Chinese Rider army 6/4/4 blitz rampage!!!
Who did you get Prophet to work? It seems like, if you make the army unit upgradeable and you civilization cant build that unit, the Military Academy does not allow you to build any armies at all. You get a similar effect, if you have more than one Army unit. How were you able to build it?

General findings:
If only the Human Player is able to take advantage of upgrading the army, then the option shouldn’t be used. I played around with the editor a bit and found some interesting aspects of the Army units itself (please let me know if this is going off topic. Check my post count to see what I mean…).

The army keeps the following abilities, if you give them to the army unit itself:
- Bombardment (fire from heaven)
- All terrain as roads
- Ignore moment of xxx terrain
- Stealth (Shadow armies…)
- Airdrop (teleporting armies…)
- Workers actions (or at least “Build roads”)

Things I couldn’t get to work:
- Enslave (it seems like the unit ability that takes places “after” a battle cannot work on an army unit)
- Invisibility

This way, you could create a lot of different army type units as either flavour or unique units.
To this I might add that certain unit abilities disappear when the unit is loaded into an army, like Bombardment.
I stumbled across another interesting post, this time about armies:

Thank you :). I'm amused by the description of army bombaredment as "fire from heaven". One of the most nebulous aspects of Civ (and most mods etc.) is the scale (i.e., is a unit a division, a medieval "battle", etc.). Having artillery allocated at the army level actually makes perfect sense in most cases, even if the army itself might not contain any artillery units.


Is this the thread that should include all sorts of solutions concerning carriers and what planes that should be able to land on them ???

I know of one method making non carrier-aircraft.
Tick the Transport Only Aircraft and Transport Only Foot for the aircraft concern (like Stealth Fighter). This makes them not available to land, since units able to load other units can not be loaded themselves.

More ideas and fine sollutions would be great to read about.

Then of course is up to modders to solve why land-based aircrafts should be created at all. Well make the carrier-aircraft weaker but with longer range than the landbased aircraft. It needs to be tested how the AI works this out however.

All suggestions or links to threads with discussions on this are welcomed I think. (At least by me)

I know of one method making non carrier-aircraft.
Tick the Transport Only Aircraft and Transport Only Foot for the aircraft concern (like Stealth Fighter). This makes them not available to land, since units able to load other units can not be loaded themselves.
Don't forget to give them 1 transport...
"Disables diseases from flood plains" does not work.

This just means that it disables disease from any terrain that's flagged as "cured by sanitation". I'm convinced it works just fine.
Most modders know that editing the PediaIcons.txt make it possible to have different graphics for the same unit depending on what era you're in. There's a good tutorial about how to do era-specific units here. It describes how to do it in PTW but it's the same procedure for C3C.

Somewhat similar to this is how to have specific graphics for captured or enslaved units. This is used in epic Civ3 for captured Workers, with this entry in PediaIcons.txt:
Enslaved Worker
which makes any captured worker use the Enslaved Worker unit graphics.

This means you can give any unit an extra entry with the _SLAVE ending, which will make this unit use another set of graphics if it's created by capture or Enslavement.

Edit: This has been tested by me. The practical use might be small though... most modders probably prefer to create special non-buildable units for enslavement in the editor.
Great initiative ozymandias. I will be sure to check in to this thread when I get back to civving.
Ive found out that civs allied in a locked alliance can still declare war with eacher other, only if the allied civ has a mutual protection pact with another civ and you attack that civ first, though this has only happend to me once.
Ive found out that civs allied in a locked alliance can still declare war with eacher other, only if the allied civ has a mutual protection pact with another civ and you attack that civ first, though this has only happend to me once.

Wow! I'm impressed: that's an obscure one - Congratulations! We have another FUBAR! :banana:
There was. Its a known "feature".

But obviously it seems, not very well know. Thanks for sharing.
Ok, just a few for you.

The documentation states that "Shunned" and "Favorite" Governments refer to that Civ's choice for its own Gov choices. Evidently, it impacts both which type a Civ will choose for itself AND how it will react to another Civ with that type.
If there's a government with immunity to propaganda, they'll almost always switch to it, regardless of the above. If there isn't one available, then they'll use the normal stuff to decide.

A unit with hidden nationality and "0" defense can't be attacked. It can attack, it has HP, and it otherwise acts like a normal unit, but if another unit tries to attack it, nothing happens. Both units remain unscathed, in the same tile. (At last a citation: Weasel Op found this one.)
If your unit is a movable air unit (not sure if this counts for land/sea as well) you can have defence and other units can still walk on top of it.

That's all for now. I'll post a screenie of the second one if I can persade C3C to do it again...
And now for a screenshot that I promised. So I have reason to double post.
Spoiler :

I know it's workers, but since workers can't attack, and therefore can't move into a space occupied by something attackable, it's works just as well as a warrior or other unit.
And no, I didn't cheat in any way to make this happen.
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