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How Far Will the Woke Mob Go?

While it's true that not all rules can be fair, good rules can be enforced fairly once established and there are actions/behavior patterns whereby no coherent rule set can support them.
I do not think he should be fired for publicly support re-opening schools or for supporting Trump publicly as long as the social media usage is permitted within the rules for his employment. There needs to be a way to be clear that you do not represent your employer and I think we need a federal regulation delineating this issue. Or something, jsut thinking out loud honestly. I do not have a perfect answer for this issue.
There's not going to be a perfect silver bullet for this issue. My initial questions to the guy who got fired are "did he posted/tweeted this while still on the clock" and "did he posted this using the company's equipment (e.g. using the company's laptop or computer)?". Since I know the majority of companies and business have a policy in regards to not posting as an official representative if they're not one.
@El_Machinae - sounds like a good topic for another thread then! We've already done worker protections once in here, and that was to do with the framing of an actual "mob" putting the pressure on.

This didn't happen here, as such it's completely reductive to draw a comparison between the school and any "woke mob'. Especially coming from an individual who is normally very precise on definitions. I wouldn't mind if there wasn't at the same time endless ongoing pedantic arguments about how exactly Nazi someone has to be to be called a Nazi. But we can't have those, and then this massive hole of a definition of "woke mob" meaning whatever the writer wants it to mean at the time :)

Do you STILL believe there's legions of literal, died-in-the-wool Nazis by true definition swarming in the United States and that they control the Government and Police, and that the word "Nazi," or at least "Fascist," are perfectly sufficient and apt, by proper definition, to describe the Trumpist and Alt-Right Movement, and that they're not really new and different, if still horrible, ideologies, that deserve their labels and political recognition by any sane view of the better? Are you still on board with that toxic, counter-productive, self-sabotaging, reductionist, and regressive way of thinking? Only since you brought it up, again, of course.
Do you STILL believe there's legions of literal, died-in-the-wool Nazis by true definition swarming in the United States and that they control the Government and Police, and that the word "Nazi," or at least "Fascist," are perfectly sufficient and apt, by proper definition, to describe the Trumpist and Alt-Right Movement, and that they're not really new and different, if still horrible, ideologies, that deserve their labels and political recognition by any sane view of the better? Are you still on board with that toxic, counter-productive, self-sabotaging, reductionist, and regressive way of thinking? Only since you brought it up, again, of course.
Are you exaggerating my opinions to make them sound unreasonable?

I thought that was the kind of offensive, counterproductive thing you didn't like being done?
Are you exaggerating my opinions to make them sound unreasonable?

I thought that was the kind of offensive, counterproductive thing you didn't like being done?

It was a question, not an accusation. And you didn't answer the question.
I think moderates and centrists have a nasty habit of vapidly taking sides with who ever is nicest to them instead of developing and following any real set of principles of their own. And the right-wing are experts at pretending to be nice.

Case in point:
It was a question, not an accusation. And you didn't answer the question.
Neither did you. Your "question" was predicated on an exaggeration or outright misinterpretation of my usual talking points, which is why I had to ask.

Besides, you (once again) characterised a way of thinking I allegedly ascribe to as being "toxic, counter-productive, self-sabotaging, reductionist, and regressive". Why is this okay for you to label others with, considering your longstanding dislike of unfair and misrepresented labels?
A PragerU video?! No thanks, I don’t need that infecting my YouTube algorithm.
the movie Rush Hour is on tonite, it was preceded by text explaining how it has outdated and offensive language

See I think this is perfectly fine and any outrage about it is completely overblown.
A PragerU video?! No thanks, I don’t need that infecting my YouTube algorithm.

PU vids show up as ads on my phone.

the movie Rush Hour is on tonite, it was preceded by text explaining how it has outdated and offensive language

Probably because Rush Hour contains racial slurs that are outdated and offensive. You might disagree though.
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Gonna complain about this one as well Berzerker?
Speedy Gonzales is a hard working, industrious, intelligent and compassionate mouse. However, his cousin Slowpoke is in fact a pothead
was predicated on an exaggeration or outright misinterpretation of my usual talking points,

Things you also like to do to me often. We're not really as different in our rhetorical styles as you seem to think. You're just often less honest and more self-righteous about it.
Case in point:

I mean, it sounds like the knitting groups this girl tried to join were full of morons and people with an agenda. Should be possible to find a knitting group online that focuses on the actual knitting..

I quit TrekBBS because those guys managed to bring American political discourse nonsense into every other conversation. It got too annoying so I left. You were either in Camp A or camp B, and depending on what you said people from "the other" camp would yell at you. I don't have time for that so I left.. but.. it's easy enough to find online forums that don't do that sort of thing. If there isn't such a thing for knitting, then maybe all people who knit are just insane.
I mean, it sounds like the knitting groups this girl tried to join were full of morons and people with an agenda. Should be possible to find a knitting group online that focuses on the actual knitting..

I quit TrekBBS because those guys managed to bring American political discourse nonsense into every other conversation. It got too annoying so I left. You were either in Camp A or camp B, and depending on what you said people from "the other" camp would yell at you. I don't have time for that so I left.. but.. it's easy enough to find online forums that don't do that sort of thing. If there isn't such a thing for knitting, then maybe all people who knit are just insane.

More than likely she's just the kind of person who desires constant adoration and can't handle any sort of criticism yet can't resist dishing out stuff for people to criticize. People like that will offer ignorant hot takes and if one strikes a nerve with others then they'll instantly retreat while screaming about being persecuted. I think that's a more likely explanation than her being a victim of the Revolutionary Knitter's Liberation Front.

Or she could be faking it just to get a big check from PragerU.
More than likely she's just the kind of person who desires constant adoration and can't handle any sort of criticism yet can't resist dishing out stuff for people to criticize. People like that will offer ignorant hot takes and if one strikes a nerve with others then they'll instantly retreat while screaming about being persecuted. I think that's a more likely explanation than her being a victim of the Revolutionary Knitter's Liberation Front.

Or she could be faking it just to get a big check from PragerU.

And how does this video (now that someone's given a synopsis, as I'm not watching it, as I'd mentioned to @Arwon and his video, above), prove anything about true natures and beliefs about political ideologies, if I may ask?
See I think this is perfectly fine and any outrage about it is completely overblown.

They proceeded to edit out most of the offensive language anyway. I'd rather read the disclaimer and watch the unedited movie, but I understand the industry needs family friendly versions.

Probably because Rush Hour contains racial slurs that are outdated and offensive. You might disagree though.

Yes I know... Thats the first time I've seen Rush Hour get that disclaimer. I imagine just about every movie ever made will have outdated and offensive language. Should they all be edited to remove that language or will the disclaimer be enough? It'll be both and I do disagree with that. Movies are works of art, defacing them with updated language doesn't appeal to me.

Gonna complain about this one as well Berzerker?

Not particularly, not if they dont edit the cartoon anyway. I wasn't complaining about the Rush Hour disclaimer, just noting its relevance to the thread. I do think its funny someone decided we need to be warned cartoons made during Jim Crow contain racist material but show them to us anyway.
A PragerU video?! No thanks, I don’t need that infecting my YouTube algorithm.

A personal YouTube algorithm is an infection. You can cut down how virulent it is, but I guarantee you, it's a disease even if you think you've cultivated it.
See I think this is perfectly fine and any outrage about it is completely overblown.

PU vids show up as ads on my phone.

Probably because Rush Hour contains racial slurs that are outdated and offensive. You might disagree though.

Gonna complain about this one as well Berzerker?

They proceeded to edit out most of the offensive language anyway. I'd rather read the disclaimer and watch the unedited movie, but I understand the industry needs family friendly versions.

Yes I know... Thats the first time I've seen Rush Hour get that disclaimer. I imagine just about every movie ever made will have outdated and offensive language. Should they all be edited to remove that language or will the disclaimer be enough? It'll be both and I do disagree with that. Movies are works of art, defacing them with updated language doesn't appeal to me.

Not particularly, not if they dont edit the cartoon anyway. I wasn't complaining about the Rush Hour disclaimer, just noting its relevance to the thread. I do think its funny someone decided we need to be warned cartoons made during Jim Crow contain racist material but show them to us anyway.

The past was ugly, nasty, barbaric, brutal, and awful. But we cannot fix, change, or better the past, restrospectively. And trying to do so through historical revsionism and censorship is a crime against humanity - albeit a non-violent one - because it attempts to amputate and maim what we are as a species and cripples our ability to learn and grow from the mistakes of our forbears. The future should be what is endeavoured to be bettered, because REAL, MEANINGFUL and PRODUCTIVE work can be done there, not a sugary chicanery that ultimately helps no one.
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