Is Donald Trump Done for?

That’s ‘murica to you.
Nein, nein, das ist an referenz to Rammstein, gut rock und roll, von Germany!
Trump's not aging because he's already a corpse propped up by dark magic
Winston Churchill once made an utterance to the effect that he would even make a deal with the devil if it meant he'd get rid of Hitler, so I presume some of the POTUS' backers must be thinking along the same lines.
Nein, nein, das ist an referenz to Rammstein, gut rock und roll, von Germany!

Winston Churchill once made an utterance to the effect that he would even make a deal with the devil if it meant he'd get rid of Hitler, so I presume some of the POTUS' backers must be thinking along the same lines.

"If Hitler invaded Hell I would at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons."
Among others, but that is a succint summary.
The remark was made today that Trump looks better now than he did four years ago when he announced. For a guy of his age and weight, he does look very active. Four years put grey hair on Obama and aged Bush a decade. Jimmy Carter looked almost as old at the end of his term as he does now.

Unlike past presidents who actually worked at the job, Trump, gets up early to watch TV and do his hair. Then he plays golf or tweets. Then he talks to Fox news or has private conversation with Hannity to find out what he should next. He's an obese man that colors his hair and sits around all day. Tweeting, getting his hair done, watching TV and playing golf doesn't sound too stressful.
Remember how he looked in his speech as president? Once the taxpayer was paying for the suit, instead of just generating a tax write-off, he suddenly learned how to purchase nice-looking suits.

There's also the part where the makeup required for being in front of a news camera is different than the makeup required to be on a movie set. So, it might have taken time to teach him to accept one practice over another
Remember how he looked in his speech as president? Once the taxpayer was paying for the suit, instead of just generating a tax write-off, he suddenly learned how to purchase nice-looking suits.

All suits look the same to me except I can differentiate colors
Yeah, I'm guessing it's media presentation as much as anything. He already looked like a demented Ken doll, so a demented Ken doll properly presented for 21st century media is going to look better than one that isn't. Sometimes all it really takes is a team of people with a lifetime of expertise in making somebody look good skin deep and suddenly one looks better skin deep.

I'm hoping its #1:)

There is a theory I just heard on Chuck Todd's show that Trump and Barr are investigating the dossier and FISA warrant situation to make a deal with the Dems, they stop investigating him and he'll rein in Barr.

Hey look, Mr. "Not Starting New Wars" is sending additional troops to the Middle East because of tensions with Iran.

Between this and the arming of anti-Maduro forces, how close are we to an admission that the assessment of Trump as having this awesome, no-new-wars foreign policy was just totally and completely wrong?

That was how I described his foreign policy so far and that wont change until he invades Iran, so can you wait till then for the mocking?
The remark was made today that Trump looks better now than he did four years ago when he announced. For a guy of his age and weight, he does look very active. Four years put grey hair on Obama and aged Bush a decade. Jimmy Carter looked almost as old at the end of his term as he does now.
Yeah... doing the actual work of being POTUS and the stress of giving a rats-ass about the country and its people will do that to you.

I imagine that if you treat the Presidency as a 4 year spa vacation where you fly around the world for photo ops on someone else's dime, eat rich food on someone else's dime, give completely off-the cuff speeches rambling whatever comes to mind to adoring crowds and golf til' your heart's content... all while other people run your business for you and you enjoy absolute immunity from the consequences of any wrongdoing... yeah I can see how those years would be good to a person's health... The dude has basically been on a 3 year vacation. It's no surprise that his health may be benefiting.
That was how I described his foreign policy so far and that wont change until he invades Iran, so can you wait till then for the mocking?

So given that Obama never "invaded" Syria or Libyra, your ok with these new goal post ?
Where do you want to draw the line ? selling arms ? Imposing military blockaid ? Air strikes ? encouraging an overthrow of the government ? No fly zone ?
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So given that Obama never "invaded" Syria or Libyra, your ok with these new goal post ?
Where do you want to draw the line ? selling arms ? Imposing military blockaid ? Air strikes ? encouraging an overthrow of the government ? No fly zone ?

Badminton, if spontaneous games of Badminton break out in that country than a US president is to blame for all casualties for the next 3 years!
Yeah... doing the actual work of being POTUS and the stress of giving a rats-ass about the country and its people will do that to you.

I imagine that if you treat the Presidency as a 4 year spa vacation where you fly around the world for photo ops on someone else's dime, eat rich food on someone else's dime, give completely off-the cuff speeches rambling whatever comes to mind to adoring crowds and golf til' your heart's content... all while other people run your business for you and you enjoy absolute immunity from the consequences of any wrongdoing... yeah I can see how those years would be good to a person's health... The dude has basically been on a 3 year vacation. It's no surprise that his health may be benefiting.
The President is basically a figurehead, a living symbol/representative for the country. Donald Trump has it right when he calls the job a "cheerleader" for America.
My view is that the American people, "educated" or not, are smart enough to see through the obvious, hopeless sham of our political system, and frankly, they don't have the time to waste sorting it all out. They are too busy trying to survive and eke out some small measure of enjoyment from their lives to fight some sisyphean battle "to elect Bernie Sanders" in the misguided hope that "Oh this guy will be different!" Please:rolleyes:. On some level, all Americans know that the President is a figurehead, and how entertaining they are is as, if not more important that any of his/her riduculous so-called "policy positions" or "experience.", trump just makes it look easy?
Unlike past presidents who actually worked at the job, Trump, gets up early to watch TV and do his hair. Then he plays golf or tweets. Then he talks to Fox news or has private conversation with Hannity to find out what he should next. He's an obese man that colors his hair and sits around all day. Tweeting, getting his hair done, watching TV and playing golf doesn't sound too stressful.
Yeah... doing the actual work of being POTUS and the stress of giving a rats-ass about the country and its people will do that to you.

I imagine that if you treat the Presidency as a 4 year spa vacation where you fly around the world for photo ops on someone else's dime, eat rich food on someone else's dime, give completely off-the cuff speeches rambling whatever comes to mind to adoring crowds and golf til' your heart's content... all while other people run your business for you and you enjoy absolute immunity from the consequences of any wrongdoing... yeah I can see how those years would be good to a person's health... The dude has basically been on a 3 year vacation. It's no surprise that his health may be benefiting.
That's the scary thing. Trump's been working two jobs, the second being Mueller. He puts more hours in the office than any of the recent Presidents and evidently loves to make personal calls. He does the work, he gets the results, he looks invigorated, and the investigation talked him into four more years. That has gotta suck for Democrats.

I'm out of touch with Hannity. What's he saying these days?, trump just makes it look easy?

He certainly plays more golf than any other president and has spent an extra hundred million dollars on security to do so.
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