Moar Units Mod

MOAR Units Mod 1.2

Yes you could say for example attach the Bombard on top of the Trader Camel by editing the Units.artdef but it would look pretty stupid I think and wouldn't animate in the way you want. To get an animated cannon on top of a camel you'd really need to learn how to modify the 3D models and animate them in Blender.
Ok, thanks. I will have to try that. I think that if the Bombard looks weird I will use the crouching tiger.
Hi Deliverator,

How much time do you think it might take to update the MOAR unit mods on steam. So it works with the new patch that is likely going to be released this week.
Take your time. I`m just asking because you`ve created my most favorite mods for civ 6 :) Loving your work and would like thank all who participated in the works for the MOAR unit mods.

Greetings Daan.
How much time do you think it might take to update the MOAR unit mods on steam. So it works with the new patch that is likely going to be released this week.

It's highly likely that the patch will break the Moar Units mods given the length of time since the last patch. How long it will take to fix really depends on how much work is required to make the mods compatible. Might have a slightly better idea when the patch notes are released. I have minimal time for modding in the next 3 weeks so if updating mods requires a lot of work then Moar Units could be out of action for a while. Hopefully the community will figure out what needs to be changed (if anything) quickly and I can turn it around in a short timeframe.
It's highly likely that the patch will break the Moar Units mods given the length of time since the last patch. How long it will take to fix really depends on how much work is required to make the mods compatible. Might have a slightly better idea when the patch notes are released. I have minimal time for modding in the next 3 weeks so if updating mods requires a lot of work then Moar Units could be out of action for a while. Hopefully the community will figure out what needs to be changed (if anything) quickly and I can turn it around in a short timeframe.
Updated Russian text for Moar units. Added new texts, fixed some misc. mistakes and etc.


  • Russian text.rar
    44.3 KB · Views: 66
You have talked a lot about the problems with balancing the sniper. I think one way to do this would be by making it only good against the melee class. For this to be balanced I think these changes need to be made.

Current upgrade path
Melee --- Infantry >> Mech Infantry
Light Cav --- Cavalry >> Helicopter

Changed upgrade path
Melee --- Infantry >> Modern Infantry (a modified version of SASR from Even more units Australia)
Light Cav --- Cavalry >> Halftruck (WW2 half truck, Wolfdog made a good one.) >> Mech Infantry
Light Cav --- Helicopter

Snipers would be weak against all but melee troops making them more situational but still useful.
Oh man. I really hope you can update this one soon. Going back to playing without Moar Units is rough as hell. Haha. It adds so much depth and interesting elements to the different civs!
There seems to be small bug in your modinfo file that causes an error message in Modding.log: [2449119.636] ERROR: Invalid file reference in action, did you forgot to add it in <Files>? - Text/es_ES/MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml

The file itself seems to be included in the mod however so maybe its because you have this reference in the Files section of the modinfo file "<File>Text/de_DE/MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml</File>"

There seems to be small bug in your modinfo file that causes an error message in Modding.log: [2449119.636] ERROR: Invalid file reference in action, did you forgot to add it in <Files>? - Text/es_ES/MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml

The file itself seems to be included in the mod however so maybe its because you have this reference in the Files section of the modinfo file "<File>Text/de_DE/MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml</File>"


Thanks @skodkim, I'll fix that up.

The Last version works with the Summer Patch :woohoo:

There is however still some kind of error related to the file MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml. Guess its only a problem if you use the Spanish version of the game.

Spoiler From Database.log :

[2712425.524] [Localization]: While executing - 'insert into BaseGameText('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);'
[2712425.524] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into BaseGameText('Tag', 'Text') with values (LOC_PEDIA_UNITS_PAGE_UNIT_HIRDMAN_CHAPTER_HISTORY_PARA_1, El hird , en la historia de Noruega, era un séquito informal de compañeros de armas durante la Edad Media,? a veces también llamados huscarles, pero lejos de ser un núcleo fuerte de "guardias" al servicio de la corona como ejército real, desarrollaron un tipo de corte noble más cercana a una unidad familiar. Cuando el hird real noruego evolucionó a una corte formal, los hirdman ostentaban el rango más alto y se les permitía compartir asiento en los consejos reales (la forma feudal de un gabinete de consulta) y con derecho a palabra en asuntos de gobierno y otros temas importantes., ).
[2712425.524] [Localization]: In XMLSerializer while updating table BaseGameText from file MOAR_Units_GameplayText_es_ES.xml.
[2712425.524] [Localization] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: LocalizedText.Language, LocalizedText.Tag

God job on the mod! :thanx:
This is a very noob question, but I can't get my head around how the .artdef and .dep files work in Civ 6. I had stuff working months ago before the tools were released, but now I'm mystified,

I'm trying to use a single unit from your mod (riflemen). I can get the icon to load normally by using your .dep in my own own mod and loading it with:
in-game actions->UpdateIcons->NewIcons
in-game actions->UpdateArt->8AgesOfWar.dep
If I do this without any .artdef, the icon works fine but the riflemen has the model for the warrior. Nothing surprising here.

I've tried copying your two .artdef files into my mod line-for-line, but that just makes the game crash on the first unit action. I've tried having just Units.artdef (no Unit_Bins) with only what I *think* are the sections for the riflemen but that crashes too. What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: Now the icon isn't showing either... No idea what's happening?!?

2ND EDIT: So I have icon's working provided I have no Units.artdef and 8AgesOfWar.dep is
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<name text="8AgesOfWar"/>
<id text="bf65efa2-7cef-4519-a22f-f693e07d92f9"/>
<name text="Civ6"/>
<id text="cb2f71b7-843e-4af3-9ca7-992acda9c195"/>
<LibraryName text="UITexture"/>
<Element text="UI/Icons.blp"/>

To have a model I thought it would be enough to change the .dep to
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <name text="8AgesOfWar"/>
        <id text="bf65efa2-7cef-4519-a22f-f693e07d92f9"/>
            <name text="Civ6"/>
            <id text="cb2f71b7-843e-4af3-9ca7-992acda9c195"/>
            <ConsumerName text="Units"/>
                <Element text="Units.artdef"/>
                <Element text="Unit"/>
                <Element text="VFX"/>
                <Element text="Light"/>
            <ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                <Element text="Units.artdef"/>
            <LibraryName text="UITexture"/>
                <Element text="UI/Icons.blp"/>

And have the Units.artdef (lifted directly from MOAR) as:
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Artdef/Units -->
<!-- Author: Olleus, using files from  Deliverator's Moar Units 1.03-->
<!-- DateCreated: 8/12/2017-->
    <m_TemplateName text="Units"/>
            <m_CollectionName text="Units"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="Redcoat"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitFormationTypes"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Formation"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="Redcoat"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitCombat"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="UnitCombat"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text=""/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitFormationTypes"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="EscortFormation"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="UNIT_ANCIENTEMBARK"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="Units"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text="Units"/>
                            <m_ParamName text="EmbarkedUnit"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                            <m_ParamName text="DoNotDisplayCharges"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text=""/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitCulture"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Cultures.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Culture"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text=""/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="Era"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Eras.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Era"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text=""/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="Units"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="ProxyUnit"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                            <m_ParamName text="PlayDeathOnDestroy"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::IntValue">
                            <m_ParamName text="DisplayLevel"/>
                        <m_CollectionName text="Members"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects::FloatValue">
                                        <m_ParamName text="Scale"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects::IntValue">
                                        <m_ParamName text="Count"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                        <m_ElementName text="UnitMember_Rifleman"/>
                                        <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitMemberTypes"/>
                                        <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                                        <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                        <m_ParamName text="Type"/>
                            <m_Name text="Redcoat"/>
                        <m_CollectionName text="Audio"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                        <m_Value text="RedCoats"/>
                                        <m_ParamName text="XrefName"/>
                            <m_Name text="ENGLISH_REDCOAT"/>
                <m_Name text="UNIT_FUSILIER"/>
            <m_CollectionName text="UnitMemberTypes"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="Redcoat"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitMovementTypes"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Movement"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="RedcoatCombat"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="MemberCombat"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="Combat"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="MEAT"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="MaterialTypes"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="VFX.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="VFXMaterialType"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                            <m_ElementName text="MEAT"/>
                            <m_RootCollectionName text="MaterialTypes"/>
                            <m_ArtDefPath text="VFX.artdef"/>
                            <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                            <m_ParamName text="VFXWeaponImpact"/>
                        <Element class="AssetObjects::FloatValue">
                            <m_ParamName text="ImpactHeightOverride"/>
                        <m_CollectionName text="Cultures"/>
                                    <m_CollectionName text="Variations"/>
                                                <Element class="AssetObjects::FloatValue">
                                                    <m_ParamName text="Scale"/>
                                                <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                                                    <m_ParamName text="IsAttachment"/>
                                                <m_CollectionName text="Attachments"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                                                <m_Value text="Root"/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Point"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                                                <m_ElementName text="Color_Rifleman"/>
                                                                <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                                                                <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                                                                <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Tint"/>
                                                            <m_CollectionName text="Bins"/>
                                                                <m_Name text="Armor/Redcoat"/>
                                                    <m_Name text="Armor"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                                                <m_Value text="WeaponPrimary"/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Point"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                                                <m_ElementName text="Color_Navy"/>
                                                                <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                                                                <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                                                                <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Tint"/>
                                                            <m_CollectionName text="Bins"/>
                                                                <m_Name text="Rifles/RoughRider"/>
                                                    <m_Name text="Weapon"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                                                <m_Value text="Hat"/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Point"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                                                <m_ElementName text=""/>
                                                                <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                                                                <m_ArtDefPath text=""/>
                                                                <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Tint"/>
                                                            <m_CollectionName text="Bins"/>
                                                                <m_Name text="Hats/Redcoat/#/Redcoat_HatC"/>
                                                    <m_Name text="Hats"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                                                <m_Value text="Root"/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Point"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                                                <m_ElementName text=""/>
                                                                <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                                                                <m_ArtDefPath text=""/>
                                                                <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Tint"/>
                                                            <m_CollectionName text="Bins"/>
                                                                <m_Name text="Bodies/Male_MediumBody_Hands"/>
                                                    <m_Name text="Body"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::StringValue">
                                                                <m_Value text="Root"/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Point"/>
                                                            <Element class="AssetObjects::ArtDefReferenceValue">
                                                                <m_ElementName text="Caucasian_Dark"/>
                                                                <m_RootCollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                                                                <m_ArtDefPath text="Units.artdef"/>
                                                                <m_TemplateName text=""/>
                                                                <m_ParamName text="Tint"/>
                                                            <m_CollectionName text="Bins"/>
                                                                <m_Name text="Heads/Male"/>
                                                    <m_Name text="Head"/>
                                        <m_Name text="A"/>
                            <m_Name text="Any"/>
                <m_Name text="UnitMember_Rifleman"/>
            <m_CollectionName text="UnitTintTypes"/>
                        <m_CollectionName text="Colors"/>
                                    <Element class="AssetObjects::RGBValue">
                                        <m_ParamName text="Color"/>
                            <m_Name text="Colors001"/>
                <m_Name text="Color_Rifleman"/>

But that just makes the game crash as soon as I add a Fusilier via the Firetuner. Completely stuck as to what to try next? :(
Last edited:
Message was getting too long, have to add the output of my failed cook here
Spoiler :

Starting AssetCooker...
Opened output file: C:\Users\Ben\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\8AgesOfWar\ArtDefs/Units.artdef
Cooking ArtDef: (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> Formation references an ArtDef entry (Redcoat) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (UnitFormationTypes) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> Formation has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> UnitCombat references an ArtDef entry (Redcoat) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (UnitCombat) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> UnitCombat has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> EmbarkedUnit references an ArtDef entry (UNIT_ANCIENTEMBARK) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (Units) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> Units >> UNIT_FUSILIER >> EmbarkedUnit has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Movement references an ArtDef entry (Redcoat) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (UnitMovementTypes) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Movement has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Combat references an ArtDef entry (RedcoatCombat) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (MemberCombat) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Combat has had its value replaced with its default value.

Unable to find the ArtDef (VFX.artdef) referenced by Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> VFXMaterialType.
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> VFXMaterialType has had its value replaced with its default value.

Unable to find the ArtDef (VFX.artdef) referenced by Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> VFXWeaponImpact.
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> VFXWeaponImpact has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Cultures >> Any >> Variations >> A >> Attachments >> Weapon >> Tint references an ArtDef entry (Color_Navy) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (UnitTintTypes) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Cultures >> Any >> Variations >> A >> Attachments >> Weapon >> Tint has had its value replaced with its default value.

Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Cultures >> Any >> Variations >> A >> Attachments >> Head >> Tint references an ArtDef entry (Caucasian_Dark) that does not exist in the ArtDef Collection (UnitTintTypes) of ArtDef (Units.artdef).
Units.artdef >> UnitMemberTypes >> UnitMember_Rifleman >> Cultures >> Any >> Variations >> A >> Attachments >> Head >> Tint has had its value replaced with its default value.

Cook finished for ArtDef at Path: 'Units.artdef' with Template: 'Units'
ArtDef cook completed.
Unable to find a Game Art File in the pantry.
Unable to auto-generate ArtDef dependency information. This will need to be done manually.Cook completed in 0.009 seconds
@Olleus You aren't the only one to get lost in the new art system! Your Units.artdef looks OK on the face of it so I guess the problem is with your .modinfo or .dep file. I'm not sure whether you are still editing your .dep file by hand or using Modbuddy to auto-generate it from the Mod.Art.xml? If you are using Modbuddy and Mod.Art.xml then I think you need both Units.artdef and Unit_Bins.artdef to be referenced like this:
            <consumerName text="Units"/>
                <Element text="Units.artdef" />
                <Element text="Unit_Bins.artdef" />
                <Element text="Unit"/>
                <Element text="VFX"/>
                <Element text="Light"/>

Your UpdateArt action in Modbuddy needs to be set to (Mod Art Dependency File) as shown below and then your .dep file will be created by the build. See here for more background on Mod.Art.xml or here for a working Modbuddy project (you don't need any of the .xlp/.blp stuff because the Rifleman only uses Unit Attachment Bin(arie)s (3D Assets) from the base game.

If you get really stuck you can send me a link to your project and I can take a look.

I figured out the problem, after wasting half my weekend on it!

The Assets I'd downloaded from steam were in the wrong location.

That's it. That's the only thing that was wrong, presumably due to me having steam and modbuddy on one hard drive, and Civ6 on the other. The files in the previous post worked 100% fine. I know that doing a .dep by hand is less elegant than having a Mod.Art.xml, but it was harder for me to get my hands on examples of the latter. I'll leave my examples here in case someone else has the same problem.

Thanks for the help!
It seam like a bug to me! The pitai nubian Archer used the Settler icon....
If require, this is the save game
pitati ARCHER.jpg pitati ARCHER include mod.jpg

The bug is in the right low corner display. Not on the map.


  • AMANITORE pitati archer bug.Civ6Save
    1.5 MB · Views: 79
Hey, I installed 1.03 as your instructions state yet no new units are turning up. On the loading screen for the civ. there is only the vanilla units and when I check the tech tree its all vanilla units being shown whilst your units are not turning up. I unzipped the file and pasted it in the mods section, then enabled it in additional content. Do I need to do something else? I installed you 0.1 version and the units turned up (e.g camel archers for arabia) but they had no unit symbol. Have I installed 1.03 wrong or is it just my version thats wrong. Thanks
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