NOTW XXIX: Hired Swords - Game Thread

Let the Adventurer, Backwards Logic, lead us out of this mess.
Hmm it seems we are keen to lose people around here. I guess another drink is needed for another lost comrade. *takes another swig from his flask*
Thouhg in this state I don't think I am fit to decide who is to lead us. Maybe it will become clear tommorow...
The men were restless.

Several had put their names in for leader. The Adventurer had been nominated and was willing to take up the mantle of leadership, as was the Mounted Axeman. The Berserker was in favour of the Battlemaster becoming leader and the Maceman had nominated himself. There was no shortage of people willing to lead the Company home.

They were not sure on whom they could not trust either. A lone vote had been placed against the Halberdier, and a second vote against the Swordsman had been retracted.

All in all the men had some difficulty choosing.

Vote tally: Execution

thomas.berubeg (Halberdier): Diamondeye

Vote tally: Leader

Autolycus (Mounted Axeman): Autolycus, johnhughthom
Backwards Logic (Adventurer): Pinman, Frozen in Ice, Backwards Logic, Khazaar
Ekolite (Maceman): Ekolite
Krill (Firebow): Krill
TheForestAuro (Battlemaster): sprig

Night falls in 24 hours!
I think Autolycus would make a good leader.
"I don't think anyone can replacsse Paulusss asss leader and I am not concsserned with picking a new leader. I am concsserned with getting usss home sssafe, asss the ressst of you ssshould be.

Thisss would be easssier if more of usss brought sssome votesss to the table. The only thing that happensss by being quiet isss to give the initiative to thossse who would ssseek to harm usss. And we all know initiative isss crucssial in war."
"I must think about this more."
The hunter walks up to the group, looks at the body of the captain, and cringes at the sight.

"Dang. It appears to have been true that the enemy unseen can be more deadly than one you know. It is a pity that he died in such a way.

It seems that the Adventurer is getting some support, and I will join it."
You forgot to count my vote in the tally. But since I am obviously not going to be the new leader, I vote for Backwards Logic.
The Battlemaster viewed these events with suspicion, arms folded across his chest. He would make no good captain - no, he would not. His rage seemed on the brink of boiling over (as it did often) with the day's events and it seemed all he could do was seethe.

"We're never gunna' get t'the fight now!" he grumbled.
Evening 1

The meal of the day was eaten in silence. The murder of the Captain and the poisoning of the horses hung over the men's head like a thunderstorm, giving the place an oppressive atmosphere. People were afraid of what was going to happen to them now. They did not know whom they could trust and whom they could not. A small joke of one of the men saying "It's quiet. Too quiet." didn't help either.

Except for the Lizardman hissing his accusation of the Halberdier, nobody was accusing each other yet. And as the Halberdier was only accused by one and the rest of the men had kept their silence, the men decided not to execute him.

After dinner, the votes for the new captain were tallied. It was a close race between the Mounted Axeman and the Adventurer, with the Adventurer always keeping a slight lead over his rival and winning out over him eventually. Therefore Backwards Logic was elected the new captain of the Company.

With this business done the men made camp and went to sleep, not knowing what the first night after the Captain's death would bring them.

Vote tally: Execution

thomas.berubeg (Halberdier): 1 (Diamondeye)

Vote tally: Leader

Backwards Logic (Adventurer): 6 (Pinman, Frozen in Ice, Backwards Logic, Khazaar, civplayah, Stuck in Pi)
Autolycus (Mounted Axeman): 4 (Autolycus, johnhughthom, askthepizzaguy, choxorn)
Ekolite (Maceman): 1 (Ekolite)
Krill (Firebow): 1 (Krill)
TheForestAuro (Battlemaster): 1 (sprig)

It is now night! Thread is closed for talking! Send in your night actions!
Day comes in 23 hours!
The Adventurer was up first, as was befitting for the new Captain. The men were called and raised from their beds early; the road was still long. Sleepy faces started to surround the new Captain; breakfast was quickly made, and the men ate in silence.

Until that silence was broken as the Ranger came running. "Murder! There's been a murder in the camp! They've killed the Druid as well!"

The old venerable elf lay in his tent, face down. The cause of death was obvious: a gaping wound in his back. Evidently, someone had stabbed him there with a knife.

A search of his tent yielded some red herbs, which the Druid carried around with him. Other than that his belongings yielded no oddities, and certainly nothing that suggested the Druid had ever served another master than the late Captain, which led the men to conclude that

Spoiler :
civplayah was loyal to the Company.

Then, the Berserker came running towards the Adventurer. "Sir, we have another death! It's the Battlemaster, TheForestAuro! He has been frozen in his tent!" The Adventured ran towards the tent, the rest of the Company followed behind him. The tent's view said enough; it was covered in ice. This was not by natural causes.

Within the tent, they found the Battlemaster, his face and limbs blue from the cold. There was nothing they could do.

The Battlemaster carried no odd items in his belongings. Neither was any incriminating evidence found, so the men found that
Spoiler :
TheForestAuro was loyal to the Company.

And just to top things off, the weather was evidently feeling malevolent as well. The Illian weather wasn't known for being very forgiving, but it seemed as if Mulcarn himself was throwing a blizzard at the Company. The walk home would be very long indeed.

If they ever got home.

The thread is open for posting again. Night falls in 48 hours!
Execution votes in bold, support votes in bold green, and votes for the red herbs in bold red.
It seems the Illians don't intend to let us go so easily. Has anyone seen the wizard tforge13? The battlemaster's death was magical in nature. With the druid dead, it seems that the individual with the most herbal knowledge, and therefore the best owner for the herbs is the witch doctor askthepizzaguy
Dragonslayer says: The above reasoning makes sense. askthepizzaguy should get the herbs.

Who here has the power to make this ice? Whoever it is, please, next night, cool the beer instead! :lol:
"It's cold enough without having cold beer, thankyouverymuch"​

The Beserker was in a foul mood, his plan for how he was going to spend the reward had been stuffed up with the death of the battlemaster

"Illian scum. Coming for your revenge aye?" "Stop being cowards and comeout, I'll take you on here and now! I'll have you know that I slaughted you for fun, I wasn't intrested in the Money, I just wanted to see how many heads I could cut off. You all were pansies, little delicate flowers made of ice that shatttered when I stepped on you."​
The Berserker raged on
"Common out, I've got something for you."​
The berserker looked around, waiting for someone to stepped forward. Noone moved.
"Pansies, I'll see you tonight!"​
The Berserker Stormed off.
Hmm, two deaths eh?

Well then, I wonder what cindle was doing last night? I havent heard him speak since the old captain's death.

As for the herbs, I say give them to Kingmorgan. Hes always making use of that kind of stuff.
I haven't heard cindle speak either, but then again, I haven't heard a few other people speak.
The Halbardier swings his Halbard back and forth a few times, a sign that those who know him recognize as worry, an odd emotion in such a large man
The Swordsman covers up his ears, both to save them from the coldness of the land around him and from the Doviello Screamer. "Could you please turn it down a little? I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!!!!"
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