Rupert Murdoch tells Chris Christie to 'Re-Declare' For Mitt Romney ... or else


Apr 20, 2008

Publishing titan Rupert Murdoch sent New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie what appeared to be a warning message on Friday, telling Christie to reaffirm his support for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney "or take blame for next four dire years."

The admonition, by way of a tweet from the Murdoch's verified Twitter account, was presumably in reference to the warm relationship Christie, a Republican, showed with President Barack Obama this week, as the two toured New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Rupert Murdoch
Thanks Bloomberg right decision.@Now Christie, while thanking O, must re- declare for Romney, or take blame for next four dire years.
November 3, 2012 12:30 am via Twitter
Christie has been one of Romney's highest-profile campaign surrogates, and delivered the keynote address at August's Republican National Convention. As recently as last week, Christie was on the campaign trail, berating Obama as an ineffective leader.

That partisan posturing seemed to disappear entirely as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the East Coast.

A number of prominent conservatives have worried that Christie's newfound appreciation for the president could prove to be a decisive liability to Romney's presidential campaign. Rush Limbaugh, for one, attacked Christie during his show on Wednesday as Obama's "Greek column."

It remains to be seen whether Christie, who has presidential ambitions of his own, will alter course in response to conservative blowback. The governor has already dismissed the suggestion that he make a new push for Romney, saying, "If you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics, then you don't know me."

I don't know if you think that US politicians are not henchmen of corporations ... but apparently Rupert Murdoch thinks so.

This may be the beginning of a break between old-school republicans and the corporate cronies inside the GOP - if Chris Christie stands his grounds and insists on putting his integrity and constituents before partisan politics.

Or he could cave in and forever doom the republican party to corporate serfdom.
This is only going to make the whole Christie thing more noticeable. One more bad news cycle event for Romney before the polls is not a good idea, even if Murdoch thinks he is working on a long term strategy (of bullying high ranking executives of government into submission).
Christie will gain so much political capital among his constituents by sticking to his guns now that he'd be foolish to do anything else.
Using hurricanes in the past to posture support or even lack thereof have always backfired. There is a difference in being a President and running for the office in a time of crisis. If Americans cannot see that, then we as a nation are in worse shape than any one can imagine.
Christie will gain so much political capital among his constituents by sticking to his guns now that he'd be foolish to do anything else.

If Christie is known for anything sticking to his guns and berating people may be it. What Christie is doing with Obama is paying dividends. I have simple minded Democrat friends proclaiming their love for Christie over this.
I don't see Christie stopping his cooperation with Obama to go over to Mitt Romney and accept his generous donation of $5000 worth of canned food.
I'll never understand why Republicans hate Democrats.

I feel like I don't actually hate Republicans, but that they actually hate me as if I were a soldier in an enemy army or something. It's spooky as hell.
I'll never understand why Republicans hate Democrats.

I feel like I don't actually hate Republicans, but that they actually hate me as if I were a soldier in an enemy army or something. It's spooky as hell.

lol I just listen to Bill Maher make mean pointless overweight about Christie for no good reason. Dems are always saying "if romney is elected", X will happen. People on the Left hate and fear Repubs just has much.
lol I just listen to Bill Maher make mean pointless overweight about Christie for no good reason. Dems are always saying "if romney is elected", X will happen. People on the Left hate and fear Repubs just has much.

Forgive me but are not the Democrats of the ecomonic right?

As for Rupert Murdoch... his monopoly on power and media in the UK has been negative to the democratic process. A culture of pleasing Murdoch to win elections brewed in the UK. Thankfully the Murdoch Empire is being investigated for its actions.

Murdoch's threat in the case of the OP is in character for Rupert.
lol I just listen to Bill Maher make mean pointless overweight about Christie for no good reason. Dems are always saying "if romney is elected", X will happen. People on the Left hate and fear Repubs just has much.

It's not even remotely comparable.

Wade into the epistemic closure and see how often people speak about fantasies where they are shooting Democrats. Go ahead.
lol I just listen to Bill Maher make mean pointless overweight about Christie for no good reason.

There are many cruel things said about people on both sides. Misogyny against Palin and Coulter and fat jokes about Christie from the Democrats are in the repertoire. Same things goes for comments about Mms. Clinton, Obama, and Warren, as well as Barry and others. Sames goes with calling the other side sheep, zombies, ******s, etc. Maher makes his living off being a giant jerk, and while I appreciate his brevity at times, I think as a general statement, his fanbase are the kind of people who lack self-esteem and who characterize just the sort of animosity AlpsStranger was bemoaning. There's plenty to loathe about both sides, and plenty of higher-class language to use for it. You're never going to convince anyone by speaking like that, it just serves to make you and like-minded people feel superior whilst berating others. We should eschew these tendencies toward division and animosity, and concentrate instead on solidarity: what do we agree on? What benefits us? Who is really against us? Not just the "my clique" us, but all of us. It's a conversation that needs to happen, and in calm and sensible language.
I'll never understand why Republicans hate Democrats.

I feel like I don't actually hate Republicans, but that they actually hate me as if I were a soldier in an enemy army or something. It's spooky as hell.

I don't know how many hate Democrats compared to how many just hate Obama.

I hate Obama for doing just about everything (IMO) wrong, but I don't hate Democrats.

Honestly, if I were to hate anyone (Although I don't generally hate people for being simple-minded) its the people that actually still LOVE Obama. I get the people that are voting for him as a lesser of two evils, but to actually still love him at this point is absolutely irrational, especially if you loved him in 2008, it makes zero sense to love him now since he's a completely different man than he was (Or portrayed himself as) in 2008.
From my experience, members from both parties seem convinced that members of the other party are evil.
Honestly, if I were to hate anyone (Although I don't generally hate people for being simple-minded) its the people that actually still LOVE Obama. I get the people that are voting for him as a lesser of two evils, but to actually still love him at this point is absolutely irrational, especially if you loved him in 2008, it makes zero sense to love him now since he's a completely different man than he was (Or portrayed himself as) in 2008.
I agree. People who build a personality cult around a certain politician in general just weird me out.
He should have said something about Mitten when he was praising Obama for his great foreign policy in the last debate. If you are telling someone to apologize for saying what he thinks is right, you should just be dismissed as a complete and total fool and jerk.
I don't know how many hate Democrats compared to how many just hate Obama.

I hate Obama for doing just about everything (IMO) wrong, but I don't hate Democrats.

Honestly, if I were to hate anyone (Although I don't generally hate people for being simple-minded) its the people that actually still LOVE Obama. I get the people that are voting for him as a lesser of two evils, but to actually still love him at this point is absolutely irrational, especially if you loved him in 2008, it makes zero sense to love him now since he's a completely different man than he was (Or portrayed himself as) in 2008.

Nah, none of us on the way-out left really love Obama at all. I'll tweak people by using his picture or something, but this is all about cockblocking Romney for me.
Nah, none of us on the way-out left really love Obama at all. I'll tweak people by using his picture or something, but this is all about cockblocking Romney for me.

Is it just economic issues though? Or do you also object to the civil liberties violations, like the Patriot Act, sexual molestation of little children in airports, drone strikes, and warrantless arrests?

Those issues honestly matter a lot more to me than the economy. They can take my money if they will limit themselves to that.
I don't know how many hate Democrats compared to how many just hate Obama.

I hate Obama for doing just about everything (IMO) wrong, but I don't hate Democrats.

Honestly, if I were to hate anyone (Although I don't generally hate people for being simple-minded) its the people that actually still LOVE Obama. I get the people that are voting for him as a lesser of two evils, but to actually still love him at this point is absolutely irrational, especially if you loved him in 2008, it makes zero sense to love him now since he's a completely different man than he was (Or portrayed himself as) in 2008.

I don't love him (I think it's ridiculous to love a political figure you've never met before), but I do like him. I appreciate the support for gay marriage, the obamacare, which allows me to not have to burden myself with further debt until I'm 26, I appreciate the stimulus packages, even if they weren't quite as large as the should have been, I appreciate his support for the Lily Ledbetter Act, I appreciate his defense of a woman's right to contraception, I appreciate that he's pulling our troops out of Iraq, finally, and I appreciate that he promised to, and succeeded in, finding and ordering the killing of Osama bin Laden. Also he's just a pretty cool dude, I don't think you can say the same about Rmoney.

There are a lot of things to like about Obama, you just need to get off your high horse and stop acting like the superior man because you have this bizarre love-obsession for a 77 year old Texan. It's really creepy. You're scaring the kids.
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