This is a good question. My sense is that most of Russia's problems in this war have not been inflicted by the sanctions but I'm open to being proved wrong. The key problems for Russia as I understand things are basically more in the realm of military culture and organzation, with e.g. low morale for frontline troops due to violent hazings and such, low level of initiative and training for junior officers, higher-level commanders being chosen for loyalty rather than ability - familiar problems from Russian and Soviet military history. Generally my impression has been that on the materiel side of things the Russians suffer more from corruption than anything else. The most recent piece of long-form journalism on the war I read noted that Russian forces are fairly lavishly equipped with drones and artillery while Ukraine struggles to keep its forces equipped and supplied.
So we can discuss opinions here now, not pust parrot news? I can then tell you that imo you are still reasoning based on fictions. Your impressions, I'm afraid, are coloured by propaganda about fictional russian problems and fictional russian casualties. And in that, oddly enough, you have something in common with
Trump*. Russia basically destroyed three NATO armies in this war. First ukraine's, financed by NATO after 2017 and equipped from the huge stock left there by the USSR and everything collected from ex-Warsaw Pact countries. After that a new ukranian army, what was it, 12 divisions, more?, equipped with the supposedly wonder weapons scrougned from NATO armouries and active military units (which were partially or totally degraded as a consequence) across "Europe", with a few US pieces thrown in, used up in a doomed offensive in 2023. And finally the dregs being methodically ground down since then. There won't be a fourth because there's no capability left to create a fourth.
You want to try to support a claim that a military which achieved
this has problems "in the realm of military culture and organization"? Lack of ability?
Compared to whom?
The only
military problem that was evident troughout the war on the russian side was their reorganization from what they called tactical battle groups (smaller) back into traditional divisional formations. They expanded the size of their military, having concluded that more manpower was necessary, after starting the war at a roughly 2:1 disadvantage. The strategic withdrawal from Kherson may have been because of that, as that reorganization went on. But
they executed the reorganization successfully. Something NATO can not even dream about, the militaries of the member states of the alliance (minus Turkey which took no part on this
liberal crusade) are
all weaker now than they were at the start of this conflict. Spent materiel was not replaced. Manpower was not increased.
In terms of military performance basically there is
one country in the world currently that has the experience, the military doctine among its officials, to conduct massive combined arms operations with full armies. That can mobilize and successfully use full armies. That country is Russia. That was NATO's achievement with its adventure in Ukraine. All the other countries either have peace-time armies set up for defense, or have shown themselves to be complete tactical failures at attempting to do anything offensive larger that colonial expeditions (and even at that, frequently). Ukraine, as trained and directed by NATO officers, lost entire armies worth of men and equipment, including the one destroyed in a head-on attack on a fortified defense line that it totaly failed to breach. NATO's staff doesn't actually exist, of course, it's on assigment from member countries. The thing is, even since the alliance exists those countries never knew how to do offensive warfare outside of colonial expeditions. The one exception, a country that did organize a big operation, was the US back in 1991 against a totally isolated Iraq. It was a big offensive operation, very well prepared logistically and politically, and earned the US its world hegemony for 30 years. As intended. But all officers involved are retired or dead. The ukranian thing exposed the tactical inability of curent staff.
As for "kill ratios", it will become evident that the whole narrative was basically inverting the numbers. The thing in propaganda being served
now already shifted to admitting to a huge number of ukranian casualties but continuing to claim also huge russian casualties. Out daily servings of propaganda will get to the truth eventually. Probably as helicopters are taking off from some embassy in Kiev.
This shift of narrative about ukranian casualties, happening now, is btw
prima facie evidence of past propaganda targeting NATO's own citizens. Or massive incompetence and self-delusion among all those officials who were the sources ofr the crafting of narratives delivered by the media. Take your pick. None is good.
*Trump also is intoxicated, he thinks he can pressure the russian government to agree to a status quo peace because Russia is supposed to be in a weak position. He's believeing at least half of NATO's own propaganda. Not going to go well. But most EU politicians are even more detached from reality.
Haven't many of the sanctions been focused on oligarchs and corporations in an attempt to get pressure on Putin, create pain for the oligarchs and make the dynamics of the Russian economy more difficult? Others I know have focused on the Ruble and foreign Russian assets.
Those sanctions in particular were very politically advantageous for the russian government and that became obvious in about one month. Oligarchs learned that they were personna non grata in the "wdest"m had their assets subject to confiscation at the whim of politicans they had no control over. And had to go back home, invest their profits back home, whete the govermment could demand loyalty but would not take their assets on a whim. The whole idea of thsoe sanctions was idiotic. They were kept on on the principle of never admitting to have made a mistake.
But there were many economic sanctions. There in teh US I think you have no idea about the collective madness that toook over the ruling castes in a number or EU countries. I don't even know where to start, just lokk up the number of "sanction packages" the EC bureacuracy did. Hey they haven't failed while they keep trying, right?