Should the US Invade Greenland (Denmark) & Panama

while the fun is good , the new coming Administration has a problem . The country supposedly discussing the conscription of 15 year old boys doesn't seem to be Russia . They have been playing the last year or so - which this forum will reject outright . There is going to be trouble . That will inevitably will make a dent on the fear the world has against the United States . Trump needs a success he can show on the map ; beyond the usual dictatorial hobbies of conquest and the victory parades . This is why the European Goverments are falling like dominoes . To be replaced by easier people who will look the other way to Putin being a mafia boss (and the West keep plundering the lands it couldn't so far invade with proxy warfare) . In return for "the Peace" Trump is unwilling to provide anyhow ... Strangely the Musk thread here apparently lacks his reported declaration of war against the British Goverment and support for Farage .
Shockingly, the lifespan of people living in those countries is over 20 years, and the impact of American meddling isn't an isolated, singular event. The US only withdrew in 2021, as well.
Obama withdrew in 2011.
Well no, the goal here is colonial possession. The US doesn't allow its territories to vote.
It's totally different than the U.S. buying Alaska because the Russians were in a position where it seemed inevitable they would lose Alaska anyway, might as well get money out of it instead of losing it for nothing. Where it is nowhere near inevitable that Denmark will lose Greenland so they would be coerced at best to sell Greenland rather than doing it out of their own free will. I don't support being a bully hence why i"m whole heartedly against this, just as I was the Iraq war.
It's just good to see that our incoming president has his mind on realistic and feasible proposals that will benefit the American people.
Hopefully you're being sacrastic. America has no way of acquiring Greenland or the Panama canal without a huge backlash. I want our country to avoid such unilateral actions unless it is out of total necessity which is absolutely not the case here. I want us to be multilateral and have strong alliances and good standing with the world, not to be perceived as a bully. Biden wasn't perfect but America's reputation under him was far better than it will be under Trump.
Why stop with Greenland? Let's get the LEGOs too. Can probably just buy Canada with enough LEGOs anyways.
Canada is a strong US ally for geopolitical purposes and when Americans travel abroad to a country that hate America, they can lie that they're Canadian which is usually believable. I like Canada exactly as it is.
You mean North Montana?
Doing an invasion of Greenland or Panama would be morally wrong and unjustified.
This is all rather funny. The US has a long history of betraying and attacking its allies, so it will be entirely in character for it to annex Greenland using some quickly manfactured "freedom fighters" there. Gold is the best siege weapon, olh Philiph already observed.

The danes here who slavislhly followed the US can they cry about their precious "article 5" of the north Atlantic organization treaty. And dsicover that it has always been worthless.
Canada is a strong US ally for geopolitical purposes and when Americans travel abroad to a country that hate America, they can lie that they're Canadian which is usually believable. I like Canada exactly as it is.

Best to behave like a Canadian. Just wearing a pin or patch isn't going to be enough. Plus, I doubt you'd fool real Canadians.

You mean North Montana?
Clarification needed.
Remember that time Trump wanted to invade Venezuela? He also floated the idea of annexing Greenland in his first term as well. And now this. How are we feeling about the 'no new wars' president?

At least when other dictators invade a place they usually have some semi-plausible reason. Putin invaded Ukraine for cultural, linguistic, and historical reasons. Trump wants Greenland cuz why? "National Security purposes"??? :crazyeye: I guess some vikings 'invaded' North America from Greenland 1000 years ago. Maybe we can go with that. Retribution for past grievances.

The Panama Canal, ok sure I get it. It's economically important and America once had control of it. But how is America going to win a Diplomatic Victory when we take that massive warmongering penalty?

As for Canada, what 'economic force' could persuade Canadians to join the US? Tariffs? :crazyeye:
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Do we want to be high stakes? In desperation, Greenland joins Canada. What will Trump do, fight the Canadians?
Best to behave like a Canadian. Just wearing a pin or patch isn't going to be enough. Plus, I doubt you'd fool real Canadians.

Clarification needed.
I meant when traveling to other countries in general, not Canada specifically.
This is all rather funny. The US has a long history of betraying and attacking its allies, so it will be entirely in character for it to annex Greenland using some quickly manfactured "freedom fighters" there. Gold is the best siege weapon, olh Philiph already observed.

The danes here who slavislhly followed the US can they cry about their precious "article 5" of the north Atlantic organization treaty. And dsicover that it has always been worthless.
Putin dared not attack any nato country and gets mad when countries join it for a reason. If nato was worthless than wouldn’t be the case. A lot of nato countries got involved In Afghanistan also. Being in nato means the U.S. has your back if you are invaded so to say they got nothing out of it wrong. If we attempt to invade Greenland (or coerce the Danes to giving it to us) THEN nato would be worthless. As someone who strongly supports the organization I badly want trump to shut up about Greenland and leave them alone.
Currently US American support in case of invasion is far from sure.

It has not gone unnoticed that all of your allies of recent decades have been thrown under the bus one by one.

You are known as unreliable ally, albeit still a strong one.
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