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[RD] Clinton vs. Trump - USA Presidential race.

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Like, I don't know if he's hanging a legacy from 50 years ago on Democrats or if he currently believes the Democrats aren't relatively the party of equality and civil rights in America or what. It seems he wanted to use one of my patented obtuse-to-be-funny moves but it just comes across as incoherent and esoteric.
Trump is setting up his followers for "no matter how badly I lose it is within the range of voter fraud." He and Breitbart are constantly referencing the number of dead people who haven't been purged from the voting rolls. They present this as a nefarious plot rather than just inefficiency, and pretend that registered dead equals voting dead. He will file a legal challenge in every state where he loses based on 'the dead vote.' When the courts throw out his ridiculous cases his half witted fans, who are fully primed, will call it a conspiracy.

As usual, the winner is Bannon. The claims will be thrown out because they are ridiculous, but the Bannon led boneheads will have yet another conspiracy so they can demand yet another endless investigation.

That is indeed scary..

Anything that fits in his ridiculously biased world view. Trying to follow exactly how it fits is too tiring.

Oh, it is biased world view now. Well, next there is only a biased universe view, so pace yourself :)

Like, I don't know if he's hanging a legacy from 50 years ago on Democrats or if he currently believes the Democrats aren't relatively the party of equality and civil rights in America or what. It seems he wanted to use one of my patented obtuse-to-be-funny moves but it just comes across as incoherent and esoteric.

It was a standard cfc ot fare snarky one-liner :/
^Ehm, voting for Hillary because "she will be our nation's first female president" is a really stupid reason to vote for her or anyone else. She is a 70-year old ultra-rich person. She doesn't represent civil rights or equality. It makes hugely more sense than that to just vote her cause you prefer her to Trump and Bernie, as you did.
As to your first sentence... this is a heavy lift because of the perspective problem. Here is a list of the Prime Ministers of Greece. Now right off the top of my head, I can think of two reasons, informing your perspective, which would cause you not to care about such a thing as having a 1st female, or first black, or first whatever Leader elected. The second reason on my list is because Greece has already had a "first" female Prime Minister. The first reason on my list is probably obvious, and ties into your 3rd sentence. Therefore, it is ironic (and telling) you think that you are a credible judge of who adequately represents Civil Rights movements or equality in America.

As to your fourth sentence... Please remember, that I was addressing Commodore, and Commodore and I have already discussed that reason and he has already rejected it. So it would not make sense for me to raise those same grounds again... in fact, I have noticed, that Commodore has repeatedly expressed irritation, specifically at being hit with the same repetitive arguments, which is why I presented an alternative one.

Finally... *sigh* I'll just respond to the bolded by saying I disagree with you.
As to your first sentence... this is a heavy lift because of the perspective problem. Here is a list of the Prime Ministers of Greece. Now right off the top of my head, I can think of two reasons, informing your perspective, which would cause you not to care about such a thing as having a 1st female, or first black, or first whatever Leader elected. The second reason on my list is because Greece has already had a "first" female Prime Minister. The first reason on my list is probably obvious, and ties into your 3rd sentence. Therefore, it is ironic (and telling) you think that you are a credible judge of who adequately represents Civil Rights movements or equality in America.

As to your fourth sentence... Please remember, that I was addressing Commodore, and Commodore and I have already discussed that reason and he has already rejected it. So it would not make sense for me to raise those same grounds again... in fact, I have noticed, that Commodore has repeatedly expressed irritation, specifically at being hit with the same repetitive arguments, which is why I presented an alternative one.

Finally... *sigh* I'll just respond to the bolded by saying I disagree with you.

It's ok, i sort of also disagree with me re that point in my post -- or rather how much it was stressed :D

Let's work on these together ;)

We both stand to lose! :o
It's ok, i sort of also disagree with me re that point in my post -- or rather how much it was stressed :D
Ok.:) Incidentally, I just thought of a third thing that may inform the Greek perspective, generally that is divergent from American sensibilities, which has to do with the age of Greece and Greek culture, heritage, tradition, etc. Greece is ancient, and I imagine that a culture so historic reaches a point where, like a priceless work of art, its age alone justifies its preservation, before even considering other factors. As an American, I can't relate as well to that, because for us, the fact that our culture is always being reinvented, including in the sense of our diversity is generally seen as a virtue and at a minimum, it is regarded negatively to say otherwise.
First, Hillary is going to win. To quote Ross Perot, "You know it, I know it, and the American people know it." It's our nation's first female President, an undeniably historic event. It's going to feel really good, 10-20-30 years from now, to be able to look in the mirror and say you supported her....
Backing a person because she's the odds' on winner is a great idea for sporting events.
Backing a person because she's the odds' on winner is a great idea for sporting events.
It is the most reliable way to make money.
Backing a person because she's the odds' on winner is a great idea for sporting events.

Ha! Honestly, the main reason to back Hillary, if you don't want to give her a mandate, is to help crush whatever it is that Trump created. Or to be proactive against his post election temper tantrum. People who are pro-Conservative can do the same thing by voting Libertarian or Green, though.
A candidate people think is going to win can get a boost from being perceived as likely to win, though I don't know if that carries through to presidential elections. There are so few data points to work with, it's difficult to draw many good conclusions from the data.

However, it actually does make sense to vote for the winning presidential candidate, for that reason. Voting blocs gain power by being large enough to tangibly affect the outcome of the race. If you are a conservative or centrist and want a more centrist presidency, then you should vote for Hillary and then your voting bloc can go to her and say that you expect her not to be too far left. People on the left ought to do the same thing. She's going to be coming back and asking for your vote again in four years; if you showed up for her the first time she'll want you to show up for you again. Being in the winning coalition gives you a voice.
I'm pretty sure everyone has a voice.
I have listened to what they have to say. The problem is, they aren't bringing anything new to these debates and are just shouting the same points they have been shouting since they announced their candidacy. Why should I listen to the same points over and over again? Wake me up when they bring something new to the table.
Oh. The way you posted that made it look as if you'd dismissed them both out of hand.
Commodore said:
Oh, well that settles it then. I'm voting for Trump because Fallout was a cool game.
But the military dudes get killed. And also Dogmeat.
Let's all celebrate Kenny's death. Just because I like parties.
Kenny's… you bastard.
I thought the celebrations when she died were in remarkably poor taste, but she was the figurehead of the destruction of the mining industry and was widely reviled in many quarters.
Destructor of everything she touched, her family made arms sales deals in exchange for illicit payments (this is not corruption), she helped install Reaganism as a set of ‘values’… we can go on and on about why she was absolutely deplorable and did great harm to the country she pretended to serve.
A candidate people think is going to win can get a boost from being perceived as likely to win, though I don't know if that carries through to presidential elections. There are so few data points to work with, it's difficult to draw many good conclusions from the data.

However, it actually does make sense to vote for the winning presidential candidate, for that reason. Voting blocs gain power by being large enough to tangibly affect the outcome of the race. If you are a conservative or centrist and want a more centrist presidency, then you should vote for Hillary and then your voting bloc can go to her and say that you expect her not to be too far left. People on the left ought to do the same thing. She's going to be coming back and asking for your vote again in four years; if you showed up for her the first time she'll want you to show up for you again. Being in the winning coalition gives you a voice.
Yes… the problem is that you may just have an interference with that when you're in a safe state. Why bother voting then?
That's because you're interpreting it that way. Hitler is easily the ideal candidate for statements where you want show the overall good of bad people dying. You use a grand example to gain your attention immediately and make the analogy obvious. Come on, this is elementary.
Oh, my dear. Watson!
I'm pretty sure everyone has a voice.
I'm sure people who vote Trump because they feel disenfranchised appreciate this sentiment.
Trump got booed at the Al Smith Dinner.

Hillary delivered this joke:

"Let's focus on what brings us together and rip on Ted Cruz"
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