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Coronavirus 12: Don't Abandon Hope

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Good news is that current vaccines seem to be still fairly effective in preventing hospitalization and death.
But they may need "fine-tuning" against Omicron. I'm going to need second booster somewhere in February, would prefer it to be updated version already.

Russia has reached 45% fully vaccinated :rolleyes:. At least we are moving forward.
New antiviral drug "Mir-19" is being developed in Russia. It uses "Small Interfering RNA" technology (whatever that means) to block virus multiplication.
From what I'm reading, experts are carefully optimistic about it. If it really shows good efficacy, it may be a major breakthrough.

This is a publication from April, after testing the drug on Syrian hamsters.
Clinical trials are already begun.

Quick biology explanation for siRNA (small interferring RNA):
You remember the mRNA vaccines, that they deliver the construction plan of the spike protein to the cells, so that they produce it on their own, yes?
This is a general biological principle, all proteins in our cell are produced this way, first you get the plan as mRNA, then you get the protein.
siRNA is basically the negative (as in photo negative) of an mRNA. It would bind to the mRNA, and therefore block the protein production (“interferre“ with it) of the virus.

Curious about this one. The technology itself is considered very interesting, but AFAIK medical applications have so far been rather disappointing (pre-Covid, I mean).
Let's hope it works. Could potentialy be cheap, also easily adjustable to new variants, and resistance would not be expected, I think.

Yay, christmas vacation....Got called yesterday and now the kids (and de facto me too) are in quarantine for the rest of the vacation. Fun.

Oh damn, sorry to hear.
I hope you didn't travel anywhere...
Oh damn, sorry to hear.
I hope you didn't travel anywhere...
We did (luckily just inside switzerland). Got the call on the morning after we arrived :crazyeye: Technically we could have stayed there, but a full wieek with 3 kids in a small holiday flat didn't sound so appealing.
Sometimes you need more drastic measures.


Btw, I like that he is holding onto the wall.
Israel is considering to favor mass infection with omicron since it only causes a mild illness.
In a similar vein I came across another critique of Jimmy Dore along with a similarly supposed left-winger...

"The People Monetizing Vaccine Hesitancy
Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore are not antivaxxers. They're worse."

First of all, let me state for the record that Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore are not antivaxxers. What they do is even worse

they strongly denounce vaccine mandates

Jimmy Dore has a video of top Democrats criticizing the vaccines and opposing mandates. I bet that makes them very mad.

They could use that enormous reach to disseminate accurate information about vaccines and urge people to take them

They are reporting accurate information, the vaccines are leaky. That means vaccinated people are catching and spreading covid. Kinda important. And of course they oppose mandating vaccines for the general public, especially children. Now they might think differently if the vaccines weren't so leaky, then there'd be a chance of effectively disappearing covid. Get the vaccine to protect yourself but that will not protect others from you. That is what Jimmy Dore has been reporting. Is that accurate? We were told getting vaccinated would protect others, that is not true.

Dore has also multiple times falsely claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines do not reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

“I think to be safe I’m supposed to say vaccines reduce your chance of contracting the virus and they reduce your chance of transmitting it … That’s so I can keep my YouTube channel,”

He's mocking the censors who insist:

He then pushed back against accusations of being anti-vaccine, insisting he’s only anti-mandate and allowing that people at high risk of serious disease should be vaccinated, but overlooking the fact that a vast majority of people getting vaccinated is necessary to achieve the herd immunity required to end the pandemic

I have a question: would there be differences in severity between variants produced by unvaccinated and vaccinated people?

Greenwald and Dore’s vaccine hesitancy grift – insisting they’re pro-vaccination while pandering to antivaxxers – is similar to how they have built huge followings among the far right by pretending to be leftists while pandering to right-wing extremism and regularly appearing on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News programs.

When the Sandinistas overthrew our puppet dictator in Nicaragua they asked us for help, for our blessing to live in peace. We backed terrorists instead and when Nicaragua got help from the USSR and Cuba we used it to discredit them. I see a parallel, left wingers who criticize Democrats get cancelled by allied media outlets so when they appear on opponent's media they get smeared:

Make no mistake: Vaccine hesitancy is a significant public health threat, and the increasingly fascistic American far right threatens democracy. But to people like Greenwald and Dore, they’re markets to be tapped.

mission accomplished...cuz fascists dont believe in vaccine mandates, they believe in freedom
You've got a problem if you're spending this much time and effort defending hacks.

Yeah, lets cut to the chase and elect them. Lets go Brandon... Why is he a hack?

shhh... I know why... he criticizes corporate Democrats

Whenever @Berzerker is talking about 'leaky vaccines'.

What does your post have to do with leaky vaccines? Did the unvaccinated kid get smallpox from the vaccinated one? Maybe you should show us the images of kids who got covid if you're mandating covid vaccinations for children.

YouToob parrots have nothing else better to do since there's no actual argument to present.

no sense of irony
What does your post have to do with leaky vaccines? Did the unvaccinated kid get smallpox from the vaccinated one? Maybe you should show us the images of kids who got covid if you're mandating covid vaccinations for children.

You've been demanding perfect vaccines that mean you don't even catch the disease, which is A. Non-existent as shown by an article I've previously shown you, and B, as proven by Smallpox and other diseases, not needed in order to remove a disease from the population.

There is a massive gulf between the unvaccinated, vaccinated, and now boosted in terms of cases. Using Massachusetts for example.

If everybody was fully vaccinated and boosted, given the R0 it would still be lurking around. But it wouldn't be a major issue anymore. Instead over a thousand deaths every single day.
B, as proven by Smallpox and other diseases, [perfect vaccines are] not needed in order to remove a disease from the population.
How many times does this need repeating? It's math so simple I can do it.

You need x vaccine efficacy and y percent of the population vaccinated. Put those two together and that's how you get the answer. A few weeks ago here in Osaka we were down to 10 recorded cases per day, out of a population of 8,800,000. That would put Osaka at the far right of Drakle's chart at... 1.2. It's not leaky vaccines, it's leaky brains.
1.6 million new cases worldwide yesterday. Almost half a million in USA alone.
Omicron may become much worse problem than Delta was.
Isn't omicron supposed to be far less deadly/lead to less serious illness than delta?
At least that is virtually what everyone has announced, despite often noting (the obvious) that more research is needed.
With such high infectivity, even if it several times less deadly comparing to delta, overall number of deaths may be higher.
Welp, chalk me up as one of the folks who got the virus. Just tested positive today. I have been vaccinated (Pfizer) though I haven't been able to get the booster yet. Am I still supposed to get it eventually now that I've come down with it?
Welp, chalk me up as one of the folks who got the virus. Just tested positive today. I have been vaccinated (Pfizer) though I haven't been able to get the booster yet. Am I still supposed to get it eventually now that I've come down with it?

No. This will be your booster shot.
It will depend on what your local legislation is. You'll probably still want to consider another booster in six months, regardless. Hopefully we're not still using a vaccine designed for a virus against we have herd immunity now.
The US still has about 100 million people who are unvaccinated. That is a lot of people spreading the disease and likely to get more seriously sick.
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