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Coronavirus 12: Don't Abandon Hope

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Welp, chalk me up as one of the folks who got the virus. Just tested positive today. I have been vaccinated (Pfizer) though I haven't been able to get the booster yet. Am I still supposed to get it eventually now that I've come down with it?
The strongest immunity is combined one after vaccine and infection. You may need a booster about six months later. Get well.
I'm up for the booster shot very soon. Which vaccine should I choose? Double Pfizer so far. I've been told to switch to Moderna for the booster.

And also: get well @JPetroski!
The US still has about 100 million people who are unvaccinated. That is a lot of people spreading the disease and likely to get more seriously sick.

My wife is one of them... She has refused to get the vaccine all this time and now is in for a rough week or two keeping me in one room. And of course our children don't have it either. It figures that the only one of us who bothered to get the vaccine is the one who caught the stupid thing. That's not going to help dinner table discussions.
I'm up for the booster shot very soon. Which vaccine should I choose? Double Pfizer so far. I've been told to switch to Moderna for the booster.

And also: get well @JPetroski!
that is what I have opted for, getting it next week
My wife is one of them... She has refused to get the vaccine all this time and now is in for a rough week or two keeping me in one room. And of course our children don't have it either. It figures that the only one of us who bothered to get the vaccine is the one who caught the stupid thing. That's not going to help dinner table discussions.
My wife would have shoved me out the door with packed bags last spring if I had refused to get vaccinated. If she had refused, well, that is a harder question. ;)
No, the virus is eliminated faster in vaccinated hosts, which means that variants are less likely to form.

That's not the same issue, though. I was asking (indirectly) where new variants emerge. I have heard they emerge in those who already prevent previous variants to function, by vaccination, so was checking on that. In other words the question was whether an existent variant (such as delta) would have any reason to mutate in someone who is not vaccinated against it.
In general it is so that the virus will need to replicate and grow, then mutations will appear randomly.
This chance is less in a vaccinated individual, because the virus is eliminated faster, so uppi is right.

My wife is one of them... She has refused to get the vaccine all this time and now is in for a rough week or two keeping me in one room. And of course our children don't have it either. It figures that the only one of us who bothered to get the vaccine is the one who caught the stupid thing. That's not going to help dinner table discussions.

If you fear the dinner table discussions, i would recommend getting them behind you fast...like... tomorrow :mischief:.

Just joking. And get well soon!
In general it is so that the virus will need to replicate and grow, then mutations will appear randomly.
This chance is less in a vaccinated individual, because the virus is eliminated faster, so uppi is right.

That does seem counter-intuitive (not that this has to mean it's not so), given that one would expect most non-trivial (different enough) mutations to not be random but a result of need to resist systemic hostility to the previous version.
Yes, but that is about the spread, not about the initial creation of a mutation.
To be succesful, the variant needs to spread. Then there is the question if the mutation decreases the fitness or not, if it helps immune escape or not, and if there are competing strains or not.

What you are thinking is about a variant, which will help with immune escape and is not outcompeted by another variant. that might be omicron, yeah.
But the initial occurrence must have been in someone who was infected, and it happened by accident. could have been in anyone, vaccinated or not, but the chance is higher if your virus load is higher, means if your infection is worse.
So everyone infected probably creates each day a range of mutants, by chance, in small amounts. Most just never get the chance to spread (not enough of them, no susceptible contacts, other variants better, etc).
That does seem counter-intuitive (not that this has to mean it's not so), given that one would expect most non-trivial (different enough) mutations to not be random but a result of need to resist systemic hostility to the previous version.

The virus is not sentient. It does not do threat analysis or opportunity assessment before planning to evolve.

A feature of the communities where Omicron has emerged is that aids and counter-virals to aids are prevalent.
This means that it may have persisted in individuals with weakened immune systems that are otherwise young
and healthy for many months thereby giving a greater opportunity for mutations to arise, and it is in my mind
possible that the anti-virals may have applied a selective pressure enabling certain mutations to predominant.
The virus is not sentient. It does not do threat analysis or opportunity assessment before planning to evolve.

A feature of the communities where Omicron has emerged is that aids and counter-virals to aids are prevalent.
This means that it may have persisted in individuals with weakened immune systems that are otherwise young
and healthy for many months thereby giving a greater opportunity for mutations to arise, and it is in my mind
possible that the anti-virals may have applied a selective pressure enabling certain mutations to predominant.

Doesn't have to be sentient to react differently to added defenses (such as a vaccine). The ground isn't sentient either, but it will hit you hard if you fall from above, not so hard if you just jump.
Just to be safe in this system, I should include the (should be obvious, but let's mention it anyway) note that the parallelism had to do with your post on sentience, not with how the virus acts /cfc
I'm not American, "Democrats" are meaningless to me.

But they are relevant to the propaganda machine attacking JD... You didn't explain why he's a hack.

You've been demanding perfect vaccines that mean you don't even catch the disease, which is A. Non-existent as shown by an article I've previously shown you, and B, as proven by Smallpox and other diseases, not needed in order to remove a disease from the population.

Where did I demand 'perfect vaccines' and why is smallpox analogous to covid? Here's what creates vaccine hesitancy, telling people a vaccination will protect the people around them. That led people to believe they didn't need the vaccines if those close to them got vaccinated. I put off vaccination until I found out the vaccines leak. My vaccine hesitancy stemmed from the false claims of the people in charge and Jimmy Dore told me the truth so I got vaccinated.
I'm up for the booster shot very soon. Which vaccine should I choose? Double Pfizer so far. I've been told to switch to Moderna for the booster.

Studies seem to suggest that mixing vaccines results in wider coverage. Moderna is considered one of the good ones. I'd look at it favorably.
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