Escape From Zombie Island 2 ready for public consumption

Spacer One... True, Pills are at the Gentlemen's club but all that is needed is a Sewer Access in both Hannibal's Appartment and the Retirement Home to have Pills in Hannibal's Appartment. This is why it is importanmt to kill the Sewer Guards as soon as possible and build the Sewer Accesses. I recommend building them by the end of Day 1.

The Resources Never Move or Vanish in this game...they are Permanent for game play control. IF set as Before when Resources moved or vanished, it would cause almost impossible game play due to the New Changes. The complications were very branching between the different Factions. So no need to worry about losing a resource in this game unless you lose the Building that has it or is in that area.

All Factions have or will have the Resources they need IF they hang on to their Original Buildings at least. IF any are lost, you can gain any resource in other a cache with a worker or capture another building that has it. There are several of each type Resource on the map and some that do not fall in the area of an owned building.
Last Adjustments:

I added "Reduces Corruption" to the "Aegis Cruiser Facility" at the Coastguard building so the shields are better there now. I added Ammo and Zombiegoo so the Zombies will want to keep the building a little more and that will also help the Authorities.
There is also Zombiegoo added to the Wild Boar Inn, School and Garage to help those building for the same reason. Not much but it may help the zombies want to keep them a little more.
...Normally, the Zombies will Raze a building only if they do not have enough units to fight off the enemy that is there after they capture it. The only time I saw the Coastguard Razed in my games was before I placed the Aegis Cruiser Facility there but since some of you have experienced this, I hope the extra Commerce for the Zombies there now will help prevent that.

I adjusted the Dead Bodies (Pollution) graphics so the slightly lighter pixels that were around the leg areas would not show on the Dark streets. A Minor issue but they look better to me...we can't have Dead Bodies that don't look good on the streets :lol:

The Testers who sent me a PM are added to the Game as pre-placed units.
My internet has been down for three days so i'm sorry if these reports are too late for the release.
Mainly civilopedia errors
1. Civilopedia states under outposts "Outposts can be built by any human faction from for the beginning of the game"
2. Under parkland - description - "If you think parks in hugh cities like New York . . ."
3. Under Spare Parts it says "spare parts is a strategic resource required to build mean machines . . "
-but spare parts are not listed as a requirement under mean machines

some of the stuff in that scenario you did is hilarious I spend more tiem laughing then I did actually playing the game.
Then you'd love the remake in the new thread! It's the same scenario (with the same hammy acting), but with many cool and funny new features (along with new "special effects ;))

Welcome to the forum!
thank you, it was fluke I found this place while looking for the rumored battletech mod for civ three, there used to be a post for it ont he CBT forums a year ago.

Now about the remake wheres that at?
It's hard to believe that the remake and the original is the same game...I remember looking back so many unit had changed. the reg zombie changed for Mao model to an actual zombies and then monsters...ahh the good times.
Yes, the Remake was intentioned to replace Units that "fit" their positions rather than use units to "represent" them as was done before.
The Update will have a new Flamin' Hero that uses the same character, new Survivor Pyromaniac, new Farmer Pyromaniac and a new Monster Zombie. There will also be some other additions and adjustments. It will be a while before the Update but it is all being worked on now.
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