
I completely agree with that. But I also agree with the other poster, that facebook was better pre-highschool kids. Let the little kids have myspace, give facebook back to college, I don't think cocky highschool dicks and cocky college frat boys mix well.

I think college kids might actually be worse because they have this insane misconception that they're adults, smart and have meaningfull lives.
It's a heaven for cam whores and guidos.
I think college kids might actually be worse because they have this insane misconception that they're adults, smart and have meaningfull lives.

Well I have the same experience when I talk to high school seniors. I'm just saying don't put em in a room together and expect them to get along. I'm a college kid, and I might be biased about this, but maybe I'm just an equal opportunity hater when it comes to age groups.
How old is this group? I've done "civilization" search in groups before but never seen it. And what's the point for a facebook group, when we have a whole forum?

So you can talk to people outside of the forum?

Well I have the same experience when I talk to high school seniors. I'm just saying don't put em in a room together and expect them to get along. I'm a college kid, and I might be biased about this, but maybe I'm just an equal opportunity hater when it comes to age groups.

College kids are bad, but in a different way. Overall, I think high schoolers are worse.
A popularity contest.


Everytime I log in I got someone new wanting to add me to their friends list, 98% of the time its someone that I never got along with in the first place but they just want to increase their friend list.

And those stupid Apps
Facebook used to be better, but two things have changed that:

1)the admittance of members not in college (read this as "annoying high school punks")
2)the great influx of applications, and their invites

Apart from that, Facebook is still much better than, say, MySpace. I find it very helpful for keeping in contact with people I otherwise wouldn't be able to, and several groups at school have used it to organize things like schedules as well as form discussion boards.

If you join, you must join the CFC Group!

They let us in during my freshman year of high school, so you can't have been using it long before then :p.
Nah, I don't really take pictures or keep in touch with people, so it's not something I'd find wicked useful.

I've always figured anyone who's going to join already has and people like me just aren't gonna.
Where is the cfc facebook group? Only cfc that shows up for me is fans for chelsea football club stuff.

edit- thanks for link, I'll join the facebook group someday. I'll just show up fashionably late and not in the people joining it now :p.
I love facebook....its def. replaced the forums as my "place to kill time on the internet". I use it to keep up with old friends, promote my music/writing, plan social events, find out the latest gossip, etc etc. I prob. check it more than my email.
Facebook user here. Good for keeping in contact with people you don't see on a regular basis, or at all. But yeah, some of it's annoying. Many people just think it's a popularity contest, and others bug me with stupid apps and groups which get ignored about 99.9% of the time.
Its great.. lets me keep in contact with people, saving my mobile phone bill, lets me find people from primary and secondary school, reminds me for all those birthdays, lets me plan and attend events (i organized a water fight in 2008's summer it was great)
although keep getting lots of random adds from girls, plus theres alot of dare i say 'sluts' on facebook.. useful if i end it with my girlfriend, plus theres about 1000 people in my college, I know most and cant see them all the time theres another bonus with facebook.
WTH I never get random adds from girls... :(

you have to be 18 +/- 2 years, and have a really good display picture where you look cute/sexy, then the random adds will fly in :D
Or talk in one of those groups, there was some group called HSA (has sex appeal) where you could upload your photo and people would either say HSA, or HNSA (has no sex appeal) and some would then insult you, saying how you look like a goat farmer, a freshie, other insults ect.
I uploaded my photo there once or four times and got lots of random adds from females
I'm on it, I don't think of it much, it's nice for connecting with lost friends but not much else. I prefer forums.
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