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NOTW L: The Immortals [Game Thread]

The Innkeeper waits patiently and bemusedly for the adventurer to finish his antics, before calmly speaking out from the back of the room.

"I am but a humble innkeeper, and perhaps I am ignorant to the wisdom in the decisions of the proud men present here today. However, if I may speak my opinion, I think that perhaps we have been too quick to side with the first to request the mana orbs.

Indeed, while I certainly do not mean to cast doubt upon the good priest's character, and while the governor Verarde is undoubtedly a great man, I think that King Exar himself would be best entrusted with the Death mana. Injured though he may be, surely we must all acknowledge that no one among us is as wise or as capable as him."
Bad Player, The Last Days, what do we Calcarians have to say about this?
I would like the Death Mana. As Governor of Durnovaria, I believe I can put it to better use to protect our King than... whatever that Ljosalfar Priest can do with it.

My fellow governor, Visorslash, should get the Raw Mana.

I would expect that Governor topsecret can also put one of the Orbs to useful ends, but as he has yet to speak up, I will vote the Law Mana to Frozen In Ice, as I assume that my fellow Durnovarian knows what he is doing.
Here as well. Finishing reading everything, and will officially vote later. Just don't want to appear inactive.
The adept, who up until now has been silently observing the others scramble for the manas, steps forward to speak.

The innkeeper has a good point that the death mana would be safest in the hands of our king Exar. Noone else of us, not even I, can prove our innocence yet so entrusting mana to as yet not completely safe hands has risks. However, out king Exar, in his weakened state, cannot give back the mana should one of us need it. For now I will wait for anyone to make a good claim to the death mana or I will vote it to King Exar.

Both frozen in ice and TheLastDays have reasonable claims to the law mana, but I would entrust it to a fellow Calcarian.

Visorslash the lord and KingMorgan the firebow make claims for the raw mana, I will entrust it to the firebow if he promises to guard king Exar with his life because he is a strong defensive unit.
The Governor of Glevum steps forward. Many moons ago, he developed a particular speech impediment, causing him to sibilantly speak his "s" sounds. He quietly hopes for reason to prevail this day.


Yessssssss...I am willing to give Visssssorslasshh the Raw Mana thissss day.

But assssss Governor of Glevum, I requesssssst that mysssssself, Verarde, be given the Law Mana, in order to better fassssilitate the lawssss of the land.

Asssssss for the Death Mana, I have yet to dessssside.
"Innkeeper another drink if you please, but only one, us Firebows must keep a clear head to get clear shot at those damned wolves, we have a King to protect don't you know. As for your outburst Catharsis - A shocked Grigori adventurer?!!!! Rubbish!! That I'll not believe, A wandering adventurer like yourself must have seen much many things, both good and evil - tell me, even been bitten by a large dog type creature whilst you've been in the wilds, maybe when the moon was full?"

"Thank you innkeep for the most hearty ale, a toast to your health and your very fine house"

"This foolish talk of giving a death orb to an injured King is plain preposterous, Shame on you Kill Fire the Inkeeper.
Does anyone know the properties of this mystical and deathly orb? I thought not!!!

Choxorn the Governor should hold the item until we know it's purpose"
Our King explicitly states his affinity for Death Mana to us, admits he wants to acquire Death orbs for reasons only known to himself, then gives one away for free? He must really fear a demon assault on him if he does not wish to hold it himself. Let Governor choxorn keep it.

The lawman Frozen in Ice can have the Law Orb.

If he can protect our King with the orb, KingMorgan can have the raw mana.
Indeed sir, madam, or indeterminates, I believe that the adjudicator of the law, Frozen in Ice should be given the law mana he so desires.
The Innkeeper waits patiently and bemusedly for the adventurer to finish his antics, before calmly speaking out from the back of the room.

"I am but a humble innkeeper, and perhaps I am ignorant to the wisdom in the decisions of the proud men present here today. However, if I may speak my opinion, I think that perhaps we have been too quick to side with the first to request the mana orbs.

Indeed, while I certainly do not mean to cast doubt upon the good priest's character, and while the governor Verarde is undoubtedly a great man, I think that King Exar himself would be best entrusted with the Death mana. Injured though he may be, surely we must all acknowledge that no one among us is as wise or as capable as him."

Hmm. Humble citizen, I believe that you are correct, for since this is, for now, thankfully a crisis internal to the glorious Calabim Empire, the local authorities, most importantly, its much esteemed King Exar should be given the tools necessary to resolve it. Unfortunately, this means that I cannot retain my previous vote for Jaremma
OOC: Is the above the correct syntax for unvoting?
OOC: indeed it should be.
The Luentinum Aristocratic glances around the room with barely concealed disdain, his eyes finally resting on Seon.

Servant, bring me some wine.

Exar is the obvious choice to take the death mana, clearly giving us the option to give it elsewhere is a test of our loyalty and competence.

Frozen in Ice seems the best choice for the law orb, despite his reticence to divulge his intent, Visorslash should be given the raw mana. We should keep an eye on him, however.
Takhisis the guard wonders quietly to himself why someone is an aristocratic instead of an aristocrat. These posh people ae always coming up with new names, and poking the huge green things with teeth&#8230; guardin'g never easy with these unguarded folks.
Frozen in Ice should indeed receive the law orb, given his position. The great lord of the Calabim has asked for a champion to take up the orb. To just hand it back to him is to shirk the responsibility he has placed on us. Even I, a foreigner, can see that. Choxorn as a governor is suited to that burden. Might I suggest, however, that I, coming from a nation of adepts, and trained in decisive magical action therein, am the best-suited to utilize the Raw mana.
As for your outburst Catharsis - A shocked Grigori adventurer?!!!! Rubbish!! That I'll not believe, A wandering adventurer like yourself must have seen much many things, both good and evil - tell me, even been bitten by a large dog type creature whilst you've been in the wilds, maybe when the moon was full?"


The adventurer sighs at the thought of his lovable hairy wife.
The Glevum Axeman looks around at everyone claiming everything and shakes his head. Clearly, logic has failed them all.

"I want Raw Mana. Raw spelled backwards is war. Axe is good for war. See, it perfect. Vote here."

Exar was still emanating with rage, perhaps that's why so little were vocal. He noticed the Priest was the quickest to claim the death mana. Exar had not known a priest to be so brave before. But Exar kept his silence and his thoughts to himself.

~ ~ ~

Raw Mana
Visorslash – (Visorslash, Jarrema, TheLastDays, Seon, TheBlackKnigh, choxorn, Verarde, johnhughthom)
KingMorgan – (KingMorgan, spaceman98, Bsmith1068, Bad Player, PaulusIII)
Autolycus – (Autolycus)
Backwards Logic – (Backwards Logic)

Death Mana
Jarrema – (Jarrema, Visorslash, TheLastDays, Seon)
choxorn – (Bsmith1068, choxorn, KingMorgan, PaulusIII, Autolycus, )
Verarde – (TheBlackKnigh,
Exar – (kill fire, Bad Player, spaceman98, johnhughthom)

Law Mana
TheLastDays – (TheLastDays, Visorslash, Jarrema, spaceman98, Bad Player)
Frozen In Ice – (Frozen In Ice, KingMorgan, Bsmith1068, TheBlackKnigh, choxorn, PaulusIII, Seon, johnhughthom, Autolycus)
Verarde – (Verarde)

- Would appreciate it, if the tally could be updated from time to time. There are and there will be quite a lot to add up.

Night falls in a little over 22 hours.
My main concern is that death mana should not go to wrong hands. So, I,Jaremma, do not longer want it. I will rather give it to King Exar
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