My friend Takhisis, I believe the proposed course of action is wise. We Calcarians should agree to hand the Death Mana to Exar, therefore I have to retract my proposal to give it to the priest Jarema.
I'm concerned by this silence. A decision is wiser if made by many.
Servant, bring me some wine.
Yes indeed, King Exar should get this Death Mana as a show of our loyalty. But I know now whom to award the other mana to.My friend Takhisis, I believe the proposed course of action is wise. We Calcarians should agree to hand the Death Mana to Exar, therefore I have to retract my proposal to give it to the priestJarema.
I am told the red wine has such a colour because the orphans agree to shed some of their blood into it in exchange for hugs. Is there any truth to that?Of course, sir, would you like that to be of Amurite sparkling, Ljolsafar white, or Calabim red? If none of them suits you, we also have in stock some fine Sheaim vintages made with 100% orphan labor.
I am told the red wine has such a colour because the orphans agree to shed some of their blood into it in exchange for hugs. Is there any truth to that?
Of course, sir, would you like that to be of Amurite sparkling, Ljolsafar white, or Calabim red? If none of them suits you, we also have in stock some fine Sheaim vintages made with 100% orphan labor.
The adept grins at the witty servant and asks for a Ljolsafar white.
I'll toast to our Ljolsafar allies. I'm not sure our guests want the Calabim red - it most certainly is an acquired taste.
Raw Mana belongs to me, Visorslash
My Lords, I must request the Raw mana be allocated to me. I will be able to put it to good use in hunting out those who would harm us.
The others I will dictate to those who support me, your loyalty will be rewarded.