President Trump is very overweight, but won’t stop eating burgers and drinking soda

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Codex WMDicanious
Jan 4, 2002
President Trump is very overweight, but won’t stop eating burgers and drinking soda after doctor's visit

Donald Trump was told more than a year ago by his doctor that he was overweight. But that hasn't stopped the president from eating hamburgers and drinking soda.

The White House announced Thursday that Trump will undergo his first physical since becoming president on January 12. Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the exam will be at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The White House physician, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, will examine the president, just as he did for Barack Obama. But the president might not like what he hears after he steps on the scale.

As a candidate in 2016, Trump released a letter from his personal physician, Harold Bornstein, that revealed the former reality-TV star weighed 236 pounds, meaning that his body mass index was 29.5, which is considered overweight and bordering on obese. Trump's campaign said the letter revealed the results of a physical exam conducted by Bornstein in September 2016. Bornstein concluded in the letter that "if elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."

He is known to drink about a dozen Diet Cokes each day

Firstly can America stop using Imperial already ? that 108 Kilos like the rest of the universe
Iam guessing that Trump has put on weight and betting it will be 130 Kilos

Gentleman (and ladies) Place your bets
He's the President. He doesn't have to listen.
Besides, round is a great shape!
I don't understand. Are you satirizing yourself now, or is this a serious thread?

Well I guess if it's serious, people should stop complaining about Trump playing too much Golf, as he now has an excuse for it, after all he has to do _something_ to lose weight, and sitting around, doing presidential stuff is certainly not going to cut it.
A dozen diet cokes is a lot of soda. When I was at my absolute worst with my soda habit, I struggled to get above 2 liters and usually hovered around 1.5L. Converted, Trump drinks a little over 4 liters of soda a day.

Why does this matter? A fast food and soda habit doesn't prevent someone from doing their job, however poorly. Trump suddenly upholding a strict kale diet would make no significant change to his presidency. This feels much like people mocking his hands or his hair to me.
Probably people hoping that he'll encounter certain cardiovascular problems...:mischief:
People on Diet often have very bad mood swings. Expecting him to loose weight, might cause a Nuclear Holocaust and end all life on Earth.
Are you satirizing yourself now, or is this a serious thread?
I agree that a request for #1land to start using the metric system cannot be taken seriously.
Well its because Trump (McGuire) is the second coming off Ronald Reagan :D and when you fuse the Donald and the Ronald, you get Ronald McDonald :lol:
Firstly can America stop using Imperial already ? that 108 Kilos like the rest of the universe
Iam guessing that Trump has put on weight and betting it will be 130 Kilos
When? A gain of 22kg in less than a year sounds a bit much.
A dozen diet cokes is a lot of soda. When I was at my absolute worst with my soda habit, I struggled to get above 2 liters and usually hovered around 1.5L. Converted, Trump drinks a little over 4 liters of soda a day.

Why does this matter? A fast food and soda habit doesn't prevent someone from doing their job, however poorly. Trump suddenly upholding a strict kale diet would make no significant change to his presidency. This feels much like people mocking his hands or his hair to me.
There is one point though:
The link between diet soda (coffeinated) and conditions akin to mild depression.
The caffeine plus your body feeling like it's sugar starved all the time (while it isn't) does get you roughly the mopyness and crankyness that Trump displays.
There is one point though:
The link between diet soda (coffeinated) and conditions akin to mild depression.
The caffeine plus your body feeling like it's sugar starved all the time (while it isn't) does get you roughly the mopyness and crankyness that Trump displays.

I don't think his temperament would really change if he were healthy. Soda may be damning but it's not "makes you a narcissistic douche" damning.
A dozen diet cokes is a lot of soda. When I was at my absolute worst with my soda habit, I struggled to get above 2 liters and usually hovered around 1.5L. Converted, Trump drinks a little over 4 liters of soda a day.

Why does this matter? A fast food and soda habit doesn't prevent someone from doing their job, however poorly. Trump suddenly upholding a strict kale diet would make no significant change to his presidency. This feels much like people mocking his hands or his hair to me.
My soda cup is almost 2 L (64 oz). I have filled it three times in 24 hours and twice in not uncommon. This turns out to be good for my kidneys. The caffeine pushes the kidneys to function, while the soda provides the necessary water.

I don't think his temperament would really change if he were healthy. Soda may be damning but it's not "makes you a narcissistic douche" damning.
Erm... i didn't claim that either. I said it could explain his mopyness and crankyness.
I never said there wasn't a bunch more wrong with him. :)
My soda cup is almost 2 L (64 oz). I have filled it three times in 24 hours and twice in not uncommon. This turns out to be good for my kidneys. The caffeine pushes the kidneys to function, while the soda provides the necessary water. J

This is sarcasm right ?

That is a large intake of sugar, the calories can be balanced by not eating so much the caffine intake also messes with sleeping cycle
It is a good drinking 6L of water intake per day but all of that as soda is pretty bad.
Sometimes when there is a heatwave I drink a 1L per day of Soda and I consider that excessive.
When did we get into fat shaming?

As soon as someone we disagreed with politically turned out to be fat too.

This does expose another hypocrisy of leftists. Leftists in recent years have been the champions of the anti-body shaming movement and yet here we see them body shaming someone just because they disagree with that person's politics. And it's not just Trump either. We've seen leftists body shame other conservative politicians and media figures as well. All the while preaching "fat acceptance".

Don't get me wrong though, I really don't have a problem with fat shaming. In my experience, shaming people for their unhealthy decisions is a pretty effective way to get them to change their behavior. Social pressure can be a powerful thing. The only thing I'm calling out is you can't fat shame someone while espousing an ideology that claims to look down on fat shaming.
The only fat I'm interested in shaming on D'ump is the fat between his ears.
As soon as someone we disagreed with politically turned out to be fat too.

This does expose another hypocrisy of leftists. Leftists in recent years have been the champions of the anti-body shaming movement and yet here we see them body shaming someone just because they disagree with that person's politics. And it's not just Trump either. We've seen leftists body shame other conservative politicians and media figures as well. All the while preaching "fat acceptance".

Don't get me wrong though, I really don't have a problem with fat shaming. In my experience, shaming people for their unhealthy decisions is a pretty effective way to get them to change their behavior. Social pressure can be a powerful thing. The only thing I'm calling out is you can't fat shame someone while espousing an ideology that claims to look down on fat shaming.
Well to be fair, people are individuals, he doesn't have to agree with every left-wing talking point, and I don't think I've ever seen FriendlyFire take a stance against fatshaming.
Maybe he's just woke on the issue and has thinks that fatshaming is actually a good thing because he sees fat people as a drain on society.
The one way in which Trump actually is like all of the Americans who swear, "Trump is just like us!"
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