The Very-Many-Questions-Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread Thread XL

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Valka D'Ur

Hosting Iron Pen in A&E
Retired Moderator
Mar 3, 2005
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
For those who don't read Roman numerals, this is thread #40.

Link to the previous thread (XXXIX/39)

This is my first time starting this particular serial thread, so I don't know what the usual customs are; I see the OP for the previous thread provided a plethora of information about the number 39.

I have nothing like that in mind, so carry on. Be inquisitive, curious, and so forth. After all, if you never ask, you probably won't get the answers. And maybe some of the questions will lead to a new thread on some interesting topic.
I repeat: Why not?

I'm sitting here, surrounded on three sides by penguins, have just listened to a video of panflute music, and am about to tackle my nightly 500+ words for Camp NaNoWriMo.

So why not?
Why is there no clever title for this one? New forum rule?
This particular thread has never had a fancy title.
Don't ask me, but if you follow the links to all the previous threads, they haven't had fancy titles for this particular series for the last decade or more.
Character limit. If you can do something clever with the limited space after the basic title...

I guess you could rebrand it as "Random Questions" to adhere to the Random theme and then have the room for customization.
Character limit. If you can do something clever with the limited space after the basic title...

I guess you could rebrand it as "Random Questions" to adhere to the Random theme and then have the room for customization.

Your avatar and use-name trigger positive feeling, welcome back Syns ;)
This is my first time starting this particular serial thread, so I don't know what the usual customs are; I see the OP for the previous thread provided a plethora of information about the number 39.

Would you have had a funny name for the thread?
I don't think it would be a problem if we wanted to go ahead with Random Questions XL - <Clever Title Here>.
I just popped some frozen white fish (I think sole) onto the frying pan, and it had shrunk to nearly a third of its original size by the time it was done. It was because of water leaving the fish (had to dump and refill the oil), but are they supposed to be like that? Never heard of a fish shrinking that much.
I just popped some frozen white fish (I think sole) onto the frying pan, and it had shrunk to nearly a third of its original size by the time it was done. It was because of water leaving the fish (had to dump and refill the oil), but are they supposed to be like that? Never heard of a fish shrinking that much.
Slow freezing or improper freezing can make the water in meat expand while it freezes, which will get you that effect, especially with lean meat.

A third is excessive, though.

Your avatar and use-name trigger positive feeling, welcome back Syns ;)

Well, I never actually left. I just found posting to be far too inconvenient on the devices available. But the urge to participate has outweighed the urge to avoid inconvenience today.

Insert joke about "Living without Syn/sin" here.
I'm surprised that someone hasn't made a joke about the title yet.
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