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Unit: War Tiger Paddleship (26th July, 2004)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
Mongolian / Asian flavor sea unit. According to some legends it shoots some sort of bombs with catapults. Also, the ship moves with sails and with paddlewheels (unlike the european counterparts, which were relying on sails and oars).

War tiger Paddleship

I tested this unit in the game, and I'm not quite happy about the occasions the victory animation is played. There is quite a few of unconsistencies concerning the attack->victory -animations and things that revolve around the situations. If you don't like them, you may just delete the PaddleVictory.flc -entry from the ini-file. And if you still don't like it, you can also blame those who wanted the removal of sails :p ;)

Attached are some animations: run, fortify, attack, victory & death
here is a preview of the civilopedia-image


  • PaddleLarge.gif
    6.7 KB · Views: 4,253
Man, this ship is awesome, but what else can we expect from the boatmaster. Going right into my mod, and don't you know I was looking for another mongolian flavor ship. Thanks again for the hard work!
Welcome back, aalgo! And what a return it is! Very nicely done. What is floating out of the aalgo shipyards next?
WOOT! Aaglo, THANK YOU! you're the man!:cool::goodjob::thumbsup::rockon::band::bounce:

This is my first unit request that became a unit, so pardon the excitement.:)
The ship is great, Aaglo. Phenomenal with the subtle detail of the paddle running and the whole side of the ship erupting in white water as it hits a swell - really excellent animation on top of excellent modelling.

I wonder, however, about the angle of the ship. I put it next to the Kublai and the angle of view seems slightly different. Maybe it's just because the sails are at a different angle. But it also seemed slightly different in angle from the stock Frigate. Maybe I'm seeing things.

I eagerly look forward to your next unit, as I'm sure everyone is. Would you consider an African or another Amerindian vessel if one were suggested to you?

- Redking
ANother amazing ship. Now to figure out wether I force it into my mod. :clap:
Looks great.

What's your next project? :p

There is no rest for the unit maker
Why wasn't I here when they voted for the folding sails? ;) Not a problem though, this is class unit anyway. It has somehow more 'organic' feeling to it than your other ships. Maybe it's just the wood color being more towards red, but there's something else too - just can't put my finger on it. Or then I should get to bed. :crazyeye:
I'm kinda glad I missed the voting/previews,etc... as this is a wonderful
surprise! It'll go well with your other Mongol ship. :goodjob:
Very good. But I don't know where to put it.

I could use it as a Caravel, but I've already got the Kublai-Khan chuan for that. And the War Tiger seems bigger and better. So I should use it as Galleon or Frigate.. But there isn't any cannon attack. But the Kublai has one optionnal.

Aah. I suppose I'll just switch them.
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