What will a Trump presidency look like, concretely?

You can say that about nearly any politician ever. You have to assume they will do at least part of what they promise for democracy to work at all.

I think that the likely (?) back-pedalling from the pledge to start new inquiries into Hillary may be more of a red flag for some of his voters, tbh.
I think that the likely (?) back-pedalling from the pledge to start new inquiries into Hillary may be more of a red flag for some of his voters, tbh.

Obama will pardon her anyway. So why waste taxpayer money. If she goes down for anything it will be the Clinton Foundations handling of Haiti donations, not the emails.
You can say that about nearly any politician ever. You have to assume they will do at least part of what they promise for democracy to work at all.

Well, not really. We fortunately have a mechanism to get rid of politicians who make promises they can't or don't keep, should we choose. So if one breaks that bargain, they risk being held accountable at the ballot box.
^Does the US even have a system allowing new potus elections before 4 years pass?

No, but that's the risk if you promise things and then go back on the promise. Unless he's impeached or resigns we have President Trump for 4 years. And really that's better than President Pence in most scenarios.
Obama will pardon her anyway. So why waste taxpayer money. If she goes down for anything it will be the Clinton Foundations handling of Haiti donations, not the emails.

Unless they hold off on any indictments until Trump takes office. Which may be what they are going to do. I expect Republicans to be very quiet on that whole "drain the swamp" thing until January 20th. After that, get your popcorn ready, sit back, and watch one of the biggest political witch hunts in recent history commence in earnest.
A good purging might be good. But it's the wrong zealots doing so, I think. And with the gerrymandering, there's very little longterm benefit. We just replace the powered people with a zealot. Kinda scary.

As an aside, the big one that I am worried about is climate change. A lot of the damage that Trump could do will be (for people on the outside) a shifting of our trade relations. Prices will go up, new suppliers found, and then a new normal will exist. I don't think supply side inflation helps anyone, but this is an instance where 'the free market' is going to do its job.

But climate change. Ugh. It's the biggest potential in being a giant race-to-the-bottom. Even if China continues its super-aggressive efforts for alt energy, the Trump protectionism will raise the price of the efforts. And really, what the point in holding back, to be reasonable, if one person at the party has decided to start scooping the communal appetizers into his tupperware?

A large portion of this election was won on the backs of refugees. And this was peanuts compared to stealing the snowpack on the Himalayas and stealing the shoreline of the Bangladeshis
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After that, get your popcorn ready, sit back, and watch one of the biggest political witch hunts in recent history commence in earnest.

An executive order to put Hillary into Gaol would be more efficent ?
I'd imagine Republians could draw out the Benghazi + Email investigations for another 4 years.

At which point I'd imagine Republican disasters will completely overshadow everything.
Sorry if this has been asked before but I didn't read the whole thread. I find the screaming about a Trumpocalypse to be tiresome but I am curious about what danger he could pose to gay rights.

Could he repeal same-sex marriage? His stance on gay rights is confusing at best. He doesn't seem to personally have anything against gays but his Vice President does and he could try to appease the evangelicals and conservatives.
It depends on what Trump's supporters want imho. My fear is that he got the support of the millitary and the intelligence community providing he acts on what they demand trough their strategic thinking. Trump is not just president, but commander in chief of the most powerfull millitary in the world, surely the powerfull US millitary establishment wouldn't accept a moron wielding all that power or make strategic errors in diplomatic dealings.
But he seemed to have the support of the FBI with strategic timign 1 week before the ellection, and surely the FBI could have dug up some dirt on Trump aswell one would think.

I guess, if the USA is in a relative big war come next ellection, that many would feel compelled to re-ellect him right?
There's nothing really he can do about gay marriage given the SCOTUS ruling, but most transgender protections right now are merely federal guidelines that the Obama administration has pursued, and he could easily end that.

Donald Trump is likely to be appointing at least three, possibly more, supreme court judges during his four year term.

No doubt the Republicans will be pushing for candidates who will decide the right way.
Sorry if this has been asked before but I didn't read the whole thread. I find the screaming about a Trumpocalypse to be tiresome but I am curious about what danger he could pose to gay rights.

Could he repeal same-sex marriage? His stance on gay rights is confusing at best. He doesn't seem to personally have anything against gays but his Vice President does and he could try to appease the evangelicals and conservatives.
While I doubt a Trump presidency will be all that great on gay rights, I don't think it will see a reversion to criminalization of homosexuality. I'm sure a gay marriage challenge with reach the SC, but I'm confident the SC will uphold the current law if only because removing rights creates a very uncomfortable minefield on a legal and practical level. I mean, what is the status of the marriage licenses given to gay couples if Oberfell is reversed? The asinine "Religious Freedom Bills" have more or less been dead in the water even in relatively conservative courts as they are quite explicitly discrimination in a private business which the courts have a long history of shutting down.
It won't be great, but there isn't really all that much Trump and the Teahadists can do about it.
The same-sex marriage ruling Obergefell v. Hodges set a precedent, which would likely swing Roberts over to upholding that ruling if nobody else. Actually I think only Thomas, Alito, and maybe Scalia's replacement would even favor hearing such a case even if it got to them, and it's pretty unlikely it would get even that far. Keeping in mind that the most significant resistance to the gay marriage ruling within the legal system was Roy Moore and a county clerk in eastern Kentucky, I think same-sex marriage is safe, to say nothing of the overturning of sodomy laws in 2003.
Well this sounds encouraging then. Honestly I couldn't care less if some idiot decides he doesn't want to sell me a cake or something stupid like that but if I had marriage rights taken away that would be a big problem.

At first Trump looked like the most pro-gay republican candidate ever but his comments seem to go back and forth like the weather and his association with anti gays is worrisome.
Sorry if this has been asked before but I didn't read the whole thread. I find the screaming about a Trumpocalypse to be tiresome but I am curious about what danger he could pose to gay rights.

Could he repeal same-sex marriage? His stance on gay rights is confusing at best. He doesn't seem to personally have anything against gays but his Vice President does and he could try to appease the evangelicals and conservatives.

This link leads to Trump directly addressing the LGBTQ community in his acceptance speech. It will load at 2:54 when Trump says his thing.
96% of journalist donations going to the Democrat.
92% of major newspaper endorsements going to the Democrat.
Completely missing the story of the decade, that Trump would win the Presidency.
It isn't hard to draw conclusions about the media.

I thought the story is that the media is being paid by Hillary, not that Hillary is being paid by the media :crazyeye:
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