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Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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Chronicle was as generic as can be. That was exactly what I thought it would be so I didn't see it originally, then the internet mislead me with having positive critic reviews and calling it non-generic.

But was predictable, standard 25-year old actors pretending to be 18 year old high school students, generic high school setting, pretty poor acting, etc.

I would disagree. I thought the acting was actually top-notch in that film for the most part. Way better than your run-of-the-mill FF film (and absolutely superb in the post-Paranormal Activity world). I thought the film was entertaining from a plot perspective until the third act when the film decided to cram absolutely every tired found footage cliché into the last 30 minutes.
The Italian Job ('69)

Somehow this was the 1st time watched it and it probably had been better couple of decades ago even though I disliked Caine even back then. The funniest part was spotting John Louis Mansi without him being the cross-country limping champion - I didn't even remember he had a small part.
I like the '03 version more - at least it's more kind to DBs, E-Types never mind the Miura.


Just to be safe with my statement I watched the '03 version, too and it still is better - with Theron it can't be all bad anyway.
I would disagree. I thought the acting was actually top-notch in that film for the most part. Way better than your run-of-the-mill FF film (and absolutely superb in the post-Paranormal Activity world). I thought the film was entertaining from a plot perspective until the third act when the film decided to cram absolutely every tired found footage cliché into the last 30 minutes.
Yeah, I definitely didn't think the acting was bad either. People may complain about casting older actors to play teenagers (and the found footage format made it harder for me to gloss over that), but at least they felt like actual teenagers to me. Most people in high school settings don't feel like real people in movies.

What I liked about Chronicle is that you can essentially watch it as a superhero movie (the usual elements are all there), and as such, it is very refreshing, because I think it avoided many of the cliches of the genre that is dominated by comic book franchises. And I think the climax was still pretty effective as far as the action goes. I agree though that the whole emphasis on found footage became annoying towards the end. It was effective while getting to know the characters (and that's one of those movies where knowing the characters actually matters, unlike most found footage movies where they'll all die one by one anyway) and when they discover their powers, but by the third act it was just unnecessary. They should have just gradually ignored it, even though it makes no sense.
Just saw Argo. Great movie, definitely one of the best ones of the year. As a thriller it's perfectly done, and it does justice to the incredible true story.

Right. The movie starred Mark Wahlberg. I got it mixed up with another dull, formulaic remake of a 60s/70s heist movie involving cars.

Good, I was starting to doubt myself.

Interesting list & mission btw, your own creation or someone else's ? A bit too focused on US & UK films for my taste but what I scrolled it quickly though I have ~170 of them (quite a few more if VHS counts as well but I can't promise that all are still watchable) & seen roughly 3/4 but I probably have a few years of head start.

It's been a couple of weeks, actually, and there have been more recent ones, but how could I forget that I went to see Skyfall? Definitely Craig settles as Best Bond Ever. It's up there with Casino, Goldfinger and From Russia With Love.
re chronicle: shouldn't say acting is bad, just I didn't like some of the end acting
Spoiler :
"i am the apex predator rawr" type stuff

anyways, saw shaun of the dead, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, youth in revolt, and safety not guaranteed. They were all good!
re chronicle: shouldn't say acting is bad, just I didn't like some of the end acting
Spoiler :
"i am the apex predator rawr" type stuff

Yeah, like I said, fantastic movie that took a very interesting tack from a plot perspective....that is until the end when the director/screenwriter tried to cram every found footage cliché into the last 30 minutes.
The Amazing Spiderman.

Not really impressed. Casting and acting didn't really work. Didn't love the story either.
The Looper. Nothing great but an enjoyable sci-fi-action. Not something to over-analyze. These kind of movies are generally more interesting than the ordinary action in my opinion, so some loop-holes may be overlooked.
I average 6+ trips to the cinema every month. I've had a very nice run of seeing good films since early September, but that streak is dead.

The Master is the most boring experience I've had in the cinema in a long time. While it is as technically excellent as you might expect from Paul Thomas Anderson, it's nowhere near as engaging as his previous works.
There's a thread for it in A&E :D
I know, just after posting here I checked and saw it. :p
We are watching the Most Exotic Marigold Hotel. :D
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