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Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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Henry V (1989) 7/10 - Shakespeare's plays are much better watched than read. Oh, and Derek Jacobi. He'll always be Cadfael to me, but he still is a great narrator.

Coincidentally, Judi Dench, who starred in the movie that Takhisis is watching, happens to play Katherine in the movie I just watched.
^Good flick.
God Bless America. 7/10. middle aged guy with nothing to lose goes on a killing spree with a bored school girl, murdering people who "deserve to die".

basically it's CFC OT made into a movie.

Saw it a few minutes ago. It was a poor man's Fight Club. Not brilliant, but I was consistently entertained, although the cynicism-porn got annoying after a while.

I also saw the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie a few days ago. It wasn't as awful as I'd been primed to believe. McGann and Roberts filled their iconic roles well, while still bringing something of their own. The plot really didn't make a whole lot of sense though, and the whole "half-human" thing was dumb, and the Doctor kissing Grace set a dangerous precedent. So yeah, it was bad, but not unbearably so. The Tardis design was really cool at least. It's probably worth watching if you're a fan of the show.

Holy hell was that a fantastic movie. I went in with massive expectations, and got exactly what I wanted and more. Its one of the few movies I've seen where the longer it went on the better it got.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Good acting. Good plot. Much heavier stuff than I was expecting, but perfectly deserving of the 86% it's garnered on Rotten Tomatoes. I'll admit I horribly underestimated this film after I saw the trailer.
28 Days Later - A great zombie film, much different than the cardboard character gets eaten every 5 seconds ones. 9/10

Looper - I love it, nuff said 10/10

Taken - Its a good thriller, the telephone scene is epic, overall a good movie. 7/10
I call it the better I-Robot
Really? I don't think I-Robot was terrible, but I did think Surrogates was.

28 Days Later - A great zombie film, much different than the cardboard character gets eaten every 5 seconds ones. 9/10
Now that was a great zombie film indeed! The sequel wasn't nearly as good. :(

Last night, I saw:

Starship Troopers: Invasion
-Terrible, awful flick. The script must have been written by a five year old. Considering it was a Japanese production (at least all of the names in the credits were Japanese) I was quite surprised, their CGI/animated movies are usually decent and not absolutely terrible.

The plot of this movie sucked so hard no logic could ever escape it, it was a Black Plothole of doom.

It did have CGI boobies, which I was shocked to see for some reason. But then the shock turned to disgust when female troopers started walking around the ship shirtless for no reason followed by a truly cring-worthy sex scene. "Hey babe, we just met 15 seconds ago, wanna straddle me?" "Totally random guy!"

The only redeeming thing about it was that we had a lot of fun making fun of it all the way through.

The Election
-Meh. It was ok. Not laugh out loud funny, but decent enough. It was hyper cynical, but I do like the way they parodied the entire American election system so harshly.

Life is Beautiful
-Wow, just wow. One of the best movies I've ever seen.

The only complaint I have is that Italians talk so fast that it was hard to keep up with the subtitles at times and I am a fast reader too.
Saw The Prestige. quite good! I definitely enjoyed it.

edit: subsequently watched 9, the 2009 animated film. It was mediocre overall. I didn't really give it my full attention, but the end kind of seems dubious at best. The setting is fun though, but nothing spectacular.
Spoiler :
I'm referring to the soul stuff and why the 9 things were made by the scientist (the nine parts of his soul; "last parts of humanity", etc), and how that helps them defeat the brain robot I don't really follow but whatever. 9 figured things out for himself. Regardless, it just kind of seems "meh" plot to me, in all regards

I like how wikipedia words it in the reception section: "The general sentiment by critics is that the film is "long on imaginative design but less substantial in narrative."" In fact, wikipedia's description of the plot is better than actually watching it I'd say. Of course, you watch it for the animation mostly, but I was not really interested and kinda got bored.

I try to give longer reviews to things I dislike/find mediocre than like.
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997). A Bond movie is only as good as it's villain, and this media mogul guy just doesn't do it for me. I wasn't a big fan of the martial arts spy chick character, either. Don't they have guns in China yet? Also, movie suffers from a severe lack of Russians. I need to see some fuzzy hats for a Bond movie to interest me, damn it! Oh god I miss Goldeneye. 5/10
I thought Jonathan Pryce made a great Bond villain, personally.
Yes, he played a nice egocentrical egomaniac, but its not his fault that the character made no sense whatsoever.
The worst part of it is that according to the plot, he wasn't even the real big bad - General Chang was - but we never really see anything of him.
expendables 2 - 6/10. pretty funny at times, mindless killing, stupid one-liners, not even half a plot. all in all pretty entertaining.

expendables 1 2/10. the second is the movie you want to make with the "throw 80s action heros together and let them do what they did best in the 80s" concept. not this pile of crap. not an amusing homage to 80s action movies but actually a very bad 80s action movie.
As much as I like martial arts in movies I also somehow prefer them in situation where characters also speak in Cantonese/Mandarin/something else from that wide area - perhaps I just watched too many Hong Kong flicks in the '90s. M.Yeoh is, however, nice to watch everywhere.

Crank - High Voltage Not a bad movie, I could've spent an hour & half much worse, but hardly a classic either. I couldn't help feeling that I was watching tongue-in-cheek Matrix. Small screen for a change didn't help and seeing Mr Hedgehog himself around does have an instant camp effect.

The worst part of it is that according to the plot, he wasn't even the real big bad - General Chang was - but we never really see anything of him.

Arguably. I mean, yeah both are evil and Chang uses him to install himself as only dictator of China, but Carver wants to take advantage of that to have exclusive broadcasting rights on China for 50 years. That's a lot of influence on the hands of a person.

Its truly difficult to say who is the real big bad there.
Really? I don't think I-Robot was terrible, but I did think Surrogates was.
Can you tell me why? :confused: I-Robot was to me an alright popcorn movie. And the female sidekick was just terrible, the dramatic scenes concerned with the kill of the special robot unbelievable, the whole plot not very innovative. But it still was all in all well executed. So alright.
Surrogates actually dealt with something interesting. And with interesting characters. (not the old guy, quit uninteresting in both movies)
Can you tell me why? :confused: I-Robot was to me an alright popcorn movie. And the female sidekick was just terrible, the dramatic scenes concerned with the kill of the special robot unbelievable, the whole plot not very innovative. But it still was all in all well executed. So alright.
Surrogates actually dealt with something interesting. And with interesting characters. (not the old guy, quit uninteresting in both movies)

I-Robot is exactly as you described it, an alright popcorn movie. It's not spectacular, but it does the job. The most offensive part of it is how they turned a great murder-mystery/robot book into a straight up action flick. The book is much much better and is at best only a rough outline for the movie. The movie lost all of the suspense and most of the ethical issues the book raised and traded it for cool FX.

But it still wasn't horrible, in my opinion.

Surrogate actually did have a very interesting premise. But it fell on it's face trying to follow through. I can't remember much specifics but I do remember about halfway through getting turned off by plotholes and the whole thing just becoming very unrealistic and unbelievable.

They could have done great things with that premise in my opinion but didn't. It turned into a standard action flick with minimal regard to consistency. But as I said, I don't remember details, just the feeling of dissapointment I got watching it.
Schindler's List. everyone knows its very good, and it was. Never saw it before.
Hm well, I didn't say Surrogate was a very good movie. It wasn't. But in comparison to I-Robot... There also spoke some disappointed of when I rewatched I-Robot recently. Rewatched, because the first time I watched it when it came out and remembered to have quit liked it.
Actually, if I rewatched I-Robot, I would probably like it less as well.
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