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Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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I just saw Surrogates. Pretty good imo, just like I-robot. Nothing great, but enjoyable with an interesting setting. Not entirely plausible but there are always interesting questions popping up in these movies. Everyone's a supermodel, more or less, but honestly, looking at how the world work - even if a surrogate looking like a supermodel would be just as easy to make as an ordinary looking surrogate, the company behind them would probably still charge extra for premium looking surrogates. The world would still be divided in privileged and unprivileged.
Just finishing V for Vendetta for the first time. Definitely worth staying up til midnight for.
The Expendables 2

Incredibly dumb, but that was part of its charm-ish thing it had going on. I enjoyed the ride!
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Those damn slavers!!!

It was ok if you can avoid the aneurysm caused by the sight of Lincoln chopping the head off a vampire.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Those damn slavers!!!

It was ok if you can avoid the aneurysm caused by the sight of Lincoln chopping the head off a vampire.

If by aneurysm you mean too much awesome for one man to take, then I understand completely.
The scene with the horse stampede was the best. And the Spielberg movie was solid too. Truly Mr. Lincoln has bee greatly honored with fine cinema this year.
The World Is Not Enough (1999). This movie was largely trashed by critics, but I was pleasantly surprised by it. Masterful performance by Robert Carlyle. Intriguing plot filled with twists. One of the better Bond movies I've seen. 7.5/10
Well, it's not too good, but it's not as bad as some other Bond movies.
The Princess of Montpensier - Fantastic.
The Wind that Shakes the Barley - Good.
True Grit - Fantastic.
In the Name of the Father - Good/Fantastic.

Currently watching Monsieur Lazhar.
poolboy: drowning out the fury

it was actually hilarious; however, I didn't really give it my full attention. But if you like bad films (this wasn't even that bad), this one is fantastic.
The Princess Mononoke. A Japanese anime. Some good aspects, some bad. I like the creativity in the tale, but it's pretty loose also, a large world that leaves much unexplained. Also the motives of many characters. It's a Japanese saga, somewhat enjoyable, just like Spirited Away. For an animated movie - 7/10
I cried watching a movie last night for the first time since seeing Old Yeller in 1st grade. Not only that, but I can't remember a time that I've cried over anything in the last five+ years.

But goddamn, the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale (with Richard Gere) freaking destroyed me. It was so sad and beautiful at the same time. I don't even know what else to say about it. Watch it with a box of tissues handy brahs.

Mommy Dearest

I have to say that crazy can be hot in a weird sort of way.
Casino. Nice, but I'd watched Goodfellas recently and it seemed like the same film over and over again.
Life of Pi, very good, smart movie. Great visuals.
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