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Which movies have you seen lately? Kinetic Icon VII

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I watched Up last night. A charming, lovely movie, such as I have not seen in a very long time.

Yeah, an absolutely delightful movie. Pixar at its best. And the accompanying short was fantastic too.

Too bad you didn't get to see it in theater. Serious tears were shed by grown adults in that room.
anyways I guess to rack up temporary postcount, just saw Tokyo gore police.
Spoiler holy unexpectedly large movie poster batman! :

It's actually terrible, don't watch it. As in 0/10 terrible. Good poster though!

I also "saw" Tron Legacy. It was on in the background whilst my friends and I were just hanging around, so I didn't really watch it thoroughly but saw enough to be able to say it was pretty terrible.

I need to get a good movie to watch soon.
Yeah, an absolutely delightful movie. Pixar at its best. And the accompanying short was fantastic too.

Too bad you didn't get to see it in theater. Serious tears were shed by grown adults in that room.

Yeah, not surprising. It's one of my favourite movies of all times. And I was about to cry at a few points.
it's just not entertaining. It's supposed to be is gorey weird perverse fun, but it's not really fun. It's too B-grade most of the time, too corny for the bizarreness to be taken as actually bizzare, etc. Even in bad movies though I still appreciate some semblance of a good premise, but this also has a poor premise.

there are plenty of "bad" movies that I like.
Just watched "The Robe". Ironically after mentioning the book in the Navy Seal Author murdered thread, I saw it coming on TCM tonight.

For a movie from 1953, I'll give it a 8.2/10. Varied distinctly from what I remember of the book which I admit I only remember relatively from years ago. The performances were mediocre and made me groan at parts - Apparently its first Cinemascope movie ever though, so quite fascinating on that regard. It seems Roman soldiers whose name starts with the letter M (Maximus/Marcellus) never bring good endings for Roman Emperors (Claudius/Caligula)
Although I admit, I did think the trial was intriguing despite the poor acting from Caligula (Trying to figure out how to embed it to 2 Hours into this...)

Link to video.

Ah screw it, too tired to figure it out, well here is the specific time of it linked

Ah, yes. That was a good movie. I recommend you check out Demetrius and the Gladiators. It's a sequel The Robe. I enjoyed both very much.

Anyway, I watched Day of the Jackal. I give it a 6/10, though it could have been higher had it not been for unnecessary, non-family friendly content displayed during the family viewing.
Watched Godzilla's Revenge, which is like yhe flashback episode of Godzilla movies. It is only an hour long and though it has a lot of awesome fight scenes, moat of them are scenes taken out of other Godzilla movies. The plot also centers around a little school boy and some robbers, which is a change of pace from most Godzilla plots.

Overall: 7.5/10

I also started a South Korean Godzilla-ripoff movie. So far it is actually ok but they haven't introduced the monster yet. I am worried though because I don't think there is a nemesis monster, it's just the Godzilla-clone vs Seoul. Those fights can be boring, we wil have to see.
gorky park. solid thriller with a lot of fake russians. 6/10
It gets the job done when you're 12 and don't have access to porn. :lol:
I was not even 10 - and appreciated the dramatic elements :p In deed the end-scene was sooo sad for me back then.

repost from the other movies threads (because really really worth a watch):
Not a movie but a documentary: The Invisible War
I don't know how popular it is in the US, but I found it pretty good. That is, sad and sickening. It is about the rape of female US soldiers (which are a lot) and how the army horribly fails dealing with this. With a sexist attitude that seems like out of a different age.
edit: Not just female soldiers though. Also about raped male soldiers, but their case has not much priority in the documentary.
I also started a South Korean Godzilla-ripoff movie. So far it is actually ok but they haven't introduced the monster yet. I am worried though because I don't think there is a nemesis monster, it's just the Godzilla-clone vs Seoul. Those fights can be boring, we wil have to see.

Finished it while doing some research on the apartment rental market last night.

It's called Yongary: Monster From the Deep. Despite a promising beginning, this movie is so bad I can't even rate it. The plot is all over the place, while it may have made sense at some point, the dialogue constantly leaves you guessing as to what they are talking about.

Not only is the dialogue bad, but the voice over acting is atrocious and I don't even mean the lip synching issues (which is actually pretty good). Sometimes, when the characters are clearly shouting, the voice over is a whisper. There is no emotionality to the voice acting either - they all sound like they're just reading a script in a monotone.

The effects are hit or miss. I applaud them for making the monster shoot actual flames, for one. The city models also look distant and snap, explode and burn the way you would expect real buildings to. The models for the tanks, jets and stuff look really good. They even had tank models with fully articulated treads - they looked like the real thing driving around, whereas in most old Godzilla films, you can see the little track that the tanks are on and the hitch underneath them that pulls them.

However, in the scenes where the monster shoots fire, you can sometimes see the pipe where the flames come out of:
Spoiler :

That picture doesn't even show the pipe that well, there are much worse shots of the flamethrower pipe. Also, while the city models look good there are scenes where bricks fall on people and the bricks are clearly shoeboxes.

The most agregious error though is the city smashing scenes. Yongary isn't energetic, he plods around and roars, while occasionally bumbing into stuff. He treats Seoul like a nuisance and inconvenience rather than the bane of his existence that must be crushed.

There are several long, drawn out scenes where he essentially stands still and roars - I am talking a full minute where he doesn't move. What the hell is that about? Is he smashing the city or posing for a photo shoot?

Then when they send in the helicopters and jets to attack him, they are all so slow. The helicopter in particular was painful to watch. It spun around his head at 1kmh and he just kind of lazily turns to follow it with his eyes. He couldn't even shoot it down with his fire breath or nose-horn laser beam!

I hated this movie - not because it sucked, I mean I watch Godzilla movies for godsakes - but because I was bored by it.
Lincoln. 9/10. Daniel Day-Lewis should have the Oscar wrapped up (I'd say Waltz beats Tommy Lee Jones in the supporting category, however). Quite a powerful performance, managing to convey that aura of greatness. The movie would be very inaccessible to people completely unfamiliar with American politics (which cuts out a large chunk of the foreign audience).

Where's the new thread?
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