wonder: Bison of Altamira

Feb 7, 2004
Campinas, Brazil
It was draw to be used in my mod "The Last March of Neanderthals" http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?threadid=82574

The link to download is http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads7/bisonaltamira.zip


Civilopedia: This is one of the first drawing done by Humans, it was did among 12.000 or 15.000 b.C in Altamira Cave, north of present Spain. The pre historic men had inhabited dark caves in this time and started drawn animals present in your day by day, after had used abstracts forms. The bison and other animals were drawn on the roof and the artist had little light to use. He used yellow, black and red ochre (stones) to paint. This mural was discovered in 1879 and this discovery helped the scientists get more infos about the cave men.
Originally posted by Supa
I like the idea and the bison, but the cavern is rather odd.

Yes, I have to change the arts of the Cave. Soon I can launch a new version with a new cave arts.
Looks much better. It is... MS Paintish. And More... .better..er...
Fine graphics! An very much needed too! :goodjob:

with civped txt I think there should be one correction:

"This is one of the first drawing done by Humans, it was did among 12.000 or 15.000 b.C in Altamira Cave, north of present Spain. "

- First drawing done by Humans known to man. There very well could have been billions of drawings before that one. Bison of Altamira has lasted because of favorable conditions. I mean, the bison is pretty good with outlines, coloring and everything, so it really can't be the first one. The artist must have had an idea how to portray the thing technically and the tribe and all people in general must have had an ability to understand conceptually, that it is a painting - which portrays a bison. Otherwise there would have been no reason to do that so precise, only to draw stick characters and shapes to perform as symbols close to the written text as many other wall paintings are.
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