Dune - A Civ 3: Conquests mod


Dec 3, 2003
I'm toying with the idea of doing a Dune mod for Civ 3: Conquests. Unfortunately I have not created any mods for civ before, so it is going to take a little getting use to. The only game I've ever modded is Europa Universalis II... anyways I'm looking for help and input for creating this. Especially in the grafics section, since I'm not in any way artistic.

The idea this doing this mod based on the following three ressources: The Dune books by Frank Herbert himself, the movie by David Lynch and the games by Westwood. The reason for using all three is to add more depth and gameplay.

The map will be based on the one in the back of the original Dune books. Unfortunately this only represents about 1/3 of the planet, so unless another source can be found for this we'll have to improvise.

As to playable civs I was going the use the three houses in the Westwood games: Harkonnen (Militaristic, Industrious), Atreides (Expansionistic, Commercial) and Ordos (Scientific, Commercial). Futhermore I would like a couple of Fremen civs and a smuggler civ. All the Fremen civs should properly be expansionistic, while the smuggler civ should be commercial.

Would anyone out there be interested in creating a mod like this together with me?
There is already in such project on Dune. I don't know if it's still a wip. Search in the few last pages and contact the autors of the thread.

Anyway, a Dune mod is always welcome. :)
Thanks for letting me know. :D

I searched the boards (manually :( ) and found two links of interest:



The first one seems to have died in the idea-fase, while the latter did get a little further. If any of the projects are still active could anyone let me know? Otherwise people working on the old mods are most welcome join up... :)

On the cdgroup forum they altered the terrain to make ocean and coastal squares into desert squares. While Í can see some value of this (keeping certain units out of the desert, keep sandworms in the desert, elimination of city-building in the desert) there is IMHO a problem with it (can one make units capable of traversing both oceans and land squares?). What do you think? Would this be a good way of doing thing?
Sute]{h, I've never played Dune or read the books, but is there ocean or lakes on Dune?

IIRC you can also ban units from travelling on certain terrains so turning the ocean into desert may be unnecessary. So you can force certain units to be on only one or two types of terrain, another unit on others only and then another unit which can go on all terrain.

In the editor, there is a check thingy if you want cities on a certain terrain or not.

So IMO try the easier option (ie; not changing ocean into desert) first to see if it works.
Originally posted by Mongoloid Cow
Sute]{h, I've never played Dune or read the books, but is there ocean or lakes on Dune?

IIRC you can also ban units from travelling on certain terrains so turning the ocean into desert may be unnecessary. So you can force certain units to be on only one or two types of terrain, another unit on others only and then another unit which can go on all terrain.

In the editor, there is a check thingy if you want cities on a certain terrain or not.

So IMO try the easier option (ie; not changing ocean into desert) first to see if it works.
As Supa said there is no water on Dune. As to blocking unit movement I can't find the place where this is done. The way i see it i can either ban movement into a certain terrain entirely or prevent "wheeled" units from entering. Of course we could make all non-desert traveling units wheeled, but this wouldn't prevent worms from entering mountains, and would allow tanks to drive into mountain squares without roads. Both of which isn't good IMHO. The check box to prevent city building is nice though, if only I could find a way to limit entry into certain terrain-types.
Guard 1/2/1 -> Man-at-Arms
Man-at-Arms 1/3/1 -> Light Infantry
Light Infantry 2/4/1 -> Shielded Infantry
Shielded Infantry ?/?/1
Heavy Infantry ?(?)/2/1 -> Lasgun Infantry
Lasgun Infantry ?(?)/?/1
AA Infantry ?/?/1

Guard Tower ?(?)/?/0 -> Gun Turret
Gun Turret ?(?)/?/0 -> Lasturret
Missilturret ?/?/0
Lasturret ?(?)/?/0

Scout Units:
Scout 0/1/2 -> Stillsuit Infantry
Stillsuit Infantry 2/2/2 (treats all terrain as roads)
Scout Trike 0/1/3 -> Assault Trike

Fast Units:
Assault Troops 2/1/2 -> Stillsuit Infantry
Assault Trike 1/1/3 -> Dune Buggy (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showt...&threadid=49825)
Dune Buggy 2/2/4 -> War Buggy
War Buggy 4/2/4

Light Tank ?/?/3 -> Heavy Tank
Heavy Tank ?/?/3 -> Lascannon Tank
Lascannon Tank ?/?/3

Light Mech ?/?/3 -> Heavy Mech
Heavy Mech ?/?/3

Wonder Units:
Saudarkar ?/?/? (House-only wonder)
Swordmaster ?/?/? (House-only wonder)
Fedaykin ?/?/? (Fremen-only wonder)

Air Units:
Airguard ?/?/?
Carry-all ?/?/?

Special Units:
Reverend Mother ?/?/1 (sees invisible units)
Contaminator ?/?/1 (enslave-ability which creates another contaminator)
Sniper ?/?/1 -> Assasin (invisible)
Assasin ?/?/1 -> Facedancer (chooses which unit to attack, invisible)
Facedancer ?/?/1 (chooses which unit to attack, invisible, hidden civ)
Saboteur ?/?/1 (good ideas anyone?)

Civ-specific Units:
Krys Fighter 2/3/1 (Fremen - replaces Man-at-Arms; treats all terrain as roads. Could replace Stillsuit Infantry instead and be a 3/2/2 unit.)
Tau ?/?/? (Fremen)
Wormrider ?/?/? (Fremen)
Sonic Infantry ?/?/? (Atreides)
Sonic Tank ?/?/? (Atreides)
Devastator ?/?/? (Harkonnen)

"Barbarian" Units:
Shai-Hulud (sandworm) ?/?/?
Coriolis-storm ?/?/?

Please comment. :)
For what stands Lasinfantry, lasturret and lastank ?
Laser ? Beware, this is a rude combo with shield. ;)

I like most of your ideas but part of the UU. Perhaps you could find better than the Dune II units for these :)

As the Fedaykin come in existance only with Paul, perhaps they should be also a Wonder unit. From a wonder only avalaible for the Fremens, of course. It would add a nice touch I think.

And perphaps the Mechs are not needed. I don't see them fit really well with the Dune context, and I don't know what they could add to the game.
Hmm... a fremen only wonder... perhaps, but then we'll have to find some way of compensating the other civs. And some other UU for the fremen.

Also we could perhaps do better than westwood (most likely ;)) in coming up with UU. This was just to get us started. If we can find something better and more loyal to the univers we'll use it. I do like the idea of Thailaxu biological weapons though. :D ´

As to mechs I simply added them as a way of prolonging the tech-tree. As with tanks they don't appear in the books, but they're nice. Again if we can find something else we'll use it. Speaking of tanks it was my intention that all these tanks are supposed to be hovertanks.

In regards to the shield-and-laser-combo-:nuke: (c) I would really like having the effekt in the mod, but can such a thing be done?

EDIT: Edited the unit listing to reflekt some of your feedback plus a couple of minor adjustments.
> In regards to the shield-and-laser-combo- (c) I would really like having the effekt in the mod, but can such a thing be done?

AFAIK, no.

> I do like the idea of Thailaxu biological weapons though.

Do I smell a 'Commercial contact with the Bene Tleilax' tech/wonder ? :]

I'll think about all this. It would be nice to see a Dune mod taking off.
Added Krys Infantry as a fremen UU. I'm considering an air unit for the Atreides, they were know for their focus on air and naval superiority.
Added units and more details... all ideas are still very much welcome, as are unit designers. :D

I'm considering having this unit replace the mechs:
Very nice IMHO. :goodjob:

And for a more advanced mech we could use something like this:

For the Coriolis-storm I found a tornado-unit:

For the light tank I think the modern armour could do the job. But for the latter some some these might do well:

As for the warbuggy the last unit here might do:

Could this work for as a gunturret:
And for missileturret:

How about this for some of the early infantry units?

Well that was the last 10 pages of the finished units looked through. Would like feedback, and other good ideas... ;)
This is the map upon which I think we should base the upper third of our Dune map. But before starting the map creation it must be desided wheter or not we shall use oceans, seas and coasts as deserts. Personnally I think it might cause more problems than it solves. It will prevent worms from entering the cities, but it will also prevent other desert troops from invading cities and moving into mountains. As to worms I would simply prefer to make them "wheeled" units, thereby they won't enter most of the northern map protected by the Shield Wall.


From: http://www.duneworld.org
I don't think the various X-Com Tanks would fit well in Dune. I don't know.. Perhaps they're too glowly 8)

The Centaur are definitly a good idea as far as the Mech concept goes. I saw some little two-legged Mech around. The MechaWalker, here we go. It could work as early mech.

From memory, there is also a white Laser Tank somewhere.

There is also a Trike, directly inspired by the one of Dune II. I don't know if it have been posted here or on CDG

About the Barbarians, they should be definitly a great threath, from the start to the end of the game.

>> Tau ?/?/? (Fremen)
What's a Tau, again ? (Damn, I've forgotten sth about Dune :'()
As I'm fairly good :D :rolleyes: I'd be keen to do the map...

I wouldn't use any water terrain - and would make worms 'barbarians' and barbarian spawn points invisible, as I don't think barbarians can spawn from open territory?

Maps size=256x or 356x - large size lending itself to guerilla type warfare - as seems to be the theme from the stories, and couldn't be represented in the Dune 2, 2000, Emperor games.

Other ideas.

Following themes established by Dune 2, etc, with reference back to Herbert's work.

Ten Civs

Corrin - ach! Tired after work - Imperial house.
And six Fremen tribes

Will make for fast game - as any more slows down like snail on tarseal :(

Well, let me know about the map :D check out the link below.
I just whipped together a Baron Harkonnen leaderhead. I still need to animate it, change the resolution, and add a backdrop to it but other than that it is pretty much done. Here it is:

Are you using the book, the film or the games as a resource, 'cause I have Emperor : Battle for Dune as a resource.
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