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Imperium Offtopicum II: Chronological Order is For Chumps!

Do you agree to the territory allotment I proposed in the PM, Ulyaoth?

Pink Xes show which Venetian provinces I'm invading. Basically, they're the three closest to Macedonia.

In the case of Venice, this makes ever more sense: their fleet is in ruins, their entire nation ripped apart, and their armies likely have shed so many troops between defensive and offensive operations. I was tempted to have Bosnia declare independence and abandon a sinking ship.

Wouldn't we just attack them too?

BWAHAHAHA we owned him!
I want to use whatever strategy Math's guys are using!

@Hobo nation fighting over something as trivial as an NPC nation:
Stop trying to kill us. Before Zeus gets really mad, and I have to travel halfway across the world to burn your sorry capital to the ground.

It's obvious you don't like Math, but dude. He's on the other freaking side of the world. GET OVER IT ALREADY.
BWAHAHAHA we owned him!
I want to use whatever strategy Math's guys are using!

i wasn't using any strategy, i let Tanicus do it. clearly i had a superior manufacturing ability. or superior resources. or something.
What's the point of a PM if you're going to announce it to everybody?

Long story:

I tried VMing him, but I can't attach pics, so I started PMing him. I realized you can't attach pictures to that either, but I remembered I could use the image tag, and I was too lazy to go back and VM him instead of PM. :lol:
I want that then. Sounds overpowered.

...lets say that we try being friends first?

Byzantine news

the people are surprised that the Koreans were allowed to be near Constantinople at all. the people are demanding action so this is prevented. the Emperor had to agree, since our defenses must suck if Korea bypassed the islands, CONSTANTINOPLE and went to Crimea!

100,000 people simply isnt enough, apparently. i am reverting to the standard 2 million army. 500,000 people, the Constantinople Guard will Guard the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits, until the war is over.
Egypt and Arabia: we ask that you bar South Korea's access to the Suez Canal and the Straits of Gibraltar.
Virginia protests the continued belligerent actions of all participants in the Venetian War and offers to host a peace summit on neutral soil in Newport News in the interest of preserving global relations.

- Lighthearter

It's just white territory that can fight back. There is NO point to Venice, or any other NPC nation, other than to test the war mechanics before World War 7 kicks off.
It's just white territory that can fight back. There is NO point to Venice, or any other NPC nation, other than to test the war mechanics before World War 7 kicks off.

OOC: I agree, but this is mostly about your disagreement with SK.

- Lighthearter
A quote from an Indian science magazine written for those with some technical knowledge:

A group of researchers from TRI, armed with the largest atom smasher in the world, recently discovered a particle known as the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is a particle with spin 0 that gives all objects mass, and physicists have been searching for it ever since the Standard Model predicted its existence in the 1970s.

OOC: Maybe I should rename myself to MathandScienceNerd? :lol:
Curses! I'll get you meddling kids next time!

Byzantium requests a favorable peace treaty. either we end the war on favorable terms or we wipe you out and give you to north Korea.

The nation plans on keeping expanding into Africa, as shown on the PAE. We now have 10 adjacent territories, which means that the next claims shall be 1 point.

Also, with the war raging in Venice, TUNIC has allowed troops from the "Allies" (the nations attacking Venice) to have a place to stay in our beautiful country, improving diplomatic and trade relations with those nations.

Newest desktop and claims attached.
Stay out of Portugal.
OOC: I agree, but this is mostly about your disagreement with SK.

- Lighthearter

Not really, I think I've said before that it's annoying me. This thread is just giving me an excuse to finally end it once and for all.
@ EEC Members,
Check the Group!! :)

Virginia protests the continued belligerent actions of all participants in the Venetian War and offers to host a peace summit on neutral soil in Newport News in the interest of preserving global relations.

- Lighthearter
We will have peace granted...we get Lands that are Italian that they hold, and Our allies get the lands they want (Which Would mean Venice is gone :) )
Virginia refuses to see small nations bullied by the large - since this offer of a peaceful resolution was rejected, we do hereby declare war upon Byzantium, Macedon and Egypt. We shall beseech Alefurya to STOP THE MADNESS, if you deny the Empire we shall add you to the list of our enemies.

I hereby propose a new bloc of nations - The Alliance to Preserve Global Freedoms(APGF), and invite South Korea and Venice to join into it with me.

In other news, the recent death of Queen Laiin in a plane crash en route to Bermuda for a naval review has shaken Virginia to its core. However, her son Alexander, former Duke of West Virginia, now ascends to the throne. In his childhood before the Cataclysm, he studied in South Korea. He formally apologizes to South Korea for any harsh words exchanged in the past and pledges his full support to the new "Allied Powers" in their effort to prevent the coalition of raving imperialists from seizing all of Venice's lands.

Sic Semper Tyrannus!

- Lighthearter
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