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Imperium Offtopicum II: Chronological Order is For Chumps!

Virginia refuses to see small nations bullied by the large - since this offer of a peaceful resolution was rejected, we do hereby declare war upon Byzantium, Macedon and Egypt. We shall beseech Alefurya to STOP THE MADNESS, if you deny the Empire we shall add you to the list of our enemies.

I hereby propose a new bloc of nations - The Alliance to Preserve Global Freedoms(APGF), and invite South Korea and Venice to join into it with me.

In other news, the recent death of Queen Laiin in a plane crash en route to Bermuda for a naval review has shaken Virginia to its core. However, her son Alexander, former Duke of West Virginia, now ascends to the throne. In his childhood before the Cataclysm, he studied in South Korea. He formally apologizes to South Korea for any harsh words exchanged in the past and pledges his full support to the new "Allied Powers" in their effort to prevent the coalition of raving imperialists from seizing all of Venice's lands.

Sic Semper Tyrannus!

- Lighthearter

clearly, you did not read. i offered peace to south korea.

and, war, war, war, this is becoming routine, why don't you take the less aggressive step? like..oh.. embargoing? or just plain criticizing the nations? come on, there has to be a less extreme reaction.
Curses! I'll get you meddling kids next time!
And that dog of yours! :p

Stay out of Portugal.
Our Proposed Area of Expansion included Portugal much before your claims.
TUNIC refuses to acknowledge Spain's annexing of Portugal.

Any word from the EEC on TUNIC's and Levantine applications?
I checked their only discussion, and it appears I am already going to be in, I'm just waiting for an invitation (I know I can join the group by myself...I probably should).
Blah blah blah I'm turning into a hippie blah blah blah you guys suck blah blah blah BLAH blah.

- Lighthearter

Can we get one thing straight? NPC nations DO NOT HAVE ANY CONSEQUENCE ON THE GAME. They just soak up the unclaimed white territories like a sponge, giving them the ability to counterattack. If you say the players do this too, well we do. But we're actual people, not something determined by the combined wills of Tanacius and random.org. NPCs are just a mechanic of the game, nothing more.

You're like trying to fight for wolves' rights in an MMO.
Lighthearter, if you are planning to defend every NPC, there will be a lot of wars and embargoes going on. Including with me. (I'm planning to annex Bolivia, the S. American banana republic).
I claim Naxos because Macedon doesn't think there's any Islands in the Mediterranean that hasn't been added and the four South African provinces that I colored in. Oranje areas of futer expansion.png
Claims for this turn (Just got a message from my visitors box to make my claims now): Brunswick costs and Manitoba
Get Your War On:

On today's installment, South Korea attacks the Byzantines at South Marmara and Macedonia at West Cyprus and Crete.

Spoiler :
1. Crete

Strategy chosen: Naval
Defender's Strategy: Naval


The Macedonians have fortified Crete, as an invasion force approaches from the Southwest. Whoever controls the seas will control the battlefield.

Having learned from past failures, the Korean admiral makes a smart move by destroying one of the ore refineries of the Cretans with merely one mini-sub, which kamikazes the site.

The Korean navy unveils a superior battleship, and also has experience on its side, due to the capture of the Veteran Academy. With their new battleship design, the Koreans can combat the Macedonians' own battleship fleet. Both sides are also on par in terms of regional control weapons.

Just as the battle looked grim for the Koreans - who had a low-power superweapon, and no fleet of their own to counter the 6 mini-carriers boasted by the Macedonians - a special agent of theirs destroyed half the Macedonian fleet with her powers of illusion - witnesses say she lifted the carriers into the air - as well as sending countless aircraft to the bottom of the ocean.

Alas, eventually, the Macedonians win. But, the Koreans still have another invasion force poised to strike West Cyprus!

2. West Cyprus

Strategy chosen: Naval
Defender's Strategy: Naval

West Cyprus falls after a long, drawn out battle. The Koreans make use of robotics, tanks, aircraft, and battleships all at once. Such force overwhelms the poorly-prepared Macedonian commander.

3. South Marmara Region

Strategy chosen: Advanced vehicles
Defender's strategy: Navy

Incensed by victory at last, the Koreans send a force to conquer South Marmara. The Byzantine people aren't happy in seeing the Koreans back after a few months of relief, but are glad their Emperor has at least prepared the city this time around.

As time passes, the Koreans secured the middle ground between the two bases. Just as in politics and chess, the center paved the way for victory, with massive Korean waves destroying much of the main base - even capturing some buildings! - as the Byzantine MCV fled.

The Byzantines were eventually routed.
Stubborn bastard...

I cancel my attack on the northiest province of Venice I'm attacking in favor of taking my other half Cyprus back.

I claim Naxos because Macedon doesn't think there's any Islands in the Mediterranean that hasn't been added and the four South African provinces that I colored in.View attachment 256313

That's not a province on the map. I would think Tanicus would have told me about it when I tried to claim Lesbos, or that I'd have seen it the umpteenth time I zoomed in to that area.
Claimed three provinces in France, and that marks 10 contiguous territories, which means I'm officially part-European. :p I would like to join the EEC, please.

EDIT: I forgot the map. :blush:

South Korea accepts Virginia's offer in an alliance, but is confused that they are supporting us in the first place, as they were condemning us joining the war to protect Venice.

To other nations: We refuse peace until you reconize Venice's right to exist.
You can claim/attack next update.

Well, wait:

You've only spent 5 points this turn if I'm adding it all up right. Therefore, you have one point - or two attacks - to use.


Alefurya would like to further comment we are no longer pursuing hostilities with the Venetians; we have what we came for. We'll let everyone else fight over the rest of it. We will defend Trent and Venezia to the last man, however, as they are key to our economic independence.

Besides, at this point, we get the feeling the Venetian yoke won't last much longer... why would a bunch of Slavs and Greeks choose to live under an incapable, destroyed Italian government? They're probably fighting the Venetians as we speak, in hopes of securing their rights of self-determination.

Byzantium has also declared it is no longer pursuing hostilities against Venice and will stay defensive. Macedon, on the other hand, we're sure is intent on taking the last provinces the Venetians have, given that several are Greek.
Russia claims the belarusian province that is closest to them, and the kola peninsula.
We also announce peace with Venice, IF we get the Dalmatian coast, Triest and Fieume (Pola). (TF, Would just accept or reject that as Venice?)
The Svalbarian Empire claims this:

The Angevin Empire contests the claim of Greenland absolutely, as such was declared within our sphere of influence. You have all of Scandinavia in which to expand and you wish to limit our northern expansion? Why?
I consider the Svalbarian Empire to have extended enough into Asia to be part of APATA (or whatever we change the name to).

Do you want to join?

And, Arakhor, I don't think "sphere of influence" is official enough. If you really wanted Greenland, you would have claimed it yourself.
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