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Imperium Offtopicum II: Chronological Order is For Chumps!

Well, first that's Svalbard-claimed Greenland, just as Iceland is Angevin-claimed.

Secondly, I already agreed that Svalbard could have Greenland, provided that they recognised the sovereignty of Iceland and the other North Atlantic islands are sovereign Angevin territory and they didn't expand south of Denmark, which Svalbard immediately agreed to, provided they got to claim Iceland as part of their sphere of influence.

Thirdly, that rather leads me to believe that if Anglo-Normandy has a sphere of influence, it is utterly irrelevant, but if Svalbard has a sphere of influence, my actual, paid claims are also irrelevant. Maybe it's my uncultured ways, but that's not diplomacy in any form that I know.
I would like to claim the NCSA if I currently can and Tan hasn't done so for me already. I will post a bio later, I have limited time to do a lot of stuff.
So what do you actually want to do? :p

I want irrelevant islands in the North, are you really going to pick a fight over Iceland? Its bankrupt if you didn't know. Also, we WILL NOT BACK DOWN. Iceland is beyond value to us. Denmark has many provinces, are you not willing to relinquish claims on icelands barren 3 in return for Denmark unhindered?
The Svalbarian Empire claims this:

I think all those crappy uninhabited islands come with the deal.

The Angevin Empire contests the claim of Greenland absolutely, as such was declared within our sphere of influence. You have all of Scandinavia in which to expand and you wish to limit our northern expansion? Why?

He's claiming a frozen wasteland. There's nothing up there at all. Except maybe seals, polar bears, and Eskimos. You're getting pissy over something almost as trivial as...

Next turn, I'll attack East Cyprus with superior tech, Athens by navy, and Constantinople again with superior tech.

EDIT: Scratch Constantinople, I'll invade Venice with Navy

This. What is your freaking problem anyway?

You don't have superior tech than me. We're equal. Also:

This. What is your freaking problem anyway?

You don't have superior tech than me. We're equal.

also notice that he is attacking Venice, a nation he claimed to support. that's just more evidence.
So what do you actually want to do? :p

I want irrelevant islands in the North, are you really going to pick a fight over Iceland? Its bankrupt if you didn't know. Also, we WILL NOT BACK DOWN. Iceland is beyond value to us. Denmark has many provinces, are you not willing to relinquish claims on icelands barren 3 in return for Denmark unhindered?

Was this a crosspost, or were you responding to me for some reason?

Tan, can you confirm for me I can claim the NCSA?
If Anglo-Normandy knew that we could colonise Denmark unhindered, then we would consider redirecting our people's colonists from Iceland to Denmark. However, Germany and Russia have provided no such guarantees and we will; not be jerked around like a stray dog on a chain.

Furthermore, the Angevin Empire is the noted pre-eminent naval power in the world and the islands of the north Atlantic are important to our naval supremacy.
As we said, this is not a negotiation, this is us setting out what we see as right. If you believe those islands are important in your naval supremacy we sincerely worry about your navy.. are they made of wood?!? In this day an age a chain of islands is completely irrelevant when a nuclear sub can circumvent the entire globe with surfacing or even engaging its engines at a level that can be noted by sonar. Are you going to admit your navy is a group of wooden longships who need several island stop offs in order to survive reaching the "promised land" ? Please, don't make us pity you.

How you set out your claims for Denmark are of no interest to us. We know, that to most, that they are far more valuable (than what which we claim) so do not feel we need to bargain with you in any way. We WILL have the polar lands, but at the same time, we are leaving it to the rest of you to squabble over the gnat infested hinterlands which we hold no interest.
Perhaps this "discussion" will go over better when the New United Nations releases the latest world map. Diplomacy is not conducted the way Svalbard seems to feel it is.
It looks like you and Svalbard need some mediating! Svalbard is in an alliance with me, but is there anybody neutral that would be willing to mediate between you two, since a war would be terrible?
@ Dommy: The NCSA is yours next update. What color would you like?

Get Your War On

Virginia Attacks!


I left for lunch during the simulation, but it was an air-centric Virginian force vs. a navy-centric Macedonian force.

As per usual, the naval strategy wins the Macedonians the gold. The Phalanx Fleet is impenetrable!

Peloponnese (East is on left, West on right)

Weary from their last defeat, the Virginians use their full naval strength to fight the Macedonians off the coast of the Peloponnese. Making things worse is the many Korean shipwrecks littering the zone from their own failed offensive, reminding the Americans that they too could have come from half a world away for nothing.

The Virginians are the first to deploy a regional weapon, due to a stalemate on the seas.

Over the course of six days, however, the Virginians crumble. The Macedonians have repulsed both invasions, leaving Virginia looking increasingly insecure...
I'll be leaving soon, so am I allowed to post my claims now? Sorry!



Map updated. Turn 5 now. Year is 2017.


1. Domination3000 is now in charge of the NCSA.

New province costs:

300 pixels or less = 1 point
600 pixels or less = 2 points
900 pixels or less = 3 points
900+ = 4 points

New distance penalty rule:

If there is only 10 pixels or less between territories, they are considered to be part of the same contiguous area, thus making the DP null.

New combat rule:

Whenever attacking an NPC via RA3, if the situation seems right, I will put in a third team of rebels. If they win the battle, the territory becomes a new nation.

New combat rule 2:

You can negotiate a "military access" treaty with other powers. This makes it so that you can go through their land to attack a foe, or station troops on their soil. This will halve the distance penalty's value(RNG), or halve how many times you incur it(dice).

NPC changes:

1. NPCs are now limited to occupying 20% of their territory count per turn; the floor is 1 territory and the roof 5. No distance penalty or size penalty incurred on territories, but they are limited to expanding into regions strategically viable to them.

2. When an NPC is whomped(loses half its territories and stays this way for a turn), it will get a special random event. From -10 to 10, a number will be generated. If it lands in the negatives, the NPC falls apart and disintegrates, reforming into a new NPC(which can claim new territories as if it was a new NPC, or three territories).

3. NPCs will now have "core provinces." These are provinces that if anyone occupies, they will go to war with the owner. They can take territories outside the cores, but only as bargain chips; if you offer them peace and their core provinces you hold, they automatically accept. As a rule, no territories already under human occupation will become core provinces.

New NPCs!

A new nation, Gran Colombia, has risen in Panama and Colombia.

The Doge and his government were massacred by rebels in Sarajevo. The new Yugoslav Republic has taken over in the Bosnian territories of Venice, and merged with communities in other Slavic regions. It seeks peace with all belligerents.

By contrast, some Venetian notables - speaking Greek, of course - have set up the Most Serene Republic of Greece west of Macedon. Aligned with SK and Virginia, they claim that Macedonians are not Greek, and thus have no right to rule over the Greek nation. Unlike the Yugoslavs, they seek to crush Macedon and free the Greeks.


Alefurya claims:

1. Four microprovinces around our border(2) Edit: Actually we'll take three. We're gonna hit Seoul, baby!
2. More of Denmark(3)
3. One of the Canary Islands. (4) Being allied to the Angevins, we do not wish to antagonise them. As a result, we will only be grabbing about the eastern half of the Canaries, if that.
4. Two islands further down the coast(6)
New NPCs!

The Doge and his government were massacred by rebels in Sarajevo. The new Yugoslav Republic has taken over in the Bosnian territories of Venice, and merged with communities in other Slavic regions. It seeks peace with all belligerents.

By contrast, some Venetian notables - speaking Greek, of course - have set up the Most Serene Republic of Greece west of Macedon. Aligned with SK and Virginia, they claim that Macedonians are not Greek, and thus have no right to rule over the Greek nation. Unlike the Yugoslavs, they seek to crush Macedon and free the Greeks.

Yugoslavia is recognized as an NPC Government. at at peace with Byzantium.

NPC Greece: you know... Byzantium is a greek nation, it would be better to abandon your nation (macedon will attack and destroy it), and move into Byzantium.
How do we know how many pixels a province is?

You don't; I do, since I measure it for you. That's why it's best to run your claims by me before publicly posting them so you get the most out of it.

Oh, furthermore:

You have all been given six points again for this turn.
I don't seem to have expanded as expected.. ?
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