It's bigger, longer and uncut. The heavy galleass.
Thanks for all participating the fun creation process
Download heavy galleass
Here are included the alternative arrow attack for this ship (it could be useful in some fantasy scenarios).
Download arrow attack
preview of the animations: default, fidget, run, attack and death (the flc has shadows in the death flic, but this preview doesn't).
A zoomed-in version of the civilopedia image
It's bigger, longer and uncut. The heavy galleass.
Thanks for all participating the fun creation process
Download heavy galleass
Here are included the alternative arrow attack for this ship (it could be useful in some fantasy scenarios).
Download arrow attack
preview of the animations: default, fidget, run, attack and death (the flc has shadows in the death flic, but this preview doesn't).
A zoomed-in version of the civilopedia image