Pharaoh Pack I : Papyrus & co


Out of Cheese Error
Jan 7, 2003


Converted from Pharaoh, by Impression Games. Play it :)


Sweet beans!
(Did I just say that??)
Great work. Is Pharoh a good game? It's supposed to be fairly cheap now, I heard.
It is a good game. It has some flaws (combat system, uh, frustrating) but in the overall, I'm glad of purchase. It should be very low, as Sierra has been shut down. I got it for 30€ a few months ago in a package with its addon, Caesar III, Emperor, Zeus & Poseidon. I didn't have the time to play them yet but Pharaoh.
Nice work on the conversions. :thumbsup:

And Pharoah is probably my most-played game behind Civ 3...I love it.
I have and Ceasar 3, Ceasar 2, Emperor and I love to watch my bro play Pharaoh, we even took the music from the Pharaoh CD, made an audio CD and gave names to all the songs. I'm listening to it right now, :lol:. So Sierra is no more... pity. They made some great games, and my brother lost Pharaoh, :cry: so I like to play Ceasar 3 once every now and then.
Hi Boys
I know youre posts was a long time ago but is there any chance you could upload or send me the music files from Pharaoh? I also lost my CD when moving abroad and would really like to have it.

ps. great taste of music amongst the members here :-)

pps. The conversions Are Awesome, I be sure to check out Pharaoh pack 2,3 and 4.

ppps. By the way has Anyone seen any Ceasar 3 conversions? I actually not long ago re-bought that game (3rd time I think hehe) for like £5 and the graphics there are perfect for CIV3 Ancient Era. I have no idea where to begin converting but if I could I would, C3 was a great game and yes its a big shame SIERRA is gone.

As to CIV3 I think it goes well to fast the first ERA in gameplay so the mod I am working on is full of extra techs etc just to prolong that ERA, its my favourite, then comes mid industrial when it starts getting interesting again...

Peace to you All,
except the other 35 CIVS (ALWAYS CONQUEST...)

(I hope its ok to write on an old thread like this?)
It is okay to bump old threads, as far as I'm concerned.

I won't send you the musics (copyright and stuff), but good luck in your quest. I'm sure you can find Pharaoh cheap somewhere.

For conversion, it's actually simple. Launch the game, place the building at a right place, take a screenshot, clean it, resize it, palette it, post it. ;-)
Hmmm... seems to me that I've found a good source for getting materials... now to find a cheap copy of the game!
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