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Show me your orders/battle plans!

And the arrows are just a few paintbrush squares (on the minimum setting) placed together like a pyramid so they look like arrows when zoomed out.

Or you can just draw a triangle. Sometimes I do it the one way, sometimes the other; it's not too hard if you have an ounce of fine motor control.
I'm sure you'll love mine. I bet you can tell what now-running NES game this is from:

Spoiler :
Army Warsaw Holds
Army Moscow - Ukraine
Fleet St. Petersburg (South) - Gulf of Botnia
Fleet Sevestapol - Black Sea
I'm sure you'll love mine. I bet you can tell what now-running NES game this is from:

Spoiler :
Army Warsaw Holds
Army Moscow - Ukraine
Fleet St. Petersburg (South) - Gulf of Botnia
Fleet Sevestapol - Black Sea
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my "average" orders, some have been much larger and much smaller these are from last turn but i was destroyed so you get to see them.(just pointing out though that attacking Custia played havoc on his military)

Spoiler :
Cities: Tinatopia, Cuastia
Leader: The Guider Almeno Jacues
Religion: Pirian Oneism (100%)
Economy: 3- 2/1
Population: Small
Army: 2000 Spearmen (3), 1000 Archers (2.5), 2000 Swordsmen (4)
Navy: 20 Galleys
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Neutral
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: "Yit Khul Gyihja", The Great Voyage, +1 Culture and Confidence
Description: The nomadic Nontin have recently settled south of Arcadia, led by their Guide, Almeno Jacues. They have formed into a close nation, but could be easily hurt by their neighbours if they don't tread carefully.

Economy: 2 Points on 20 ballistae(1 point left)
1 point on 1,000 archers

Military: Because of the impending invasion I will create a conscription looking for 15,000 men.

All Troops, artillary, conscription troops, etc. will report to Cuastia. They will be arranged in and around the city in a circle ballistae in the center, then archers, then swordsmen, then spearmen.

All Naval forces will search the coast for any Enemy ships, they are all to be destroyed.

I think it takes time to move the capitol but start moving it to Cuastia or move it there if it only takes a turn.

btw how many conscripts showed up about 7,000?
5-10 000. Historical records vary. Valins like to say that you had more soldiers to make their losses look better by comparison.
I'm sure you'll love mine. I bet you can tell what now-running NES game this is from:

Spoiler :
Army Warsaw Holds
Army Moscow - Ukraine
Fleet St. Petersburg (South) - Gulf of Botnia
Fleet Sevestapol - Black Sea

But Dreadnought, what about abbreviations and nomenclature? Heretic!!!
But Dreadnought, what about abbreviations and nomenclature? Heretic!!!
It's okay. Someone (Captain2, maybe?) sent me orders for the first few turns in the form of a screenshot of their orders in jDip. :p
For some comparison Iron, heres my (oh-so crappy) orders from the same turn. Yes (ahead of some people), I prefer to outline goals and have the mod decide whether or not I make them.

Spoiler :


~NOTE: Thlayli and I have discussed (and agreed to) a treaty in which he turns over the western region next to Arcadia, pays 2 eco points, renounces all claims to Arcadian lands, and agrees to religious tolerance and on-intervention on the continent. If all of this is not mentioned by him, consider all talks of peace of and war continuing. Otherwise tell the populace that a "justifying" peace has been concluded.

1.) In these times, a force is needed to bind both Arcadia and Davar togethor. That force will come from Jarn Atrex, a Davian general sent to Arcadia to fight, making him a suitable figure in both people's eyes. The man is to be a devout Pirian, helping to respread the faith in Ardan, and cementing his support in Arcadia.

He's to lead the Ardan forces in the Nontin war.

2.) Begin a new project, Reborn Glory (+ Cities of Dava and Boro, + Dava and Boro eco centers)

3.) Train 4000 new Guards. Rename the Guards to Katiahn. They're standard, professional troops armed with a variety of weapons to increase their damage ratings. They carry a longsword, a smaller one-handed axe, and a shortsword (all made of iron) while specially carring a pair of smaller blades (katari) dually wielded to use when charging an enemy. They're taught to never break lines- no matter the probibilty of death- an to always fight to the death.

4.) Begin once more to encourage the growth of Pirian, slightly adopting Tengri ideals to ease the transition. In addition the Ardan culture is to become a blending pot of other cultures, most notably Valin, proto-Davian, Eldranian, Kalmarian (early villages joined with Davar and formed the core western povinces), and Lengel. This to be encouraged.

5.0 Begin majoring propoganda campaigns to rally support for the wars, to "defend what is wanted by the One."

3.) Begin a new wave of missionary work. Rather than asking and receiving permission for wide-scale missinonary work, begin a new style of preaching (reffered to as Calyn-Alat (Church-Front, referring to the preaching from the front of a church.)

Basically, individual missionaries are to travel to the various states and begin to preach to small communities of people. If they are killed then they are to become matyrs and used in religiopus propaganda to carry on the work.

Work on spreadin the Pirian faith to Orum, Norvalin, Tir, Gammorea, Citadel, Kalmar, Khermi, Gorin, Chanc, Exilsum, and as far away as Kelios and Tsaya.


1.) Have Jarn take command of the 5000 Katiahn, with half of them being Davain and the other half Arcadina. This is crucial to show that davar will support Arcadia, no matter the enemy. The troops are to be transported to Arcadia rapidly using the Tiranes and friendly ports. Have these troops move to the south eastern border with Nontin.

2.) 5,000 militia are to report to duty along the Norvalin border and move to secure control of the Norvalin city (Riverrun, to be renamed Caridython). Religious tolerance and emigration is to be accepted of they surrender peacefully, if not expel them from the land and take control.

The other 10,000 milita are to move immediatly from Vael Dash to the Nontin border.

Call up 5,000 additional militia from Radis (which should be its own province ;]), and use the troops supplied from Tir along the Nontin border also.

3.) Nontin, by all accounts, should be Arcadian- which in turn should reduce the fighting needed to take control. Offer a group (known as the Caez) a leadership position in the province if the defect.

4.) Have the 10,000 milita (under Arcadian general Tare) invade from the north and head towards the capital, placing it quickly under seige and cutting off communication.

Have the 5,000 Radix (adj for Radis) militia move north along with the Tir and take control of the southern region.

Have the troops under Jarn move west and strike from the east, taking over the capital with little fighting if the Caez defect and turn the city over)

From there repeat actions to take the other city, doing as little damage as possible.

All in all, annex Nontin this turn. if the Caez assist, create a new province within the Union. If they don't, give the two provinces to Arcadia and Radis.

Union of Ardan
Cities: Davar: Ardan, Lone, Strategium; Arcadia: Vael Dash, Venix, Adrax, Cronith, Erax, Radis
Leader: Bishop Jeal/~Darkening~
Religion: Pirian Oneism (55%), Tengri (45%), Duality and Balance (10%)- Note: Arcadia is 100% Pirian.
Government: Limited Autarchy
Economy: 6- 4/2
Population: Medium
Army: 6000 Spearmen (2.5), 1000 Guards-Description Please, 15 000 Urban Militia
Navy: 14 Sloops, 10 Tiranes
Education: None
Technology: Iron Age
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic
Wonders: Marble Tomb- +1 Culture, +1 Confidence
Description: A brother race to the extinct Eldranians and defeated Veritasians, Davar was the last of the three to fall. Part was occupied, part fled over the Exodian Ocean. Now, the bastion of Pirian Oneism is reunited once again.
But Dreadnought, what about abbreviations and nomenclature? Heretic!!!

Indeed it should of been something like this

A War H
A Mos - Ukr
F StP (sc) - GoB
F Sev - Bla
4 Turn NAP with Sparta if they sign it and put it in their orders.

Trade pact with Summer
3 Turn Renewal of NAP with Egypt
4 Turn NAP with Nocium
3 Turn NAP renewal with the Leugue
4 Turn NAP with Rome
Trade pact with Rome
Trade pact with the Scythian Confederation
Defensive pact with the Scythian Confederation
Recive 2 EP from Prussia for Past Deals
Sell Stone Fortifications to Tarttoss for 2 EP.
Sell Stone fortification to anyone else but Bzynitimes, carthrage, Sycruss For 2 EP. bank EP
Sell Heavy Seige Weapons to any nation but Bzynitimes, Carthrage, Scyrious for 5 EP. bank EP.

Eco spending:
(1) Research PRoject (IHC:T)
(1) Research PRoject (piggy)
(1) Research Project (Tac)
(1) Project: Restoration of Constantinople
(1) Re-founding of Constantinople
(2) (secret)
(1) Support to various northern Tribes to form another Small nation/Puppet state East of the Scythian Confederation (+ 325 archers, 300 Spearmen)
(2) Bribe to the League for thier non-interferince (secret)
Expansion, genreal reationary force.
Sparta Liberation army:
Strights Guard Fleet:
Bzyntime Attack Fleet:

The Troops Detailed to Expansion are NOT a combat squad. they are there to serve as back up to the Merchents, Scolars,a dn engenerres which will be attempting to peacfuly intergrate the PINK areas on the attached map. this is more of a cultural push and to simply make them WANT to join us. we will still try and intergrate the other areas along the borders, but the PINK areas are our primmar pushes in culture. (mainly to make my borders look nice for the vassle-states I plan to creat over the next dozen turns or so) for the most part, they will stay mobile and move to any trouble spots. and iff neccesary, block an enemy attack and defend a city.

the Bzyntime Protection force is there to combat any bzyntime troops that slip therough the fleet and land in bzyntime(secret)

Sparta Liberation army: is to sail with the Bzyntime Liberation army as they sail to sink the enemy fleet.(secret) Land at the arrow.(secret)

Strigt Guard Fleet:
this is to use the narrowness of the Strights to prevent ANY Millitary ships from heading northward, except for Our own and the Leagues. (secret)

Bzyntime Attack Fleet: It is to pick up the Sparta Liberation army, and move to intercept the Bzyntime fleet. Moveto intercept the enemy fleet. I assume the Bzyntimes will also be limted to the 20 ships a turn.(secret)

Restoration of Constantinople. I plan to Rebuild it this turn. but that's just the basic. This, is a setp byond. This will polish it to a shine, and bring it to a hight not yet attained while it was under Byzantines rule. (+1 Culture, +1 trade Eco) (secret)


Vassle States:
first, as I offered, I am paying the Scythian Confederation one EP for their Fruitfull partnership with ourselves. we are going to officaly lossen Our hold on them and they shall Cease to be our puppet. they shall still be our Vassle, and have heavy cultural ties with us. but for the most part, they shall be allowed to do as they please internaly and devlop on their own lines. of course, if they go in a direction we don't like, we will politly suggest that they stop it, and if not, bring the hammer down. we also want them to prosper, but not to much.
to their East, we are also forming the Itherion Confedration, Our Second Puppet State. It shall remain a puppet state for a few turns, then evolve into our vassle once it has stablized enough. Dark Green Area on the Attached Map. Light Green dot would be a good spot for theri capitol. note the troops I am also gifting them.
GAH. Long orders. anythign I over looked, assume commen sense.
keep the merchent's on the look out for detreyal and anti-us sentiments.
mhhmm with the signing of the Trade pact with Rome (and Summer), thats a LOT of new trade ^_^ heh.
Be Wary of Summer. if they Start Gathering a Fleet in the black sea, or movment along the border, be ready to move all possible troops to defend the border, or sink their fleet. but DO NOT ATTACK unless they do so first. we need to earn their trust.
Hopefully Sparta will sign a NAP. though we will not invade them if they don't, we will repulse them if they attack us.

Heavly Edited to not reveal anythign I don't want to. but THIS TURNS orders. heh. I'll revise it once the danger is passed to reviel the troops spcifics.
Some Russian orders from DisNES II (certain years and sections are missing):

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1702 :
01.) Sign Anglo-Russian Trade Pact Agreement with United Kingdom of Great Britain
. It has become obvious that trade relations beyond the current borders of Russia will be essential in ramping up economic productivity. Trade as part of this agreement is to be directed into Arkhangelsk.
02.) Agree to Finalized Border With Quqonid Khanate. As part of this border agreement, we will secure their support against the Ottomans, and likewise continue our support of them. Send technicians, officers, and drill instructors to assist in evening the field between them and the Ottomans.
03.) Sign Quqonid-Russian Trade Pact Agreement with Quqonid Khanate in order to improve commerce in the south. Trade is to be directed into the Trade Post of Omsk (See: SOCIAL POLICY Item 05, GENERAL MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS).
04.) Sign Qing-Russian Trade Pact Agreement with Da Qing Empire in order to establish the sole trade link between Europe and the Far East. As part of this agreement, Russia will also focus its efforts on establishing a new Silk Road; trade is to be directed into the Trade Post of Omsk (See: SOCIAL POLICY Item 05, GENERAL MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS).

Spend 2EP (7 > 5EP) on EL (Good Enough (+2) > Growing (+2))
02.) Spend 1EP (5 > 4EP) on Project Новая Заря (1/10 > 2/10).
03.) Spend 1EP (4 > 3EP) on Project Новая Восток (0/4 > 1/4). This will be an effort to construct a Volga-Don Canal at Volgograd, with the effects of (+1 Economy, +1 Infrastructure). It may also result in Volgograd becoming a Trade Center (or an increased ease of becoming one) due to the creation of a new trade hub. Effects are to be listed as CEKPET.
04.) Spend 1EP (3 > 2EP) on Arkhangelsk Trade Center. As part of a two year program to improve the port facilities and trade lines of the city, we will begin by hardening its connections to the mainland empire and gradually improving the port itself. It will be the main receiving point for British shipping, and that from Western Europe as well, enabling us to bypass the HRE and Kalmar dominated Baltic.
05.) Spend 1EP (2 > 1EP) on the Правительствующий Cенат to ensure its functionality once fully staffed and operational.
06.) Spend 1EP (1 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01. Establish Two New Security Agencies
. They are to be the Императорская Служба Безопасности / ИСБ ("Imperial Security Bureau" / ISB) and the Гвардия Императора / ГИ ("Guard of the Emperor" / GI). The ИСБ is to be concerned with external intelligence relating to Russia's neighbors, friend or foe, and countermeasures against their own intelligence operations, and is also to be concerned with intelligence inside of Russia's borders, particularly against dissident and treasonous elements. It country also effectively function as the intelligence arm of the Secret Police, taking over Administrative operations which the спецназ have begun. The ГИ is the Imperator's personal guard, utterly loyal to him. It will function not only as his guard however, but also the Operational arm of the Secret Police. In short, the ИСБ will perform all intelligence gathering, internally and externally, and carry out international operations. The ГИ will be the Imperator's guard, and carry out national operations. This seperation of powers keeps either side from becoming too powerful, as both are reliant upon the other. Given the ИСБ, ГИ, and спецназ operate in fields with some overlap, to prevent counterproductive rivalries or redundency, they will communicate with one another and cooperate to achieve their field-specific missions. They will also coordinate thoroughly with the military, as all three (intelligence, security, and special operations) are integral to the military's mission. (OOC: As somewhat accurate analogs, the ИСБ is kinda of like the CIA / NSA / External KGB, and the ГИ sorta like the Secret Service / FBI / Internal KGB, except both are "evil" and ruthless)
02.) Demonstrate the Fall of Western Nobility as a Warning to the Rest. If they resist Imperial power in any way, shape, or form, they will be eliminated. Utilize the ИСБ, ГИ and спецназ to consolidate Imperial power in the Eastern urban centers and begin selectively identifying, targetting, and removing the most apt to resist. Reduce them to Yes Men. The assets of those eliminated are to be incorporated into Imperial holdings in order to enrich the nation as a whole. This will suffice for now.
03.) Continue Suppression and Elimination of Dissident Elements. In addition to the aristocracy and nobility, other elements which provide resistance are to be rooted out and destroyed. Key targets will be leadership figures in such cells; without effective leadership they become fairly harmless and it is not as disruptive as eliminating every last source of instability.
04.) Begin Development and Preliminary Infiltration of External Intelligence Network. The ИСБ is to begin operations into foreign territory, chiefly to establish its initial networks. Since Russians wandering around in foreign territories would be rather obvious, recruits for these operations will be drawn from the ethnicities of those they are targetting. Ugaro-Finns for the Kalmar Union, Belarussians or Poles for the Holy Roman Empire, Russian Crimeans for the Ottoman Crimean, Georgians for the Caucuses, Russian Tatars for the Quqonid Khanate, Asiatic Nomads / Xiong Nu for the Da Qing Empire, so forth. All these personnel are to be given as intensive background and loyalty checks as possible. It is to be made evident that during the course of their employ, they will be well-cared for, but if they betray us, horrible things will happen to them and their families, et cetera. This first wave (First Generation Operatives) will be somewhat crude in loyalty, so an additional program is to be begun for the future in which orphans from these various ethnic groups are to be collected and raised by the state (Second Generation Operatives). Such training from youth will instill unbreakable loyalty and reverence for the State, making them the perfect spies. Until such can be implemented however, these simpler First Generation Operatives will have to suffice. Intelligence reports of anything notable (eg: military movements) are expected annually once the network becomes operational.
05.) Begin Development of the New Silk Road. A new course for Russia has become obvious. With the Turk controlling the Middle East and the Indian Ocean, it is effectively impossible for the Europeans to reach the Far East. By extending our control Eastwards, we will create an overland link to the Da Qing Empire, and by extension, to the rest of Asia. Russia's breadth will ensure a stable flow of goods from Europe to Asia, promoting trade, and as the middle men, we can grow vastly rich off of the resulting trade and communications. To this end, we will establish several new military encampments upon the Irtysh. As a result of such trade flow, civilization will gradually coalesce around these outposts on its own. See GENERAL MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS for more details.
06.) Begin Refurbishment of the Kremlin in Preparation for Its Reuse. Although we are not yet going to move the capitol back to Moscow,it will happen soon enough, and the traditional seat of power must be restored in order for this to happen smoothly.
07.) Adopt Gregorian Calender Within Russia. Not only is it a more accurate reflection of time, but it will allow us to synchronize with the rest of Europe in terms of time. The clergy are to think up some excuse to justify it - it may be whatever, and even called something else entirely, so long as it's done.

Deploy 2 Elite Divisions, 5 Better Divisions, and 3 спецназ Divisions to the Kalmar border to guard it. Expand upon positions developed last year, winter clothing, etc.
02.) Send 3 Elite Divisions, 25 Better Divisions, and 2 спецназ Divisions to the Ottoman border to guard it. Same disposition as last year.
03.) Keep 1 Elite Division, 5 Better Divisions, and 1 спецназ Division in Russia to maintain order and do generalized zone defense.
04.) Send 4 Elite Divisions, 2 Better Divisions, and 4 спецназ Divisions to the red areas indicated below on the map:

This is the intended area of conquest. The yellow borders define the area we wish to control by the end of this year. Yellow dots are intended trade post / military fort locations. As establishing cities is expensive, we will begin the New Silk Road with these military encampments, and let them begin growth of their own accord until we can afford to pay for such a thing. Salmon areas are claimed areas. All military effort is to be focused within the red zones in order to effect their inclusion within Russia this year. The sooner we can establish a decent connection to China, the sooner we can become fabulously wealthy. Failure here is not an option.

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1703 :
Spoiler Stats :
- Empire of Russia.
Capital: Kiev
Ruler: Vladimir II\Symphony D
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: More Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Age of Reason
Army (Training): 10 Divisions (Elite) 33 Divisions (Better) 9 спецназ Divisions (Very Good)
Navy (Training): 5 Squadrons (Barely Tolerable)
Economy: Growing (+2)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/Barely Tolerable
Infrastructure: Improving
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Новая Заря (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Education, Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)) 2/10, Новая Восток (CEKPET) 1/4

01.) Act Menacing and Scary at Kalmar Union's Behest
. We know they are either attacking France or using this as an excuse to attack us. In either instance, it suits our purposes. See MILITARY OPERATION "Кулачок" for further details.

Sacrifice 1EL (Growing (+2) > Good Enough (+2)) to gain 6EP (5 > 11EP).
02.) Spend 1EP (11 > 10EP) on Arkhangelsk Trade Center, completing it.
03.) Spend 1EP (10 > 9EP) on Project Новая Заря (2/10 > 3/10).
04.) Spend 1EP (9 > 8EP) on Project Новая Восток (1/4 > 2/4).
05.) Spend 2EP (8 > 6EP) on Army Size (33 > 43 Divisions).
06.) Spend 1EP (6 > 5EP) on спецназ Training (Very Good > Elite).
07.) Spend 1EP (5 > 4EP) on Navy Size (5 > 10 Squadrons).
08.) Spend 2EP (4 > 2EP) on Navy Training (Semi-Rabble > Good).
09.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01.) Finish Organization of the Правительствующий Cенат
. The organization is expected to become fully operational and capable of fufilling its intended roles this year. Which is just as well because the nobility is about to be totally purged anyway.
02.) Relocate Capital to Moscow. Although Kiev is a fine city and all, it is unfortunately far too close to the front lines of the Ottomans. Moscow provides a strategic and secure location, while maintaining tradition and a centralized location relative to population and power. The Imperator is to immediately resume residence within the Kremlin, and the Cенат within the old administrative buildings of the defunct Boyar Duma.
03.) Begin Work on New Muscovite Cathedral. A new cathedral will be built within Moscow to demonstrate the authority and grandeur of the city. It will combine both eastern and western influences, demonstrative of Russia's junction between east and west, and will be one of the most colossal and magnificent buildings anywhere in the world. It will serve as a symbol to the people that this is Russia's age. Funding may be required to fully complete it, however it will begin initial construction this year. (OOC: Basically St. Basil's. It could be a confidence or culture boost, perhaps both. Dunno. The accompanying Red Square will be created as well)
04.) Begin Running Regular Armored Convoys Along the New Silk Road. Although the new Silk Road is well within Russian borders, it still presents a tempting target. Special Gulai Gorod caravans will be employed to make the trips from the Chinese border to the heartland.
05.) Declare Serfdom Abolished. The end, no discussion. The government has (intentionally) lost the support of the nobility, and now can exploit the adolation of the people instead. Slavery has long been outlawed and the Serfs conditions improved, forcing the bulk of them into the hands of the Imperator himself. These are now all to be released. For emancipating them they are likely to swear alliance to the government instead of the rebels. This will weaken the Boyars further.
06.) Declare the Nobility Illegal and Strip Titles From All Remaining Survivors. I mean, really, the bridge is already burned, there's not much wrong with pissing on the ashes.
07.) Accept Surrender of Kazan Pocket. Since they're so eager to surrender, we will agree to their terms. At least we will give them the illusion that we are. The Гвардия Императора are to take them into custody, and supposedly comply with the proposal of sending them into exile or granting them amnesty. Instead, the leaders will be taken to the new "Red Square" (hence the "Red" part) and executed. This will be done 1 - 2 months after their surrender to ensure they are removed from their support base. Similarly, the support base are to be considered persona non grata, and instead of being given amnesty will, after they have been disarmed and a time has elapsed to lull them into a false sense of security, be inducted into the new state labor force (See below).
08.) Establish Imperial Labor Divisions Under Codename Новая Проспект (Nova Prospekt, lit. New Prospective). As it has proven that slaves and even serfs are too cumbersome and feudal a system, prone to rebellion, a new system will be implemented instead. It will focus around political prisoners who prove their disloyalty to the state. Leaders will be executed, but followers will be put to a more productive purpose. They will be organized into labor units, based out of camps and policed by the ГИ. These units will, in turn, be responsible for the domestication and colonization of newly acquired territories, and will be useful in accelerating their growth and working in hostile conditions. They will effectively be massed hard labor units. The only exemptions are to be pregnant women, children, the elderly, and the ill. The ill will be allowed to recouperate before being assigned, the pregnant will be allowed to give birth before being assigned, children will be inducted as wards of the state in the service of the ГИ or ИСБ (unless over the age of 8, in which case they will be sent to the work units), and the elderly will be put to less difficult tasks such as textile work. (OOC: I expect this may have a dramatic effect by allowing huge numbers of people to be utilized to "colonize" the east, much like Gulags were a heavy part of the Soviet economy)
09.) Issue Cursory Declaration of War Against Kalmar Union. It is to be done the morning after Operation Кулачок begins to give no warning and is therefore mostly trivial. However, falsified evidence of Kalmarese support for the Courland rebels is to be given, as is the insults and provocations by the Kalmar government (which no one else knows are fake). It is known they are planning future assaults against our trade partner England and so they must be eliminated. Get the Orthodoxy to bless it and what not.

Send 1 спецназ, 1 Elite, and 1 Better Divisions to ensure the Kazan Pocket's "surrender" is handled as proscribed.
02.) Send 1 спецназ, 1 Elite, and 2 Better Divisions to topple the North Moscow Pocket. It is mostly crippled at this juncture anyway: finish it off. Sort the prisoners as per the Новая Проспект doctrine.
03.) Send 2 спецназ, 3 Elite, and 5 Better Divisions to crush the Courland / Lithuanian pocket. Maximum possible damage is to be inflicted upon the resistance but not the infrastructure. The land is too precious. Cart the leaders off to Moscow for the Red Square treatment to prevent them from so easily becoming martyrs. Utilize the спецназ to maximum possible terror effect to demoralize the enemy. This will be the main source of labor for the Новая Проспект system, it is believed. Make an example to these minorities than resistance and collusion with the enemy will not be tolerated.
04.) Keep 10 Better Divisions manning the defenses opposite the Ottomans. They will hopefully be preoccupied with Sinhala during these events.

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1704 :
Spoiler Stats :
- Empire of Russia.
Capital: Moscow
Ruler: Vladimir II\Symphony D
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: More Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Age of Reason
Army (Training): 8 Divisions (Elite) 26 Divisions (Better) 7 спецназ Divisions (Elite) 16 Irregular Divisions
Navy (Training): 10 Squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Rich (+3)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/ Tolerable
Infrastructure: Improving
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Patriotic
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Новая Заря (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Education, Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)) 3/10, Новая Восток (CEKPET) 2/4
Notes: 1 EPs worth of Loot

01.) Send the Da Qing Empire 1EP Worth of Weapons for 2EP
. Given we are both fighting and our technology is more advanced, this will help both of us out, and gain us a net advantage in monetary terms (8 > 9EP).
02.) Sign a Peace Treaty with the Kalmar Union. In return, we shall gain up to the OTL Borders of Finland, and the islands of Hiiumaa and Saaremaa. We will pay them 3EP (9 > 6EP) as reparations, issue an official apology, and generally return things to the status quo.
03.) Send Out the Call for All Orthodox (or general Christians) to Rise and Smite the Turkish Oppressor. Really. Genuine honest Holy War (See: DOMESTIC POLICY ITEM 01). Call the Patriarch of Constantinople a flimsy puppet of the Sultan too. You know, since it’s the truth. Combo it with asking whether they would rather continue to be reassured by a mere mouthpiece or fight for their freedom. If they don’t, the Turk will surely do much worse than kill them in combat…

Sacrifice 2EL (Rich (+3) > Good Enough (+2)) to gain 12EP (6 > 18EP).
02.) Spend 2EP (18 > 16EP) on Military Logistics.
03.) Spend 1EP (16 > 15EP) on Project Новая Восток (2/4 > 3/4).
04.) Spend 1EP (15 > 14EP) on Project Новая Заря (3/10 > 4/10).
05.) Spend 10EP (14 > 4EP) on Army Growth (26 > 76 Better Divisions). (OOC: Since my Army is roughly split 3:5 between Elite and Better, I would expect the "Average" to round out to around Very Good, subtracting 2 Levels to then be Better)
06.) Spend 1EP (4 > 3EP) on спецназ Growth (7 > 17 Divisions).
07.) Spend 3EP (3 > 0EP) on Maintaining Training for all forces.

01.) Declare Orthodox Crusade Against the Ottoman Empire
. Call upon all members of the Orthodox Church, and Christendom as a whole, to fight a holy war against the Ottomans. Have the entirety of the church endorse it. It does not matter if the Patriarch of Constantinople does not endorse it for he is an Ottoman puppet anyway. Use the Императорская Служба Безопасности Operatives in Ottoman Europe and the Crimean to spread the word of this. If the people do not now rise up against their oppressors, they are deserving of nothing better than the lake of fire and eternal damnation. This will be done, or some very, very nasty things will happen. Plus, I'm building them a spiffy church. They had better do what the Imperator says, or their spiritual concerns will be the least of their worries.
02.) Declare Racial War Against the Turk. Similarly, issue a call for all peoples of Slavic ethnicity to fight against their Turkish overlords. For too long have the Slavic peoples been oppressed by the Turks - now it is time for revenge. Likewise utilize the ИСБ to distribute this information. All Slavs, be they within Russia proper, Crimea, or Ottoman Europe, are to be called upon to rise up and defend their proud heritage against these heathens. It is not merely a matter of survival, but one of pride. We will play on all the hates. These two taken together are almost a declaration of war on Islam but are sufficiently targeted that they should not affect the Khanate, especially given we share no borders with it. Any disruption whatsoever in the form of hate crimes, riots, or rebellions, is to be looked upon favorably.
03.) Introduce the Citizen's Defense Act. All persons able to hold a gun or other weapon and resist the invader are to do so. The Army and other forces will, inevitably, attack the Turk, however, it is imperative, in the traditional fashion, that the common yeomen, farmers, and peasants of the Motherland be called upon to defend it. Issue a call for unlimited Partisan warfare against the Ottomans. Any one caught collaberating with the enemy will face a fate far worse than even Новая Проспект.
04.) Introduce Official State Propaganda Program. The ИСБ is to begin publishing official state endorsed propaganda. Although propaganda has existed in various forms already, this is something new entirely. There will be posters, slogans, rallies, newspapers, speeches. Everything that can be done, will be done. We will use this to glaze over the differences between our subject peoples (Poles, Ukranes, Belorus, Russians, so forth) with a simple unifying fact: hatred for the Turk. He has oppressed us all at some stage. Now, we shall channel that hatred, feed it, make it grow stronger. We shall manipulate it to swell support for the Citizen's Defense Act. Simultaneously we will sap strength from the Courland and Lithuanian Rebels because supporting them is de facto supporting the Turk.
05.) Introduce Loyalty Crime Redemption. This is an offer to be presented only to the members of Новая Проспект. It's simple: they fight for the Motherland. If they survive, they will be granted a pardon for their crimes and allowed to return to normal life. If they do not, they can stay in the program for the rest of their natural lives. A simple choice really. These units, should any come into being, will have military adjuncts to guide them but will be controlled by...
06.) Introduce the Комиссар (Commissars). Комиссар are to be special officers within all forces, both regular and irregular. They are not, in fact, to be military officers, but rather, political ones. For the purposes of jurisdiction, they will technically fall under the Гвардия Императора. They are to be selected from individuals whose loyalty is beyond question. Persons who are fearless, ruthless, and cold. Persons whose obligations to duty and service will override any compassion or mercy for those they lead. They are to be granted the special authority to execute any soldier, militia, or officer, whose performance is found wanting. They are to be trained in the principles of warfare so they do not arbitrarily execute skilled personnel for say, reserving forces by calling it "cowardice". Our goal is to inspire discipline and dedication through fear, not deplete our officer corps. Their primary occupation is to be policing Partisan Militias and the LC Redemption units, though a few are to be sprinkled throughout regular forces to weed out incompetents.
07.) Explore Captured Finnish Assets For Higher Technology. Amongst our new holdings in Finland, locate things which might be of use to Новая Заря to see if that might not speed up the project some.
08.) If the Khanate Betrays Us, Expand Holy War to All of Islam and Racial War to All Turks, Arabs, Steppe Peoples, etc. Better to be prepared than not, you know.

Assign 10 Squadrons and 5 Better Divisions to guard Finland and the Baltic. This is more of a holding action than anything as we obviously have far greater priorities.

MILITARY OPERATION "Молния": (Lit. "Lightning") We shall unleash the full might of Russian power against the Turk. In addition to sheer numbers of regular soldiers and partisans, we will utilize terror and religious hatred to strike at them. One does not seek to conquer an enemy empire in a single year. Our objectives are to drive them out of our nation, stabilize the situation, and kill as many of the infidel bastards as possible.

Force Allocation: 17 спецназ Divisions, 8 Elite Divisions, 71 Better Divisions, 16+ Irregular Divisions (All Available), All Available Partisan Forces

Garrison 2 спецназ, 3 Elite, 6 Better, and 9 Irregular Divisions in Omsk. We have great reason to believe that the Khanate may be negotiating with the Turk and is preparing to betray us. Since the city was originally a military outpost, it should be decently defensible. Fortify it with anything and everything available. These forces will wait until August. If by that time, no attack has come, they are to reinforce the Reserve Guard (See: Ie) and assist it.
Ib.) A split force (Eastern Prong) of 4 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, and 15 Better Divisions is to split up and attack the Eastern Ottoman Bulge at its weakest point. They are to cut it off from its source of deployment before advancing on Astrakhan. Theya are to take the city at all costs, as this will quickly boil down to a resource war. Whatever Irregular or Partisan forces are available in the region are to then flood into Ottoman positions and engage in heavy Scythic warfare to wear them down. Cut off from supplies and in hostile territory they will be greatly weakened.
Ic.) Another split force (Central Prong) of 4 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, and 15 Better Divisions are to advance on (City) (OOC: It's not Rostov but I can't find what it is), which is the lynchpin of the Ottoman advance. They are to secure it and then attempt to advance through the Ottoman fortifications on Rostov. Given the Ottomans are on the offensive, they are likely to have left it fairly poorly garrisoned. If it can be breached, do so and take the city. If it cannot, occupy our fortifications and purge Ottoman military forces in the area (OOC: Dotted Line). Split their advance. Irregular and Partisan forces are likewise to pour into the gaps our army carves and engage in Scythic warfare.
Id.) Another split force (Western Prong) of 4 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, and 15 Better Divisions is to advance on Poltava and Dniproperovs'k. They are to take both these cities and cut off Ottoman access to the Dnieper. Depending on whether the Ottomans are reinforcing their border securely, they are to either assist in taking Rostov, or proceeding to retake Kiev. Irregular and Partisan forces are to form into the pocket so formed and engage in Scythic warfare with the Ottomans.
Ie.) A Reserve Force of 3 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, and 20 Better Divisions is to be on standby in Russian controlled territory. Its goal is simple: reinforce wherever there is unexpected enemy strength, the advance forces falter or the possibility of a breakthrough. This could manifest itself in a variety of forms, such as a Khanate sneak attack, a breakthrough in Crimea, or what have you. If the Omsk Force does not come under attack, it is to reinforce this Reserve. This Reserve represents the possibility of enabling a critical blow to be dealt to the Ottomans or Khanate at a crucial junction, and as such it is to be deployed wisely (OOC: Huzzah for Brilliant commanders).
IIa.) The Eastern Prong is to advance into the Caucuses and into Ottoman held territory if possible.
IIb.) The Central Prong, depending on where it is, is to either assist in taking the Caucuses or the Eastern Crimean.
IIc.) The Western Prong, depending on where it is, is to either take the Western Crimean, or push to the Dniester.
III.) Everywhere our forces advance, Irregular and Partisans are to flood in their wake, mopping up whatever's left behind. The goal is to kill, kill, kill, and take, take, take. The more losses we inflict and the more economic resources we take, the better chances we have of winning this war or at least coming out as good as we entered.
Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1705 :
NOTE: Capitol is still listed as Kiev for some reason. Should be Moscow.

Spoiler Stats :
- Empire of Russia.
Capital: Kiev
Ruler: Vladimir II\Symphony D
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: More Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Age of Reason
Army (Training): 8 Divisions (Elite) 20 Divisions (Better) 35 Divisions (Good) 5 спецназ Divisions (Elite) 5 Irregular Divisions (Semi-Rabble)
Navy (Training): 10 Squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Rich (+3)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/ Tolerable
Infrastructure: Improving
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Новая Заря (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Education, Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)) 4/10, Новая Восток (CEKPET) 3/4
Notes: 1 EPs worth of Loot

Sacrifice 2EL (Rich (+3) > Good Enough (+2)) to gain 12EP (8 > 20EP).
02.) Spend 1EP (20 > 19EP) on Perm Naval Arsenal.
04.) Spend 1EP (19 > 18EP) on Новая Восток (3/4 > 4/4). Although it is currently in enemy possession we will make all due effort to retake the city and complete it as early as possible.
05.) Spend 3EP (18 > 15EP) on спецназ Size (5 > 20 Divisions)
06.) Spend 9EP (15 > 6EP) on Army Size (35 > 80 Good Divisions?).
07.) Spend 2EP (6 > 4EP on Army / Land Training to Maintain Levels.
08.) Spend 2EP (4 > 2EP on Navy Size (10 > 20 Squadrons). These are to specifically be built out of the Perm Arsenal.
09.) Spend 2EP ( > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

NOTE: Should the Ottomans, for whatever reason, choose to complete the Canal, redirect our funding into Новая Заря.

01.) Keep Doing Everything Done Previously, But More So
. We require troops. We require revolts in Ottoman territory. Something and anything or else this war is lost. Do what it takes. It's better to have a nation in ruins than no nation at all.
02.) Provoke "Incident" in Hungary Between Ottomans and HRE. Utilize Императорская Служба Безопасности agents in the Slavic states under Ottoman control and within the Hungarian border regions to escalate violence throughout the year. Kill innocents on both sides (the nature of the terrain in this region makes the absolute impenetrability of fortifications nigh impossible). Turn one against the other; on the Ottoman side, target Muslims exclusively. On the Hungarian, whoever. Be very careful to make it appear as though it's legitimate and a genuine response to events further west. It's already a powder keg: let it ignite. If this functions it will further sap strength from the Courlanders and eliminate the HRE as a possible source of aide for them in the near future.
03.) Begin Impressment of Новая Проспект Members into LCR Forces. If not enough step forward, volunteer them. Increase Комиссар percentages in these units to prevent any sort of foolery.
04.) Continue Exploring Captured Assets for Technology. Something. Anything.
05.) Rebuild Kiev. ASAP.
06.) Redirect New Silk Road Farther North to avoid disruption by the Khanate's attack. Reestablish trade ASAP.

Dissassemble the Baltic Fleet (10 Squadrons) and reassemble it on the Dnepr River for Naval operations against the Ottomans.
02.) Put 5 Better Divisions in Finland[/b] to resist any revolt. In the event of attack by Courland, these are to relocate to assist forces there and leave token garrisons; risks must be run.
03.) Put 5 Better Divisions against the Courlanders. Don't attack them but begin building up the border and fortifying it; they'll try something either now or soon.

01.) Use the Weather
. The homeland is a very hostile environment. We should use that to our advantage.
02.) Limit Casualites When Possible. We can only raise so many troops per year in our current economic state. Losing half a million men a year simply will not work. When possible, limit casualties. If not, oh well. Commanders should know when it is and is not possible.
03.) Be Unpredictable. The outline below is the general outline. Commanders are encouraged to think "outside the box" and do crazy things to confuse the opposition. Whatever we can do to get an advantage.
04.) Maximize Firepower. Our forces should be focused on hitting hard and fast and doing the maximum amount of damage in the least amount of time. It will be necessary to kill the Turk.
05.) Consequently, Minimize Empathy or Restraint. Really. Holy War. Keep it in mind.

MILITARY OPERATION "Закат": (Lit. "Dusk") This is it. We will either manage to drive the Turk scum out, or we are likely to fall forever, as we simply cannot maintain these levels of troop or economic casualties with our Western flank exposed to Courland and Kalmar. We will either triumph, or we will fall. This is to be impressed upon everyone within this operation to the man.

Assigned Forces: 8 Elite Divisions, 80 Good Divisions, 10 Better Divisions, 20 спецназ Divisions, 5 Irregular Divisions, All Irregular, Partisan, and LCR Forces, 20 Squadrons.

Around Volgograd, as early as possible in the year, preferably the dead of winter, 7 спецназ Divisions are to infiltrate into the city. They are to be supported in the rear by 20 Good Divisions, 5 Better Divisions, and 2 Elite Divisions (Force East). Their job is to get inside the city and begin picking off Ottomans to disorganize the garrison and take the city. They will approach the city by water, using the Volga River, at night. The Ottomans will not be expecting that avenue of attack quite so well as by land. They are to enter by stealth. Once they are inside they are to begin maximal use of terror tactics, fear, and brutality. They are to commit wholesale slaughter to the best of their abilities. Meanwhile, the other forces will begin arraying themselves along the uncompleted sides of the Canal. If the Ottomans complete it, set up cannon batteries to turn it into a shooting gallery for their ships. If not, once the спецназ are operating, storm the city. Take it with extreme prejudice: no survivors, no quater, no surrender. Crush everything and everyone inside. If the Perm Arsenal can supply ships during the course of this it is to do so with all due haste for naval fire support on river.
Ib.) From around Rostock, 35 Good Divisions, 5 Better Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, and 7 спецназ Divisions (Force Center) are to split into two prongs and begin storming through the Crimean behind Ottoman fortifications. Take no prisoners: slaughter, butcher, kill, and maim. Disrupt Ottoman supply lines and take as much territory as possible. Keep Rostock under siege and from relief, but generally take the war to the enemy. Loot, rape, pillage, destroy, and conquer.
Ic.) From the far west, 25 Good Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, and 6 спецназ Divisions (Force West) are to strike down towards the Dnester River. Their aim is to, reach the river and our original borders and so pocket the Ottoman forces in our country. This is mostly open step and so they are to assume mostly a cavalry basis; in winter it will allow them to be mobile, and in spring, when the steppe is a sea of mud, it will let them stay that way. Once they reach the original border they are to work with Force Center to break the fortifications and secure a line on the Danube. They are to be assisted, at the earliest possible junction, by 10 Squadrons from the Baltic Fleet (see: dotted line) which are to proceed down the Dnepr cutting off the Ottoman communications and generally shelling them when possible.
Id.) Whatever Irregular Et Al forces are available are generally to focus here.
IIa.) Once Volgograd is recaptured, Force East is to proceed toward the Caucuses. They are to be careful to advance cautiously and not take too many casualties - we cannot afford repeats of last year. Take as much land as possible but do not needlessly waste lives. Meanwhile, once the Canal is complete and the Volga Fleet is underway and has secured the Volga, they are to transit into the Don and begin fighting their way toward Rostock to serve as fire support (see: dotted line).
IIb.) Meanwhile, Force Center is to generally overwhelm the Crimean and take as much of it and the surrounding territory as possible, helping Force West.
IIc.) Force West is to do much of the same.
III.) Our desired progress by the end of the year is indicated. If we can achieve these objectives with limited casualties we will be in a good offensive position and can either sue for peace of press the attack next year.

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1706 :
Spoiler Stats :
- Empire of Russia.
Capital: Moscow
Ruler: Vladimir II\Symphony D
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: More Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Age of Reason
Army (Training): 8 Divisions (Elite) 11 Divisions (Better) 50 Divisions (Good) 13 спецназ Divisions (Elite) 15 Irregular Divisions (Semi-Rabble)
Navy (Training): 16 Squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Growing (+2) (-1 Military Upkeep)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/ Tolerable
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Jingoist
Confidence: Respecting
Projects: Новая Заря (+1 Infrastructure, +1 Education, Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)) 4/10, Новая Восток (CEKPET) Done!

01.) Attach a Diplomatic Team to a British Naval Vessel That Goes to Sri Lanka
. From there, they are to begin exploring Southeast Asia and discovering who exactly is there, and how they might be of use to us against the Turk. The British government has not voiced any opposition to this.

Sacrifice 1EL (Growing (+2) > Good Enough (+2)) to gain 6EP (6 > 12EP[).
02.) Spend 1EP (12 > 11EP) on Project Новая Заря (4/10 > 5/10).
03.) Spend 5EP (11 > 6EP) on Naval Growth (16 > 41 Squadrons).
04.) Spend 2EP (6 > 4EP) on спецназ Growth (13 > 23 Divisions).
05.) Spend 1EP (4 > 3EP) on Army Training (11 Better Divisions, 50 Good Divisions > 61 Good Divisions).
06.) Spend 1EP (3 > 2EP) on Army Growth (61 > 66 Divisions).
07.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01.) Continue All Previous Policies
. They would appear to be working at present, and as such, are to be maintained.
02.) Begin Rebuilding Astrakhan ASAP. It's a good city spot anyway and I doubt they took the time to strew the fields with salt, so whatever can be done without directly investing money into it.
03.) Outlaw Courland-Lithuania Forever. Get the Cенат to pass legislation outlawing the very existence of that nation. Reagan-style.
04.) Begin New Punishment System. It's simple: you commit a crime above the rank of perhaps petty thievery (say, assault and above) that cannot be excused as a crime of passion or insanity (if such defenses even work in this day and age) and you are automatically entered into Новая Проспект. This serves two functions: one it will mostly eliminate crime as unlike the nobility and so forth, criminals do not have the resources to rise up and overthrow the government. Two, it provides new fodder for the system and the LCR Prison Soldier units.
05.) Expand the ГИ and ИСБ. Accordingly, to deal with all these new responsibilities, both of these agencies will have to become larger and better equipped and staffed, given a large portion of our government now rests upon their activities. They will form the "4th and 5th Pillars" of Russian Government, after the Император, Cенат, and people. Freedom does not protect one from invaders; security does.
06.) Resume Siberian Expansion. Although we have been... distracted by developments elsewhere it is time to resume the Eastern March. Token forces will be allocated to this and they will primarily focus on those areas that have already sworn allegiance to us.
07.) Continue Sifting Through Finland and former Turkish Occupied Areas for Technology[/b]. Anything we find that can be of value in expanding our technological base is to be sought out and exploited.

Assign 3 Better Divisions to Finland to quell rebellion, along with associated ГИ and ИСБ forces.
02.) Assign 3 Better Divisions to Siberia to expand Russian control in predominantly friendly Northern areas.

MILITARY OPERATION "Ботинок": (Lit. "Boot") Imagine if you will, a boot stamping on the face of Courland-Lithuania... forever. They have been a thorn in our side and a threat to our flank for far too long. With the Holy Roman Empire officially distracted and committed to the Ottoman threat, the Polish are in no position to sway the Emperor and any response to our actions they take will be nothing but open rebellion. Courland dies.

Allocated Forces: 21 Squadrons, 12 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 10 Good Divisions, 8 Irregular Divisions

In the dead of Winter in early January, Force North-West (21 Squadrons, 12 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 4 Good Divisions is to set out from Helsinki. The Courlanders are likely to be continuing their raids into our territory and testing our defenses. Thus we will strike. They are to embark for the Gulf of Riga, ignoring the islands guarding it and doing their best to stay out of sight of land. They will use an unconventional path. The voyage should take less than a day and should be timed to arrive around midnight. They will enter the lightly protected portions of the coast and split into two parties of equal size (6 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, 2 Good Divisions) on opposite shores of the Gulf. They will not attack Riga proper yet, given its heavy fortifications. They will then establish rapid beachheads, while the Navy eliminates every last vestige of Courlander sea power. No ship, civilian or military, is to be allowed to survive if it ventures out into the Gulf.
IIa.) From here they are to spread out - from our estimation Courland has two defensive perimeters; the outer one facing Russia, and the inner one protecting Riga. Between these two lies the bulk of the nation. And thus they shall fall. Terror tactics are to be utilized, and спецназ are to lead the way. Brand the Courland-Lithuanians are colluders with the Turk and that they are a shameful abomination in the eyes of God. Then, kill them. Loot, burn, pillage, destroy. Kill everyone who resists, and show no mercy. Particularly to be killed gruesomely are former Russian nobility if found. We do not have time nor is it prudent to salt the earth and so forth as we go, but destroy absolutely everything of value, particularly structures and crops; everything between the two lines of defense. They are also to raid the forward line of defense from the rear. Kill the defenders, breach the walls, make it unusable. Move as quickly as possible to make organized resistance difficult if not impossible.
IIb.) Meanwhile, 6 Good Divisions and 8 Irregular Divisions are to skirmish along the Courlander front lines. Their job is to pin down their advance raiding parties, encircle them, and destroy them. They are to exploit Scythic warfare to thin them out and grind them up. We will play the Courlanders at their own game while our forces ravage their lands. Once Force North-West is raiding the rear of their primary defensive lines they are to begin to push against the lines from the front to achieve a breakthrough.
IIIa.) Once the lines are breached and the vast bulk of the country, all units remaining will converge around Riga. Put the city under siege. Assault it with propaganda to demoralize the defenders. Utilize biological weapons (dead things thrown over the walls) and fire weapons along with cannon fire to pummel the city's defenses into oblivion. At this stage Naval forces are likely to have purged the surroundings of ships and are to converge to assault the capitol. If and when the gates fall, go straight for the leadership; ignore all others unless they actively resist. Butcher them on the spot. Should the campaign reach this point (it should take, given its size, at most 6 months with heavy resistance, much less if they are caught off guard), begin pulling in ГИ units to haul off the less trustworthy to Новая Проспект. Do this in all areas brought under our control anyway, even if objectives are not fully achieved.

MILITARY OPERATION "Молотилка": (Lit. "Grind") The war with the Turk is beginning to turn. He is now firmly on the offensive, secure in the knowledge that his troops are equal to perhaps two of ours and that he has strong defenses. Let him think this. We will fight smarter, not harder.

Allocated Forces: 20 Squadrons, 11 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 50 Good Divisions, 7 Irregular Divisions

The Turk is confident in the ability of the Pripet Marshes to guard his flank. Indeed, they are impassable to most major military forces during most of the year. However, part of moving through a marsh is being light and fleet of foot. 3 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, and 2 Irregular Divisions are to be reconfigured into highly mobile Scythic fighters. Take everything we have learned on that form of warfare and equip them to do it. They are also to be afforded light cavalry units to enable rapid movement. All knowledge on fighting within the Marshes, as well as their layout and routes through them are to be gathered. They will become the home for this force, Force West. Force West's objective is to engage maximum damage on the enemy for their size in raids and to generally cause mayhem and carnage. They are small precisely because it makes them small and hard to track. They will make the Pripet Marshes their home, and utilize them to maximum advantage. Their long term goal is to heavily damage and demoralize the flank of Ottoman defenses.
Ib.) At the same time, while his flank is assaulted, Force Center-Left will gear up. They will number 3 спецназ Divisions and 10 Good Divisions. They will position themselves opposite Turkish defensive lines. They will conceal themselves out of range of view, while the спецназ and Новая Проспект use their combined engineering skill and manpower to dig under a specific area of Turkish defensive works. They are specifically to focus on the most remote, poorly garrisoned area - the Turks have taken to fortifying huge swathes of land and with them under assault from all directions they cannot possibly garrison all of them properly. These forces will tunnel deep under this area in several locations and create cavities which will then be filled with gunpowder. Tons of it. When preparations are complete, perhaps sometime around the summer, they will detonate these. The resulting sinkage of land will utterly destroy whatever is up top. They are to filter around the resultant craters, exterminate any surviving opposition, and begin to march into Turkish held farming lands. They are to be accompanied by large numbers of ГИ units, whose task will be to either liquidate all Muslims and Turks or "enroll" them into Новая Проспект, depending on their resistivity. Locate any Slavic survivors and enlist them to swell the ranks of our irregular forces.
Ic.) Meanwhile, Force Dnepr, consisting of 7 Squadrons is to patrol the upper reaches of the river and systematically pound Turkish defenses, taking care not to get trapped under cannon fire. it is to keep the river clear of Turkish boats and as it systematically breaks their defensive structures is to gradually move downriver, bisecting the Turkish-held areas.
Id.) Temporally, Force Center-Right of 1 спецназ Division and 10 Good Divisions are to split into two equal groups and encircle Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov. The cities themselves are fortified but the terrain around them is not. Capitalize on this by advancing around them, cutting them off, and pushing our front in the region to the Dnepr. With the actions of Force Dnepr at the same time, this will enable a potential crossing of the river and a strong advance.
Ie.) At the same time, Force Don of 7 Squadrons is to patrol the Don River. Cannon emplacements are also to be built along its banks to ensure that any Ottoman ships that bypass them become ducks in a shooting gallery.
If.) Meanwhile, Force South of 3 спецназ Divisions and 20 Good Divisions is to engage in similar tactics to Force Center-Left and tunnel under the defensive works wherever possible. Blow them all up. If necessary, destroy the cities in the way similarly. Defend our advances in the region and should the walls come crashing down, flood through.
Ig.) We have advised the Khanate to attack across the Caspian. Whatever their choice (although they have said they will) we will do likewise. Force East, consisting of 6 Squadrons, 10 Good Divisions, and 4 спецназ Divisions will be allocated. The Good Divisions will take to Scythic warfare and purge the Ottomans in the foothills of the Caucuses, slowly advancing toward their lines of defense. Meanwhile, 6 Squadrons and 4 спецназ Divisions are to advance toward the shores of the Caucuses on the Caspian. These defenses, given all Ottoman commitments, are unlikely to be heavily garrisoned, if at all, and if they are, it will be difficult for them to be responded to in time. The спецназ will storm the defenses with Naval support, and will then advance back toward the defensive line. Together with conventional forces they will breach it from both sides and continue through.
Ih.) All organized Irregular units (7 Divisions) and all others are to be allocated to wherever they might be useful or there are holes in our forces.
II.) All forces are to advance, linking up with other Forces when possible, and generally killing as many Ottomans and inflicting as much damage upon his forces as possible. Pocketing them for encirclement and destruction is preferable. In Red is shown our progress, optimally.
Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1707 :
01.) Begin Filtering ИСБ Operatives Into Romania / Bulgaria / Ukraine / Middle East
. Find whatever resistance groups there are, if any (Jews, Shiites, Slavs, Orthodox Christians, I really don't care) and incite them to revolt. The Ottoman Empire has overextended itself and is ripe for revolution. If they want to throw off the yoke, they had better damn well do it now.
02.) Begin Assassination Campaigns Against Enemy Leaders. Send agents to kill the Sultan, kill his advisors, kill the Riga Congress, so forth. Generally, move our agents to kill as many of the enemy leadership as possible.
03.) Begin Random Acts of Terror Against Enemies. We have already inspired our populace to hatred and bloodlust, but now it is time to take it to the next level. Random bombings (you can hide gunpowder and a fuse in just about anything), mob killings, lynching, beatings, hate crimes, shootings... we want it all. Do whatever is possible to disillusion the enemy and kill his people. Be creative.
04.) Sabotage Turkish and Courlander Shipyards and Industrial Facilities. Courland, and at least Ukraine, are mostly open to our agents, being the war torn wrecks that they are. Infiltrate them and begin blowing everything of protracted military value up. The only exception to this rule is Riga.
05.) Continue the Second Wave. Always prepare for the future.

01.) Continue All Outstanding Policies
. This includes Новая Проспект, the Loyalty Crime Redemption Units, Commissars, ГИ and ИСБ, racial and holy war, and so forth. To endure purgatory is to prove the strength of the soul, and Russia's soul will be very strong indeed when this is all said and done.
02.) Declare Mobilization of All Outstanding Resources. Similarly, Russia will survive and grow indomitable in will, or it will collapse and never rise again. We will weed out all the weak in our crusade against the enemy, so that only the strong remain. As such, all of Russia's resources and people shall be mobilized to war. It is, for the foreseeable future, our new national pastime.
03.) Continue Reconstruction of Astrakhan. You know the drill.
04.) Change Our Bloody Capitol to Moscow. Its been several turns already. :p
05.) Delegate More Arbitrary Matters to the Cенат. Their sole reason for being is to take care of the more mundane matters and leave the important ones to the Император. See that they start doing so (More Unitary > Unitary).
06.) Remove Infrastructural Benefits From Новая Заря. It is proving too time consuming to complete at this rate. Make it ( +1 Education, Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)).

Sacrifice 2EL (Good Enough (+2) > Not Bad (+1)[/b]) to gain 12EP (6 > 18EP).
02.) Spend 8EP (18 > 10EP) on Army Growth (42 > 82 Good Divisions).
03.) Spend 4EP (10 > 6EP) on Maintaining Army Training (40 Growth / 20 Divider = 2 for 1 Level, 4 for 2 Levels; new units at Good).
04.) Spend 2EP (6 > 4EP) on спецназ Growth (10 > 20 Elite Divisions).
05.) Spend 1EP (4 > 3EP) on Maintaining спецназ Training (10 Growth / 20 Divider = 1/2 for 1 Level, 1 for 2 Levels, new units at Elite).
06.) Spend 1EP (3 > 2EP) on Navy Training (17 Tolerable Squadrons > 17 Normal Squadrons, 33 Normal Squadrons Total).
07.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP on Military Logistics.

01.) Irregular Forces Are To Assist Regular Forces In Whatever Way Possible
. See down below. Wherever they are most useful, that is where they will be.
02.) Continue Induction and Creation of LCR Units. Given pretty much all crime results in automatic indoctrination, see that plenty of units are created. Begun pulling able-bodied Russian men out of Новая Проспект to serve as new LCR Units. They will have the honor of redeeming their souls in the name of the Император and God by fighting for the Motherland. The Muslims can be worked to death instead. Riddle all these units with Commissars to ensure functionality.
03.) Begun Offering Tribes of the East Prestigious Honors If They Will Fight. If they help us by lending us their warriors, they get bonuses, such as better representation and more development when the war is over. Promise them whatever it is they value, just get them to join the fight.
04.) Begin Militarization of Entire Population. If you can hold a pitchfork, or throw a fist, you can fight. We do not expect to field these people as combat units, no, but they had better be prepared to defend themselves. Sort of similar to what the Japanese were doing at the final stages of WWII.

MILITARY OPERATION "Черная Луна": (Lit. "Black Moon") We will bleed Courland and wage a reign of terror against them the likes of which the world has never seen before. Whether they break fully, or merely mentally, it is of no consequence; they will break.

Allocated Forces: 10 спецназ Divisions, 7 Elite Divisions, 7 Good Divisions, 15 Squadrons

Wage total warfare. Everything is a target. Our chief objective is the seizure of Riga. Everyone else is fair game. Kill, rape, loot, pillage, destroy. Our forces must become known as instruments of terror and the spawn of the devil himself. Use every trick in our vest repertoire to grind the hell out of this country. Engage in Scythic Warfare; always move, draw them into traps, kill maim, and injure as many as possible. Courland is on the edge, and the only thing keeping it afloat is its defenses. See that they do not stop us and push them over the edge. Also, gain total naval superiority. Bomb the crap out of all their defenses that our guns can reach. Make life a living hell for everyone in the country. Use lots of biological warfare too. Always a plus.

MILITARY OPERATION "Красный Рассвет": (Lit. "Red Dawn") We know the Imperials are sending large concentrations (45 Divisions) into Romania. We will simultaneously apply massive pressure in the Ukraine. We will break the damnable Ottoman presence here, come hell or high water.


Allocated Forces: 45 Good Divisions, 5 спецназ Divisions, 9 Squadrons

Pripet Forces are to maintain their harassing actions on the Western frontier similar to last year. Generally just keep them doing what they have been doing and attempt to lull the Turks into thinking this is yet another delaying action.
Ib.) Maintain the vast bulk of forces opposite their defensive lines. We will organize a coordinated attack on the remains of Cernigov. Breach the defenses utilizing mines and massed firepower from Naval units. Reduce the walls to craters. Focus all available resources here; pierce it like a bullet through flesh.
IIa.) Link up. Sweep through the black earth zone. Enslave and conquer all Muslims, execute any who resist on the spot. Their bodies can fertilize it for Slavic farmers. Be weary of Ottoman encirclements like last year in the Crimean.
IIb.) Advance to the Dnepr and begin pounding the hell out of the Crimean fortifications with all available resources.

MILITARY OPERATION "Мертвая Зона": (Lit. "Dead Zone") Meanwhile, it is likely the Ottomans will counterattack into the Caucuses, in our estimation. We will surprise them here.


Allocated Forces: 25 Good Divisions, 5 спецназ Divisions, 9 Squadrons

Burn and enslave everything in the indicated zone. Haul off all available persons to be used as forced labor, kill all who resist. Litter the landscape with booby traps and horror. Do this as quickly and efficiently as possible; be thorough, but it get done rapidly (speed is more important.)
Ib.) Advance West and do the same. Purge all resistance, cart off as many people as possible, sow plague and horror, leave behind traps, death squads, snipers, insurgents, everything to make the area as difficult to get through as possible for the Ottomans. Move rapidly to prevent them from easily catching us as we do this, and destroy everything.
II.) Bombard and blast the hell out of the East Crimean defenses. Reduce them to ash and rubble. Generally make life very unpleasant in the area and use Naval forces to assist.

MILITARY OPERATION "Стальной Дождь": (Lit "Steel Rain") If both Red Dawn and Dead Zone meet their basic objectives, the final plan can begin: the encirclement and reduction of the Crimean by pushing from both sides.


Allocated Forces: All Surviving Red Dawn and Dead Zone Units

By achieving local naval superiority, combined with lots and lots of shore-based guns, we will cross the opening of the Sea of Azov and the Dnepr and assault the relatively lightly defended Crimean peninsula, thus operating behind enemy lines. This will take roughly two thirds of the operational unit strength.
Ib.) Meanwhile, roughly 1/3 of forces will focus on generally tying up Ottoman units and knocking out the rather porous (through years of fighting) fortifications in the north. Keep them busy and just kill as many as possible.
II.) Compress both forces toward the center and annihilate the pocket. Do to them what they did to us last year. Encircle and destroy.

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1708 :
01.) Demand The Surrender of Courland-Lithuania
. As if we haven't done it enough times already. Do it once more, you know, just so that it's clear we gave them plenty of chances. If they don't, see MILITARY OPERATION "Чернота Тангажа".

01.) Continue Disruptive ИСБ Operations in Enemy Territory
. I really, really don't know how to make this much clearer. Whatever the Ottomans are doing to oppress their minorities, guess what, they're going to keep doing it if they win. Forever. So unless these spineless sonsof*****es want to be stomped on from now to eternity, they had better get their thumbs out of their asses and start revolting. Honestly, the lack of backbone on the part of these people sickens me. Tell them as such. Particularly that Patriarch of Constantinople. In fact...
02.) Continue Assassination Campaigns Against Enemy Leaders. Find a way to continue picking as many of them as possible off. The more, the better. Add the Patriarch to the list too. I want him dead. Man has the spine of worm.
03.) Continue Random Acts of Terror. Huzzah for hate crimes.
04.) Continue Sabotage. Do anything and everything to bring the enemy war machine to its knees. Try poisoning wells and food supplies deep inside enemy lines for bonus points. Dysentery and such are always great.
05.) Continue the Second Wave. Prepare for that future you might not have.

01.) Encourage More Children
. Offer financial incentives to families with more than two children. These will be dolled out after the war, of course.
02.) Continue Mobilization. Obvious.
03.) Continue All Outstanding Policies. Quite obvious.
04.) Begin Reconstruction of Ukraine. We don't really have the time or the money to invest wholesale in reconstruction given we're fighting for the very survival of our nation. At the very least get some farmers in there to make sure we don't starve this year. Considering we feed Europe, that's too goddamn bad for the rest of them. They can pay the price for not helping us.
05.) Remove Educational Benefits From Новая Заря. It is simply not coming soon enough and so we will move to finish it this turn, direct reform improvements be damned. Make it (Advance to Early Enlightenment Age (AT)) 5/6.

Spend 1EP (6 > 5EP) on EL (Not Bad (+1) > Normal (+1)). Do this by working to raise crops in Ukraine and begin initial rebuilding there if possible.
02.) Spend 1EP (5 > 4EP) on Project Новая Заря, completing it (5/6 > 6/6). We expect the weapons benefits to begin producing some manner of results rather quickly.
03.) Spend 2EP ([/b]4 > 2EP[/b]) on constructing the Nikolayev Line. See DEFENSE POLICY Item 01.
04.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01.) Deplete Новая Проспект System
. Pull out all Christian members who can wield firearms and arm them, composing them into LCR Units. Our reports indicate this will provide us with 20 Divisions (12 > 32 Irregular Divisions).
02.) Deplete Prison System. Pull out all prisoners and arm them similarly as LCR Units. Our reports indicate this will provide us with a further 3 Divisions (32 > 35 Irregular Divisions.)
03.) Continue Population Militarization. Our manpower reserves will receive something of a break this turn in order to give it a chance to regroup - that and we can't afford to push it. See that the people are drilled in the meantime. With any luck, some of them will actually become somewhat proficient at defending themselves. Imagine that.
04.) Transfer All Naval Units But 5 Squadrons to River System. They will be used in the defense of the homeland.

01.) Establish the Nikolayev Line
. This year, we will be trying a different tactic. For years and years, our soldiers have bled upon Turkish defenses. Now it's their turn. The line will be constructed, when possible, upon existing fortifications, as it will save time, but will also be expanded upon in rear positions. Utilize captured Muslims and those in Новая Проспект who cannot fight to throw them up. Casualties in the work force are irrelevent, so long as they are completed. Our forces will utilize skirmishing tactics in order to make sure that enough time is afforded to complete them. These lines will be, wherever possible, two or more layers thick, to create fall-back positions in the event of a breach.
02.) Implement New Defensive Strategies. The rear sections of the Nikolayev Line are to be lined with Fougasse in lined segments, allowing us to pinpoint a breach in the defenses and detonate the respective section. Not only will this incinerate forces attempting to advance through such a breach but the resulting crater and churned earth will make it impossible to easily advance through the gap, effectively sealing it. Our forces are to adopt weapons and tactics that inflict maximum damage and attrition upon the enemy: such as massed fire from defensive positions. Our manpower situation is precarious; even though we are trying to conserve it, every man kept alive is another man who can fire rounds. We require people who can fire rounds, and defenses are an excellent way of keeping them alive. Anyone demonstrating aptitude at marksmanship is to be employed as a sniper. We are to use weapons that are capable of inflicting mass casualties, such as incendiaries, boiling oils, grapeshot (or cannons just generally stuffed with metal shrapnel), bladed weapons, hand grenades, whatever we have. Fortifications are also to be booby-trapped to make their occupation extremely hazardous if they are taken. Whatever can be done to inflict carnage upon the enemy while minimizing our loses is to be done.
03.) Assign Bulk of Forces to Nikolayev Line. Specificially, 3 Elite Divisions, 40 Divisions, 7 спецназ Divisions, and 35 Irregular Divisions. 850,000 Soldiers should be sufficient to cover the line and respond to specific advances by the Turks. The Irregular units are to be somewhat intermixed with Regulars to provide moral support, under the close watch of Commisars, of course. This will also lower the possibility of them breaking under combat. Simultaneously, 24 Squadrons are to be assigned to the river system and Black Sea coast; they are to be used not just as fire support, and as supply raiders, but also to launch night time raids into Turkish territory to disrupt any attempts they might make to launch offensives; with combat against the HRE and the Iberians, they cannot concentrate their naval forces effectively and we should thus be able to attain local naval superiority.
04.) See That the Line is Held At All Costs. The Turk is unlikely to suspect this tact after our systematic assaults, and so we will hopefully have some minor advantage of surprise We will bleed the Turk white on our walls. If he breaches them, we will stop him. We will make him suffer in ways unheard of before. See that this is done, and we might yet triumph.

MILITARY OPERATION "Чернота Тангажа": (Lit. "Pitch Black") Courland, if it does not surrender, will die. It is that simple. We have asked the HRE to seal their border with the Courlanders as best as possible. Hopefully, the damn Poles don't interfere, but we'll have contingencies for that too.

Assigned Forces: 4 Elite Divisions, 8 Divisions, 7 спецназ Divisions, 5 Squadrons

Operations against Courland will take a similar tact to last year: everything is a target. The main thrust should be through the defensive lines south of Riga. If these can be sliced through with overwhelming firepower, then the nation will be bisected and its remaining will to fight rendered useless. From there our forces can maneuver behind their lines and secure the border with the HRE before laying siege to their population centers. Starve them out of needbe. The only thing we require to be taken intact is Riga itself. If it comes to this, execute all the members of the Riga Congress at Red Square in Moscow as traitors. Pillage the country as well, and begin organizing its able-bodied men into LCR units to serve at the Nikolayev Line. Anyone too weak for that is to be used as forced labor for fortifications or to farm in the Ukraine. Anyone who resists is to be sumarily executed.

01.) IF Kalmar Attacks Finland, THEN:
burn the whole damn country to the ground with ИСБ agents.

Spoiler Russian Empire Orders 1709 :
NOTE: Education is still listed at Late Age of Reason, should be Early Enlightenment Age. There is also only one "Moscow" in "Moscow". :p

Spoiler Stats :
- Empire of Russia.
Capital: MoscowMoscowMoscow
Ruler: Vladimir II\Symphony D
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Centralization: Unitary
Tech. Level: Late Age of Reason
Army (Training): 6 Divisions (Elite) 37 Divisions (Good) 11 спецназ Divisions (Elite) 35 Irregular Divisions (Semi-Rabble)
Navy (Training): 25 Squadrons (Normal)
Economy: Normal (+1)
Size (points required): Large (4)
Leadership (Military/Civilian): Brilliant/ Tolerable
Infrastructure: Efficient
Education: Tolerable
Living Standards: Tolerable
Culture: Uberpatriotic+1
Confidence: Respecting

01.) Declare Restoration of Order in Courland
. It's not an annexation; we never recognized its separation.
02.) Send Church Envoy to Meet With Pope. In these troubled times, it is clear that it is Christian against Muslim; the Turk has attacked all Christians indiscriminately. As such, though we might have our differences, we must band together to fight the common enemy. That, and we must find a way to keep our current allies in the war; simply, try and convince him to declare a Crusade.
03.) CONDITIONAL; If the Khanate Continues to Crumble, Offer Vassalage to Northern Segments. We have discussed this previously; if it keeps falling apart (for whatever reason) then assume authority over its northern segments.

01.) Continue Disruptive ИСБ Operations and Assassinations in Enemy Territory
. Particularly to be targeted is the Greek Orthodox Church. If enough of their upper echelons are killed it will eventually become inevitable that somebody with the balls to inspire fight will come to power. Figure out who these people are and spare them. Otherwise, target all available persons of importance in the Ottoman Empire. Anyone. Everyone. We are the wrath of God; none shall be spared that collude with the enemy.
02.) Continue Random Acts of Terror. In line with the above, but in the lulls between important targets kill some unimportant people too.
03.) Continue Sabotage. Anything that can be done to disable the enemy's war efforts is to be attempted. We will grind them down bit by bit.
04.) Continue Second Wave. Interestingly, we're actually getting towards a point where these might start to become useful!

01.) Continue Encouragement of More Children
. Continue our policies. This combined with our more... qualitative approach toward warfare should prolong our ability to fight for somewhat longer.
02.) Continue Mobilization. Russia might not be a fortress physically... but it shall be one mentally; ingrain the siege mentality.
03.) Continue All Other Outstanding Policies. Rather simple.
04.) Continue Reconstruction of Ukraine. Do what can be done without direct farming. Since the area is somewhat lawless cull it for bandits to put into LCR units. Utilize a competitive-produce system to encourage opportunistic farmers to do their best to develop the region.
05.) Continue Encouraging Small-scale Colonization of Siberia. Our primary focus right now is Ukraine but we can still afford to have a few people going East.
06.) CONDITIONAL; Announce Equality of Women. Firstly, this is conditional; if it's going to lead to massive protests, don't do it (I didn't have time to ask). However, considering we have lost vast portions of our manpower, and a good deal of the able-bodied ones are off to fight, it seems an obvious move. We have already abolished the nobility and serfdom, so this is the next obvious step. It gives us a vast new pool of labor and soldiers if necessary, as well as another tool to use against the Turk. If its gone through with, see that the Church verifies it.
07.) Once Recaptured, Begin Rebuilding Riga. Do what is necessary to get it operational again; it might take some time, but who cares, so long as it eventually happens.

Sacrifice 2EL (Normal (+1) > Poor (0)) to gain 12EP (8 > 20EP).
02.) Spend 6EP (20 > 14EP) on Army Training (37 Good Divisions > 37 Elite Divisions, 43 Elite Divisions Total). [37 / 20 Divider ~ 2EP / 1LVL, 6EP / 3LVLs]
03.) Spend 4EP (14 > 10EP) on Army Growth (0 > 20 Very Good Divisions).
04.) Spend 2EP (10 > 8EP) on Army Training (20 Very Good Divisions > 20 Elite Divisions, 63 Elite Divisions Total). [20 / 20 Divider = 1EP / 1LVL, 2EP / 2LVLs]
05.) Spend 2EP (8 > 6EP) on спецназ Growth (0 > 10 Very Good Divisions).
06.) Spend 1EP (6 > 5EP) on спецназ Training (10 Very Good Divisions > 10 Elite Divisions, 21 Elite Divisions Total). [10 / 20 Divider = .5EP / 1LVL, 1EP / 2LVLs]
07.) Spend 2EP (5 > 3EP) on Irregular Training (35 Semi-Rabble Divisions > 35 Tolerable Divisions). [35 / 20 Divider ~ 2EP / 1LVL]
08.) Spend 1EP (3 > 2EP) on Navy Training (25 Normal Squadrons > 20 Better Squadrons, 5 Normal Squadrons).
09.) Spend 2EP (2 > 0EP) on Military Logistics.

01.) Continue Population Militarization
. Outside of actual combat units, efforts to teach the population basic self-defense techniques will continue. Particularly to be drilled are the men (we still, by your figures, have roughly 45 Divisions left of recruitable men), but women and adolescents as well.
02.) Disassemble Finnish Fortifications; Use them to Construct Fortifications Further West. The current setup of defenses in Finland would be to our detriment should the ongoing hostilities in the Kalmar Union expand; disassemble them and use the rubble (if economical over local resources) to construct new lines on the current border.
03.) Do Likewise With Courland Fortifications. The interference of the damnable Poles is undesirable. We will therefore begin making the border hard to trespass, if not legitimately defended. We do not want to antagonize the HRE overly, despite the fact they're all idiots who will invariably be antagonized regardless. Any excess is to be used in the Ukranian reconstruction.
04.) Expand the Nikolayev Line into Odessa and Nikolayev, and Along the Aral Sea through Astrakhan. These holdings are to be defended; build upon and restore existing Ottoman defenses and use them to our advantage; the Nikolayev Line proper will be used as a fallback position in this instance.
05.) Issue Congratulation for General Belev. It seems most of our casualties during the last year were in Courland and not as a result of his operation. His initiative is an example to all.

Assign 2 спецназ Divisions, 5 Elite Divisions, 5 Tolerable Divisions, and 5 Normal Squadrons to Courland. Their objective is to crush whatever Ottoman and insurgent forces are roaming around. They will do this by first closing the border to allow the ГИ to begin rounding up the responsible individuals into Новая Проспект - these will mostly be utilized for local rebuilding and the rebuilding of the Ukraine. Otherwise restore order, secure the border, and enforce our will.
02.) Assign 2 спецназ Divisions and 3 Elite Divisions to Finland to keep order and generally secure the region. Previous policies of having ГИ units available to torch important locations in the event of an enemy breakthrough are to remain.
03.) Assign 2 спецназ Divisions to Siberia to continue putting terrain under our control. Focus mostly on those tribes that swore allegiance earlier and utilize a few examples of terror on those who refused to regain their attention if necessary.
04.) Assign 5 Tolerable Divisions to the Khanate Border, particularly around Omsk. They are to secure the region against any backlash from the South should the northern Khanate join us and, in such an event, move to secure those regions.
05.) Assign 15 спецназ Divisions, 55 Elite Divisions, 25 Tolerable Divisions, 20 Better Squadrons to the Nikolayev Line. Generally policy will be to hold the line, crush any and all Turkish counter-attacks, and to raid into their holdings at random locations and intervals. We are to inflict maximum possible damage to them and their forces. Naval forces are to focus on securing the rivers and, in conjunction with land-batteries, to scuttle any Turk ships should they try and go upriver. Demonstrating initiative where possible is a plus provided casualties do not become astronomical. The only major possible exception to this is...

CONDITIONAL MILITARY OPERATION "Черная Звезда": (Lit. "Black Star") This operation is wholly conditional on what we know about the Ottoman presence in the Aral Sea, and the fortunes of the Khanate. If it is low, and they continue to collapse, commence. If it is high or the Khanate remains stable, odds are the Turks are planning an attack on Astrakhan and that area must be defended. Obviously, even if conditions are right but they launch a large counterattack, we will not proceed. If it goes forth, this will be our chance to pay the Turk back for Ukraine.


Assigned Forces: 10 спецназ Divisions, 15 Elite Divisions, 10 Better Squadrons

Our forces will transit by sea across the Aral, with the Better Squadrons offering fire support. They will disembark on the southern shore and transit through Khanate held territory. The terrain here is difficult. But resistance will be light as we will not be combating the Ottomans proper. Generally avoid Khanate population centers and try not to antagonize them; our supplies should hold out for long enough to get through their territory. Only attack them if they attack us (likely dependent on what occurs farther north).
II.) Once we have arrived at the somewhat gentler terrain overlooking the Fertile Crescent, punch through Ottoman defenses. Defenses in the region are likely under-garrisoned and unprepared. Overwhelming force and sapping will be used to break them. Once they are pierced, we will flow into the Fertile Crescent. From here, movements are at our commanders' discretions. Their stated objectives are to inflict maximum possible death and carnage. Kill the loyal, aide the disloyal, burn everything those who potentially ally with us do not need to survive, particularly crops. The chief method of damage will be destroying irrigation works, although if it becomes possible to salt fields, do so. Forces are to keep constantly on the move to avoid being pinned down and are to gradually make their way north.
III.) Depending on the forces sent (or not) to combat them, forces are to either proceed by land through the Caucuses Dead Zone and relieve the south-eastern border, or evacuate by sea back across the Aral. If at any point they become overwhelmed, they are to evacuate by sea. If this operation occurs, it will leave behind massive death and destruction in the heart of the Turkish empire and leave them ill-prepared to continue as they have been.
My frustation is evident at points, particularly in 1708 (as are some rather strange comments along the way ...). I was honestly rather quite dissatisfied with attempts to provoke rebellion, particularly in the Balkans (and especially with the HRE army right next door). I also realized a bit too late it was preferable to go with quality over quantity since my population was so low (which I did not realize itself until it was much too late). Not to disparage the man, but Stormbringer's relative lack of assistance as the Khanate didn't help.

Still, I think had 1710 gone up I would've made some gains. The war as a whole was still in the balance, at least, although the country was going to be in shambles for quite awhile. Lesson learned was a lack of morals makes it much easier to fight a desperate war, but it's important to have a good understanding of what you're working with in order to do it properly.

Oh, yes, and never trust das (or Panda, Grandmaster, JosefStalinator, myself, or anyone else for that matter). ;)
Ah, yes, that was quite an NES. My favorite so far, really. And it ended just as it was about to get interesting...
Long orders for LuckymooseNES: Cradle to the Grave. ;)

Spoiler :
Doridan Confederacy
Capital: Farowdorm
Major Cities:
Leader: Frank F. Westchesther/carmen510
Religion: Gamanism
Government: Dictatorship
Economy: (2/1/0)
Army: 2400 Spearmen, 700 Horsemen, 1000 Archers
Navy: 5 Ships
Education: None
Infrastructure: Dirt Paths
Technology: Bronze Age
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: None
Description: After Boris's assassination, Frank F. Westchester bought his way into Dictator status.

Economic Orders:

-Firstly, due to border insecurity, we require several regiments/battalions of men. We would like to invest 1 EP in training a 1,000 man division to help strengthen our army.
- Secondly, the new lands south hold innumerable possibilities. A group of 700 spearmen and 200 archers should found a small town named Xi' Xang. The city layout shall have stone walls surrounding the 'main' buildings and farms to be built outside. Inside, there shall be a garrison of about 1,000 town guards/militia.
- Finally, we wish to erect several schools and colleges to celebrate our new leader. 1 EP shall be spent on this. Our teachers should be the smartest men in their community, and we shall raise our intelligence to Dumb.

Domestic Orders:

- Flesh out several surrounding tribes and look for the most friendly and hostile ones. Bring in the friendlies with open arms. Make sure they are protected from prejudice and abuse. Those who are hostile, will be shown in the military orders.

- Until we have settled our affairs, we wish to enact a new tax regulation. Only those with the official seal will be able to collect the required 10% tax. (It's 10% of their wages)

- In Farowdorm, create a new Bureau of Treasury and a small mansion for our new Dictator. We wish to have the mansion to have room for 100 people.

- Improve the roads leading east from Farowdorm. This is to help not only our army to move, but immigrants, settlers, and traders have an easier journey.

- Improve the port in Farowdorm. Try to create 5 more docks for trading ships, and a special port for our military transports.

- Finally, we wish for an espionage group called the Shadow Priests to be created. It's a spy ring that contains of 50 people to help gain information on riots, unrest, and evil plots. The director will be Dictator Frank, himself.

Foreign Affairs:

- Try to recruit some mercenaries from the neighboring tribes, to help our great nation grow.

- Try to send some diplomats to Porisma to create an embassy to help each other in the future.

Military Orders:

- Use our navy to patrol the river to warn us of any sort of danger to Frank or the people.

- Use 500 spearmen to garrison Farowdorm, along with the militia stationed there. 1,000 spearmen and 500 archers are guarding the border. 700 spearmen and 200 archers are creating the town of Xi' Xang. Finally, the 1,700 spearmen, 300 archers, and 700 horsemen are to find the friendly tribes/hostile tribes and to gain land westwards.

Tribe Strategy

-First, we should try to identify rivalries within the tribes. There must be some tribes that hate each other.

-Once this is done, we should intervene in this rivalries by allying with one group, preferably the weaker one, against their enemy. (Unless the enemy is way too strong) Do this successively for as long as possible. We should also do everything possible to convince the tribes to join us, even with bribes.

-This strategy, while useful, will have only limited utility. Inevitably, we will have to fight most groups on our own.

-This should be done delicately. We should take pains to characterize any campaign as a campaign against a single tribe, and not against all rebellious tribes. Hopefully, this will allow us to pick off at least some of the rebels one by one. If in the case more than one tribe rise against us, we should get our allies to help defend.

-We expect that the tribes will eventually form a united front against us. At this point, the campaign will probably become simply our army against their army, and there is really nothing more to say. Of course, try to avoid suicide positions and allow armies to surrender.

Military Strategy

-Build and expand forts throughout the areas of conflict. This should help us to hold large amounts of territory, and tie up large numbers of enemy troops, with relatively few our own troops and free up more troops for our offensives. The garrisons of these forts should be heavy on cavalry, to allow them to rapidly respond to rebel raids.

-We aim to bring overwhelming force to bear in our offensives. To this end, we will minimize our ongoing commitments, and try to keep only one major campaign going at any one time.

-In the field, speed is of the essence. We do not want to fight a guerilla campaign. Our aim is to force a decisive battle early in the campaign, in which our army fights their whole army. We should try to exploit the Doridan warrior echoes to make them come out and fight us.

-Our army should seek engagement with the enemy, but not recklessly so. It will try to avoid battle in forests, hills and other areas that minimize our numerical advantage. Ideally, battles are to be fought in open, level ground where we can bring our greater numbers to bear, but this may be difficult to accomplish.

-If we win a decisive victory, give the defeated faction a chance to surrender. Unless in the case where they have slaughtered almost our entire army, then just save the 'fresh' troops.

-If they refuse to fight us head on, we should not be distracted by raids, but should march to their oppida and take them. Eventually, they will have no choice but to meet us in open battle. However, we should use archers to draw them to us.

-When campaigning in rebel territory, we will be on ground that is unfamiliar to us but very familiar to the defenders. This is a significant disadvantage, and to combat it, we should try to find locals who have knowledge of the terrain and bribe or coerce them into aiding us.


-I doubt our troops are capable of anything particularly complicated at this point. We should try to get them to at least perform rudimentary flanking and encirclement attacks, rather than the usual mass frontal assault.

-When faced with an oppidum, we are to lay siege. If we have any engineers with expertise in this area, use them to construct siege towers, lines of circumvallation, catapults, etc. If we do not have any, just do the best we can.

-Once an oppidum is besieged, we may be able to move the bulk of the army on to the next objective, leaving enough troops behind to maintain the siege. However, this is only to be done if there is no threat of a relief force arriving or of the besieged mounting a breakout.

-The army is to be patient while laying siege. If the fortification does not surrender, it will be taken by storm; however, this is not to be attempted until the defenders are weakened. It is more important to do it right, and to minimize casualties, than to do it fast.

Treatment of the Captives

-Enemy soldiers captured in battle are to be sold as slaves in Farowdorm or Porisma. (Unless 'fresh' troops) The revenue this provides should be divided among the army to help ensure their loyalty.

-Any enemy group that surrenders when we call upon them to do so will be treated relatively leniently. Their leaders will be left in power, but we will take family members as hostages, disarm their soldiers, and appoint a loyal man as overseer of the region. He will answer directly to Frank and have effective veto power over the group's decisions. Other than that, they will be left alone.

-We expect that at least one tribe will take advantage of our leniency and rebel again as soon as the army departs. If this happens, the army is to retake the territory, using the same tactics as before.

-The treacherous tribe will then be destroyed. Children between 2 and 8 or elderly between 60 and 100 will be spared and given to foster families in loyal tribes. All others are to be exterminated. We will not give them a second chance to betray us.

-Any group that must be conquered will be treated severely. In this case, the leadership is to be executed and the people deported into loyal lands.

-They will not be deported in large groups. No more than 100 are to be sent to any one place. This should prevent them from colluding or maintaining their identity and effectively destroy the tribe.

-The vacant space will be filled with families from loyal tribes. These families will be drawn from many different tribes and intermingled to break down existing tribal loyalties. Once again, a loyal man will be appointed to govern the territory and will answer only to Frank.

Nice orders eh?

best be changing this. as my bt update is now on and some of your enemies would love reading your orders.
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