01.) Attach a Diplomatic Team to a British Naval Vessel That Goes to Sri Lanka. From there, they are to begin exploring Southeast Asia and discovering who exactly is there, and how they might be of use to us against the Turk. The British government has not voiced any opposition to this.
01.) Sacrifice 1EL (
Growing (+2) > Good Enough (+2)) to gain 6EP (
6 > 12EP[).
02.) Spend 1EP (
12 > 11EP) on Project
Новая Заря (
4/10 > 5/10).
03.) Spend 5EP (
11 > 6EP) on Naval Growth (
16 > 41 Squadrons).
04.) Spend 2EP (
6 > 4EP) on спецназ Growth (
13 > 23 Divisions).
05.) Spend 1EP (
4 > 3EP) on Army Training (
11 Better Divisions, 50 Good Divisions > 61 Good Divisions).
06.) Spend 1EP (
3 > 2EP) on Army Growth (
61 > 66 Divisions).
07.) Spend 2EP (
2 > 0EP) on
Military Logistics.
01.) Continue All Previous Policies. They would appear to be working at present, and as such, are to be maintained.
02.) Begin Rebuilding Astrakhan ASAP. It's a good city spot anyway and I doubt they took the time to strew the fields with salt, so whatever can be done without directly investing money into it.
03.) Outlaw Courland-Lithuania Forever. Get the Cенат to pass legislation outlawing the very existence of that nation. Reagan-style.
04.) Begin New Punishment System. It's simple: you commit a crime above the rank of perhaps petty thievery (say, assault and above) that cannot be excused as a crime of passion or insanity (if such defenses even work in this day and age) and you are automatically entered into Новая Проспект. This serves two functions: one it will mostly eliminate crime as unlike the nobility and so forth, criminals do not have the resources to rise up and overthrow the government. Two, it provides new fodder for the system and the LCR Prison Soldier units.
05.) Expand the ГИ and ИСБ. Accordingly, to deal with all these new responsibilities, both of these agencies will have to become larger and better equipped and staffed, given a large portion of our government now rests upon their activities. They will form the "4th and 5th Pillars" of Russian Government, after the Император, Cенат, and people. Freedom does not protect one from invaders; security does.
06.) Resume Siberian Expansion. Although we have been...
distracted by developments elsewhere it is time to resume the Eastern March. Token forces will be allocated to this and they will primarily focus on those areas that have already sworn allegiance to us.
07.) Continue Sifting Through Finland and former Turkish Occupied Areas for Technology[/b]. Anything we find that can be of value in expanding our technological base is to be sought out and exploited.
01.) Assign
3 Better Divisions to Finland to quell rebellion, along with associated ГИ and ИСБ forces.
02.) Assign
3 Better Divisions to Siberia to expand Russian control in predominantly friendly Northern areas.
MILITARY OPERATION "Ботинок": (Lit. "Boot") Imagine if you will, a boot stamping on the face of Courland-Lithuania... forever. They have been a thorn in our side and a threat to our flank for far too long. With the Holy Roman Empire officially distracted and committed to the Ottoman threat, the Polish are in no position to sway the Emperor and any response to our actions they take will be nothing but open rebellion. Courland dies.
Allocated Forces: 21 Squadrons, 12 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 10 Good Divisions, 8 Irregular Divisions
Ia.) In the dead of Winter in early January,
Force North-West (
21 Squadrons, 12 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 4 Good Divisions is to set out from Helsinki. The Courlanders are likely to be continuing their raids into our territory and testing our defenses. Thus we will strike. They are to embark for the Gulf of Riga, ignoring the islands guarding it and doing their best to stay out of sight of land. They will use an unconventional path. The voyage should take less than a day and should be timed to arrive around midnight. They will enter the lightly protected portions of the coast and split into two parties of equal size (
6 спецназ Divisions, 2 Elite Divisions, 2 Good Divisions) on opposite shores of the Gulf. They will not attack Riga proper yet, given its heavy fortifications. They will then establish rapid beachheads, while the Navy eliminates every last vestige of Courlander sea power. No ship, civilian or military, is to be allowed to survive if it ventures out into the Gulf.
IIa.) From here they are to spread out - from our estimation Courland has two defensive perimeters; the outer one facing Russia, and the inner one protecting Riga. Between these two lies the bulk of the nation. And thus they shall fall. Terror tactics are to be utilized, and спецназ are to lead the way. Brand the Courland-Lithuanians are colluders with the Turk and that they are a shameful abomination in the eyes of God. Then, kill them. Loot, burn, pillage, destroy. Kill everyone who resists, and show no mercy. Particularly to be killed gruesomely are former Russian nobility if found. We do not have time nor is it prudent to salt the earth and so forth as we go, but destroy absolutely everything of value, particularly structures and crops; everything between the two lines of defense. They are also to raid the forward line of defense from the rear. Kill the defenders, breach the walls, make it unusable. Move as quickly as possible to make organized resistance difficult if not impossible.
IIb.) Meanwhile,
6 Good Divisions and 8 Irregular Divisions are to skirmish along the Courlander front lines. Their job is to pin down their advance raiding parties, encircle them, and destroy them. They are to exploit Scythic warfare to thin them out and grind them up. We will play the Courlanders at their own game while our forces ravage their lands. Once
Force North-West is raiding the rear of their primary defensive lines they are to begin to push against the lines from the front to achieve a breakthrough.
IIIa.) Once the lines are breached and the vast bulk of the country, all units remaining will converge around Riga. Put the city under siege. Assault it with propaganda to demoralize the defenders. Utilize biological weapons (dead things thrown over the walls) and fire weapons along with cannon fire to pummel the city's defenses into oblivion. At this stage Naval forces are likely to have purged the surroundings of ships and are to converge to assault the capitol. If and when the gates fall, go straight for the leadership; ignore all others unless they actively resist. Butcher them on the spot. Should the campaign reach this point (it should take, given its size, at most 6 months with heavy resistance, much less if they are caught off guard), begin pulling in ГИ units to haul off the less trustworthy to Новая Проспект. Do this in all areas brought under our control anyway, even if objectives are not fully achieved.
MILITARY OPERATION "Молотилка": (Lit. "Grind") The war with the Turk is beginning to turn. He is now firmly on the offensive, secure in the knowledge that his troops are equal to perhaps two of ours and that he has strong defenses. Let him think this. We will fight smarter, not harder.
Allocated Forces: 20 Squadrons, 11 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, 50 Good Divisions, 7 Irregular Divisions
Ia.) The Turk is confident in the ability of the Pripet Marshes to guard his flank. Indeed, they are impassable to most major military forces during most of the year. However, part of moving through a marsh is being light and fleet of foot.
3 спецназ Divisions, 4 Elite Divisions, and 2 Irregular Divisions are to be reconfigured into highly mobile Scythic fighters. Take everything we have learned on that form of warfare and equip them to do it. They are also to be afforded light cavalry units to enable rapid movement. All knowledge on fighting within the Marshes, as well as their layout and routes through them are to be gathered. They will become the home for this force,
Force West. Force West's objective is to engage maximum damage on the enemy for their size in raids and to generally cause mayhem and carnage. They are small precisely because it makes them small and hard to track. They will make the Pripet Marshes their home, and utilize them to maximum advantage. Their long term goal is to heavily damage and demoralize the flank of Ottoman defenses.
Ib.) At the same time, while his flank is assaulted,
Force Center-Left will gear up. They will number
3 спецназ Divisions and 10 Good Divisions. They will position themselves opposite Turkish defensive lines. They will conceal themselves out of range of view, while the спецназ and Новая Проспект use their combined engineering skill and manpower to dig under a specific area of Turkish defensive works. They are specifically to focus on the most remote, poorly garrisoned area - the Turks have taken to fortifying huge swathes of land and with them under assault from all directions they cannot possibly garrison all of them properly. These forces will tunnel deep under this area in several locations and create cavities which will then be filled with gunpowder. Tons of it. When preparations are complete, perhaps sometime around the summer, they will detonate these. The resulting sinkage of land will utterly destroy whatever is up top. They are to filter
around the resultant craters, exterminate any surviving opposition, and begin to march into Turkish held farming lands. They are to be accompanied by large numbers of ГИ units, whose task will be to either liquidate all Muslims and Turks or "enroll" them into Новая Проспект, depending on their resistivity. Locate any Slavic survivors and enlist them to swell the ranks of our irregular forces.
Ic.) Meanwhile,
Force Dnepr, consisting of
7 Squadrons is to patrol the upper reaches of the river and systematically pound Turkish defenses, taking care not to get trapped under cannon fire. it is to keep the river clear of Turkish boats and as it systematically breaks their defensive structures is to gradually move downriver, bisecting the Turkish-held areas.
Id.) Temporally,
Force Center-Right of
1 спецназ Division and 10 Good Divisions are to split into two equal groups and encircle Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov. The cities themselves are fortified but the terrain around them is not. Capitalize on this by advancing around them, cutting them off, and pushing our front in the region to the Dnepr. With the actions of
Force Dnepr at the same time, this will enable a potential crossing of the river and a strong advance.
Ie.) At the same time,
Force Don of
7 Squadrons is to patrol the Don River. Cannon emplacements are also to be built along its banks to ensure that any Ottoman ships that bypass them become ducks in a shooting gallery.
If.) Meanwhile,
Force South of
3 спецназ Divisions and 20 Good Divisions is to engage in similar tactics to
Force Center-Left and tunnel under the defensive works wherever possible. Blow them all up. If necessary, destroy the cities in the way similarly. Defend our advances in the region and should the walls come crashing down, flood through.
Ig.) We have advised the Khanate to attack across the Caspian. Whatever their choice (although they have said they will) we will do likewise.
Force East, consisting of
6 Squadrons, 10 Good Divisions, and 4 спецназ Divisions will be allocated. The Good Divisions will take to Scythic warfare and purge the Ottomans in the foothills of the Caucuses, slowly advancing toward their lines of defense. Meanwhile,
6 Squadrons and 4 спецназ Divisions are to advance toward the shores of the Caucuses on the Caspian. These defenses, given all Ottoman commitments, are unlikely to be heavily garrisoned, if at all, and if they are, it will be difficult for them to be responded to in time. The спецназ will storm the defenses with Naval support, and will then advance back toward the defensive line. Together with conventional forces they will breach it from both sides and continue through.
Ih.) All organized Irregular units (7 Divisions) and all others are to be allocated to wherever they might be useful or there are holes in our forces.
II.) All forces are to advance, linking up with other Forces when possible, and generally killing as many Ottomans and inflicting as much damage upon his forces as possible. Pocketing them for encirclement and destruction is preferable. In Red is shown our progress, optimally.