Discord Reigns
Whatever NK may have told you, I still had to pay for my unwanted ships, and that payment amounted to over 1000 credits, which would have been better used maintaining my momentum after the Opening of the Gates. :/
Spend 22 on upkeep.Louisiana/Arrow Gamer
Empire of Louisiana
Capital: New Orleans
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Napoleon (Nationalist)
Issues: Immigration, Settlement of the North, Tensions with American Republic
Economy: 62-22/0
-Military Upkeep: -13
-Administration: -9
Development: Army 5, Navy 4, Economy 5, Academia 5
Army: 20 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Navy: 30 Frigates, 10 Steamers
spryllino said:Stats:
Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Income: 40,000 (Treasury: 4,000)
Military: 70,000 Infantry, 13,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships (Upkeep: 14,000 + 13,000 + 1,500 = 28,500)
Policy regarding Palmyra:
Continue last turn's policies in order to advance Palmyra's continuing integration - or at least its aristocracy's integration - into the Redeemer's webs of influence.
Policy regarding the south:
Our aim this turn is to carry out an integrated policy that will be designed to kill more than one bird with one stone with minimum effort. Our hope is that the parts of the plan will complement each other to such an extent that they have a combined effect that is greater than simply the sum of its parts.
Our aim is threefold:
1. Greater loyalty and commitment of local populations to the Kothari state, as well as increased actual control (and thus ability to collect revenue effectively) in the south;
2. A revival of the Hanakahi seafaring tradition and sea-based economy (extending our policy begun last turn of sponsoring the development of Hanakahi ports);
3. The advancement of astronomy and the development of scientific, philosophical and methodical thought in general.
Our methods will be as follows:
1. 7000 will be spent on an enormously impressive complex of buildings overlooking the city of Hanakahi and the sea adjacent. This will constitute a new centre of Kothari power in the south. It will act as a subsidiary palace for the Redeemer and will be equipped to act as a third capital building alongside Jalip and Athas. The Redeemer will live there some of the time (some winters, or some summers, or whatever seems most expedient). It will be equipped as a central courthouse and government centre for the whole area as well as a symbol of Kothari authority, and will have a permanent staff of officers whose job it will be to exert Kothari central control, patronage and revenue collection more effectively in the south, as well as directing the other efforts below and thus complementing them.
Within the same compound there will be an observatory of the highest quality to equal or even exceed the one in Athas, and halls full of instruments and room of the sort most conducive to the development of nautical knowledge, better ship design and the general development of all sorts of scientific and philosophical thought.
2. Another 7000 will be spent on a very clearly and heavily directed push of missionary activity. I'm short of time and I'm not going to write it out again; I'll just repeat exactly what I said I was going to do to Jehoshua, which is literally exactly what we are going to do.
Let it be known, however, that all under our rule share in the Redeemer's infinite protection, and accordingly let no force or violence be used against those who profess their Indagahor religion. For he that persecutes, shall surely have his persecution rejoined threefold by our majesty. Who profess the true faith, let him profess it in his heart and in his life, not with his soul repressed and resentful. Furthermore, let it be known that the faith shall be spread from efforts determined by ourselves, in meet consultation with the Patriarchs, who, appointed by the mutual consent of us ourselves and your predecessors, govern over the Church within our realms; and let monasteries be founded according to the most ancient Rules as set down by ours, the most ancient monasteries in all Iralliam. Lastly, great Grandpatriarch, let it be that the faith that spreadeth into the south shall be as it is conducted in our realms, according to the Rite of Gathaspa, with all the elements thereof incorporate, most chiefly concerning the Mystic Revelation, and the Secondary Creed of Etraxeras the Lesser, and the clergy shall be bound to act entirely in a respectable manner, involving not neglecting to wear the Mask, as is necessary for all who uphold the social fabric of our dominions.
These things will all be done in those aforesaid fashions, and we will set forth money and enjoin our clergy to enact them
I should add to that, though, that the focus of the activity will be on Hanakar very heavily: there will be small amounts of funding available from the 7000 total for missionary activity in Zyeshu, but it's only in Hanakar that will be concentrating our efforts, because it ties in with our other policies here.
Incidentally, don't hesitate to arrest Indagahor preachers if they do happen to be engaging in espionage or something. Das seems to think they're up to something. Definitely don't persecute them in any shape or form, though, and certainly don't alllow any Iralliamite missionaries to mistreat them just for preaching.
Note in particular that the religion we are exporting is very much the Kothari variety. Aesthetically and ideologically, this will be a unifying factor more within the Exatai than within Iralliam as a whole.
3. We will also spend all but 2000 of the remainder of our money on patronage in Hanakar, tied closely in with the above. We are trying to integrate the area very closely into Kothari societal systems, as well as reviving the nautical economy, and in particular this money will go on advancing those who engage in seafaring pursuits, and private voyages of enterprise, speculation or even exploration.
4. All the above will be tied together above all by the fact that the nautical sponsorship money (3) will be made available primarily (indeed, almost exclusively) to those who are Iralliam, and will be associated also with the bestowing of full masks on those who likewise convert to Iralliam (2) and receive the patronage (3), and entry into the palace complex and association with the observatory and associated practices (1) will be almost exclusively lavished on the same people. In short, it will be very much that religious incentivisation is used in coordination with economic patronage, the bestowal of social status in the mask, access to the local corridors of power and ascent up the ladder of socio-political importance, and access to scientific development.
Our hope is that the combination of complimentary incentives - an irresistable quantity of carrot and very little stick - will centralise and make loyal far more useful the south of the country, and turn it into another central base of Kothari power and prosperity, while making the locals nothing other than devoted to the government while giving no opportunity for the accumulation of resentment.