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Show me your orders/battle plans!

Whatever NK may have told you, I still had to pay for my unwanted ships, and that payment amounted to over 1000 credits, which would have been better used maintaining my momentum after the Opening of the Gates. :/
Here's another couple.

Spoiler Daharai Orders, Turn 26 :
Republic of the Daharai– TheMeanestGuest
Culture: Opulensi and traces of Arta Xorti, Trilui. Dominant.
Religion: Indagahor, tiny Aitahist minority
Government: Republic
Leader: Exarch Eandar
Income: 39,750 (Debt: 5,050)
Military: 55,000 Infantry, 7,500 Cavalry, 275 Ships, 1 Siege Train (Upkeep: 11,000 + 7,500 + 500 + 13,750 = 32,750)


Spend 1000 to recruit and train 5000 Order and Order-affiliated infantrymen.

Spend 1500 to raise 15000 levy obligate infantrymen to serve in civic militias for the defence of our primary territories while the majority of our forces are on campaign.

Spend 500 to begin construction of the Remmos, a lighthouse to be built upon the harbour of Epichirisi. Details below.

Contribute 2000 towards the supply of the Rihniti expedition. Details below. (We should also be receiving an additional 500 from Rihnit to put towards this, per my communications with Cannae)

Contribute 3000 towards the supply of the Auonan expedition. Details below. (We should also be recieving an additional 500 from Farea to put towards this, per my communications with you) [Debt spending of 1000]

The Red Chamber shall contribute 200 to fund the continued efforts of the Order of Spitos the Bountiful. Details below. [Debt spending]

The Red Chamber shall contribute 100 to fund the efforts of the Prelate-Master Sadar and his disciples. Details below. [Debt spending]

Domestic and Regional

i. It is said by many sailors that the Pillar of Truth guides them to safe harbour in the hours when light falls faintly upon the earth, shining as a beacon from afar. The cloak of night descends, and the beacon fades from sight. Knowing this, Eandar shall put a motion before the Red Chamber that a great and enduring tower rise upon the harbour, that it should bear aloft a a bronzen mirror and a flame carefully tended, so that even in the depths of night ships might come to the fair city of Epichirisi. Even amidst the turmoil of war, he shall say, it should become the Republic that it display its dignity for all the world to see, and by his words shall the Red Chamber assent. The tower shall rise from a bastion of the seawall, soaring over seventy meters into the sky. It shall be bedecked with fine sculpture upon its base, and the poetry of the sutras - of Arasos, of Jitanu, and of Sadar, - shall be scriven large in stone upon the tower itself, so that all those who come to the city from afar might know the wisdom of Indagahor. This lighthouse, the Remmos, shall serve as testament to the power and grace of the Republic, though it shall regretfully be many years yet before it stands complete.

ii. The Red Chamber shall pass into law a measure that those who revere the Aitah shall be released from any duty to serve the Republic as obligate upon the field of battle, for the Republic itself is inseparable from Indagahor. A man who knows not our Precepts cannot rightly stand for the Republic, and we would not ask such a man to bear his falseness for all the world to see. In recompense for the protection the Republic bestows upon them while they yet dwell within its bounds each Aitahist household of sufficient means must now pay the tax of arms to provide for the panoply of a single infantryman to stand in their stead. Those Aitahist households unable to afford this tax must instead pay a tax of bread and provide a sum equal to that required to feed a man on campaign for one month.

iii. The Order of Spitos the Bountiful shall persist, as always, in its efforts to restore the lands under its care to a balanced and natural productivity, so that the health of the land should be sustained for all time. By the Precepts it must be so, for Mindfulness informs us of the Righteousness of this work. Our forests shall be nurtured and guarded carefully, so that crop and grazing land should be protected from erosion. The Daharai do not advocate the wholesale cessation of timber-cutting, but rather a managed approach that allows the men of Spitos some valuable contribution to their income, providing additionally for a part of the Republic's timber needs, and at the same time minding the natural harmony of our fair isle. Where appropriate, selective cutting of suitable trees and groves by local communities shall be allowed under the supervision of brothers of the Order of Spitos the Bountiful.

iv. The Brothers of the New Illumination shall follow behind the conquests of our armies in Leunan lands, and shall lead the effort of conversion. Sadar shall come with his brothers to Auona, and shall speak in the old temples and in the city squares. He shall not admonish the people for their laxity and faithlessness, but shall forgive them. He shall speak simply and in the language of the people to the virtues and blessings of the Precepts, and the eternal bounty that is Iehor. Sadar shall then visit any remaining Indagahori monasteries of prominence, thus to inspire the brothers there to greater works in the name of our shared faith. Each Aitahist Auonan shall be given the choice to convert, or to pay the tax of arms or bread as is appropriate to his means. Some among Sadar's disciples shall likewise be sent to Paulinth and Tiratas to do this work, should we secure those places.

v. The Red Chamber has made promise to an emissary of the Halyrate that Daharai merchants would be more than willing to sell supplies and goods to the Gallatenes if they should gain the coast of the Kbrilma in their war against the Savirai and the Nahari. This is, of course, no different than any other potential trading relationship we would maintain, as the men of Spitos adopt no prejudice within the sphere of trade unless driven to it, and we take no side in this particular conflict. Our navy will not engage the Nahari navy, and our government shall not actively attempt to break any Nahari blockade. Some members of the Order of the Honourable Spicers, however, might quietly encourage individual captains to attempt to run such a blockade - should appropriate profits exist - were the Dual Empire to emplace one.


i. War with the heathen Leunans continues unabated, for the merchant lords of Leun are prideful to the last. They come against our brothers in Rihnit, and so they shall be cast out. Their rule is a wicked one, and so where the Daharai go it shall be ended. They will not submit, and so they shall be made to.

An armada of 240 ships under the command of Prelate-Admiral Kostas Kardan of the Order of Wave and Wind shall sail upon the Leunan Sea, and shall by any means prevent Leunan fleets from gaining the gap of Cheidia. Our armada shall drive the Leunan navy from the inner coast of Auona, and from the waters surrounding the cities of Tiratas and Paulinth, preventing their supply by sea and contributing marines to the effort as necessary. If the Leunan fleet does not confront us, if we destroy them, or if we should reliably know that they sail upon other seas, we shall raid the coasts of the Leunan mainland and freely interdict their merchant shipping - within sight of the city of Leun itself if the reward should outweigh the risk, thus to inspire a great dread within that city's populace. The armada shall avail itself of the friendly port of Escas, held by the Fareans.

ii. The Red Chamber shall dispatch the Prelate Eres of the Order of the Honourable Spicers to Agnato-Gy-Kbrilma, where she and her army shall be joined by the forces of the Sublime Crown of Rihnit. Her army shall consist of 20 000 infantrymen, and 4500 cavalrymen and their mounts. She will be provided with 2000 income by the Red Chamber to see to the needs of the expedition, as well as 500 income by the Rihniti Crown. She shall likewise bear mandate of forage and ravishment, that the expedition might be supplied from Leunan land. The Rihniti expedition shall drive the Leunans from Rihnit, and shall then march upon and secure all those Leunan possessions that lie west of the Gulf of Leun. The mainland finger of the Rihniti barrier and Paulinth and its environs shall be restored to the rightful rule of the Republic, as shall Tiratas and its companion island if we should secure victory at sea. All other territory shall be granted to the Sublime Crown of Rihnit, as ordained by agreement between it and the Red Chamber.

Eres shall marshal her forces and any Rihniti forces accompanying the army, and make steadily for Paulinth, thereby depriving the Leunans of their foothold on the Rihniti side of the gulf. Any Leunan army shall be confronted, engaged, and destroyed. If battle is met the professional obligate infantry shall form a solid spear line, with skirmisher obligates arrayed before the army as appropriate to engage the enemy from range, withdrawing to the flanks to harass when battle closes. Allied Rihniti forces shall array themselves upon our left. One thousand fully vested Green Brothers* dispatched from the garrison at Sar Kalos shall anchor the right of the line. Our line shall push inexorably forward, bolstered by faith and pride, and taking up a thunderous chant of "Heasah! Spitos! Heasah! Spitos!" shall rock the enemy back upon his heels. Our cavalry positioned on the right and led by the lances of the roenon** shall in the mean time have driven any enemy cavalry opposite them from the field, and maneuvered themselves into advantageous position to charge the enemy from the rear. Trapped in such a vice, the opposing army shall be utterly destroyed. Paulinth shall be besieged on land and blockaded by sea, and Eres shall call for its surrender. If it does not, we shall invest the city and await its surrender. Paulinth secured, elements of the expedition shall turn north to assist the Rihniti in driving out any remaining Leunans, while the remainder is ferried to Tiratas to coerce its surrender, assisted by the marines of the armada if necessary.

iii. The Red Chamber shall dispatch the Prelate Constans Anthon of the Order of the Red and Righteous Flame to Cynta, where he and his army shall enjoin themselves to those Fareans accompanying our expedition (if any). His army shall consist of 35 000 infantrymen, our siege train, and 2000 cavalrymen and their mounts. He will be provided with 3000 income by the Red Chamber to see to the needs of the expedition, as well as 500 income by the Farean Crown. He shall likewise bear mandate of forage and ravishment. Three thousand fully vested Red Brothers shall constitute the core of our force - armed and armoured to the highest standard, clad in coats of scale and steel helms, bearing the small companion shield, and wielding the rhathon, a polearm roughly six feet long, with a slightly curved two foot blade on its end. The Red Brothers shall ensure that discipline is maintained among the obligate soldiers of our army. If open battle is joined, the expedition shall fight in the standard Daharai fashion - as outlined above - save that the right shall be anchored by our Red Brothers. The army shall proceed from Cynta into the north of Auona, forcing its way through the hill country if necessary. They shall one by one encircle and besiege the Leunan cities of Auona, raising siege machines to bombard them into submission or force breaches as necessary, thus securing that land for the Republic.

iv. If at the conclusion of these campaigns we should possess sufficient naval superiority, military readiness, and remaining funds we shall disembark an army of a size to the purpose upon the island of Itaea. Our victory against Leun would be nigh-assured should we manage to wrest control of the Indigo Gate from their grasp. This army shall be led by Constans Anthon, and incorporate our siege train. The city of Itaea will be besieged, and we will persist in this effort until it should fall to us.

* Unlike other fighting septs the gendori - or Green Brothers - of the Order of the Republic differ only in a few small ways from the obligate soldier in their panoply, those being the tall crests upon their helms, the uniformity of the sutra emblazoned upon each shield (It is left to he who is Righteous to strike the final blow), and the general quality of their equipment. Neither are they distinguished by their fighting technique, but instead by their utter discipline and ability. The Green Brothers pride themselves that their sept has never fled from battle, and has ever fought on with the odds against them, even unto their deaths.

** The fighting sept maintained by the Spicers. Medium cavalry of superior quality, upon horses strong and fleet, wearing the linen artekon, a helm of steel or bronze, a girdle of scales, and bearing the small companion shield and the ten foot kelthon cavalry lance. The saddles of the Roenon are backed and possess a solid tree, the better to remain ahorse at the impact of the charge.

Spoiler Daharai Orders, Turn 28 :
Republic of the Daharai – TheMeanestGuest
Culture: Opulensi. Dominant.
Religion: Indagahor, Aitahist minority
Government: Republic
Leader: Exarch Eres
Income: 45,000 (Debt: 6,000)
Military: 55,000 Infantry, 7,500 Cavalry, 10,000 Levies, 265 Ships, 1 Siege Train (Upkeep: 11,000 + 7,500 + 1,000 + 13,250 + 500 = 33,250)


Spend 3100 on the construction of the Eresian Baths and its aqueduct. Details below.

Spend 200 on a fine bronze statue of Jitanu to be sent as gift to the Aortai Republic. Details below.

Spend 150 on a mission to Astria to oversee the establishment of that state as negotiated with the Farubaida.

Spend 3000 to pay down the Republic's debts.

Spend 100 to recruit 1000 levies (Baribai auxiliaries, specifically)

Spend 250 to recruit 2500 professional order and order-affiliated infantrymen.

Spend 500 on the construction of 10 new warships to be built in the shipyards of Epichirisi.

Spend 1750 on a military expedition to Farea in support of the Golden Chamber. Details below.

Spend 1600 on a military expedition to the islands of the Ilfolk to dismantle the Blodbaring priesthood, and to subdue the people of the islands for integration into the Republic. Details below.

Spend 1100 to construct a fortified monastic and administrative complex to be built on the site of the Slangtempl. Details below.


1. The Exarch Eres shall propose before the Red Chamber the construction of a great complex in Epichirisi for the betterment of the health of the people (an ondeson). The Faronun may have their theatre, but the Opulensi are a stronger and fitter people, and naturally given to physical action. Therefor, it is the duty of the Daharai to provide for the proper expression of this proclivity, she shall say. For reasons of popular access and of space the Ondeson Eresiens (or Eresian Baths) shall be built in the city proper, outside of the fortified inner city.

The ondeson shall contain as primary central feature a large coldwater pool (nadio) lined in smooth granite for swimming. The roof directly over the pool shall be open, lighting the interior. The walls of the nadio chamber are to be painted with varied and colourful frescoes of ships under sail, sea birds, leaping dolphins, cresting pods of whales, coral reefs, and other scenes of maritime life. The pool shall be built with a gravity drainage system, allowing the water to be removed at night to prevent the buildup of dirt, slime and detritus. Smaller bathing pools - both hot and cold - shall be found in chambers off of the nadio, a set of these baths existing for each gender. Separate undressing rooms will be provided for men and women - for a small fee, bathers may have their belongings held in a storeroom by staff, to be retrieved on departure.

As part of this project a new aqueduct shall necessarily be built to provide for the water needs of the ondeson. The aqueduct will run several miles from the site of a clear spring in the hills to the east of the city to the ondeson, it's main sluices being located at the site.

The complex shall contain an open promenade near its entrance for socialization, and shall have spaces available for rent as shops. The gendori will maintain a station on the promenade to ensure good order within the complex. In the outer halls to either side of the nadio and baths will be two large courts with floors of varnished wood, available for the playing of handball games popular among young men and women. Admission to the pool and baths will cost only a single low-denomination coin, so as to be readily available to the common people.

The ondeson is to be surrounded by well-tended gardens and parks with walking trails and fountains (watered by the aqueduct). A straight track of 300 meters will be provided for running, with an adjacent field for throwing of the short spear.


1. The Masters of the Orders of the Daharai shall be summoned from throughout the Republic to the city of Rhade to attend a Conclave. The Masters of the Golden Order of Naelsia shall likewise be invited, having responded favourably to our proposal. The primary agenda of the Conclave shall be the confirmation of the Golden Order as an Order of the Daharai, binding them inextricably to the other Orders. The Golden Order shall henceforth participate in and be subject to the religious governance and decree of the Conclave of the Masters, and - for the defense of these Daharai Republics - the military authority of the Council of Prelate-Generals.

The Red Chamber shall subsequently issue a proclamation recognizing the Golden Chamber as the perpetual and rightful governing body of Farea.

The Golden Chamber shall clarify the role of the monarchy in that nation. Henceforth the Crown of Farea shall serve in the capacity of Exarch, though retaining its historical titles and hereditary right.

2. In an effort to strengthen relations between the Republic of the Daharai and the Aortai Republic, the Red Chamber shall commission a fine bronze statue of Jitanu (spending 200) to be sent as a gift to the fledgling nation. It shall serve to inspire them to their duty in upholding the Indagahori faith. Two-hundred gendori (Green Brothers) of the Order of the Indivisible Republic shall serve as honour guard to this gift, and on their arrival shall offer their services on behalf of the Red Chamber to train and drill the armies of Xorob and Yu so that the Aortai may be better protected against any potential northern aggression.

3. To preserve the regional peace, and at the request of the Farubaida and the City of Caon, the Daharai shall send to Astria a supervising Hierarch, a number of administrators and clerks, and a force of 500 gendori to provide for their security. The mission shall be granted funding of [150] by the Red Chamber to see to necessary expenses.

The duty of this mission shall be to oversee the acclamation or election of popular representatives of each Astrian city, and thence the establishment of a compact between these cities for the independence and lawful governance of Astria. If any party to this compact should desire the recognition of Sennar - claimant to the crown of Astria - then he shall be recognized in his title. The Daharai, however, shall do what they might to manipulate the language of the compact and the laws of Astria so that this king should have his powers severely limited, and that most real means of governance should remain with the cities.

If the Gallatenes or Nahari should refuse us in our mission, confront us with arms, or otherwise interfere in the establishment of Astria as agreed upon between the Daharai, the Farubaida and the Karapeshai Redeemer, the mission shall return to Caon to carry out our duties as best as we are able, offering words of support to the Exarch Melera. If after a period of one year the Gallatenes will not relent, and should refuse to negotiate, then we shall inform the Hexapartite Council of the failure of the mission and return to Spitos.


1. The Crown Prince Leiao has defied his father's will, and has delivered the ravages of further war to the country of Farea. The Daharai find this intolerable, and the Council of Prelate-Generals has determined that a military expedition must be dispatched from Spitos to assist loyal Farean forces in the restoration of order.

Prelate Tythas Solien shall lead this expedition, which shall consist of 14 000 infantrymen, 2500 cavalrymen and their mounts, and a siege train. The expedition shall be granted [1750] in funding to see to the provision of supplies, and any other sundry expense necessary to the effort.
3500 infantrymen shall be detached from this force to strengthen the army of the Golden Order, and to assist them in overthrowing those fortresses and towers occupied by the Crown Prince's men in the centre of the country. These rebels shall be driven from their hiding places, and punished for their crimes.

The greater body of the army shall depart from Sarne and travel along the coastal route into northern Farea, where it shall descend upon the city of Mirof. If the city should refuse to surrender, it will be surrounded and invested. Siegeworks shall be constructed, and bombardment shall commence with the goal of effecting a breach in Mirof's fortifications to facilitate a capture. Mirof secured, this army shall proceed into the interior in an attempt to bring the Crown Prince to battle. If battle should occur, the army will present in the standard order, with a robust line employing the thonos, and a flanking maneuver by cavalry led by the lances of the Roenon. If Leiao should refuse to fight, his remaining fortresses shall be overthrown one by one, and the armies of the Daharai shall unite to hunt him down until he should have nowhere left to run. If captured, he is to be tried for treason by the Golden Chamber. The Daharai shall persist in this matter without relent until Farea should be united under the rule of the Golden Chamber.

2. The Masters and Prelates of the Order of the New Illumination have conferred, and they have determined that the barbaric practices of the Slangtempl can no longer be tolerated by the Righteous. A military expedition shall be dispatched from Etrias under the leadership of the Prelate Kalle Nire, its goal being the incorporation of the isles of the Ilfolk. Its forces shall consist of 6000 infantrymen, 1000 Baribai auxiliaries, 500 cavalrymen and their mounts, and 60 ships of war. The expedition shall be granted funding of [1600] by the Red Chamber to see to its provisions and expenses.

The fleet shall sail to the Siru Pok, and thence to the Leli'i Pok, expelling the warriors and chiefs loyal to the Slangtempl, and freeing the Baribai peoples of those islands from their rule and welcoming them into our Republic. The fleet shall then set course directly for the Slangtempl, disembarking the whole of the army for the attack. Any resistance organized by the Ilfolk is to be summarily destroyed and dispersed, their temple thrown down, and the Blodbaring priesthood eliminated. Any icons or religious symbols are to be stripped of their constituent precious metals and stones.

The fortified administrative and monastic complex of Cecaptos is to be established on the site of the former Slangtempl, utilizing the existing cut stone for its construction. Port infrastructure at Cecaptos is to be reformed and expanded if necessary to better accommodate Daharai ships. The Red Chamber shall provide funding of [1100] to see to this construction. The army will use this complex as a base from which to dispatch its forces to subdue any remaining Ilfolk resistance in the interior, until the entirety of the island should fall to Daharai control. Likewise shall the Brothers and Sisters of the New Illumination travel into the country to convert the Ilfolk from their uncivilized faith, bringing to them the Precepts of Indagahor. The Blodbaring shall henceforth be forbidden, and the practice of human sacrifice mercilessly expunged.
And one more.

Spoiler Daharai Orders, Turn 28.5 :
Republic of the Daharai - TheMeanestGuest
Culture: Opulensi. Dominant.
Religion: Indagahor, Aitahist minority
Government: Republic
Leader: Exarch Eres
Income: 45,000 (Debt: 3,000)
Military: 57,000 Infantry, 7,500 Cavalry, 10,000 Levies, 1,000 Baribai auxiliaries, 275 Ships, 1 Siege Train (Upkeep: 11,400 + 7,500 + 1,000 + 100 + 13,250 + 500 = 34,750)


Spend 3000 to pay off our debt.

Spend 2600 to recruit 13000 professional order and order-affiliated infantrymen.

Spend 1000 to recruit 1000 professional order and order-affiliated cavalrymen.

Spend 2250 to supply the Reppaban Expedition.

1400 in remaining funds to be spent as necessary for any contingency actions.

The War

Though the Daharai have a minor part to play in this war, we have a part nonetheless. The Red Chamber recalls the aid lent to the Daharai Orders by the Federation of Caroha in our struggle against the Emperor, and though some among the Carohans may be Aitahists, so too are some among our own people, and a debt of honour is yet owed.

The Noble Harafaio has requested our aid in the struggle against the Karapeshai Satar, and so we shall send it. We shall gather a military expedition at Treha, and dispatch it to the Lovi. The expedition shall consist of 15000 infantrymen, 2500 cavalrymen, and 50 warships, and as per the Farubaida's consideration of greatest need, shall be sent immediately to the country of Reppaba in order that it should be defended from the Karapeshai Satar, the Airani, and the Gallatenes. Included within these numbers to strengthen the spine of our force and to ensure its capability and reliability are 500 roenon lancers, and 2000 gendori infantrymen. This expedition shall be commanded by Prelate Tythas Solien, who shall have funds consisting of 2250 measures of income to see to its provision, equipment, and sundry expenses.

The supporting fleet shall possess as its mandate the patrol of the lower Siran coast, and blockade of the Airani port of Nasri, so as to prevent any flanking Airani naval launches, as unlikely as they might be on the Lovi. Otherwise the fleet shall provide general support to our expedition. If the straight of Caroha should somehow be forced by the Karapeshai navy, our fleet shall enjoin itself to the body of the Carohan fleet (as a discrete and allied entity, however, not under direct Federate control) and strive to prevent the Karapeshai from striking out further into the Lovi to disrupt critical lanes of supply.

In most instances our expedition shall defer to the military strategy of the Farubaida, and shall attach itself to the regional Federate army. Our force shall participate in any major offensive or defensive action in the region as necessary. If our liaison should be inept, if co-ordination with the Farubaida should be rendered impossible, or if their regional forces should be annihilated or collapse, Prelate Solien shall adopt as his mission the defense of the immediate vicinity of Reppaba, and the prevention of its investiture by the enemy. In the absence of Federate command, he shall organize the local militias and remaining Federate forces, and incorporate them into his army. If we should be faced with an enemy force exceedingly greater than our own, we shall withdraw into the city of Reppaba, and defend it from its walls. In the event of a field battle the Daharai shall present in standard thonos line order, with a deep line of spears anchored on the right by our gendori. Skirmishers are to be deployed afront, to harass from range and withdraw to the flanks when battle closes. As it is likely that we would face superior numbers of enemy cavalry, our cavalry shall employ itself defensively, screening our own force from enemy charges. In the event that the battle should go horribly against us, our force shall attempt to organize itself into thonos square order, and make a fighting withdrawal from the field in good order.


If the Farubaida should begin to collapse under Karapeshai pressure (ex. Caroha and Neruss fallen) our Reppaban expedition shall withdraw southwards into Astria and the vicinity of Caon - a city with which we enjoy good relations. Thereby we shall contest Airani or Gallatene incursion and prevent the enemy from assaulting the cities of the Hulinui.

If the Gallatenes should in the course of the war somehow compel the Nahari to assist them and the Karapeshai, and if the Nahari should strike against Daharai, Aortai, or Farubaidan possessions, we shall dispatch a sizable army to dissuade them from this purpose. Consisting of at least 20 000 infantrymen, 2000 cavalrymen and a siege train - and supported by as many naval vessels as should be necessary to the purpose - this army shall land in the vicinity of Zirais as the navy blockades it. The city shall be encircled, and siege machines raised. Breaches shall be effected, and Zirais occupied. If a field battle should occur, the Daharai will present in the standard order as described previously. At this point, we should be content to negotiate a peace with Nahar. If the Nahari should still be unwilling to come to terms, our army shall be reinforced as necessary so that the city of Nahar should be taken and sacked, and the threat ended.

If the above situation regarding Nahar does not occur, but the Farubaida is nevertheless being pushed back, a similar force shall instead be sent to Helsia, and shall fight to prevent the capture of Trovin by the enemy.
Here is the orderset immediately preceding the formation of the Farubaida o Caroha.
Spoiler :
1800 to paying off half of our debts.

4900 to paying upkeep. 2000 Infantry and 500 Cavalry will be disbanded to save on costs.

450 towards the reconstruction efforts in Caroha (Kargan).

150 towards supporting our continued campaigning with the Moti.

200 to continuing the upkeep and construction of a variety of fortifications in the southwest.

With the Satar on the ropes and increasingly further away from Helsia, the Empire's focus falls increasingly back on more domestic affairs.

Hurului Maeraeda, continuing in the footsteps of the late Maeraduluanlui Aramsayafa, will begin to organize the payment of Helsia's debts, and begin to demobilize portions of the army, allowing them to return to more productive pursuits.

Focus on continuing to develop and enrich our relationship with the Sehorsehockeyes. Our recent and ongoing struggles against the Dahaiaou, and the demonstration of our strength when acting in unison, have done much to draw us together. 'The Last Scion Lives', a reference to the lineage of Aya'se and Aitah living on in high Faerouhaiaou, has become a byword for this alliance, with increasing emphasis in popular mythology being focused on the historical relations of the peoples of the land and the peoples of the sea.

The horror of the cannibalization of Kargan has grown to become a defining moment in this relationship, creating a distinct event to show just how evil the Dahaiaou an be against all good people united under the sun.

Thus, the reconstruction of Caroha (Kargan, as spoken in Helsian Dialects of Faronun) serves as a major symbol of our shared struggle.

These ideas, new, rejuvenated or repurposed, exist in a zeitgeist alongside the somewhat bitter attitude held by many Helsians of all extractions towards the role of the Dahaiaou in the destruction of their golden age, which has been heavily mythologized at this point.

Desires to rebuild a great nation exist amongst several factions. Both Dremai and Helsia would be pleased to see the peninsula reunited, while Aitahists, horribly persecuted by the Dahaiaou, entertain ideas of unification for protection in the future, forming a powerul homeland that has not existed since the vile horse-men first sullied the cradle of civilization. Coupled with increased exchange and association between Helsia and the Sesh, and golden-age Helsian romanticism, ideas of further association have grown increasingly commonplace.

One of the most obvious places where his was revealed was in the beginning of the recovery of Kargan. Many Sehorsehockeye children, who had been spared from Scroll's depredations, were adopted by the soldiers who slaughtered the Dahaiaou of the city. Later, as some of these soldiers were released from their service, they chose to settle in the city. Discussions between Sehorsehockeye leaders and Helsian commanders began to hammer out a plan for Kargan. Establishing the city itself, and the narrow peninsula around it, as a free city, it was determined that the land-people (Helsian) would defend the city by land, while the sea-folk (Sehorsehockeye) would defend the city by sea. Together, Kargan would be rebuilt as a living monument to the strength of the free peoples of the cradle, and their victory over evil, housing people of all cultures, as it once had in the past.

'Satar' aren't a culture.

The northern Aitahist states seem to be the catalyzing-point of any sort of Federation. When the northern two states in the peninsula are courted by this possibility, nominally-Iralliam Helsia will view this in two contradictory lights- either as an attempt to usurp their unification of Helsia, or as an unprecedented opportunity to bring their own interests into a union far greater than any that had existed before throughout the region.

Religious objections to this, generally, are unlikely to appear in the peninsular states. While the north is Aitahist and the south Iralliam, actual practices and beliefs are quite similar with differences that in my cases can be chalked up to differing terminology. Furthermore, these religions, both of which inherited a great deal from the Cult of Haiao, also inherited the comparitively lax attitude towards organized religion- these faiths are followed often with less fervor than the ever-evolving ethnic mythology of the people.

The Empire of Helsia's Aramsayafa-led government is interested in the possibility of creating a Federation of semi-autonomous states between the Sesh and Helsian Peninsula. A name for this in our language would be Farubaida o Caroha (Federation of Kargan, or Kargan Federation). This may happen this turn, depending on Masada's actions. At any rate, I'd quite like to talk to you two about this. :)

Previous discussions with Dremai and Faerouhaiaou about reintroducing a more balanced Faeoria Council could also be brought up in discussions of the potential union, possibly setting a pseudo-republican system of government between the different Federates.

Much of this overlaps with the rather large domestic section that I have written, so I have chosen not to rewrite all of that.

As a nation with close ties to both the Aitahist and Iralliam worlds, Helsia can serve as a helpful middleman if necessary.

Helsia's foreign focus throughout this period is primarily on its Aitahist neighbours, although it continues to be very guarded towards the Kothari, continuing our low-level raiding. Naturally, we also continue to keep forces with the Moti, fighting alongside our other ancient allies against the Dahaiaou wherever they may be. In the words of Folunlui Aramsayafa, "We must leave the Dahaiaou no place to run. Neither north nor south nor east nor west... they shall be driven into the earth."

2000 Infantry and 500 Cavalry will be disbanded.

Under the Moti
1000 Infantry and 1500 Cavalry will continue to serve alongside the Moti army arrayed against the remnants of the Dahaiaou, following the orders of the Chief of Chiefs. This forces is led by veteran commander Folunlui Aramsayafa.

1000 Infantry, 100 Cavalry and many of the decommissioned forces will settle or be based in Kargan, providing defense and aiding in reconstruction through the city.

The Defense of Helsia
5000 Infantry and 900 Cavalry will remain in Helsia, defending it against potential attacks.

Southern Covert Actions
A our agents in the Kothari Exatai will continue keeping tabs on activities in the region, and monitoring potential threats weaknesses, giving us advanced warning of what may be to come.

Minor border raiding, using a few hundred of the forces committed to Helsia's defense, will continue as always, targeting Satar villages and minor outposts, retreating in case of danger.

-Continue to encourage close relations between our Sehorsehockeye and Helsian allies, possibly advancing to some level of union or federation.

-Rebuild Caroha.

-Aid the Holy Moti Empire in the continuing campaign against the Dahaiaou.

-Continue tit-for-tat raiding with the Kothari Exatai, remaining prepared for, but not seeking, the possibility of a resumption of the war.

Empire of Helsia – Lord_Iggy
Culture: Faron and Trilui, Less influential
Religion: Iralliam
Government: Monarchy
Income: 7,000 (Debt: 3,600) (Treasury: 500)
Military: 9,000 Infantry, 3,000 Cavalry, 20 Ships (Upkeep: 1,800 + 3,000 + 1,000 = 5,800)
Manpower: 19,000
Various ordersets. Critique and advice is requested; I generally feel like I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing right/wrong.

fCrezthNES turn 2 (1837: Peru)
Spoiler :

Recruit 10,000 infantry.

Recruit 10,000 cavalry.

Assassinate both the Bolivian president and Orbegoso - up to 40,000 pounds may be used for this process.

Peace out of the conflict as soon as the Bolivians will accept the following:

Cede to Peru all of the coastal region of Bolivia;
Pay 75,000 pounds per year as war reparations to Peru for 5 years;
For 20 years, a strict army size limit of 6,000 men except when attacked by another state;

However, they probably won't do that at the moment, so let's figure out how we get them to a place where they will agree to that deal.

Recruitment pattern:

The troops designated for recruitment (above) should be recruited in the following pattern: first 6,000 cavalry (hereby referred to as the Expeditionary Corps), then 4000 infantry and 2000 cavalry (hereby referred to as Reinforcement Group), and finally 6000 infantry and 2000 cavalry (hereby referred to as the 2nd Army.

Existing forces should do as follows:

A string of artillery forts shall be constructed to the North and East of Ayacucho. These should be staffed with the infantry and artillery and should be able to withstand a frontal assault. Ayacucho will be placed under siege.
The artillery should keep up a regular bombardment of the town, and prioritize the destruction of the enemy artillery.
The cavalry should keep up the raiding actions they have previously undertaken. In particular, they should target communications. They should also cut supply when possible.
The infantry should protect the artillery.
In the case of a battle at Ayacucho, the artillery should break enemy formations at range with round and explosive shot, and shred formations closer up with grape shot. Infantry should provide close range support. Ideally, the enemy should break before reaching our entrenchments, but should they hold, a cavalry charge should be ordered to break them. The cavalry should also run down retreating foes after the main enemy force is defeated.
As the Reinforcement Group is recruited, they should take their place among this army.
If the enemy choose to leave Ayacucho and head South or West, they may. However, if they head West, they must be driven towards the coastal desert.

The Expeditionary Corps, once recruited, should set off under a competent commander for Bolivia. They should ride hard and fast and destroy any garrisons they come across. Their primary objective will be to raze the cities of La Paz and Sucre and capture the Bolivian government. Once this has been accomplished, they should return to Peru and resume raiding activities against Bolivian supply lines.
During this raid, shock tactics should be used to quickly smash any small opposition. Any force numbering over 1000 men should be avoided if possible. If not possible to avoid, hammer-and-anvil tactics should be used.
The key to this mission will be speed.

The 2nd Army, once formed, will assist in whatever the main army is doing (detailed below).

The plan for this year in the war is as follows:
The Bolivian army and Orbegoso should be destroyed, either at Ayacucho through siege or battle, or, should they move, they should be driven to the coastal desert.
Should they stay in Ica, the 2nd Army will close off the Southern and Western approaches to Ayachucho and seal the Bolivians there.
If they choose to go by the coastal desert, they should be permitted to advance northwards as far as Ica. Their supply lines should be harried throughout the duration of their march. The 2nd Army will form a line at Ica and attempt to hold the Bolivians near there so that the main force can hit them from behind.

N3S turn 28 (?) (Gaarim)
Spoiler :
Recruit 100 cavalry
Recruit 500 infantry

Put an additional 250 into agriculture improvement.

Put an additional 200 into the temple complex.

Pay current upkeep (100)

Use the new troops and existing troops to crush the crap out of tribes that refuse subjugation. Again, try to regulate expansion to tribes of Gaarimic culture. Offer them peaceful incorporation before attacking. However, refusal will be met with a cavalry charge.
Collateral damage should be avoided where possible, and priority is given to elimination of tribal leaders and their diehards - we want the majority of people seeing us as a slightly different set of rulers.

Machaian converts are to be urged to follow Gaaru, and priests should spread propaganda about how the message of Machaianism is simply Gaaru extending his favor of mankind, and that Machaia simply represents the favor of Gaaru.

N3S ET (Gaarim)
Spoiler :
The Era of Consolidation

First 100 Years

Historical Developements:
Trends set in motion during the past few decades continue - subjugation of Gaarimic tribes, agricultural expansion, and temple building.
The crown, under Ilgaar (king) Saarat II, reforms the army into two distinct parts. The first is the royal guard, a standing force directly controlled by the crown. The rest of the army is, from here on out, made up of specific numbers of soldiers that each region must provide when called upon.
His successor, Ilgaar Ekksamaan, is perhaps the most famous Ilgaar of this era. He is credited with the establishment of the Gaarimic navy in order to protect against trade and piracy. Also, due to the slowly increasing intensity of the rivalry with the Zar to the east, he encouraged mobile and warlike tribes within the Gaarimic borders to move to the frontier with the Zar. Also, he built forts and established standing garrisons on the frontier. These forts were initially basic, but were improved over time throughout the next few hundred years.
On the home front, Ekksamaan founded a new city to the north under his own name - Ekksamaanim. This was to become a new hub of trade, only surpassed in the final century of the era with the revitalization of the capital by later Ilgaarim. Also, he began the construction of the History Rock (detailed below).

Religious/Cultural Developements
Perhaps because of Machaianist influence, human sacrifice gradually takes a less prominent role in religious ceremonies, except for important holidays. However, the taking of skins and wearing of them remains a tradition, especially among soldiers.
In the last years of the century, the construction of the History Rock was begun. A tall hoodoo in the harbor of the capital, Ekksamaan ordered the priesthood of Gaaru to carve into its faces a record of the Gaarimic peoples. The Rock was intended to serve for 1000 years of history.

Middle 100 Years

Historical Developments
Among steadily worsening relations, a series of wars between the Zar and the Gaarim begin in earnest. Gaarimic armies fought in pitched battles, where their medium cavalry was used as the decisive arm. Heavy infantry and archers held the enemy in place while the proper maneuvering was undertaken. However, there was also bloody skirmishing between border tribes and other small outposts of each people. The situation was largely a stalemate, and would remain so for the next century. Despite a growing advantage in terms of economy and manpower, the main focus of the Ilgaarim of this time was to expand and strengthen the people elsewhere.
Tribes and trade were both strengthened, and Ilgaar Akkaal, great-grandson of Ekksamaan, began a large irrigation project to draw water from the rivers and streams of the highlands to meet the growing needs of intensified lowland agriculture.
Akkaal also attempted to move the focus of agriculture south while moving production centers and artisans north. While this was initially successful, a northern revolt was only barely crushed by the royal guard. After the revolt, the forced migration nearly stopped, though the balance of agriculture vs. production/mining was slightly shifted.
During this time period, the navy was also regularly strengthened.

Religious/Cultural Developements
Trahana influence in the coastal regions can be noticed, though primarily in architecture and fashion. As a result of the intermittent warring with the Zar, human sacrifice and skinning makes a small comeback.
The cults of the Azurim begin to decrease in popularity and prominence. Many become part of a sort of civil service. This is most noticeable with the cult of Gaaru. As time goes on, the disciples of Gaaru, skilled in writing, become record keepers of the state. Akkaal refines this, and makes them part of a mechanism designed to smooth transition from one Ilgaar to another.

The Closing of the Era

Historical Developments
The final 50 years of this century were dominated by perhaps the most successful and famed Ilgaar of Gaarimic history.
The status quo maintained itself for most of the beginning of the century. However, the currents changed when Daf'Shanaal became Ilgaar. Born and educated in the capital, he spent some time on the frontier with the Zar.
His first major act as Ilgaar was the standardization of and expansion of the army. He instituted a system whereby the size would be proportional to population and also the composition of the forces. The royal guard was to be composed of a core of pikemen, trained in Trahana fashion, with smaller companies of traditional heavy infantry, archers, and cavalry. The recruiting regions were to provide heavy infantry, cavalry, and archers. However, the pike was to remain a symbol of the crown. The standard strategy of the new armies was to pin the enemy force with the pikes (occupying the center), while archers flanked. When the engagement had begun, infantry on the flanks would envelop the foe and the cavalry would charge from the rear and cut down stragglers.
With his new army, Daf'Shanaal began a great campaign against the Zar, with the end goal of transforming the eastern neighbor of his people into a client state.
Meanwhile, he mandated the rebuilding and updating of the capital city, as well as the building of a new harbor district (named after himself). While this drew some attention away from Ekksamaan in terms of economics, it made the political capital mean something in economic terms for the state as well as the being the seat of government.
The Zar, utterly crushed by the reformed armies of Daf'Shanaal, were made into a client region of the Gaarim. However, Daf'Shanaal insisted on governing with a light touch. Although high-ranking officials were required to be of the Azurim faith, sacrifices of humans were not made common in the occupied region and efforts were made for life of the Zar to go on largely unhindered. The harshest terms of the relationship were the ban of an army or a navy, instead forcing the Zar to rely on the Gaarim for protection. However, additional recruitment regions were made specifically for the Zar lands.
Spoiler :
Louisiana/Arrow Gamer
Empire of Louisiana
Capital: New Orleans
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Napoleon (Nationalist)
Issues: Immigration, Settlement of the North, Tensions with American Republic
Economy: 62-22/0
-Military Upkeep: -13
-Administration: -9
Development: Army 5, Navy 4, Economy 5, Academia 5
Army: 20 Infantry Brigades, 6 Cavalry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Navy: 30 Frigates, 10 Steamers
Spend 22 on upkeep.
Spend 20 on further industrialization.
Invest 5 in each tech.

Those are my average orders. Help to make them better would be much appreciated.
My Orders for a Very Racist Fascist Austria in SKNES 2, I lost the orders for Early and Late 1938 as well as for Early 1936:

Spoiler Late 1936 :
Spoiler :
Austria/Gem Hound
Capital: Vienna
Fascist Dictatorship: Adolf Hitler
Dissent: 10%
Economy: 45-11/0: Demobilized
Research: Army (60), Armor (10), Navy (10), Air (25)
Army: 35 Infantry III Brigades, 5 Mountain Brigades, 3 Mounted Brigades, 3 Artillery II Brigades
Navy: Landlocked
Air Force: 3 Fighter I Wings, 1 Bomber I Wing, 1 Interceptor I Wing

Spending - 34 EP
Spend 14 EP into improving factories and building more factories(focusing on weapon manufacturing)
Spend 10 EP into securing Hitler's seat in the government
Spend 10 EP on research into infantry weapons
International Affairs
Sudeten Crisis
Step 1
Have an Austrian agent in the Sudetenland that is keeping up with Henlein's organization inform the local police that Konrad Henlein's second in command is a homosexual, this will result with him getting jailed and Henlein becoming pro-Hitler once Hitler contacts him.
Step 2
After this, Konrad Henlein and Adolph Hitler will meet in Vienna in secret. Konrad Henlein will be asked to further increase the demands of the Sudeten German Party. These demands will be increased to:
a) Full autonomy from Bohemia/Moravia
b) The ability to hold a plebiscite in German-speaking regions concerning the separation of the Sudetenland and it's rejoining with Austria
c) War with Austria be averted
Step 3
If Bohemia folds to these demands by their own people, have the Sudetenland join Austria
If it doesn't however, have the Sudeten German Party increase the fervor of the German people and their followers as well.
They will then increase their demands to peaceful Anschluss of Bohemia/Moravia with Austria and attempt to force an election in early 1937. (This party won the highest percentage of votes in early 1937 Czechoslovakian government, will be higher considering that only the Czech Republic area is a part of it, German speaking population of Czechoslovakia was around 25%)
Step 4
Bohemia/Moravia will either become a province of Austria, or the Sudetenland will.

Hitler will also meet in secret with the leaders of the South German separatist parties, both that go for Anschluss with Austria and Independence from Germany.
Offer the independence parties the ability to be a virtual protectorate of Austria, while offering Anschluss with Austria to the Austrian parties.
Hitler will back those that agree with him.(pm me who agrees with him, and who doesn't after the update please)
Internal Affairs
1. Create this policy in the bank of Austria: Oeffa Bills - It will be used a little, but not overly, since it will increase inflation in the long run.(Stepping stone to Mefo Bills)
2. Taxes on Jewish will be raised by 10%
3. Austrians will be chosen for jobs before Jewish, no matter their qualifications(not enforced)
4. Emigration laws which put a 25% tax on emigration will be put in place. Every emigrant must show a receipt to a border guard, or air flight attendant. Anyone found trying to skirt this law will be jailed, and have their possessions confiscated. Even when they show the receipt, their possessions may still be confiscated dependent on their ethnicity.
Obviously Romantic and High German ethnicities will nearly never have their goods confiscated while Jews nearly always will.

Spoiler Early 1937 :
Spoiler Stats :
Austria/Gem Hound
Capital: Vienna
Fascist Dictatorship: Adolf Hitler
Dissent: 10%
Economy: 48-11/0: Demobilized
Research: Army (70), Armor (10), Navy (10), Air (25)
Army: 35 Infantry III Brigades, 5 Mountain Brigades, 3 Mounted Brigades, 3 Artillery II Brigades
Navy: Landlocked
Air Force: 3 Fighter I Wings, 1 Bomber I Wing, 1 Interceptor I Wing

EP - 37 EP
2 EP on Subtle Anti-Communist Propaganda -> Blood Enemies
1 EP on Subtle Anti Low German Propoganda -> Cause our Problems
1 EP on Subtle Anti-Semitist Propoganda -> Cause our Problems
20 EP straight into building factories and camps that deal with the armored vehicle/plane area of production area, under the guise of Agricultural Machinery.((Not all factories will be connected to camps))
5 EP set aside for the Law for Encouragement of Marriage
8 EP to funding the German Sudeten Party
LEFO((or at least in this ratio, remember, this is borrowed money with no interest, and will have to be paid back after a while))
15 to Army
15 to Air
15 to Armor
Sudeten Crisis
- Smuggle 8 EP worth of money over the border of Bohemia-Moravia into the Sudetenland to the Sudeten German Party in small loads. Use some, if not most in the acquisition of weaponry and supplies from widespread areas, so widespread that the government of Bohemia-Moravia thinks of it as an economic upturn in consumption. ((trips across the borders are permitted))
- Have the Sudeten German Party continue to grow in numbers and gain followers with promises of jobs, wealth, food for everyone, and how it would all be possible if they joined the economically growing nation of Austria in comparison to the stagnant German Empire.
- Set up an underground to the organization, and have them store the weapons inside said area, for when the time is right.
- Sudeten Germans are allowed to come across the border and train in secret in Austria.

Internal Affairs
1. LEFO Bills - Hitler becomes interested in the economic stimulus packages called Oeffa Bills, and embraces it. Over a few months, a new research company specializing on research into and production of "Agricultural machinery" called Landwirtschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft(Agricultural Research Society) grows in prominence. They begin building "Agricultural Machinery". Hitler uses this company to fund Austrian research, and allow his government to gain untraceable funds.(OTL Germany did this with only 1 million marks in the bank) This would allow for the bank to lend money to the government in an indirect way, more then they are legally allowed to.
Spoiler Anti-Semitism :

1) Taxes on Jewish people are raised to 60%.(was at generally around 30% at the start, just to set a fixed tax rate for them. Normal taxes are around 15% I would think)
People who do not or cannot pay taxes tend to have first their businesses and then their homes possessed and given to more deserving owners -> The government will take these possessions as lean to towards the family's taxes.
When a family can no longer pay, they disappear, as if they moved out of the city. They actually go to a camp for those who owe the government.
Jobs vacated by these people will be filled by others who want the job.
2) Labour Camps
a) In these camps/caged communities, secretly run by LEFO, the primarily Jewish and homeless population is put under a curfew, and are cut off from the rest of society. They work for food, shelter, and a chance to pay off their debt to the Austrian Government. Conditions are adequate and the camps have all the necessities of the cities even including religious buildings.
b) Those who refuse to work or stop working for a non-health related reason tend to disappear, never to be seen again. The same occurs to those infected by a highly dangerous contagious disease.
c) Weapons are prohibited to all workers - if a worker is caught with a firearm or long knife((longer than a butcher knife)) the worker disappears.
d) Jewish are permanent residents once they go to the camps, taxes on them are raised to the point where the Jewish residents never gain a penny towards their debt.
e) By definition, people in the camps make minimum wage.
f) Once the debt is paid in full, a worker is free to leave, and return to Austria. On his return, his family is given a possessed home from the government
Note: The Austrian Government will freely give these buildings and the land away, and the land will then belong to the new owner in full.((Little bit of aid so the Non-Jewish family could reach the next tax payment with ease))

3. Law for the Encouragement of Marriage
a) A newly married Germanic couple gets 9 months wages and a home in a city or town they wish to move to loaned to them from the government when they get married
b) Every child the married couple have lowers the amount the families owe the state by 20%. This would result with 2 children lowering the debt by 40%, and 5 negating the family's debt. Any children after that makes the government owe the family an eighth of a year's wage each year. This last part applies to families that have one working man, and a woman at home caring for the children.
c) This type of debt is not counted as debt in the Holocaust-type laws.
d) If the family has not had 5 children that have went or are going through school by the time the mother reaches 40, the family has to pay the Austrian government the remaining debt, they are not allowed to prematurely pay it off.

4. Education changes(will grow over the coming years)
a) Girls are now taught from a young age to be mothers while boys from a young age are taught to be scientists or warriors. These three general tasks are equal in a Fascist state.
b) Encourage children to join after school groups
5. Create the SD, Schutzdienst(Protection Service), basically the OTL SS

1. When Hitler gains the support of over 90% of the party, have them start calling him Fuhrer(Leader) and slowly spread it to the general population
2. Political prisoners still get locked up in prison, may get them working in separate camps in the future.
((If some of this stuff has already occurred, skip it))
3. LEFO is a corporation on paper but is not a company. It is truly a big coverup for many things that Austria is doing. If Internationals come to inspect, we take them to an actual factory that builds agricultural machinery.

OOC: Tell me what you think of my softer form of the Holocaust please?

Spoiler Late 1937 :
Spoiler Stats :
Austria/Gem Hound
Capital: Vienna
Fascist Dictatorship: Adolf Hitler
Dissent: 11%
Economy: 51-11/3: Demobilized
Research: Army (77), Armor (17), Navy (10), Air (32)
Army: 35 Infantry III Brigades, 5 Mountain Brigades, 3 Mounted Brigades, 3 Artillery II Brigades
Navy: Landlocked
Air Force: 3 Fighter I Wings, 1 Bomber I Wing, 1 Interceptor I Wing

EP - 43 EP
5 EP directly into expanding factories, expanding research, and supplies for the company LEFO.

8 EP towards other South German companies(In Social)

10 EP will be sent into Bohemia-Moravia under the guise of the company LEFO, which "is looking" for different countries to establish itself in. Have them buy a factory in the Sudetenland, and have the EP intercepted by Sudeten Germans. Have LEFO conduct an investigation, and have them contaminate all evidence that points at the Sudeten Germans or Austria.

20 EP- Build a camp for dangerous political prisoners near Vienna so the government can keep a watchful eye on them. This camp will focus on menial, but productive labor such as the construction of pencils and other minor things.

1/3 to Army
1/3 to Armor
1/3 to Air

The Conclusion of the Sudeten Crisis
Have the German Sudeten Party continue to gather support with their promises of food, shelter, water, etc., and begin giving it out(with the 10 EP I sent, and whatever was left over from the Early half of the year). Also have them state how Germany has betrayed the Germans of Bohemia-Moravia, and tell the people the truth of what occurred. That Hitler made a move on their behalf that all of them should be freed, and Germany and Bohemia-Moravia refused.

Continue negotiations with Bohemia-Moravia and its master Germany until a month before the plebiscite. If they budge and allow it, and agree with Hitler and the Sudeten Party, hold the plebiscite.

If they do not however, have the Sudeten German Party prepare for a form of a million man march on Prague(Gathered by a secret radio station only know to the scattered leaders). All the supporters the German Sudeten Party can gather will march on Prague three weeks before the plebiscite. The Sudeten Germans will patrol the protest, and will defend it should shots be fired at the Sudeten Germans.(Will be supported from snipers on the roofs)

They will protest to the government for a full week. If the government does not budge, the time for talk is over. The protest will essentially turn into an army and attempt to destroy the government of Bohemia-Moravia.

If they succeed, the land Hitler was asking for will be turned over to Austria, with the Polish part being handed over to Polish control. The remnants of Bohemia-Moravia will become a protectorate in all but name and will become a puppet military dictatorship that will attempt to align their people with Austria.

Social Policies
1. The enhancement of the industry
All High German industrial companies get a lump sum of money monthly for keeping factories built, maintained, and manned by employees within Austria. All money said companies would gain within Austria is encouraged to be spent within Austria's borders.
a) Lump Sums
Arms industry - Small: $750, Medium: $1875, Large: $3750 (In OTL US Dollars)
All other industries - Small: $500, Medium: $1250, Large: $2500
Additional Factories beyond 2 - Small: $400, Medium: $1000, Large: $2000
2. Political prisoners will be sent to the camp near Austria from henceforth. Any rebellions will result in everyone involved that can be found swiftly terminated. Any conspirators that are discovered will first have the names of their co-conspirators tortured out of them, which will result in a swift, merciful death of the conspirator. The names they gave to the guards that are internees will be brought forward and summarily tortured and executed until the entire conspiracy is destroyed.

Spoiler Early 1939 :
Spoiler Stats :
Austria/Gem Hound
Capital: Vienna
Fascist Dictatorship: Adolf Hitler
Dissent: 11%
Economy: 67-11+5/57: Mobilized
Research: Army (79), Armor (19), Navy (10), Air (34)
Army: 35 Infantry III Brigades, 5 Mountain Brigades, 3 Mounted Brigades, 3 Artillery II Brigades
Navy: Landlocked
Air Force: 3 Fighter I Wings, 1 Bomber I Wing, 1 Interceptor I Wing

EP Spending - 118 EP
20 EP towards setting up an early warning system along the German Austrian border, this would include radio booths and Morse code stations,
so that the armies could be warned in advance of a German offensive.
18 EP on Fighter I Wings(3)
24 EP on Bomber I Wings(2)
16 EP on Interceptor I Wings(2)
18 EP on Medium Tank I Brigade(1)
10 EP on Airborne Brigade(1)
8 EP to upgrading Infantry III to IV Brigades(4)
20 EP directly to wartime supplies
LEFO Spending
2 to Armor
2 to Army
2 to Air
Air Orders
The Airforce is tasked with shooting down any bombers and fighters of hostile origins(based on direction of flight and symbols on planes) that enter Austrian airspace, and are to attempt to maintain aerial superiority over Austria. Both fighters and interceptors would do this.
Ground Orders
The army is set to fight the Bohemians but will be warned about German incursions should they occur. They would attempt to destroy or even stall a German advance into Austria if the Germans invade. The Mountain brigades will be used in the mountains or the foothills to either take out key targets or defend the areas. The Artillery brigades will be spread out along the Austrian border of Germany, near areas where tanks could get through, they will be attached to radio stations and Morse code stations to both coordinate shots and warn other units. 10 Infantry Brigades will be spread out along these defenses.
War Orders - Defense take precedence(As in this is extra)
In the air above, bombing runs targeting key factories, military installations, large military forces, railroads connecting Bohemia Moravia to Germany, and Prague; will be sent out into Bohemia-Moravia. Fighters would tag along in a sense during bombing runs by attacking airstrips in the vicinity and aircraft in the air. The idea is to cripple the economy and military incase of a drawn out war.

Conquest of Bohemia Moravia
Austrian troops will build up for a prepared offensive until the declaration of war is sent to Austria by Bohemia Moravia. The word will be sent down to the troops, and to the Bohemian German Party. Get the party to rise up and aid the Austrian offensive. By the end of the day, Austrian troops would be pouring over the border to end this as quick as possible without giving the Bohemians a chance to organize their forces.

If there are any hostile armored divisions, bombers would bomb them once they were found and then they would be attacked by my armored division, while fighters would strafe airstrips and Infantry Brigades and also defend the airspace above the army.

The first ground forces over the border would be the Medium Tank Brigade which would be followed by the Infantry not defending the border. Once we reach Prague, a Brigade of Artillery is to be pulled off the German border so we can bombard the city, but not enter just yet. The army would leave an encircling force and would continue East with the same tactics as previous. Austrian forces would use Bohemian airstrips once they are taken and cleaned up. If the Germans invade Austria, this is put on a hold, and the forces that would stay behind would dig in as the bulk of the army moved off to face the Germans in the choke points along the border.
Invasion Maps
For everyone who might have questions regarding orders. Please, just follow these simple rules which most if not all can agree on.

1) Label them with the NES name, Nation name, and turn number
2) Keep all spending of resources/EP/money in one easily assessable place
3) Please describe what you want to do with more words than those which comprise your stat block
In case anyone's interested in behind-the-scenes Kothari history. I've never thought that my orders for N3S have exactly been exemplars in themselves.

Spoiler update 22 :

Enact the peace terms.

--- Details regarding Palmyra should be followed as in this post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=12434621&postcount=3626 (all of which was definitely agreed on even if not put in the document, and was what das agreed to safeguard). In particular, the idea is for Palmyra, still being part of Kothari territory, should still be counted as such for map/stat purposes.

--- Details regarding the slaves, and everything else, should be followed as in this post: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=12433742&postcount=3621. Obviously we're not freeing slaves that haven't rebelled.

However, I suppose not literally all these rebelling slaves will actually want to depart for foreign lands or have any resources to. We will accordingly make a proclamation that there will be no state reprisals for slaves who choose to remain, that we will, after the six months are up, purchase any weapons that they have that are worth anything (for which money should be set aside, although this money ought to be replenished either by the savings through using these weapons for ourselves or by reselling them) and that they will get to keep the money as a sort of peculium, and that any such slaves will be found a new master. I expect there will be quite a few ownerless slaves floating around, which will be good material to use to bribe some of the nobles not to try to depose me or anything.

Deal with any problems as they come up, peacefully, and in case of any dispute with the Farubaidans arising in the update the idea should be to set it before the Moti Emperor or impartial agents of his for mediation and clarification.

Act friendly towards everybody, especially the Palmyrians. As a present of future goodwill to the Palmyrians, we will remit the tribute for the first year following the treaty and only expect it to be renewed after that, and we will of course fully comply with their wishes in terms of whether they want any troops stationed anywhere in their territory or not.

Spoiler update 23 :


Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Income: 36,000 (Treasury: 13,000)
Military: 75,000 Infantry, 13,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships (Upkeep: 15,000 + 13,000 + 1,500 = 29,500)
Hanakar Exatai (rebellion) – NPC
Military: 15,000 Infantry, 5,000 Cavalry

Summary of likely items of expenditure: (I cannot say exact expenditures because I really have no idea, but I've plenty of cash in hand)

Money spent on increasing influence in Palmyra (see Policy regarding Palmyra, first paragraph)

2,000 cavalry to be recruited for 2,000 (see Policy regarding the rebellion in Hanakar, step 1)

Money spent on triple pay during the navy's period of service in suppressing the rebellion (see Policy regarding the rebellion in Hanakar, step 2, first paragraph)

Money spent on logistics as needed (see Policy regarding the rebellion in Hanakar, step 5; also see step 6, second paragraph)

Money to be spent on raising new forces as needed in emergency only (see Policy regarding the rebellion in Hanakar, step 5; also see step 6, seventh paragraph)

2,000 to be spent on ports in Hanakar following the successful suppression of the rebellion (see Policy regarding after the rebellion in Hanakar, second paragraph)

Policy regarding Palmyra:

- Promote intermarriage and trade continuance between particularly the southern lands of Palmyra and the surrounding areas of the Exatai. Advance this by a royal marriage between a the neice of the Redeemer (Mileya) and a prominent Palmyran lord. Also encourage, through the means of preferance and patronage, and also by the means of subsidies of one sort or the other, the maintenance of an essentially slave-driven system, and as far as possible subtle economic and social pressure in the direction of subjection-based forms of labour and landowning. Certainly Palmyran ex-slave communes may hold the land now, but by twenty years after the end of the war, we hope that it will have become more likely that landowning will have become more unequal again. Merchants in Palmyra will invest in landowning to secure their trade profits, and consequently some of the slave communes will end up being communities of sharecroppers in due course, reducing, probably round the fringes especially, the area available for cultivation - which, from our perspective, is just as conducive to the effective inclusion of the area in Kothari power structures as it is if the whole area were run effectively under old Kothari slave-run agriculture. Kothari leaders and nobility will encouraged to intermarry with rich Palmyrans, and we will also pursue a deliberate policy of selectively ennobling Palmyrans into the Kothari nobility system. Money will be spent on this if necessary - and as much will be set aside as can be found that will be usefully spent, and items of spending will include gifts to these nobles, the prudent apportionment of Kothari land and fiefdoms, and even the acquisition of Palmyran land to the Redeemer's family - but above all our aims are to be achieved through patronage and the manipulation of nobility.

- What we hope the above will achieve is a progressive increase in the control of the rich and powerful over the poor in Palmyra, involving an increase in large estates and sharecropping and like forms of dependent labour, and the preservation of the hold of Kothari slave-owning landowners over the southern part of Palmyra.

- This will cause the Palmyran government to basically fall into the hands, increasingly, of an aristocracy that is thoroughly part of the Kothari patronage system, and thus even less unlikely to work against us in cooperation with outsiders than it was when we ruled it directly (although of course we aren't going to tell everyone that this is our aim: ostensibly, we are disingenuously extending patronage and benefaction to those we wish to be our friends and associates, i.e. Palmyra and the aristocrats within it). This, of course, may not happen in a single decade, but our hope is that it will be very much achievable within two or three, and should be possible. This is all about soft power and dominating Palmyra in such a fashion that no force will be used and so that no-one can complain that they are being subjected to anything more than ordinary social/patronage and economic pressure.

Policy regarding the rebellion in Hanakar:

1. Get together two field armies, each of 25,000 men, and with the cavalry force equally divided between them. 2000 extra cavalry will be recruited and split equally between the two armies (which will give each force 7,500 cavalry). March both armies south in company. One should move to Hanakea and encamp there; the other should encamp some way inland, far enough that, in the case of one being routed, the other will not be directly affected, but not so far that communication between the two will be difficult.

2. Send the fleet, with whatever number of footsoldiers out of the remainder that our military minds deem necessary (seeing as I know neither the capacity of a Kothari ship nor the size of any individual city) round the coast, and reinforce Waipio and Hanakahi that way, with naval squadrons with attachments of soldiers (or marines if there is such a thing). Now, it might be found that this is ineffective on account of our navy's lack of skill or enthusiasm, but this will not be a problem. As the Spartans found in the Peloponnesian War, for instance, it's perfectly possible to recruit foreign sailors of extremely high quality if you pay them enough, and it's perfectly possible to substantially increase one's own sailors if you promise them lots of cash if they succeed. Therefore we will promise them triple pay during their period of service, with half to be paid upfront and the rest to be paid if they are successful in relieving and holding the towns. I also hope that extra pay will ensure that the troops are not too slow in setting off to prevent the towns from falling. Given that the full upkeep sum for the navy is 1,500 for a whole decade, I am sure that whatever sum is needed here can be paid without too much difficulty.

- If it is found that the navy cannot hold enough soldiers to hold the towns, then they can commandeer some merchant ships or do a kind of ferry operation. Some reinforcements may also be able to reach Waipio over land.

- Especially once the cities in question are firmed up, some of the fleet will also concentrate on looking out for ships that seem to be illicitly supplying the rebels with any sort of arms, funds, or war material, and will try to capture and discover the origin of such ships.

3. Remaining infantry forces will be held in reserve.

4. Stand down the local Zyeshar militias; there's no good in using them when they may be disloyal and we can use the large quantities of the rest of our forces that will be there anyway as already stated.

5. Allocate logistics spending as needed. I really have no idea what an appropriate sum is, but we've got plenty of money above and beyond the normal upkeep required, and our soldiers should not want excessively for anything in any way that might lead them to consider defection - and should preferably be markedly better clothed and armed than the enemy.

6. All that done, use the inland army first, along with some of the cavalry from the army in Hanakea. March forward and give battle, and use our numbers in infantry and cavalry and equal, if not greater, skill and also probably the lie of the land (since we will be high up with this army) to ensure victory.

- The other army should be engaged in securing the supply route up to the forward army, and reinforcing it if it finds itself in need of it. Logistics, as I said above, should be adequately accounted for with an appropriate provision of spending.

- In case of the inland army being not offered battle, both armies should advance, making a careful movement into rebel-held territory, taunting the rebel governor for not defending his so-called Exatas, and offering amnesty to those who surrender. The territory's villages and towns should be captured piecemeal, and not treated excessively harshly (but not excessively nicely either).

- In case of the inland army finding itself outnumbered (although I don't see how that could happen) it will retreat and join up with the Hanakea army. The reserves will be brought up and additional troops recruited as necessary to create a sufficient advantage for victory.

- In battle, lead from the rear and don't risk too much. There's no reason in our view why anyone should expect Kartis the Redeemer to be in the front in fighting this particular ill-supported and opportunistic rebel, who seems to be appealing nearly as much to the separatism of the locals and that kind of illicit thing as to conventional methods of acquiring Exatas - and indeed to do so would be wrong.

- Care should be taken to avoid ambushes. Instructions should be given prior to the campaign that the base of the campaign is Hanakea, in such a way that it will be plainly obvious to all that, in case of an ambush, safety will be found in reassembling there.

- In case of defeat of one army, Kartis should withdraw and reassemble the remainder of the inland army with the intact Hanakea army in Hanakea (and at whatever stage this happens I'm sure that it can't happen that both armies will be defeated), and should then prosecute the war with only one army, in which case he should recruit more troops, spending money as necessary, and continue more cautiously but without splitting further.

- Offer the troops of the rebellious governor the opportunity at almost any point to change sides and join our army.

- The aim will be to pen the rebels up in Haleaka and Kona or inland - whichever is more convenient - and force them to surrender or defect piecemeal. What would be particularly fine would be if they ended up penned up in our of those cities and then we took it by treachery by bribing some party among the inhabitants and got them at our mercy directly like that. Anyhow, this will depend on the circumstances and how things unfold: I can't sensibly predict the exact manner in which it will be sensible to conclude the rebellion's suppression.

Policy regarding after the rebellion in Hanakar:

Excessive reprisals will not be taken.

If we still have more than 4,000 in our treasury at this point, 2,000 will be spent on improving the ports all round the Hanakahi peninsula and south coast and bringing elements of the Hanakahi merchant elite, etc. under the influence of the Kothari government. Maybe one of these days we can become a real naval and trade power again as Hanakahi once was.

Spoiler update 24 :

Oops, my sums don't add up. Sorry. Make that 6000 in each case where I have said 7000, and spend 2000 on the nautical patronage stuff (leaving us with 1500 in the kitty at the end of the turn).

spryllino said:

Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Income: 40,000 (Treasury: 4,000)
Military: 70,000 Infantry, 13,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships (Upkeep: 14,000 + 13,000 + 1,500 = 28,500)

Policy regarding Palmyra:

Continue last turn's policies in order to advance Palmyra's continuing integration - or at least its aristocracy's integration - into the Redeemer's webs of influence.

Policy regarding the south:

Our aim this turn is to carry out an integrated policy that will be designed to kill more than one bird with one stone with minimum effort. Our hope is that the parts of the plan will complement each other to such an extent that they have a combined effect that is greater than simply the sum of its parts.

Our aim is threefold:

1. Greater loyalty and commitment of local populations to the Kothari state, as well as increased actual control (and thus ability to collect revenue effectively) in the south;
2. A revival of the Hanakahi seafaring tradition and sea-based economy (extending our policy begun last turn of sponsoring the development of Hanakahi ports);
3. The advancement of astronomy and the development of scientific, philosophical and methodical thought in general.

Our methods will be as follows:

1. 7000 will be spent on an enormously impressive complex of buildings overlooking the city of Hanakahi and the sea adjacent. This will constitute a new centre of Kothari power in the south. It will act as a subsidiary palace for the Redeemer and will be equipped to act as a third capital building alongside Jalip and Athas. The Redeemer will live there some of the time (some winters, or some summers, or whatever seems most expedient). It will be equipped as a central courthouse and government centre for the whole area as well as a symbol of Kothari authority, and will have a permanent staff of officers whose job it will be to exert Kothari central control, patronage and revenue collection more effectively in the south, as well as directing the other efforts below and thus complementing them.

Within the same compound there will be an observatory of the highest quality to equal or even exceed the one in Athas, and halls full of instruments and room of the sort most conducive to the development of nautical knowledge, better ship design and the general development of all sorts of scientific and philosophical thought.

2. Another 7000 will be spent on a very clearly and heavily directed push of missionary activity. I'm short of time and I'm not going to write it out again; I'll just repeat exactly what I said I was going to do to Jehoshua, which is literally exactly what we are going to do.

Let it be known, however, that all under our rule share in the Redeemer's infinite protection, and accordingly let no force or violence be used against those who profess their Indagahor religion. For he that persecutes, shall surely have his persecution rejoined threefold by our majesty. Who profess the true faith, let him profess it in his heart and in his life, not with his soul repressed and resentful. Furthermore, let it be known that the faith shall be spread from efforts determined by ourselves, in meet consultation with the Patriarchs, who, appointed by the mutual consent of us ourselves and your predecessors, govern over the Church within our realms; and let monasteries be founded according to the most ancient Rules as set down by ours, the most ancient monasteries in all Iralliam. Lastly, great Grandpatriarch, let it be that the faith that spreadeth into the south shall be as it is conducted in our realms, according to the Rite of Gathaspa, with all the elements thereof incorporate, most chiefly concerning the Mystic Revelation, and the Secondary Creed of Etraxeras the Lesser, and the clergy shall be bound to act entirely in a respectable manner, involving not neglecting to wear the Mask, as is necessary for all who uphold the social fabric of our dominions.

These things will all be done in those aforesaid fashions, and we will set forth money and enjoin our clergy to enact them

I should add to that, though, that the focus of the activity will be on Hanakar very heavily: there will be small amounts of funding available from the 7000 total for missionary activity in Zyeshu, but it's only in Hanakar that will be concentrating our efforts, because it ties in with our other policies here.

Incidentally, don't hesitate to arrest Indagahor preachers if they do happen to be engaging in espionage or something. Das seems to think they're up to something. Definitely don't persecute them in any shape or form, though, and certainly don't alllow any Iralliamite missionaries to mistreat them just for preaching.

Note in particular that the religion we are exporting is very much the Kothari variety. Aesthetically and ideologically, this will be a unifying factor more within the Exatai than within Iralliam as a whole.

3. We will also spend all but 2000 of the remainder of our money on patronage in Hanakar, tied closely in with the above. We are trying to integrate the area very closely into Kothari societal systems, as well as reviving the nautical economy, and in particular this money will go on advancing those who engage in seafaring pursuits, and private voyages of enterprise, speculation or even exploration.

4. All the above will be tied together above all by the fact that the nautical sponsorship money (3) will be made available primarily (indeed, almost exclusively) to those who are Iralliam, and will be associated also with the bestowing of full masks on those who likewise convert to Iralliam (2) and receive the patronage (3), and entry into the palace complex and association with the observatory and associated practices (1) will be almost exclusively lavished on the same people. In short, it will be very much that religious incentivisation is used in coordination with economic patronage, the bestowal of social status in the mask, access to the local corridors of power and ascent up the ladder of socio-political importance, and access to scientific development.

Our hope is that the combination of complimentary incentives - an irresistable quantity of carrot and very little stick - will centralise and make loyal far more useful the south of the country, and turn it into another central base of Kothari power and prosperity, while making the locals nothing other than devoted to the government while giving no opportunity for the accumulation of resentment.

Spoiler update 25 :

OOC: As previously discussed, my stats ought to have [1,500] in the treasury.


Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Leader: Redeemer Kartis
Income: 42,000
Military: 70,000 Infantry, 13,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships (Upkeep: 14,000 + 13,000 + 1,500 = 28,500)

Domestic policies:

Continue the previous policies regarding Hanakar and Palmyra; the aims are the same as ever, being chiefly integration, conversion, prosperity, and income for the government.

3,500 should be used this year on patronage of the same variety as before, continuing the same efforts and with the same aims. I'm also hoping we may not have received all the dividends from last year's expenditure yet, which I hope the new expenditure will complement.

Military purchase:

Build a siege train for 500.

Actions by land:

Firstly, send off a contingent of 8000 infantry and 3000 cavalry to support the Ayasi, as requested, commanded by Serexartas, the Redeemer's (highly loyal and in his inner circle) cousin. They are, of course, not meant to revolt, cause the Ayasi trouble, or anything like that - and if Serexartas sees any substantial sign of trouble, he will try to get the Ayasi to send them on some diversionary expedition.

Secondly, send a small expedition to take control of the area of the Kotthorns between Athas and Kilar that is currently grey on the map and to claim it as Kothari-controlled. This is a strategic step; it doesn't matter whether anyone lives there to speak of, and I don't suppose they do. I don't know if any substantial force is needed or if they could be supported in such a mountainous district, but I expect a few hundred Satar soldiers from Athas or Doral soldiers - people who come from mountainous areas - ought to do the job. Erect at least two outposts in it, at least one of which should demarcate the border (take up to 500 for the outposts).

Thirdly and more significantly, we are marching in force against Jipha this turn. Take 25,000 infantry and 4000 cavalry and the new siege train - right as soon at the beginning of the turn as possible - while not bringing the navy out on this occasion. Allocate 1000 for logistics if necessary. The army of Kilar should be left to deal with recapturing their own capital; we will just march along the Kilar coastline into Jipha proper, and, operating from Karidil or somewhere nearby, march along the coast, defeat the Jiphans with overwhelming numbers if they come out, and besiege their capital it either falls or they agree to the terms which we will enforce in any case when we defeat them by force. If necessary, once the capital is taken, proceed to besiege and capture anything else that needs to be taken.

If the force against Jipha becomes depleted by losses, reinforce it from the reserves that have been left behind as necessary, to a reasonable extent.

Kartis himself need not take part in this campaign personally; it's only a campaign involving a portion of the Exatai's forces, and he's getting old. In fact, we will avoid putting the Jiphan expedition in the hands of any influential commander or prince; put it in the hands of a pretty much apolitical military man if possible. Kartis will die three years into this turn, as described in a story, without any legitimate sons, and be replaced by his nephew Metexares, the most important man of the younger generation in the Star house. Metexares - I intend - has a genuine relationship of concord and friendship with the other most influential members of his generation of the Star, with whom he would have grown up, who are mostly also Kartis's nephews and probably the odd bastard son. Metexares, acting as the main younger right-hand-man of Kartis will have been in Hanakahi when Kartis died there, and brought back the news in a ship to the Had, where he will have been acclaimed with the support of the other nephews, who will form a ruling cabal around him now.

Once Jipha is taken, it will be annexed into the Exatai. The new satrap of Jipha will be nominated by us. Someone will be chosen who seems to have some legitimacy in the eyes of the Jiphan population (so probably a member of the old royal house) but we will be careful that we choose someone who doesn't possess all that much initiative and who is happy to just sit there enjoying the privileges and wealth of kingship and just do what we tell him. Also, our new ruler of Jipha has to be willing to convert to Iralliam. In fact, a child, queen, or some other ruler admitting of a regency council might be a good idea.

However, they will be part of the Exatai, and not a vassal state: their treasury and their army's remnants and their navy will be merged into the Kothari equivalents, without independent military or monetary policy, and they will be garrisoned with Kothari troops, whereas Jiphan troops may find themselves stationed anywhere else as would any other part of the army. They will become completely part of the Exatai for customs purposes (which I hope will bring us extra income through trade benefits accruing here and under the Treaty of Bursun with Kilar). I intend that they should also be included as part of the Exatai, and not a vassal state, in map and stats. Nevertheless, though, they will retain the apparatus of the former state, and little will change in the ways things are done; the new satrap should have most or all of the ceremonies and domestic prerogatives of the old king. The way things look and feel should be much the same in Jipha for the average observer, but who is really in control will be completely different.

Exploration and trade development:

We are going to do various small things that I hope will have a disproportionate impact and will enable further actions next turn and in future turns.

1. Send 3-5 warships to claim the islands south of Anuua. Erect a house for a governor and a church for an Iralliamite priest, and leave a few other colonists there. Take 250 for this purpose.

2. Following the conquest of Jipha, provided that is completed within the turn, send 3-5 warships to claim the so-called Mourning Islands discovered by Jipha. Erect a house for a governor and a church for an Iralliamite priest, and leave a few other colonists there. Also erect a small harbour sufficient for it to act as an occasional trading post for future trade to the west and as a base for small naval squadrons. Take 500 for this purpose.

3. Send a small expedition of a similar size to make contact with the Ilfolk, and investigate the possibility of trading with them directly from Hanakahi across the Nakalani. Place a trading post in their capital, and lay the foundations for us to make some kind of vague trade agreement to make them amenable to future trade with our merchants. Take 300 for this purpose.

4. Immediately on the conquest of Jipha, provided it happens, send an expedition of 4-6 warships and accompanying trading vessels, largely Hamakuan ones, to sail to Atsan and Tsutongmerang. At Tsutongmerang, we will do our thorough utmost to establish a firm connection enabling trade - which though difficult will be innovative and profitable, I think - with the west, and especially we will hope to procure marvellous, prestigious and valuable goods that can be brought home or resold further afield in the Cradle and the east. In particular, trade with the Trahana with their tea, exotic beast products and exotic spices is sought. If we can pull this off before any other trading power manages it, it will be quite a coup (and, in terms of making an impression, just what we want to reinvigorate Hamakuan trade especially). Put a trading post in Tsutongmerang; we have already agreed that we will, upon contact, make a trade agreement with them. Take up to 1500 to ensure the logistical success of the expedition.
Spoiler update 26 :

OOC: As previously discussed (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=12752464&postcount=4221 etc.), my stats ought to have [8,450] in the treasury.


Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Leader: Redeemer Kartis
Income: 46,000
Military: 65,000 Infantry, 11,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships, 1 Siege Train (Upkeep: 13,000 + 11,000 + 1,500 + 500 = 26,000)

Spending summary:

Available funds:
46000 (income)
+ 8450 (treasury)
- 26000 (military upkeep)
= 28450 to spend

Spending as follows:
- 3000 patronage and subsidies, especially in Palmyra
- 3000 arts and sciences patronage
- 1400 on infantry
- 3000 on cavalry
- 4000 on extra training
- 500 in cash to Parna (contingent on that plan going through)
- 3000 in logistics spending on the Parna expedition (contingent on that plan going through)
- 1500 on an expedition to Tsutsongmerang
= 9050 left in the treasury (unless the Parna plan falls through, in which case there will be 12550 to go into the treasury

Domestic policies:

Continue the previous policies regarding Hanakar and Palmyra; the aims are the same as ever, being chiefly integration, conversion, prosperity, and income for the government.

Spend 3000 again on patronage and subsidies, especially in Palmyra, continuing to fund existing policies.

Spend 3000 on patronising technology, astronomy, art, music and culture.

Military purchase:

Build 7000 infantry and 3000 cavalry to replenish losses in the last few decades. (1400 and 3000 expenditure)

Ensure that all these new troops are very well trained and also train the army in general in all useful new techniques found out about in the recent war. (4000 further expenditure)

Actions by land:

Firstly, withdraw the army from Moti territory.

Secondly, we are going to intervene in the Parnan civil war. Now, I would ordinarily have sorted this out with the Parnan king diplomatically beforehand - but I didn't get round to it. So firstly, send him a missive to see if he agrees to the below. If he doesn't, do nothing at all, and don't carry out any of the expenditure suggested.

Put 1500 men (ideally including at least 100 cavalry, but that depends on whether our ships can transport horses) on board the navy. Ideally, put men on board who are skilled sailors and soldiers; it would be really great to get a marine corps of sorts going. Anyhow, though, even if each ship only held 20 men there should be plenty of room (20 x 65 = 1300; 20 x 30 = 600) for enough to turn almost any civil war in Parna, given the presumable superiority in technology and training of our forces. Failing that, we can have more than one journey. We are helping the King of Parna to subdue his rebellious cities, and so we will join his army and ours, and march against them, hoping for a battle and otherwise besieging his cities in turn. Also send 500 in cash.

Then we will proceed, if possible, to subdue all the Kayana states all the way up to the border of Atsan, just taking the cities one by one using the Parnan army and our own force. Then, if there's still enough of an army to do it and if it wouldn't be too difficult to hold together the new state, Parna can conquer Atsan as well with our help (but only if they feel it's a good idea). Alternatively, the expedition at the King of Parna each have the latitude to ignore this paragraph.

The King of Parna, ruling over a much larger kingdom than ever before through the benefits we have bestowed on him, or at any rate possibly owing his success in the war to us, will become something that amounts to vassalage to us, but retaining separate stats, etc., and bearing in mind that he is still a vassal of the Moti. He will be obliged to join us in military expeditions, should we require it, and to be helpful to our traders in whatever ways possible. He will - we suggest - be called not only King of Parna, but also Lord of the Kayana from now on.

If this all works, we'll have another potential sidekick and a useful addition to our expanding web of trade influence and safe ports.

Allocate logistics spending of 3000 for the above.

Exploration and trade development:

Send out an expedition to set up a permanent trading post and small colony at Tsutsongmerang, out of which we will attempt to trade with the nearby states and moreover directly and indirectly with the Trahana. Set aside 1500 for the purpose. The expedition has latitude to settle somewhere else if the Tsutsongmerang people turn hostile. The expedition should contain a few military or ex-military persons to provide some small level of security.

Spoiler A plan that never happened; would that it had... :

Sent to Lord_Iggy:
I propose the following war plan:

Act at all times in conjunction with the Farubaida.

The Karapeshai army will enter the Moti Empire, we suppose, from via Magha and Yashidim, marching against the Godlikes, or alternatively further to the east, via Gaci. We will wait for the forces of Prince Talephas (and the Ayasi, of course) to be engaged with the Godlikes and/or the Vithanama, ideally somewhat inextricably, and then the Farubaidan and Kothari armies will swing into action.

The Farubaidan army will march up the Sesh, besieging the cities as they go (Arkage, Tisatar, and crucially Nikcos) and will fortify them thoroughly. If the Karapeshai army has come down via the eastern Nikcos-Het-Gaci route, then this will cut off any supply-lines from the north - pinning Talephas in between the Farubaidans and the Godlikes. If the Karapeshai army has come down via the western Magha-Yashidim route, then it won't have any such effect, of course - but in that case the Farubaidans will be free to operate along the Sesh without major Karapeshai interference.

Meanwhile and simultaneously - so that the attack is unexpected - the Kothari army will muster at Athas and cross the Kotthorns in force, storming the passes between Athas and Triad, which will not be particularly heavily guarded. But, since we'll be in full force, if we meet with unexpectedly heavy opposition we'll have a good chance of overcoming it anyway. If it is for some reason really underguarded, the best thing to do would be to surprise it with a flying column - but otherwise we'll march against it in full force (apart from some guards for the passes) and try to take it by storm if that's a reasonable aim: I don't know how well-fortified or well-guarded it is. If that doesn't work, we'll have to lay a siege. We will make a judgement on whether there's likely to be an attempt to relieve it and how large that attempt will be - which will be informed based on where the main field armies of the Moti and Karapeshai are, which shouldn't be hard to determine by intelligence. It may be that using the entire army to besiege Triad may be overkill if there's little chance of a relief effort, in which case the rest can withdraw to Athas and start the campaign in the Upper Had (see below). If it's going to be a long siege, have the soldiers build a besieging wall and trench. Put a really good general in charge of the holding army; in an emergency we hope to be able to employ similar tactics to Caesar at Alesia. If we are faced with an army larger than our own at the opening of events, either don't invade in the first place or withdraw. Keep scouts going out all the while to see if an enemy army is approaching. When Triad falls, garrison it.

Meanwhile, while all this is going on, a division of the besieging army should go and take control of the hills/mountains north-east of Triad.

This means that hopefully either (a) the whole army will end up capturing Triad or (b) a division of the army will be laying siege to Triad, leaving the rest free to do something else. In either case, the whole/main army will now march back to Athas and up the Had. We will take Tynet by the usual methods (ideally by surrender if they don't want us to ravage their land; next preferably by treachery; then next preferably by storm; if necessary by siege). Then we will move against Minar, then Bysrium likewise, and then Het and Kirost.

Now, as I have implied already, it's very unlikely that we're going to manage to do much of that uninterrupted by a major enemy army - although we do hope we'll manage to take Triad before the full forces of the Moti and Karapeshai end up being united against us, since we won't in any case attack Triad until they're already occupied in a campaign. However, when either army, Farubaidan or Kothari, receives intelligence that such an enemy army has turned around in our direction - which on the other hand may take a long time, since they may choose to pursue the other campaign to the end rather than chase us - BOTH armies, Farubaidan and Kothari, will respectively sweep southwards or northwards and rendezvous at the uppermost place that we control at that time on the Had - or if we have not by now taken Tynet, we will rendezvous near to Tynet. While we wait for the enemy army to turn up we'll pillage the area above Tynet, as far as possible, mercilessly, such that the land will yield very little to an enemy army trying to supply itself off it, thereby rendering a Moti/Karapeshai counter-invasion of the lower Had very difficult.

That plan relies on two main things:

- our forces getting to Tynet before the enemy does
- the enemy forces marching for the Had rather than for the Sesh or for Triad/Athas

Accordingly: if the enemy is upon Salgaron before we get there (which is unlikely, since the enemy army will be further from Salgaron than ours at any given point) use our full forces not to give battle unless our army is superior, but to make a siege of Salgaron impossible by harassing the enemy, which shouldn't be difficult, while we wait for the Farubaidan forces to turn up. Then our two armies can confront the enemy, perhaps from opposite directions.

If we arrive at Tynet before the enemy but the Farubaidans are too late, hole up a sufficient garrison in the northernmost city we control, march the rest to the next one downstream, and try to make the siege costly for them by harassing them from outside and in and wait for the Farubaidans to turn up, before confronting the enemy.

If the enemy forces make for the Sesh instead of the Had, cross the Senet Desert in the direction of Neruss (unless we've taken Minar and Gyza isn't well-garrisoned, in which case cross if preferable by the more obvious route via Gyza and take it on the way) and join up with the Farubaidan forces for a showdown by the Sesh.

If the enemy marches for Triad (if it's been captured by us) or otherwise Athas hold the passes firmly and make any passage costly for them. Then, as before, wait for the Farubaidans to turn up and then give battle. I'd say it's fairly unlikely, though that the enemy will try to march against us over the mountains in full force.

It should be noted, importantly, that the above procedure may have to be followed more than once. Indeed, we would hope that, in the likely chaos of rebels, etc., we would be confronted by the Ayasi's and Talephas's armies on separate occasions, and not all at once.

Anyhow, the result of a large enemy army coming at us will be a battle, and there will be one such battle for each large enemy army that confronts us. I don't suppose I need to do tactics, but crucial will be preparation: the army will have been trained in procedures devised to deal with Moti formations, and especially with elephants. We will have trained our troops in melting away to let elephants pass through, and there will be particular detachments equipped with suitably sharp implements specially trained in disabling elephants.

Once the strategy has been interrupted by this palaver and once we have won the battle, we will immediately resume our separate strategies. That is to say that the Kothari army will move on up the Had and the Farubaidan army up the Sesh, until either we are interrupted again by another large enemy army, or we are finished and have Triad, the Sesh up to Nikcos, the Had up to Het, Gyza, and Kirost under our control.

Now, it is possible that we may end up in such a position that we have done all that and an army of some sort is trying to return northwards - either successful against, or more probably vanquished by, the Vithanama (or Godlikes). If it is clearly likely that we will manage to defeat any given large army that marches near us, then we will give it battle. Accordingly, if the defeated (or even undefeated) Karapeshai army tries to march near or through the territory under our occupation, we will march to rendezvous with the Farubaidans at a place that blocks their path (or face them on both sides) and aim to defeat them. Indeed, we will confront the Karapeshai army even if it marches back along the Yashidim-Magha route, by rendezvousing perhaps not only with the Farubaida but with a Godlike force at somewhere like Lotumbo. There's no problem as such with marching out of our way if we need to, if it makes it likely that we will be able to join forces and inflict defeat on the Karapeshai - which of course is quite important, since we don't want a long drawn-out war with Talephas.

Anyway, the overall aim of all that is:

(a) to control Triad and the upper Had, while the Farubaidans control the middle Sesh;

(b) to inflict a decisive defeat on whatever major armies of the Ayasi confront us, in conjunction with the Farubaidan army;

(c) to inflict a decisive defeat on the Karapeshai expedition if it tries to interrupt our campaigns in a single force with or separately from the Ayasi's army, or if it tries to march northwards on its return journey in such a way that it is possible for us to intercept it.

Spoiler update 27 :


Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Leader: Redeemer Metexares
Income: 50,000 (Treasury: 9,050)
Military: 71,500 Infantry, 14,000 Cavalry, 30 Ships, 1 Siege Train (Upkeep: 14,300 + 14,000 + 1,500 + 500 = 30,300)

Spending summary:

Available funds:
50000 (income)
+ 9050 (treasury)
- 30300 (military upkeep)
= 28750 to spend

Spending as follows: (see details below)
-3000 on patronage
-4000 on infantry
-4000 on cavalry
-500 on siege train
-500 on 10 Jiphan Ships
-200 on reestablishing the naval apparatus, etc., so that said Jiphan ships are useful and good
-500 on 10 Ships
-5000 in logistics for the expedition to support the Ayasi
-1800 in logistics for the continuation of the Parna expedition
-3000 to the Farubaida in money purchasing Beran and Sivi under the Treaty of Caroha
-3000 for rebuilding the centre of the city of Leuce
-500 for rebuilding the walls of Leuce
-1500 for trading post and small merchant colony at Zar
-500 on standardising tariffs and harbour charges
-500 on modern music
= 950 remaining in the treasury

Domestic policies:

Continue the previous policies regarding Hanakar and Palmyra; the aims are the same as ever, being chiefly integration, conversion, prosperity, and income for the government. 3000 for patronising this, and also continuing last turn's patronage of science and culture in general.

Military purchases:

Spend 4000 on 20,000 infantry

Spend 4000 on 4000 cavalry

Spend 500 on building a second Siege Train.

Spend 500 on rebuilding a Jiphan fleet of 10 ships, to be encompassed within the Kothari navy. Use previous Jiphan nautical experience to man and train their crews and shipbuilding techniques, while also adding in any particular modern technologies or techniques that we may have that they do not. Spend a further 200 on ensuring that this exchange of ideas takes place by shipping in and sourcing within Jipha experts to kickstart the reforming of a Jiphan fleet contingent. (There may still be Jiphan naval ships hanging around or able to be lured back with their crews into service with pay; they're welcome to rejoin the navy too after swearing allegiance appropriately, etc.)

Spend 500 on building 10 ships.

Actions by land:

Send 30,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry to march in support of the Ayasi. Allocate 5000 in logistics. (If 4000's enough, then 5000 should account for most potential difficulties.) I'm not in charge of the campaign obviously, but don't do anything stupid, and if the whole thing's going up in flames don't go down with the sinking ship: if Lucky pulls out some amazing strategic coup, or the whole Karapeshai army starves, or something, it's much better to go home and/or hold some sensible fortresses than get massacred by Vithanama... Equally, though, don't pull out unless the whole thing's going haywire: if we get to fight the Vithanama and we're not at some freak disadvantage, then we want to be part of the victory. I suspect Iggy will have more detailed war plans; do much the same as whatever he does and we will act at all times in close cooperation.

Allocate logistics spending of 1800 for continuing the war in Parna. 500 infantry reinforcements should be sent, and in addition, the army there should be reinforced from home via the navy such that it is back at its original strength at the start of last turn (i.e. 1500 + 500 = 2000 men). When losses are suffered to reduce the army to 1600 or so again, we will send back the navy for more reinforcements to keep the army between 1500 and 2000 men at all times. Again, the naval maries should also play a prominent role.

Continue to help the Parnan king fight his civil war, besieging cities in succession and taking them, by surrender - or even treachery; after all we have got a lot of money - if possible. We will also send detachments against the defecting areas of the Parnan kingdom on the Moti border, which did not escape my notice; but the chief function is to subdue Irnat. Once we have done that, we can continue south and take over the two cities before Atsan (although not attacking Atsan unless they intervene first) - but do not air this plan to anyone before we have subdued Irnat.

Exploration and trade development:

Purchase Beran and Sivi from the Farubaida, under the circumstances agreed in the Treaty of Caroha. The payment is due over twenty years, so send 3000 immediately. Trade will continue on the basis of term 5 of the Treaty of Caroha. As for the rest of the treaty, it mostly confirms the status quo. Here it is again:

Spoiler the Treaty of Caroha :
Treaty of Caroha

Whereas previously the Farubaida o Caroha and the Kothari Exatai have had various and grievous disputes, it happily befalls these parties that their disputes are henceforth to be known to be resolved, and the issues that caused them no longer, since neither party covets the other's territory or wishes to disturb it in any way, and since both parties recognise that there is nought to be gained from acting against each other when there is no further dispute to be had, but much to be gained from acting together in future as loyal and equal friends. Accordingly, we present this Treaty of Alliance.

This Treaty altogether supplants, by the will of the participants, the Peace of the Had, which is considered no longer to be in force, and which we hope will be disclaimed accordingly in favour of this treaty by the legitimate government of the Moti Empire.

1. The Farubaida o Caroha and the Kothari Exatai will henceforth be allies. They shall consult each other on significant wars or diplomatic actions, or on any military action outside their acknowledged spheres of influence, and moreover will defend each other militarily, upon request, with actual and substantial force, against whatsoever parties wish to harm them by land or sea.

2. The Farubaida o Caroha and the Kothari Exatai will abstain entirely from coveting or supporting dissidents in each other's territory, and will disclaim any interest in opposing the will of each other's government in the government in question's own sovereign territory. Thus the Kothari have no interest in reacquiring Subal, or any other part of the Farubaida, at any point. Likewise, the Farubaida have no interest in the affairs of the people of the Had valley and delta, and will not enter into correspondence with Hiuthu slaves, nor with Palmyran dissidents unless (3) is manifestly contravened by the Kothari Exatai.

3. Palmyra shall remain as a self-governing realm within the Kothari Exatai, considered part of Kothari sovereign territory. It shall freely form its own laws, host no Kothari troops against its will, and pay one quarter of its previous tribute to the Exatai, or the cost of maintaining invited Kothari troops on its lands, whichever is greater, and shall not have an army or military navy of its own. Palmyra and the Kothari Exatai will be permitted to revise these terms, and any other aspect of their relationship, by mutual and public agreement, if they see fit. If any part of (3) is revised by the mutual and public agreement of Palmyra and the Kothari Exatai, only the parts of (3) that remain as written in this Treaty will be guaranteed by the Farubaida o Caroha, and the parts of (3) that have been revised will be considered void.

4. Jipha is to be considered an integral part of Kothari sovereign territory also.

5. Beran and Sivi and their environs shall be sold by the Farubaida o Caroha to the Kothari Exatai for the sum of [6000], to be paid by the Kothari Exatai within twenty years. The Kothari Exatai will be permitted to station land and naval forces in those cities, and to tax the people and traders there, as they see fit, whereas the Farubaida shall henceforth only be permitted to do these things by permission of the Kothari government. The exception to this shall be that in Beran and Sivi no charge shall be imposed on Carohan shipping, docking, imports, and exports greater than that imposed on Kothari activities of an equivalent nature in these cities' ports. There shall be a Board of Twenty in Sivi, with jurisdiction in both cities, consisting of ten Carohans and ten Kothari subjects, to be nominated and removed at will by their respective governments, which is hereby empowered to determine a Table of Equivalences and Ratios in Harbour Charges. This Table and Ratios will be used to determine what varied charges should be applied to particular sorts of transaction, based on a base rate of general charge imposed by the Kothari authorities. In case of dispute between the Kothari authorities and Carohan traders, the Board of Twenty will have jurisdiction. In case of the Twenty being evenly split on an issue, appeal will be made to the Kothari and Carohan governments, who will determine the matter by negotiation or by convening further joint panels as appropriate.

6. Furthermore, Carohan merchant ships shall have a right to dock in the port of the city of Hanakahi and allowed to trade there. The Kothari Exatai shall not expel any Carohan ships, except with the consent of the Carohan government, unless they are breaking ordinary Kothari or local laws that are not specific to traders, selling substances the import of which is banned at any given time, or failing to pay taxes, charges and tariffs. Taxes, charges and tariffs shall be determined by the Kothari authorities independently, but, in order that they may never be inherently prohibitively high for Carohan traders, they shall not ever be more than a fifth higher than the lowest rates of taxes, charges, and tariffs to be paid by equivalent traders from outside the territory of the Kothari Exatai and Kilar (whose tariffs with the Kothari Exatai are necessarily such that they will be considered a single tariff unit with the Kothari Exatai).

7. The Farubaida o Caroha and the Kothari Exatai may change these terms if necessary by mutual and public agreement, and will settle any disputes, either arising from this Treaty or from other issues, by peaceful negotiation and mutual consent.

Signed by Metexares, Redeemer and High Prince of the Star

Spend 3000 on rebuilding the town centre of Leuce.
- It should include an Iralliamite church that should be impressive but not showy (I take it there isn't a large one there already); it should be, as it were, an alternative in size and greatness to the Indagahori place of worship, but not trying to outdo it and avoiding resentment on these grounds at least.
- We will also build a palace for the king-satrap, and a palace next to it for the Kothari governor-general and administration: the two palaces should be equal, but with slight distinguishing factors, so that if there is resentment, we can say "the King's is better because he's got more brightly coloured roof tiles", or the like (to simplify rather). The governor-general's should also act as the civil service headquarters (and thus should seem more down-to-earth and less luxurious than the king-satrap's in any case.
- We will not spend more than half the money on the above: the rest is to go into rebuilding the rest of the town centre, including public facilities such as a repaved marketplace. We will also restore the Indagahori temple to its previous glory, not stinting to make it basically equal to the Iralliamite church in this regard.

Spend 500 on rebuilding the walls of Leuce.

Spend 500 on endowing an Iralliamite monastery (not the reclusive sort, but the sort that does good works for people and spreads the faith) in the inland, eastern part of Jipha, approximately where on the map the boundary between the Indagahori and Iralliamite religions' spheres of predominance meet. It should not be so close to the major cities as to be intimidating or anything, and it should, while spreading Iralliam, aim primarily to improve the lives of the people of Jipha.

Stopping on the way at our base at Tsutsomerang, send out another expedition to set up a permanent trading post and small colony at Zar, out of which we will attempt to trade with the nearby states and moreover directly and indirectly with the Trahana. Set aside 1500 for the purpose. The expedition, again, has latitude to settle somewhere else if the Tsutsongmerang people turn hostile. The expedition should contain a few military or ex-military persons to provide some small level of security.

Impose a flat discount on tariffs and harbour charges on Kothari or Farubaidan ships exchanging more than half their cargo with a ship of the opposite provenance in the city of Hanakahi or Leuce. This will (a) encourage traders to exchange goods in Kothari ports, giving us thereby more income, and (b) encourage Farubaidan ships going west to exchange their cargoes with our ships rather than making the voyage all the way to Tsutsongmerang themselves. It will have a slight negative impact on Kothari trade with the east and north, but not a massive one because of our geographical position (i.e. it will still be easier on the whole, say, for (a) a Kothari ship to sail from Leuce to Epichirisi than for it to sail to than for (b) a Kothari ship to sail from Leuce to Hanakahi and for a Farubaidan ship to sail from Trovin to Hanakahi, pick up the goods, and sail on to Epichirisi). Thus this tariff trick ought to benefit us a bit and not really harm us at all.

Additionally, standardise tariffs and harbour charges by law between all our ports, drawing up specific and definite tables and ratios for different sorts of ships and cargoes. This will make trade easier throughout the Exatai. 500 for expediting the administrative effort and putting it into action.

500 in encouraging the production of modern music, primarily to celebrate our glorious expedition into the Moti Empire or our alliance with the Farubaida - and accordingly take into account Moti and Farubaidan influences as we enter this glorious new cultural golden age that there seemed some promise of last year. I'm imagining something like Renaissance polyphonic music, or maybe early Italian baroque, with lots of trumpets and shawm-like things and cornets, and the use of antiphonal effects and lots of complicated polyphony based on relatively advanced (and relatively new) theoretical concepts, not least in large churches where they will work best. We could be seeing something akin to - although of course atemporaneous with - the West's move from modality to tonality.
Spoiler update 28 :

OOC: I believe there was a mistake last turn in that there should be 50 ships, not 40, in my fleet, since I ordered 10 Kothari ships and 10 Jiphan, the latter also to be incorporated into the fleet. Please correct this. :)

Also, sorry, these are rambly orders. Feel free to use discretion in interpreting them; I've intentionally left a fair bit of latitude for on-the-spot prudence on our generals' part, to allow the expedition ordered below to be small or large. If anything is politically incongrous or nonsensical, please do iron it out if you like.

OOC @ Iggy: You will notice the stuff below about encouraging a congenial candidate to be Ayasi; you might consider doing something similar to what I've done here.


Kothari Exatai – spryllino
Culture: Satar, Hu'ut, and Palmyrian, Moderately influential
Religion: Iralliam, Ardavani Minority
Government: Exatai
Leader: Redeemer Metexares
Income: 53,000 (Treasury: 950)
Military: 75,000 Infantry, 16,500 Cavalry, 40 Ships, 2 Siege Trains (Upkeep: 15,000 + 16,500 + 2,000 + 1,000 = 34,500)

Spending Summary:

Available funds:
53000 (income)
+ 950 (treasury)
- 34500 (military upkeep)
= 19450 to spend

Spending as follows:
- 750 towards the Tsutsomerang port project
- 3000 to the Farubaida in money finalising the purchase of Beran and Sivi under the Treaty of Caroha
- 500 directly to Parna
- 500 on helping chieftains from the south get to the conference called by Talephas at Moti
- 2000 on promoting the candicacy of some very popular Moti prince who doesn't like Talephas as Ayasi

- 5000 on infantry
- 5000 on cavalry

= 2700 extra (spend as necessary on logistics, possibly going into debt but probably not very far)

Military actions:


Withdraw all troops from Parna - it's probably an inefficient way of helping them anyway. The 500 given above should be just as useful.

Leave 10,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry in the lower Had, and 5,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry in Jipha at all times.

Take a large force, probably most of the rest of the army but a judgement will have to be made - don't take an excessively large army if it isn't needed; 20,000 men could be enough - and with all other forces march swiftly via Athas and Triad to take control of the south of the HME (the bit to the west of Opios). This is to be done in the name of the Ayasi - whose allies we are - and in order to secure his dominions from the various bandits and Vithanama. We will spread out detachments across the south of the empire, taking control of the grey area. On the way through, we will garrison Triad. They will probably allow the garrison because it's well justified: we can't exactly leave Triad unguarded when we're reasserting the Ayasi's control in the south. However, since they're not exactly going to be relieved by anyone and will be taken more or less by surprise (we'll send on the cavalry in advance to secure it), they won't have much choice about it.

Having flooded the south with our troops, our next move depends what Lucky does. Probably there will have been an agreement whereby some slightly lily-livered allies of ours pay them a ransom - but it should be made totally obvious by our march west that we are ready to kick them out forcibly if necessary, and, if by some chance there isn't an agreement, we'll do exactly that: with the south of the HME under our control, we'll march to clear the Vithanama out. If Lucky has come to an agreement, though, we'll simply receive control of the Yensai from him peaceably.

- If it's necessary to fight Lucky (which I don't expect it is), we will do our level best to secure Krato without it being pillaged, not least by using the now huge numerical superiority to besiege him properly or force him to withdraw. Anyway, in order to burn a city, you have to still be inside it, don't you? Thus if we can somehow generate a tactical position - such as a strategic blocking of the main routes out of the city - where it is impossible, on account of time, for him to withdraw his army safely and ensure the city is burnt in such a way that we can't put the fire out to some large degree and salvage the city, then we shall do that. Then chase him a little way and do try to surround him and wipe him out if at all possible, but don't march half-way up the Yensai to achieve it - provided Lucky withdraws beyond Goso, that's the campaign aim satisfied.

More likely, though, Lucky will be paid off by our friends, withdraw from the Yensai, and we'll get to garrison the places securely and, this done, march our army back triumphantly to Triad (albeit without really having risked anything or defeated anyone) and march north again and commit our armies against Sianai fully - in cooperation with the Farubaida and the Karapeshai. If this is what happens, we won't actually need to send all that many forces anywhere, just enough to subdue a load of bandits and reestablish order and control - and logistics spending can be quite small.

Meanwhile, a new Ayasi will probably be selected by the council of Godlikes and Krato chieftains that Talephas will have called at Moti. Facilitate the appearance at - and arrange for the transport to - the conference, of those, especially people like Kratoan chiefs and people who we may have helped by restoring order and by assisting in the repulsion of the Vithanama, who are unlikely to want to select a pro-Karapeshai Ayasi - or indeed people who, for all we know, might vote either way, but who might equally rather like us for giving them a hand getting to Moti or something. Also use the funds allocated to promote a candidate (who must be in himself popular with the Moti, or maybe even more the Krato, chiefs). Use all our influence - which will be quite considerable, given that we will possibly have largely saved Krato, will have control of the south, will be likely viewed as important to please by the assembled Moti and as a lesser and more congenial threat than Talephas their erstwhile arch-enemy.

Of course, we won't hand over control of the south to the new Ayasi this turn, since he won't have the army to control it, and since we will still be campaigning out of it. This turn will surely be short enough that the new Ayasi will not even think himself in a position to take control of it directly and immediately, and I don't suppose the Karapeshai will have fully withdrawn before the turn's out. We can sort all this out next turn (our aim will be, though, at least to secure full diplomatic equality with the Ayasi, and ideally possession of Triad, although we won't make this widely obvious).

Spoiler Appendix to Update 28 :

I should add that, in fact, my orders will necessarily involve moving many of the the troops back from the Yensai. That is to say that an expedition (probably rather small since we seem to be at peace) will march from Athas through Triad to secure the south, and in fact at the same time, once the peace is concluded with Lucky, troops in the Yensai will secure control of the Yensai, but fairly quickly will start to move east, and will join the main army when it moves north-east again against Sianai.

Spoiler update 28.5 :

Iggy please read down to the last paragraph of the Triad section below - it requires you to reinforce us in one particular circumstance.


The short version of the orders is: recruit as many troops as possible (and amass as many as possible from the Moti army and private Moti militias and Church forces and the Kilarites), try to cut off and annihilate the Karapeshai army in Triad, and then march north to help with the defence of the Farubaida while they stall.

Here is Jehoshua's map, which is pretty much accurate to the plans as they stand, I think, at least in respect to the Triad campaign if not for the Sesh or the defence of the Farubaida:


The long version, below, is a summary of the tactical plans already discussed.


It is necessary to destroy the armies under the command of Tesecci Atteri which currently are besieging Triad. They are surrounded, and eliminating them contains our concerns to the north, and the armies of the greater Exatai. We note if they are not extinguished, the cradle will be subject to an army behind our lines necessarily dividing and weakening the forces that can be used to face the greater threat.

It seems quite possible that the Karapeshai army here will simply march north and abandon the siege. It would be a pity to lose the opportunity to trap and possibly annihilate a large Karapeshai force. Accordingly, the forces of the Church and Kilar will move on Triad from the south, while the forces encamped in the Yensai, etc., approach from the north-west (which is not a much greater distance than approaching from the south-west) allowing them to join up with some Moti forces along the way (if they can be spared) and then to block that route of Triad - and they ought to be able to block the passes even if numbers are a bit against us on this side. Some Kothari garrison forces can also march up from the Had, since there is not the faintest chance of anyone that coming under attack without ample warning, and also approach from the north (in so far as we still have forces from the Sianai campaign in the upper Had or wherever). Then when we get there most of the forces actually in Triad (Kothari ones) can break out, and we will actually have them surrounded around the city and can possibly even annihilate them.

The Ayasi can then garrison the city with a small garrison, while the relevant armies of the Church, Kilar, the Kothari Exatai, the Ayasi and Farubaida go through the pass that links Triad to the Had valley and head north via the most advantageous route (i.e. either via Gaci or via Salgaron) to where the main conflict is likely to take place, reinforcing the forces that are present there. Exactly where we march to and whether we fight in a single army or in two separate forces is dependent on the Farubaidan plan for defending themselves and/or securing the Sesh, which I won't anticipate.

It is quite possible, of course, that the main Karapeshai army will march directly South to support their army at Triad. If they do that, we will hope to relieve Triad before they get there - which shouldn't be impossible, since they'd have to take quite a few of the Ayasi's cities on the way and since we can hold the passes against them with our armies approaching from the north to some extent. However, under such circumstances it will be necessary to call on the Farubaida to send troops south too, and maybe even to fight the main campaign of the war down around Triad. I hope not, though - and with any luck if the Karapeshai try that they will have a hell of a time with supplies and in the long run we shouldn't have too much trouble amassing superior numbers and cutting them off in the south.

The Sesh

When we have finished the Triad campaign, we will join the Farubaidan armies wherever they are and join them in the campaign. I think they will have written orders for this bit, and so we will just fulfil the role allocated to us therein - although under no circumstances should we put ourselves in a position that risks us being cut off from our allies and defeated separately; we should always coordinate closely enough not to risk that.

Battle should only be risked under favourable circumstances and in full force, but should not be shirked if a victory is attainable thereby. In case of battle, a key element will be the distribution of forces - and we should rely on the basic assumption that our forces may not be as experienced as the Karapeshai ones.

A battle plan that might work under some circumstances would involve putting troops of only medium strength in the centre, and grouping all the best infantry in two firmly constituted corps on the wings (parallel with the ends of the enemy line). Then we might put all the worst troops around these two corps to produce an effect of greater numbers around the wings, allowing us a better chance of outflanking - since the worse troops would have the benefit of being surrounded by our excellent cavalry and by the best infantry. We can also drill our two experienced corps (one mostly Kothari, one mostly Farubaidan? - or one could be the Ayasi's if his best veterans are on the scene) especially so that they're particularly good at maintaining cohesion within themselves and with the cavalry. Then when the centre gives way, the other troops can escape round the back and gather round the corps on the wings, which we would hope would confuse the enemy somewhat and allow us to kind of push them into a chevron between the two wings. If things go really well we might even then be able to regroup the troops from the centre behind the two experienced corps and bring them back into play - perhaps even from the Karapeshai rear. We'll see though. A wing-based approach is probably in order though, since I doubt that we're especially likely to break through the Karapeshai centre in an all out battle through sheer force - since I assume that many Karapeshai troops are somewhat more experienced than ours by this point.

Another point is that we shouldn't shirk small battles. If we're to win a large one, we need to make sure we have some decent experience on the way.
Spoiler fCrezNES Punjab 1836 :
Shamefully late orders. Hopefully you’ll accept them; I’ll try to ensure that this doesn’t repeat.

Spoiler stats :

Tag: #PAN
Sikh Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Maharajah Ranjit Singh - Royalists
Politics: Royalists (C/80), Imperialists (R/20)
Population (Growth): 10,800,000 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £64,044 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 2808
Industry: 0
Development: 3 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £3,202 K
Budget Surplus: £1,108 K
Net Revenue: £2,156 K
Net Spending: £1,049 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 40000 Infantry, 13000 Cavalry, 148 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Good Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £17.47 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.48

(Henceforth, I will be using $ in place of £, simply because I can type $ a hell of a lot easier than I can type £.)

$3202K Treasury
+$2156K Revenue
-$1049K Spending

=$4310K to spend
-$50K on courting princely states (=$4260K)
-$4000K on Sindh (=$260K)

=$260K to the treasury

-No drastic shifts this turn. I want to get my bearings and see what everyone else is doing before making any moves; no actions will come until Sindh is finished. Keep everyone happy, and the country stable, and we’re good. For now.


-Courting Princely States: Cautiously, start sending emissaries to the Rajputs and other nearby princely states to start wooing their leaders with gifts and vague promises; do this cautiously and as quietly as possible, in order to avoid gaining the attention and ire of the Company. If the princes themselves are not willing to listen to us, then begin courting anti-British figures locally who have some form of influence. The goal of this is to start gathering allies; if a Mutiny-type event happens and the EIC begins imploding, Punjab will strike. Devote $50K to this; if we see results we’ll follow up next year.
-Prevent any Anglo-Chinese opium from entering the country. Home-grown opium is fine (to a point), foreign opium is not. My trust level for them is not particularly high, and we’re not having that madness happen here.


-Station 10K Infantry, 5K Cavalry, and 50 Artillery near/along the border with the EIC. Should the EIC invade, use existing fortifications and terrain to our advantage, and transfer other military units from the rest of the Empire to here. The EIC will all but certainly need to keep units stationed elsewhere in order to prevent rebellion
-Station 5K Infantry and 8 Artillery near/along the border with Afghanistan; specifically, defend the Khyber Pass primarily and any other passes through the Hindu Kish secondarily. We were historically at war with the Durranis around this time, so there’s the off chance they might try and invade us. Should this happen, dig in using existing fortifications; our superior army should be enough to defend against Afghans. We won’t take offensive action here - yet.
-5K Infantry will be devoted to the rest of the country, generally being used for whatever is necessary. Neither <insert Central Asian khanate> nor China has any real ability to threaten us due to terrain. In China’s case, attacking through East Turkestan is the definition of stupidity. If either tries to do so then simply reallocate troops from elsewhere to deal with it.

Invasion of Sindh: This is the good part. Why are we invading Sindh? Because, for one, we want an outlet to the sea, and it just so happens there’s one right to the south of us – Karachi, although it’s not yet a bustling megacity. (Yet being the key word.) Also, Sindh will be a test of our new and improved army, which we’ve spent the past few years remodeling on European lines.
We’ll deploy 10K Infantry, 8K Cavalry, and 70 Artillery to this front. Of that, 8K Infantry, 6K Cavalry, and 70 Artillery, under the command of Veer Singh Dillon, will travel down the Indus River, in order to stay in fertile ground with an easy mode of transport and avoid the more arid and less friendly areas. I believe the town of Kharipur, in the north, is the capital of Sindh at this time; priority should be to capture it as quickly as possible. From there, move on to Hyderabad, and then to the coast, where we’ll head west and secure Karachi. The other 2K Infantry, 2K Cavalry, led by Hari Singh Nalwa, will follow Veer Singh in a mop-up role and bolster the former’s numbers if necessary. Killing the Emir of Sindh should also be a priority, as this will end up breaking their leadership.
If you want general tactics, use cavalry charges to deal with massed irregulars, and use artillery against fortifications and generally to have a psychological impact. My generals are good; give them discretion in commanding the army according to the situation. The Sindhis like attacking at night; our troops should make note of this. Also remember to keep the guns under covers if it rains; this was the Bengali’s undoing at Plassey and we’re not having that repeat here. In any case, not only do we outnumber the Sindhis, we have a better quality army and better leadership, so our generals shouldn't have too difficult of a time.
The money will be used for funding the campaign, and giving supplies, etc. Sindh has a fair number of Hindus and other religious minorities who are chafing under Muslim rule. Promise some of them administrative positions after the war in order to get them on our side and weaken them. The Hindus historically helped the British when they invaded; we’re, if anything, a lot more tolerant of Hindus than the British, so take that as you will. The money should also be used for paying local tribesmen and getting them on our side; the British did this as well. Finally, it should be used for setting up a new administration over the territory if we do conquer it, from the groups listed above, as well as others who are loyal to us.

Here is a map of present day Sindh for your reference; Kharipur is east of Larkana.


If the EIC launches its own invasion of Sindh first, then don’t invade; we don't want to earn their ire.

Spoiler fCrezNES Punjab 1837 :
Spoiler :
Tag: #PAN
Sikh Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Maharajah Ranjit Singh - Royalists
Politics: Royalists (C/80), Imperialists (R/20)
Population (Growth): 18,303,609 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £109,594 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 4759
Industry: 0
Development: 3 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £3,463 K
Budget Surplus: £2,049 K
Net Revenue: £3,688 K
Net Spending: £1,640 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 40000 Infantry, 13000 Cavalry, 148 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Good Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £17.50 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.50


$3464K in treasury
+$2049K budget surplus
=$5513K to spend

-$3000K on incorporating Sind (=$2513K)
-$100K on hosting our British guests (=$2413K)
-$100K on courting Rajput princes (=$2313K)
-$175K on building 5 Frigates (=$2138K)
-$500K on gathering naval officers (=$1638K)
$1638K to the treasury


Incorporating Sind: The successful invasion of Sind has put us in an excellent position. Primarily, it gives us an outlet to the sea, and by extension a platform from which to tap into the relatively lucrative trade of the Indian Ocean. More on this later. In addition, it also gives us additional leverage which we can use against the other nations in the region. So, naturally, we’ll be directly incorporating the territory into our country.

We already gave the Hindus of the country some administrative powers; we’ll work on forming a new bureaucracy from these guys. However, it is important to remember that this is still a majority Islamic area, and that we are a secular nation. We will treat both groups equally and fairly, without discrimination, and despite the “Sikh” in our nation name we’re not forcing Sikhism on anybody. I do not believe that the money we’re providing is enough to complete this process this year, so this will more likely than not take several years. The military should assume responsibility if necessary, and again act fairly, justly, and without being oppressive.


Our invasion of Sind, although it came at perhaps a greater cost than ideal, gave evidence of our relative military superiority over our neighbors. However, we’re approaching the limit to our expansion.

-5K infantry, 1K cavalry, 13 Artillery will be stationed in the north, along the borders with Afghanistan, <central Asian khanate>, and China. Again, use terrain and existing fortifications to our advantage.
-10K Infantry, 2K Cavalry will be stationed in Sind. They’ll defend it in the unlikely event that Kalat attacks.
-25K Infantry, 10K Cavalry, 135 Artillery will defend the border with the East India Company.
Should the EIC invade, use terrain and the rivers in the area to our advantage. Also, we have artillery. Leave local strategy and tactics to the generals, but on the grand strategic level attempt to force the British into a decisive engagement, where with a force superior in quality and (most likely) numbers, as well as the presence of artillery, we can decapitate their advance. Relocate forces from elsewhere if reinforcements are needed.

The Punjab Navy: Yep, we’re establishing one. 5 Frigates should be a nice starter force, without going ridiculously overboard. It’s not likely to challenge Oman for naval dominance any time soon, but for demonstrative purposes it will do. Use them to patrol the coast, drive off pirates, and make Karachi a more appealing option as a port. It won’t do much, but it’s a start. Try to gather anyone loyal who has any naval knowledge to crew them, and establish a rudimentary naval officer corps. Our army was largely trained by European expats who had served under Napoleon. Trying a similar approach might prove fruitful here.


East India Company: qoou has stated that the EIC will be sending an envoy to the Punjab. Make sure that we make a great first impression on our British guests, with lavish decorations for the meeting room, and lavish food and drink. Give them a tour of Lahore and other locales should they wish it.
Now there are other possibilities; that this expedition is a ruse, to precipitate a full-scale invasion. They’ll have to get through our military first. It could also be an effort to assassinate our Maharaja. Post guards to preemptively prevent this from happening. The EIC’s focus right now seems to be in the East Indies and in China more than in our corner of the world, so either of these things seems unlikely.

Princely States: Continue quietly sending emissaries and courting the leaders of various Rajput (or otherwise) princes in the vicinity of our border. Generally , but stay under Company radar. Our goal is to improve our relations with both the princely states and the Company. It’s a fine line, no doubt, but I think we’re capable of walking it.


If these orders do end up being late, I blame the beginning of NaNoWriMo. And, appropriately enough, Diwali.

Reforms will coming in droves next turn.
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